Pennsylvania Dutch Council, BSA
Scouter Focus
Serving as an adult volunteer for the Boy Scouts of America can bring oneself great personal rewards. Knowing that you have touched the lives of so many young men and women by helping prepare them for responsible adulthood is a wonderful legacy to leave. As you also know, your leadership and service comes with some personal sacrifice and significant responsibility.
As Scout leaders our primary responsibility is ensuring the safety of the Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers and Explorers in the units we serve. Understanding and following the policies and procedures found in the "Guide to Safe Scouting" and those related to Youth Protection are a must do for all adults involved in Scouting.
An electronic version of the both the "Guide to Safe Scouting" and the Youth Protection procedures and policies can be found by clicking here or by following the links below. I urge you to become familiar with this material and to Do Your Best to follow them.
As always, thank you for your leadership, service, and sacrifice that benefits the young people of our communities!
Yours in Scouting,
Edward Rasmuson
Scout Executive
Scouting For Food
Is your unit ready to participate in the Boy Scouts of America's largest National Good Turn? The annual Scouting for Food Drive is right around the corner! Now is the time to coordinate with partner units, figure out coverage areas, and make sure everyone is on the same page so no house goes unasked.
2013 Scouting For Food Timeline:
September 13-Return your unit commitment form to your District Executive
October Roundtables-Requested Bags Distributed
November 9-Distribute bags in your communities
November 16-Return to collect bags, count and weight items, deliver to your local pantry
November 22-Return final report form to the Council Service Center.
Unit Commitment Form
Unit Report Form |
Eagle Scout Application and Workbook Updates
Save the Date - 2014 Council Camporee
Mark your Calendars. The Pennsylvania Dutch Council will hold is tri-annual Council Camporee May 2-4, 2014 at Long's Park in Lancaster. The event theme will be Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
Scout Shop News

For the latest Scout Shop news follow the link below.
This edition includes:
- New Items
- Placing catalog orders
- and much more
Discount Hersheypark in the Dark 2013 Tickets
Visit Hersheypark In The Dark and experience thrilling "roller ghosters," spooktacular attractions, and exciting holiday-themed live entertainment! Kids 12 and younger can also visit Hershey's Trick-or-Treat Adventure, starting at Hershey's Chocolate World and continuing deep inside Hersheypark in Treatville, our hometown village of sweets and treats.
All Hersheypark In The Dark rides and entertainment are included in your one-price admission.
We will be offering discount tickets again this year through our website. Look for the update on our home page.
PA Dutch Discount Prices:
Regular (ages 9-54) $25.85 (including amusement tax)
Jr/Sr (ages 3-8, 55+) $16.85 (including amusement tax)
Herseypark Gate or Online Prices:
Regular (ages 9-54) $33.00 (plus $.85 amusement tax)
Jr/Sr (ages 3-8, 55+) $22.00 (Plus $.85 amusement tax)
Thank you for your support! |
Have you recently updated you If not you may be missing out on one of the best chances you have to let potential new members join your unit. So far this year we've had almost 60 people express their interest to join Scouting through the website. So if you're not using you may be missing a great opportunity to let people know about you and your unit.
Read More
Happy Hauntings at Dutch Wonderland Discount Tickets
Discounted Dutch Wonderland Tickets! - $33.00
Are you looking for a great deal on Dutch Wonderland Tickets this summer?
We have them available at the Pennsylvania Dutch Council Store. Only $33.00 which includes all taxes and fees associated with the ticket, this is one of the best deals around. Each ticket purchased will also provide $3.00 of support to Scouting in Lancaster and Lebanon counties.
The tickets must be purchased through our Council Store located at 630 Janet Ave, Lancaster PA 17601. This is just a few short minutes from the park. The Store is open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday - Friday.
