September 2013
Issue: 20
PA Dutch header 
Prepared For Life 1 
Pennsylvania Dutch Council, BSA
Scouter Focus

As we begin our fall Scouting season, I think it important to pause to say thank you to all of our Scouters, Camp, High Adventure and Jamboree staffs, and parents who provided leadership to their unit (or Council contingent) so that our Scouts had the opportunity to experience an outdoor adventure this summer. Thank you, your time, efforts, and sacrifice is appreciated by both your Council's leadership and of course the youth that we serve!  


Now, looking forward, as you know on January 1, 2014, the BSA's membership policy will change allowing youth members who experience a same sex attraction to become members. Since May a group of volunteers and professional staff have been working on an implementation plan to support this policy change. Recently released, and included in this newsletter are several tools for your review and information. I encourage everyone to take a few moments to review these tools. The National implementation team is still at work and additional resources and program clarifications are expected. These resources will be available on our Council's website and I encourage you to share them within your unit and Scouting community. If I, or another member of your Council's Board of Directors can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Now, on with the fall Scouting season and success in volunteer and youth recruiting, training, service projects, activities, fundraising,.....well the list goes on and on. Thank you all for what you do for Scouting!


As always we thank you for your leadership of our youth, without you the program would not happen!


Yours in Scouting,
Edward Rasmuson
Scout Executive

Popcorn is Poppin'


What do Bacon Ranch Popcorn, Buffalo Cheddar Popcorn, products in tins, and an all new prize program have in common? They are all new features for the 2013 Popcorn Sale. Unit leaders from across the council got to see the first glimpses of this year's sale at the annual Popcorn Kick-off in August!


"Popcorn is a great way to fund your unit's program for the year" was the message that Joe Flaim from Pack 28 shared. Pack 28 was the top selling unit in Conestoga River last year with a total sale of $15,146.


Popcorn fliers should be arriving to every registered Scout before the end of August. It is not too late for your unit to participate in the Popcorn Sale. If your unit has not yet submitted a Unit Commitment Form for popcorn they are available from under Fundraising and then Popcorn.


With the sale officially kicked off there are a few important dates everyone should know:

  • Show and Sell Orders are due August 30th
  • Show and Sell Pick-up is September 13th
  • Fill-A-Sheet Drawing #1 is October 1st (sheets must be submitted by September 30th)
  • Popcorn Returns are October 28th
  • Fill-A-Sheet Drawing #2 is October 31st (sheets must be submitted by October 30th)
  • Take Orders are due October 30th

            This year we have a brand new prize company to provide rewards for Scouts that participate. Scouts can view this year's prizes at

. In addition to the new prize program is the return of the Council Prize Program which includes two Fill-A-Sheet Drawings, the chance for one of 3 Kindle Fire HD Tablets, the chance for one of 3 iPads, recognition at the Hershey Bears, and tickets for Hershey Park (check out the Popcorn section on the council website for prize eligibility).

            Selling Popcorn in 2013 helps to set your unit up for a great year in 2014! Please, visit the Popcorn Section of All of this year's resources are available for download along with a number of great resources for your sale. If you have any questions about this year's sale, please contact Chris Styers ( or Margie Ferguson ( at 717-394-4063.




   Sour Cream Onion Tiin   


Eagle Scout Application and Workbook Updates
Eagle Badge 

The Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook and Eagle Scout Rank Application have recently been updated.  The Council Advancement Committee asks Scoutmasters and Life Scouts working on Eagle to make sure they are using the most up-to-date versions of these documents.  Out-of-date Eagle Scout Applications will be turned away when submitted to the Council Service Center.  In addition, a new document is available to help Eagle Project Beneficiaries understand the project process, the role of the Eagle Scout, and their role as the project beneficiaries.  Get these documents below:


Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook


Eagle Scout Rank Application


Navigating the Eagle Scout Service Project: Important Information for Project Beneficiaries.


