Pennsylvania Dutch Council,
Boy Scouts of America
  Scouter Focus 
May 2014
Prepared For Life 1 

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A Monthly eNewsletter of the Pennsylvania Dutch Council, BSA

Thank you for subscribing to the monthly Scouter Focus. This along with the Council website are the primary methods we use to share information with all of our Scouting volunteers, families, and alumni. We ask if you know of someone who does not currently receive this information, you use the forward function at the bottom of this newsletter to pass it on.

I thank you for your service to our youth!

Yours in Scouting,

Edward Rasmuson
Scout Executive
Silver Beaver
Council to Recognize Scouters with the Silver Beaver Award

The Silver Beaver Award was introduced in 1931 and is the most significant, council level distinguished service award for adults in the Boy Scouts of America.  Recipients of this award are registered Scouters who have made an impact on the lives of youth through service given to the council.  The Silver Beaver is an award given to those who implement the Scouting program and perform community service through hard work, self-sacrifice, dedication, and many years of service. It is given to those who do not actively seek it.


The following Scouters will be recognized at the council's Annual Recognition Dinner on May 28th:


  • Timothy Efinger
  • Karen Goswell
  • Bill Hannegan
  • James Rank 
Hershey Park Image

Hersheypark Tickets Are BACK!


For the best discount, on Hersheypark tickets, around, Look no further than the Pennsylvania Dutch Council's website for the best prices you'll find ANYWHERE in central PA! 


All tickets purchased through our website include a $5.00 contribution to Scouting.


Scouting groups, along with families, friends and others can take advantage of special on-line discounts on Hersheypark one-day passes through the council's website.


These great ticket discounts are only available through the council's website. These tickets purchased on-line through the council's website can be used for ALL of Hersheypark's 2014 summer season dates!


Discounted one-day ticket prices available through this program are as follows:


Tickets purchased through July 6:  Best Deal!

  • Regular (ages 9-54) - just $41.10
  • Junior/Senior (ages 3-8 or 55-69) - just $32.25
  • Senior (ages 70+) - just $21.50

Tickets purchased after July 31:

  • Regular (ages 9-54) one-day passes, the price increases by $5 (to $46.10)
  • Junior/Senior (ages 3-8 or 55-69) - $34.25
  • Senior (ages 70+) - just $21.50

Click here for access to the discount code and link.


Coach Vermeil
Coach Dick Vermeil - 
27th Distinguished Citizen 
On May 12, 2014, Scouting recognize retired NFL Coach Dick Vermeil as the 27th Distinguished Citizen. 
The opening ceremony was performed by Scouts of the PA Dutch Council and Eagle Scout, Thomas Banzhof from Troop 99 shared his Scouting experience.
Boy Scouts Banquet with Dick Vermeil
Boy Scouts Banquet with Dick Vermeil
The event had over 225 business leaders and raised $90,000 to support Scouting in the Pennsylvania Dutch Council.  A special thank you goes out to our Eagle Sponsors: Lititz Mutual Insurance Company and UGI Utilities.
The Distinguished Citizen Award recognizes outstanding individuals in the community for their impact on the lives of others within Lancaster and Lebanon Counties. These individuals live up to the Scout Oath and Law in their everyday personal and professional life.  
Golf Logo 2014
Boy Scout Golf Classic

June 6, 2014 - Conestoga Country Club

Are you a Golfer?  Would you like to support Scouting in the PA Dutch Council while enjoying a fun day on the course?  Join us on Friday, June 6 for the 12 Annual Boy Scout Golf Classic at Conestoga Country Club.


Unit leaders....if you have someone who you would like to take that next step in their Scouting careers, NYLT provides training in numerous topics such as: 
* Communication skills 
* Preparing plans 
* Team work 
* Problem Solving 
* Making Ethical Decisions 
* Being a Leader 
* Finding a vision

We have two courses scheduled:  June 16th - June 21st and a 2-Weekend Course scheduled for August 8th -10th, and August 15th - 17th. 
More information and registration forms are available at the PA Dutch Store, or on-line.  
Eagle Badge
Gathering of Eagles
July 19, 2014
The Pennsylvania Dutch Council NESA committee is hosting a Gathering of Eagles July 19th at J. Edward Mack Scout reservation. Event registration will begin at 11:00 with program to commence at 12:00. Please join us for an afternoon of fun, fellowship, and inspiration!

Our key note speaker is Rudy Gonzalez, who currently serves with the National Council as a Membership Specialist.

Cost $15.00 per Eagle Scout, guests $10.00. Cost includes Gathering of Eagles patch or Pin, meal, great fun and fellowship. Late fee of $5.00 after July 1, 2014.

For registration please see the council website or contact Scott Arnold @ 717-394-4063. We hope to see you there .

Nova Award Counselors and Supernova Mentors

To earn both the Nova awards and Supernova Awards, Scouts must work with a registered Counselor or Mentor.  Nova Counselors and Supernova Mentors must register with the council.  Nova Counselors can be parents or unit leaders even if they have little or no background in STEM.  To do this, complete a new BSA Volunteer Application and submit it to the Council Service Center along with proof of current Youth Protection Training.  There is no registration fee to serve as a Nova Counselor.  Supernova Mentors require someone with a much deeper understanding of STEM, and are ideally someone working in a STEM Career.   To register as a Supernova Mentor, individuals must complete a new BSA Volunteer Application and submit it to the Council Service Center with proof of current Youth Protection Training.  Mentors must also complete a Supernova Mentor Information Form available here: Supernova Mentor Form


Do you have information or ideas for the Scouter Focus please submit your information to Duane at
Pennsylvania Dutch Council, Boy Scouts of America
630 Janet Ave
Lancaster, PA 17601
In This Issue
Annual Recognition Dinner
Discount Hersheypark Tickets
Distinguished Citizen
Golf Classic
Gathering of Eagles
Nova Awards
Quick Links
Our DCAD Eagle Sponsors
Lititz Mutual Insurance Company  

Our Golf Classic Eagle Sponsor

Prepared For Life 1
Pennsylvania Dutch Council
630 Janet Ave, Suite B-114
Lancaster, PA 17601 