December 2013
Issue: 23
PA Dutch header 
Prepared For Life 1 
Pennsylvania Dutch Council, BSA
Scouter Focus


As we, the Board Members and staff of the Pennsylvania Dutch Council look back over 2013, we remember with deep appreciation and sincere thanks the work of our thousands of volunteers leaders, parents and Scouts. Your commitment to delivering and participating in quality Scouting experiences is both heartwarming and inspiring! Thank you for what you do for young people in Scouting.


We send our best wishes to you for happiness, health and prosperity throughout the coming New Year!


Yours in Scouting,
Edward Rasmuson
Scout Executive
Thank You for the ExtraOrdinary Give EXTRAGive 
On November 22 the Pennsylvania Dutch Council participated in the Extraordinary Give, Lancaster County's Largest Day of Giving. We were one of 260 Non-profits that participated in the day of giving which generated over $3.2 million dollars.
We are excited to announce that we had 73 donors provide $8,105 in support of our Scouitng programs.  This was more than double what we recevied in the previous year.
Thank You!
If you would like to see the overall results for the Extraordiinary Give please visit
Camp Cards 2014
Camp Card 


What is it:  The Camp Card Program is a new fundraising program to help Scouts earn their way to camp or for the unit to raise dollars to support its camping and activities throughout the year.


How does it work:  We are securing 2014 vendor-partners now who will provide discounts to consumers. These consumers will purchase the card for $5.00, the unit keeps $2.50 of each card sold for camp fees or other outdoor program activities. The Council uses the other $2.50 to pay for the card and support the programs of the Council.


In 2013: 61 Units earned $24,055 for their Camping and Outdoor Programs


Attend our information meeting to learn more:





Tuesday, December 17, 2013


7:00 pm


Manheim Township Public Library

595 Granite Run Drive

Lancaster, PA 17601


Click Here to RSVP to this Informational Meeting

Please RSVP no later than December 13th.



  Sign-up online for the 2014 Camp Card sale or download the commitment form and turn it in at the Council Service Center.


Discount Hersheypark Christmas Candylane Tickets
 The magic of the holidays comes to life at Hersheypark Christmas Candylane. With two million twinkling lights, rides for all ages, festive decorations, and Hershey's Product Characters decked out in their holiday best, there is something for all to enjoy!
Sing-along at our heart-warming Christmas show, A Rockin' Music Box Christmas, visit Santa's reindeer (sponsored by U-GRO Learning Centres), and browse our quaint village shops. Christmas Candylane features many attractions for guests of all ages including over 30 rides including the family-favorite, Twilight Express.
We will be offering discount tickets again this year through our website.  To purchase tickets visit
PA Dutch Discount Prices:
All Ages ( 3 and over)             $8.80 (including amusement tax)
Herseypark Gate or Online Prices:


All Ages ( 3 and over)              $12.00 (plus $.80 amusement tax)
Thank you for your support!  

Scout Shop News


 News Clip Art

For the latest Scout Shop news follow the link below.


This edition includes:

  • Holiday Hours
  • New Items
  • Blue & Gold Banquets
  • and much more



Be Prepared for the Holidays AND Help Send a Scout to Camp!

Pennsylvania Dutch Council is excited to provide you with an easy to use on-line program to purchase holiday gifts for your family, friends, and colleagues all while supporting the Campership Program of our Council. HybridLight Solar LED Flashlights are durable, water proof, float, can provide 8 hours of light on one full charge, and hold their charge for years. HybridLight Solar LED Flashlights make perfect stocking stuffers and are perfect to keep around the house, put in the car, keep in your emergency kit, or take on your next camping trip.


 Up to 40% of every purchase will go to support our Council's Campership Program. Please click on the link provided to begin your fast, easy, and secure on-line purchases. Once on the webpage, just click on the "See the Offers" thumbnail to get started. All products will be shipped directly to the shipping address you provide.


HybridLight is excited to be working our Council. All orders, order fulfillment, and monies will be handled by HybridLight.


Click this link:


Thank you for partnering with our Council to help send a Scout to camp!


2014 Council Camporee


Pennsylvania Dutch Council will be holding its tri-annual Council Camporee May 2-4, 2014 at Long's Park, Lancaster. Join Scouts, Scouts, Scouters, and the community in fun and fellowship at the event. The theme for the 2014 Council Camporee is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Events will include a science fair, robot competitions, peddle cars, and a show put on by Wunita Gokhos Lodge 39 along with a whole lot more!


For further information, Camporee Handbook, and Registration Forms go to:



To get the latest on the 2014 Camporee follow the Camporee on Facebook:


Camporee Patch Design Contest Entry Deadline-December 31, 2013. For patch contest rules go to: Camporee Patch Design Contest.


8th Bi-Annual Outdoor Adventure Workshop 

The PA Dutch Council High Adventure Committee will be hosting its 8th Bi-Annual Outdoor Adventure Workshop Saturday, March 8, 2014 at Cedar Crest Middle School, Lebanon. This event is all about connecting Scouts and Scouters with resources to promote outdoor adventures especially for older Scouts.


To Register Click Here.

Spring Training Courses
Trained Patch  

 The PA Dutch Council Training, High Adventure, and Shooting Sports Committees will be holding a number of trainings this spring to help leaders Be Prepared to offer the best Scouting Program Possible. Courses that are being offered include:


  • Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)
  • Den Chief Training
  • Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Specific (Indoor) Training
  • Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills/Webelos Outdoor Leader Skills Training
  • Wilderness First Aid Training
  • NRA Range Safety Officer Training
  • NRA Basic Marksmanship Instructor Training
  • NRA Rifle Instructor Training



For more information on each of these courses including dates, times, locations, and registration information go to:  Upcoming Training Courses

Consider Scouting with your Year-end Giving
Donate Now
Support Scouting

Thank you for making Scouting a part of your family's activities! We sincerely hope that your experience with Scouting is positive and that your son is having fun while receiving the values of Character Development, Citizenship Training, and Personal Fitness.