PA Dutch Council Price - $33.00 all inclusive
Dutch Wonderland Online Price - $38.47
If you have questions please contact us during our regular business hours, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, at 717-394-4063. |
2013 Friends of Scouting Annual Dinner and Silent Auction
Save the Date for the 4th Annual Friends of Scouting Dinner and Silent Auction on Friday, November 1st, 2013 at 6:15pm at the Country Barn in Lancaster. The event is a great evening of fun and fellowship while helping to support local Scouting. Tickets for the evening include: local farm-grown buffet, wine and education from Award Winning Blue Mountain Vineyards and Cellars, music, dancing, and a silent auction.
Invite fellow Scouters, friends, coworkers to join you for this exciting evening. Registration forms for the event are also available on the Harvest Page.
Information on silent auction items will be available at in October.
For more information on the event or if you are interested in getting involved contact Chris Styers at 394-4063 or
Chainsaw Safety Training
Spend the day during this unique, hands-on training learning all the ins and outs of being able to safely operate a chainsaw on camp property.
When: Saturday, November 2
Where: Bashore Scout Reservation
Time: 8:30 am to 2:30 pm (Lunch Provided)
For more information and registration instructions go to: Chainsaw Training
Fall Leader Training
The PA Dutch Council Training Committee will be holding a number of trainings this fall to help leaders Be Prepared to offer the best Scouting Program Possible. Courses that are being offered include:
* Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Specific (Indoor) Training
* Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills/Webelos Outdoor Leader Skills Training
* Venturing Leader Specific Training
For more information on each of these courses including dates, times, locations, and registration information go to:

Lowes National Eagle Scout Project Impact Grant
During 2012 more than 3,000 Scouts received $100 grants for their Eagle Scout service projects through the generosity of the Lowe's Charitable and Educational Foundation. The Boy Scouts of America is pleased to announce that the foundation has offered to continue its support with a similar number of grants beginning in July 2013.
PA Dutch Council has reserved 25 grants for Eagle Scout Candidates. Grants will be distributed first come, first served upon application. Eagle Scout Candidates must have an approved Eagle Scout Project Proposal, plan to complete their project no later than April 30, 2014, and agree to the Scout Recipient Obligations. For more information on the Lowe's National Eagle Scout Project Impact Grant program go to .
To apply, download the Application below, complete it, and return it with all necessary attachments to PA Dutch Council Lowe's Project Follow-Up Volunteer George Lewis at
Scout Recipient Obligations
Lowes Grant Application .
Seeking Interested Applicants for the Position of Camp Mack Summer Camp Director
Applications and resumes are now being accepted for individuals interested in serving as Summer Camp Director for J. E. Mack Scout Reservation (Camp Mack). The Summer Camp Director position is a full time position during the summer operation season and part-time the remaining months of the year.
Duties: The Camp Director oversees all summer operations of Camp Mack and ensures that necessary planning and promotion takes place throughout the year for a successful summer program. Other duties include:
- Working with the Council Camping Committee to set and achieve camp attendance and financial goals
- Recruiting, hiring, training, and managing the summer camp staff
- Preparing and distributing all leader and parent information pieces and other necessary forms and paperwork
- Managing program registrations
- Planning and leading Summer Camp program promotion efforts
- Overseeing the overall summer camp program
- Managing camp financial matters including ordering needed materials and completing all necessary financial paperwork.
Requirements: Applicants must be at least 21 years of age (25 or older is preferred). The selected individual must be willing to attend a Camp Director certification course and must be willing to live on site during the summer period of operation
To Apply: Please submit a letter of interest and an up-to-date resume to PA Dutch Council, BSA Attn: Mike Manner 630 Janet Ave. Suite B-114 Lancaster, PA 17601 by November 1, 2013
Camp Bashore's 10th Annual Haunted Trail Weekend
ATTENTION ALL PACKS, TROOPS & CREWS!! You are invited to participate in the 10th Annual Haunted Trail Weekend at Bashore Scout Reservation. Troops and Crews will camp for the weekend while they prepare to "haunt" a portion of the trail. On Saturday night beginning at 6:30pm Cub Packs and family guests are invited to hike and ride the scariest trick-or-treat trail they've ever seen. Afterwards, refreshments are served at the Conference Center by the Parking Lot. This is intended to be an event that is fun for all ages- keeping in mind ageappropriate activities and good clean fun in a safe environment.
