Pennsylvania Dutch Council,
Boy Scouts of America
  Scouter Focus 
August 2014
Prepared For Life 1 

Website Calendar Camping Training Fundraising Contact Us

A Monthly eNewsletter of the Pennsylvania Dutch Council, BSA

Thank you for subscribing to the monthly Scouter Focus. This along with the Council website are the primary methods we use to share information with all of our Scouting volunteers, families, and alumni. We ask if you know of someone who does not currently receive this information, you use the forward function at the bottom of this newsletter to pass it on.

I thank you for your service to our youth!

Yours in Scouting,

Edward Rasmuson
Scout Executive
Scouting for Food

In 2013, 2500 Scouts and Scouters from the Pennsylvania Dutch Council collected over 135,000 pounds of food for local pantries during the BSA's largest national good turn, Scouting For Food.  In 2014, we know we can blow that number out of the water! To do it, we need to start planning and coordinating now to help ensure that every home in our communities receives a bag and is asked to make a donation.

2014 Scouting For Food Timeline:

Hershey Park Image

Hersheypark Tickets Are BACK!


For the best discount, on Hersheypark tickets, around, Look no further than the Pennsylvania Dutch Council's website for the best prices you'll find ANYWHERE in central PA! 


All tickets purchased through our website include a $5.00 contribution to Scouting.


Scouting groups, along with families, friends and others can take advantage of special on-line discounts on Hersheypark one-day passes through the council's website.


These great ticket discounts are only available through the council's website. These tickets purchased on-line through the council's website can be used for ALL of Hersheypark's 2014 summer season dates!


Discounted one-day ticket prices available through this program are as follows: 

  • Regular (ages 9-54) one-day passes, the price increases by $5 (to $46.10)
  • Junior/Senior (ages 3-8 or 55-69) - $34.25
  • Senior (ages 70+) - just $21.50

Click here for access to the discount code and link.



New Venturing Awards Requirements Now Available


Information on the new Venturing program model and requirements for the new Venturing awards can be found at 2014 Venturing Program Update: ALPS Model and Requirements.


A Venturing program update FAQ can be found at Venturing FAQs.

Popcorn and Candy Sale


The 2014 Popcorn and Candy (yes candy) Sale is now in full swing!  We had a fantastic kick-off and are looking forward to a great sale where we will combine the great Trail's End popcorn that you are used to with an assortment of Wolfgang Candy!


Like Trail's End, Wolfgang is offering a 70% return to Scouting and all of the products sold will count towards the 'Wings of Exploration' Prize Program.  We have some great council incentives which includes our Fill-A-Sheet Program, our new Blitz Program, and special awards at the $1,000 and $1,500 level brought to you by the Hershey Bears and Hershey Park!


All the information you need to have a successful sale is available on the Popcorn and Candy page.  Any questions can be directed to!   





The PA Dutch Council Adopt-A-Site/Adopt-A-Trail program has been updated.  Get more information and an application here: Adopt-A-Site/Adopt-A-Trail



News Clip ArtScout Shop News
August 2014
Tiger Cub Badge

Fall Recruiting 2014

Exciting changes are in store for the 2014 Fall Recruiting Season! In addition to fliers, posters, yard signs, business cards, and New Scout Packets, we will be featuring 3 television commercials on Comcast cable channels now through the end of October! These commercials can be viewed on the PA Dutch Youtube 

page and a Comcast enabled television near you!


If you have not picked up your fall recruiting supplies, please contact your District Executive and he will be happy to get you anything you need for the fall.  We are fortunate again to be offering "I Joined Cub Scout" t-shirts and 2 tickets to Dutch Wonderland for each Scout that joins this fall.  When you turn in your completed applications you will be able to request the t-shirts you need as well as your tickets! 


We are also happy to announce two great membership initiatives this fall, the BSA Adopt-a-School program and the New Membership and Marketing Position.  The BSA Adopt-a-School program encourages units to adopt their local school and conduct 4 service projects throughout the course of the year.  Scouts will be able to earn an Adopt-a-School patch as well as rockers for each of the projects they complete.  More information can be found at Adopt-a-School . 


The New Membership and Marketing Position is designed to help grow your unit membership as well as increase your unit's visibility in the community.  More information on the Membership and Marketing Position will be available at soon!


Wood Badge Advanced Leadership Training


The Pennsylvania Dutch and Chester County Councils will be hosting Wood Badge Training in 2015. The course will be held over two full three day weekends, April 10-12 at Bashore Scout Reservation and May 2-4 at J. Edward Mack Scout Reservation. 


Wood Badge teaches a Scout leader about the aims and methods of Scouting, the Scouting vision and mission and the theory and practice of using the patrol method to teach Scouts leadership skills.  This is where the course earns its reputation as one of the best leadership courses offered - anywhere!  Sessions during the two - three day weekends include listening skills, managing conflict, stages of team development, project management, leading and managing change in an organization, coaching and mentoring, etc.  Wood Badge is open to leaders in any leadership position at any level of Scouting (Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Venturing, Varsity, District, or Council)


To learn more about Wood Badge and to get registration information go to: Wood Badge

Trained Patch
Fall Training Courses

The PA Dutch Council Training will be holding a number of trainings this fall to help leaders Be Prepared to offer the best Scouting Program Possible.  Courses that are being offered include:

  • Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)
  • Den Chief Training
  • Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Specific (Indoor) Training
  • Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills/Webelos Outdoor Leader Skills Training
  • Wilderness First Aid Training              

For more information on each of these courses including dates, times, locations, and registration information go to: Upcoming Training Courses

BSA Corp Logo

Be a Campmaster


Get to spend weekends at Camp Mack, Bashore, or both while providing cheerful service to your fellow Scouts and Scouters.  To become a Campmaster contact Win Hall at or Council Program Director Mike Manner at




Survey Image

The Fall Voice of the Scout Survey is coming!


The Fall Voice of the Scout Survey is coming!  In September watch your inboxes for the Fall Voice of the Scout Survey.  The survey collects data from Scouts, Parents, Leaders, Volunteers, and Chartered Organization Representatives to assess how well the Scouting program is delivered!  Surveys will be offered in both English and Spanish and will be sent out via email addresses on file with the council. 


Participants are randomly generated, but recipients of the survey will not receive more than one survey every six months.  District and Council leadership review the results of each of the surveys and use it to positively impact the way the Scouting program is delivered in the Pennsylvania Dutch Council! 


For questions about The Voice of the Scout Survey please Click Here or contact Chris Styers at 



Do you have information or ideas for the Scouter Focus please submit your information to Duane at
Pennsylvania Dutch Council, Boy Scouts of America
630 Janet Ave
Lancaster, PA 17601
In This Issue
Scouting For Food
Discount Hersheypark Tickets
New Ventruring Requirments
Popcorn and Candy
Scout Shop News
Fall Recruting
Wood Badge
Fall Training Courses
Be a Campmaster
Voice of the Scout
Quick Links
Our DCAD Eagle Sponsors
Lititz Mutual Insurance Company  

Our Golf Classic Eagle Sponsor

Prepared For Life 1
Pennsylvania Dutch Council
630 Janet Ave, Suite B-114
Lancaster, PA 17601 