A Monthly eNewsletter of the Pennsylvania Dutch Council, BSA |
Thank you for subscribing to the monthly Scouter Focus. This along with the Council website are the primary methods we use to share information with all of our Scouting volunteers, families, and alumni. We ask if you know of someone who does not currently receive this information, you use the forward function at the bottom of this newsletter to pass it on.
I thank you for your service to our youth!
Yours in Scouting,
Edward Rasmuson
Scout Executive

April Is Youth Protection Month
April is the BSA's Youth Protection month which coincides with National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Keeping the young people of our Scouting programs and communities safe should be of continuing concern to us as Scouting leaders and responsible, engaged citizens. Click here for more on what you can do to keep everyone in your unit safe: April is Youth Protection Month

Coach Dick Vermeil -
27th Distinguished Citizen
We are pleased to announce that on May 12, 2014, Scouting will recognize retired NFL Coach Dick Vermeil as the 27th Distinguished Citizen. The Distinguished Citizen Award recognizes outstanding individuals in the community for their impact on the lives of others within Lancaster and Lebanon Counties. These individuals live up to the Scout Oath and Law in their everyday personal and professional life.
If you would like to attend or find out more information on the Dinner please follow this link.
Important Summer Camp Dates
Don't miss these important Summer Camp Dates that are coming up quickly:
Camp Mack
 May 9 - Payments due to receive discounted rates. Remember, Free T-Shirts are tied to payment by this date. May 10 - Pre-Camp Adult Meeting- 10:00 AM at the Camp Mack Training Center May 18 - Pre-Camp Adult Meeting- 2:00 PM at the Camp Mack Training Center Bashore Scout Reservation April 26 - Pre-Camp Leader Meeting-9:00 AM at the Dining Hall May 12 at 11:45 Mountain Time-T-Shirt orders for customization with your unit number due. Order at http://tinyurl.com/BSRTSHIRTS. May 15 - Payments Due to receive discount rates
Order Your Customized Bashore T-Shirts
Imagine your entire unit wearing a camp t-shirt from Bashore Scout Reservation. Now imagine the t-shirt customized with YOUR unit number! Think of the benefits: the t-shirt...
* Helps the boys look sharp;
* Builds group spirit;
* Serves as a memento of your time at camp
Even better, you can order as few as six t-shirts with one unit number. Orders are placed online and will be shipped to Bashore for pick up at the Trading Post when you arrive. Orders are due by May 12 at 11:45 Mountain Time. To order go to http://tinyurl.com/BSRTSHIRTS.
Friends of Scouting
Each year the units of the Council are asked to participate in our Annual Friends of Scouting campaign where families are given the opportunity to make an investment in Scouting. We would like to ask for 10 minutes of time at an upcoming Court of Honor, Blue and Gold Banquet or event where parents are present. A presenter from the District will come out and share the story of the Council and how the funds will be spent.
This year we begin a new recognition program, the "Scout Oath" series. A four year series with the central themes of the Scout Oath highlighted. In 2014 the theme is "Duty to God". Each family who contributes at the $181 level will receive the patch. We will also have a special challenge coin for those families who
 contribute at the $300 level.
As always all support through our annual Friends of Scouting campaign is greatly appreciated. To make a gift online follow this link: ONLINE GIVING
Unit leaders....if you have someone who you would like to take that next step in their Scouting careers, NYLT provides training in numerous topics such as:
* Communication skills
* Preparing plans
* Team work
* Problem Solving
* Making Ethical Decisions
* Being a Leader
* Finding a vision
We have two courses scheduled: June 16th - June 21st and a 2-Weekend Course scheduled for August 8th -10th, and August 15th - 17th.
More information and registration forms are available at the PA Dutch Store, or on-line.

Register today for the Annual Council Recognition Dinner, which will be held on Wednesday, May 28, 2014 at Millersville University, Lehr Dining Room. This dinner honors all volunteers for the Pennsylvania Dutch Council and all Eagle Scouts from the Class of 2013. Additionally, the dinner will honor this year's Silver Beaver Recipients with the highest award a council can bestow upon a volunteer. Family members and friends are encouraged to attend this event.
 Scout Shop News April 2014

2014-2016 BSA Program Updates:
Beginning in 2014 with the Venturing Program, the BSA's three main programs will be getting some updates. Cub Scouting updates will come in 2015 and Boy Scouting updates in 2016. For more information on these changes Click Here.
 Boy Scout Golf Classic June 6, 2014 - Conestoga Country Club
Are you a Golfer? Would you like to support Scouting in the PA Dutch Council while enjoying a fun day on the course? Join us on Friday, June 6 for the 12 Annual Boy Scout Golf Classic at Conestoga Country Club.
 Eagle Scout Directory The National Eagle Scout Association has entered into an agreement with Publishing Concepts Inc. (PCI) to publish a 2015 Eagle Scout Directory. In conjunction with this project, PCI will invite Eagle Scouts to update their information as well as purchase an Eagle Scout directory and/or a NESA membership if they are not already a member.
As part of the directory project, NESA will be conducting a fun "select the cover" contest to decide which cover will be on the front of the directory. Eagle Scouts will be able to choose from four designs and pick which one they like best. The directory will also contain a unique introduction piece on the importance of Eagle Scouts to our country.
For all those that earned their Eagle Scout, be on the lookout for any outreach that PCI might send your way between April and November 2014.
Do you have information or ideas for the Scouter Focus please submit your information to Duane at duane.crouse@scouting.org.
Pennsylvania Dutch Council, Boy Scouts of America
630 Janet Ave
Lancaster, PA 17601
Our DCAD Eagle Sponsors |
Our Golf Classic Eagle Sponsor |
Pennsylvania Dutch Council
630 Janet Ave, Suite B-114
Lancaster, PA 17601