The Venture Crew 212 proudly presents the 2nd Annual Macktoberfest Cub Scout Fall Festival & Recruitment Night! The day is set for Wednesday, October 23, 2013 from 5:00 - 8:30PM at Camp Mack.
Some of the planned activities are: pumpkin decorating, Hay wagon rides, Pumpkin golf, a movie, costume judging, a spooky house and plenty of food! So plan on coming out for a fun evening, and don't forget to wear your costume.
If you still have questions contact the event chairman, Darwin Davis at 717-669-1420. This event is sponsored by Crew 212 / NYLT Staff.
Cooking For Crowds Food Safety Training
Cooking For Crowds Food Safety Training is ideal for anyone who helps cook for large groups whether that is at Council, District, or OA events, for unit fundraisers, or even outside of Scouting at events like church picnics or dinners. Learn how to help keep your patrons healthy and safe. This course will strengthen your skills in a wide variety of areas:
- Identify key reasons for food borne illness outbreaks
- Recognize high risk individuals
- Determine conditions for pathogen growth
- Discuss major food borne illnesses
- Identify correct methods for hand washing and glove use
- Practice calibrating thermometers
- Identify proper cooking temperatures for foods
- Define cleaning and sanitizing
There will be 3 opportunities to take this useful training this fall:
1. Tuesday, October 29 - 6-10pm Grace Baptist Church - 1899 Marietta Ave., Lancaster, PA 17603
2. Wednesday, November 6 - 6-10pm Lebanon County Ag. Extension Office - Entrance off Rocherty Rd., near Cedar Crest High School, Lebanon
3. Thursday, November 14 - 6-10pm Lampeter UMC - 1651 Book Rd Lancaster, PA 17602
For more information and for registration instructions go to: Cooking For Crowds Registration
8 Opportunities for Tiger, Wolf, & Bear Den Leader Training
Den Leader Position Specific Training is intended to provide Tiger Cub, Wolf, and Bear Den Leaders with the basic information they need to conduct successful den meetings. Participants will:
* Learn about and how to use the resources available to help run a successful Cub Scout Den
* Meet other Den Leaders and Experienced Scouters and share tips, tricks, and ideas
* Learn how the Cub Scout Program Works
* Learn about BSA rules and regulations
8 Opportunities for Training! Attend one session and be trained as a Tiger, Wolf, & Bear Den Leader.
Click this link for registration information and to see dates, times, and locations: Den Leader Training
6th Annual Boy Scout Camp Motorcycle Benefit Ride
The Ephrata Elks Lodge #1933 is sponsoring Annual Ride for Camps Benefit this year, to be held Sunday October 13, 2013. The ride begins at Bashore Scout Reservation and will end up at J. Edward Mack Scout Reservation after a scenic ride through Lancaster and Lebanon counties. Registration will be between 9:00 and 10:30 AM Ride will depart approximately 11:20 with formation at 11:00. Riders are invited to tour the camps and visit our trading posts. At the end of the meal there will be a hot meal in the pavilion at Mack. Donations are $20 for a single or $30.00 for doubles. We also ask that participants bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the Lancaster/Lebanon Food Banks. If you have any questions please contact Harold Robinson at 717-284-8985 or email |
Camporee Patch Design Contest
For all contest rules and guidelines download the filer here: Camporee Patch Contest
All submissions are due by December 31, 2013.
The 2014 Council Camporee Committee
Announces the Camporee Patch Design Contest. Creative Scouts are invited to submit a design that could be used for the event patch and logo! Three divisions will be judged: Cub Scout/Webelos, Boy Scout, and Venturer.