March 2014
Issue: 25
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Prepared For Life 1 
Pennsylvania Dutch Council, BSA
Scouter Focus


Thank you for subscribing to the monthly Scouter Focus.  This along with the Council website are the primary methods we use to share information with all of our Scouting volunteers, families, and alumni.  We ask if you know of someone who does not currently receive this information, you use the forward function at the bottom of this newsletter to pass it on.


I thank you for your service to our youth!


Yours in Scouting,
Edward Rasmuson
Scout Executive




The deadline for submitting Campership Applications, March 15, is quickly approaching. Camperships exist to help Scouts with a financial need attend a PA Dutch Council summer camp. Don't let a lack of funds keep your Scouts from attending camp this summer. Camperships are given based upon need and funds available. To apply, completely fill out the Campership Application, including signatures, and send it into the Council Service Center by March 15.


Camp Cards 2014


What is it:  The Camp Card Program is a new fundraising program to help Scouts earn their way to camp or for the unit to raise dollars to support its camping and activities throughout the year.


How does it work:  We have 12 vendor-partners who will provide discounts to consumers, a complete list of vendors can be found on the Camp Card Page. These consumers will purchase the card for $5.00, the unit keeps $2.50 of each card sold for camp fees or other outdoor program activities. The Council uses the other $2.50 to pay for the card and support the programs of the Council.


In 2013: 61 Units earned $24,055 for their Camping and Outdoor Programs


Sign-up today

Sign-up online for the 2014 Camp Card sale or download the commitment form and turn it in at the Council Service Center.









Summer Camp at Bashore Scout Reservation Filling Fast!


Weeks 1, 3, 4, & 5 are currently full.  If your unit is planning on coming to Bashore for summer camp in 2014 don't wait to send in your reservation.  To see an up-to-date listing of availability follow this link:


For the 2013 Bashore Reservation Form Click Here:  2014 Bashore Reservation Form


Plenty of space is still available for the Week 7 Eagle Academy but once it's gone, it's gone! Register for Eagle Academy using this form: 2014 Eagle Academy Registration Form 


All Camp guides, forms, and program information can be found at Bashore Summer Camp


Important Bashore Summer Camp Dates:

  • March 15-Scout Deposits and Campership Forms Due
  • April 26-Pre-Camp Leader Meeting
  • May 15-Payments Due to receive discount fees



2014 Council STEM Camporee

May 2-4 Long's Park, Lancaster

 Robots, Rockets, Pedal Cars, Triangles, a Science Fair and much more await at the 2014 Council STEM Camporee May 2-4 at Long's Park, Lancaster. Join Scouts, Scouts, Scouters, and the community in fun and fellowship at the event.


Registration is due by April 4. Forms and all event information can be found in the Camporee Handbook which can be downloaded at 


Science Fair entries will be accepted until April 4. Projects need not be original. If a Scout in your unit has or will complete a project for school, they can enter that same project into the Camporee Science Fair.


Friends of Scouting 2014


Each year the units of the Council are asked to participate in our Annual Friends of Scouting campaign where families are given the opportunity to make an investment in Scouting. We would like to ask for 10 minutes of time at an upcoming Court of Honor, Blue and Gold Banquet or event where parents are present. A presenter from the District will come out and share the story of the Council and how the funds will be spent.
This year we begin a new recognition program, the "Scout Oath" series.  A four year series with the central themes of the Scout Oath highlighted.  In 2014 the theme is "Duty to God". Each family who contributes at the $181 level will receive the patch.  We will also have a special challenge coin for those families who contribute at the $300 level.
As always all support through our annual Friends of Scouting campaign is greatly appreciated.  To make a fit online follow this link: ONLINE GIVING 
Camp Mack 2014 Summer Camp Promotion Visits

Summer is right around the corner! Don't delay in signing your Cubs up for our Camp Mack Safari! Camp Deposits are due by March 15!

   Want to have someone come to one of your pack meetings or events to tell everyone about Summer Camp at Camp Mack in 2014? The Cub Scout Camping Committee is scheduling Pack Promotion visits now. If interested, contact Ben Wohlberg at   

The 2014 Camp Adult Guide, Registration Forms, and other important camp information including Camp Adult Leadership Requirements and a step by step How to Register Your Pack for Camp can all be found at Mack Summer Camp.