The backbone of Scouting is our families; you are our volunteers, your sons are the recipients of our programs, and youare our supporters. You help to deliver the key values of Scouting to over 5,500 young people in our Council each year. Without your support, Scouting would not be able to provide experiences such as summer camp, leadership training, or exciting high adventure programs.


Your help is needed!


As a Friend of Scouting we ask you to consider a year-end gift to Scouting. Your financial gift will help the Pennsylvania Dutch Council meet its duty to the youth of our communities by continuing to provide the services to support your unit and your son.


If you have previously made a contribution to the 2013 Friends of Scouting campaign and cannot make a year-end gift we thank you for your support!


Scouting's mission to instill values in youth through the Scout Oath and Scout Law is as important today as it was in the past. Your gift will make a positive impact for Scouts in Lancaster and Lebanon counties!


Thank you for your support.... Thank you for being a part of Scouting...


To provide your support online click here


Yours in Scouting,




Robert Anspach

Council President         

Lowe's National Eagle Scout Project Impact Grant

Lowes Banner  


During 2012 more than 3,000 Scouts received $100 grants for their Eagle Scout service projects through the generosity of the Lowe's Charitable and Educational Foundation. The Boy Scouts of America is pleased to announce that the foundation has offered to continue its support with a similar number of grants beginning in July 2013.


PA Dutch Council has reserved 25 grants for Eagle Scout Candidates. Grants will be distributed first come, first served upon application. Eagle Scout Candidates must have an approved Eagle Scout Project Proposal, plan to complete their project no later than April 30, 2014, and agree to the Scout Recipient Obligations. For more information on the Lowe's National Eagle Scout Project Impact Grant program go to


To apply, follow the link below to the Application , complete it, and return it with all necessary attachments to PA Dutch Council Lowe's Project Follow-Up Volunteer George Lewis at


Lowe's National Eagle Scout Project Grant


Wood Badge Advanced Leadership Training
Wood Badge Pentagon 


The Pennsylvania Dutch and Chester County Councils will be hosting Wood Badge Training in 2014 at Horseshoe Scout Reservation. The course will be held over two full three day weekends, April 4-6 and May 3-5.


Wood Badge teaches a Scout leader about the aims and methods of Scouting, the Scouting vision and mission and the theory and practice of using the patrol method to teach scouts leadership skills. This is where the course earns its reputation as one of the best leadership courses offered - anywhere! Sessions during the two - three day weekends include listening skills, managing conflict, stages of team development, project management, leading and managing change in an organization, coaching and mentoring, etc. Wood Badge is open to leaders in any leadership position at any level of Scouting (Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Venturing, Varsity, District, or Council)


To learn more about Wood Badge and to get registration information go to: Wood Badge

Gathering of Eagles 2014
Eagle Badge 
Be sure to save the date for 2014 Gathering of Eagles July 19th at Camp Mack. We come from many different walks of life, but all share one thing in common. All Eagles are invited. This may be a great time to re-involve someone in Scouting. As the final responsibility of an Eagle we are to give back. So if you know an Eagle who is not currently involved with Scouting please share this with them and invite them to the event. This is a great time for all Eagle scouts to gather and socialize. Be looking for registration materials shortly. 
Welcome Ben Wohlberg-2014 Camp Mack Summer Camp Director

Ben Wohlberg has accepted the position of Summer Camp Director for J. Edward Mack Scout Reservation. Ben is well known around Camp Mack having served on staff for ten summers. Ben has held a number of different positions at Camp Mack most recently including Program Director for the 2012 season. For more information, check out Ben's bio below:



Bio: Ben Wohlberg


Please join us in welcoming Ben to his new responsibilities!

From the Council Registrar
Prepared For Life 1 
Follow the link to below to receive the latest registration news, including:
  • New & Expiring Adult Positions
  • Annual Registration Fees
  • Internet Recharting  


 Registration News & Notes

Summer Camp at Bashore Scout Reservation Filling Fast!


Space is filling up!  If your unit is planning on coming to Bashore for summer camp in 2014 don't wait to send in your reservation.  To see an up-to-date listing of availability follow this link:


For the 2013 Bashore Reservation Form Click Here:  2014 Bashore Reservation Form

Camp Mack 2014 Summer Camp Promotion Visits
Want to have someone come to one of your pack meetings or events to tell everyone about Summer Camp at Camp Mack in 2014? The Cub Scout Camping Committee is scheduling Pack Promotion visits now. If interested, contact Ben Wohlberg at




The deadline for submitting Campership applications, March 15, is quickly approaching.  Camperships exist to help scouts with a financial need attend a PA Dutch Council summer camp.  Don't let a lack of funds keep your scouts from attending camp this summer.  Camperships are given based upon need and funds available.  To apply, fill out and submit the Pennsylvania Dutch Council Campership Form found on our website or contact the Council Service Center to have one sent to you.


Campership Application

Join Our Mailing List!
In This Issue
Thank You!
Camp Cards
Hersheypark in the Dark
Scout Shop News
Help Send a Scout to Camp
Camporee Patch Design
Outdoor Adventure Workshop
Spring Training
Year-end Friends of Scouting
Lowe's Eagle Scout Project Grant
Wood Badge
Gathering of Eagles 2014
Welcome Ben!
Registration News & Notes
Bashore Scout Reservation
J. Edward Mack Scout Reservation
Quick Links





Quick Links
quick link 

Pennsylvania Dutch Council, Boy Scouts of America
630 Janet Ave, Suite B-114
Lancaster, PA 17601
(717) 394-4063