National Youth Leader Training - NYLT


Help your Youth Leaders take their leadership skills to the next level! PA Dutch Council is offering two opportunities this coming summer for Scouts and Venturers to participate in NYLT. Follow this link for more information: NYLT

Spring Training Courses
Trained Patch  


The PA Dutch Council Training Committee will be holding a number of trainings this spring to help leaders Be Prepared to offer the best Scouting Program Possible. For more information on upcoming courses including dates, times, locations, and registration information go to:
Upcoming Training Courses



Please note that the Annual Council Recognition Dinner will be held on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. As in past years, the Council Recognition Dinner will be combined with the Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner. This dinner honors all volunteers for the Pennsylvania Dutch Council and all Eagle Scouts from the Class of 2013. Additionally, the dinner will honor this year's Silver Beaver Recipients with the highest award a council can bestow upon a volunteer. Family members and friends are encouraged to attend this event. Click Here for the registration form.Silver Beaver


Please be thinking about which outstanding volunteers you would like to nominate for the Silver Beaver Award. The deadline for nominations is March 31, 2014. Also, please consider becoming a sponsor for a Silver Beaver or Eagle Scout from the Class of 2013. As a sponsor, your donation will be used to purchase a meal and commemorative gift for an Eagle Scout or a meal and Silver Beaver Award Kit for one of this year's Silver Beaver recipients. Sponsor names will be listed in this year's program.


If you have any questions, please contact Rich Garipoli, Council Dinner Advisor at 717-394-4063, or at .

The Council Advancement Committee will be offering a free Life to Eagle Seminar on Thursday, April 24th at First Presbyterian Church, 101 S. Decatur St., Strasburg, PA 17579. The seminar will begin at 7:00 PM.
New, Simplified BSA Health Form 

In preparation for the summer camp season, BSA is rostethoscope_dr_pad.jpg lling out a new, simplified annual health and medical record effective March 1, 2014. Changes have been made based on Volunteer, parent, unit leader, and BSA Professional feedback on how the record could be made easier to use while still collecting the information needed to make sure Scouts are ready for their experience.


For an overview of updates click here: New BSA Health Form


ACTION NEEDED:  Please eliminate any and all references to any prior versions of the Annual Health and Medical Record within your unit literature, or websites. Please delete old versions.


Please save and post only this link: Don't print out the record unless absolutely necessary. If you have previously hosted parts of the annual health and medical record on your websites, delete the PDFs, don't just hide the link. 

Scouting Program Updates - 2014 and Beyond
Prepared For Life 1 
You've heard rumors and bits and pieces of updates to the Venturing, Cub Scouting, and Boy Scouting Programs coming over the next few years: One Scout Oath & Law for all programs, new Handbooks, new awards, and more are on the way. 
To stay up-to-date check out this websiteAs the National Council releases more information, it will be posted to this website. 
The PA Dutch Council Adopt-A-Site/Adopt-A-Trail program has been updated. Get more information and an application here: Adopt-A-Site/Adopt-A-Trail.
Great American Cleanup - PA

Everyone wants to live, work, and play in a clean and green community . . . and it's up to everyone to make it possible and improve the overall quality of life for us all.

Join Pennsylvanians across the state - and Americans across the nation - for the Great American Cleanup.  You can participate in the 2014 Great American Cleanup of PA by cleaning up litter and trash along our roadsides, streams, beaches, parks, forests and neighborhoods. Additional events include holding recycling events for hard-to-dispose of items like tires and appliances, creating or enhancing green areas by planting plants, bulbs, and trees, removing or painting over graffiti that devalues your neighborhood, and other activities that help beautify your community.


To find out about events in your community go here: Find an Event

Join Our Mailing List!
In This Issue
Camp Cards
Bashore Scout Reservation
Council STEM Camporee
Friends of Scouting
J. Edward Mack Scout Reservation
Spring Training
Council Recognition Dinner
Life to Eagle Seminar
BSA Health Form
Scouting Program Updates
Great American Clean-up
Quick Links





Quick Links
quick link 

Pennsylvania Dutch Council, Boy Scouts of America
630 Janet Ave, Suite B-114
Lancaster, PA 17601
(717) 394-4063