Knol Recognized
Doug Knol
Friday, August 9th PA Dutch Council recognized Doug Knol, Aquatics Director at Bashore Scout Reservation, for thirty years of service as a Bashore Camp Staff Member.  Doug has been an instrumental part in the expansion of Bashore's Aquatics program and in turning Bashore into one of the premier Boy Scout Camps in the region.  In recognition for his service and dedication to Scouting and the programs of Bashore Scout Reservation, the boat house at Bashore will be named the Douglas J. Knol Boat House.


Read Doug's Bio Here.


BSA Corp Logo  BeAScout 

Have you recently updated you If not you may be missing out on one of the best chances you have to let potential new members join your unit. So far this year we've had almost 60 people express their interest to join Scouting through the website. So if you're not using you may be missing a great opportunity to let people know about you and your unit.


Read More


Dutch Wonderland Discount Tickets



 Dutch Wonderland Logo


Discounted Dutch Wonderland Tickets! - $33.00


Are you looking for a great deal on Dutch Wonderland Tickets this summer?


We have them available at the Pennsylvania Dutch Council Store. Only $33.00 which includes all taxes and fees associated with the ticket, this is one of the best deals around. Each ticket purchased will also provide $3.00 of support to Scouting in Lancaster and Lebanon counties.


The tickets must be purchased through our Council Store located at 630 Janet Ave, Lancaster PA 17601. This is just a few short minutes from the park. The Store is open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday - Friday.


PA Dutch Council Price - $33.00 all inclusive


Dutch Wonderland Online Price - $38.47


If you have questions please contact us during our regular business hours, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, at 717-394-4063.

Scout Shop News


 News Clip Art

For the latest Scout Shop news follow the link below.


This edition includes:

  • New Fall Store Hours
  • Recruitment Materials
  • Weekend Rental Reservations
  • Special October Hours
  • and much more


Wilderness First Aid TrainingWilderness First Aid Patch 


Are you ready for an emergency when help is not a phone call away? Heading to one of the BSA's High Adventure Bases? Want to make sure you are ready for any situation that may arise on one of your troop or crew's outings? Check out Wilderness First Aid Training and learn how to take control of the situation when help is more than thirty minutes away.   The PA Dutch Council is hosting an Emergency Care and Safety Institute Wilderness First Aid and CPR Training September 13-15 at Camp Mack. CPR will be taught Friday evening and Wilderness First Aid Saturday and Sunday.


For registration information go to: Wilderness First Aid Training

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2013 Catholic Scout Retreat                                         Catholic Committee
The Harrisburg Diocese will be hosting its annual Catholic Scout Retreat "Year of Faith" at Bashore Scout Reservation September 20-22.  
For all event information, follow the link below:


NRA Basic Instructor and Rifle Instructor Courses                                         NRA Instructor Logo
Become a certified NRA Rifle Instructor this fall.  The PA Dutch Council Shooting Sports Committee will be offering an NRA Rifle Instructor Course and its pre-requisite, a Basic Instructor Course in September.  
For Further Information follow these links:


Basic Instructor Course


Rifle Instructor Course


Guide to Advancement Update                                         Life Badge
Stay up to date on the latest rules and regulations related to Scout Advancement with the 2013 Guide to Advancement.  
Get your copy here: 2013 Guide to Advancement


New Merit Badges Released

Cycling Merit Badge Updated and both Sustainability and Programming Merit Badges Released


Merit Badges

The new Programming Merit Badge, Eagle Required Sustainability Merit Badge and Mountain Biking Option for Cycling Merit Badge have arrived.  


Get the requirements here



2013 Friends of Scouting Annual Dinner and Silent Auction
BSA Corp Logo 

Save the Date for the 4th Annual Friends of Scouting Dinner and Silent Auction on Friday, November 1st, 2013 at 6:15pm at the Country Barn in Lancaster. The event is a great evening of fun and fellowship while helping to support local Scouting. Tickets for the evening include: local farm-grown buffet, wine and education from Award Winning Blue Mountain Vineyards and Cellars, music, dancing, and a silent auction.


Invite fellow Scouters, friends, coworkers to join you for this exciting evening. Registration forms for the event are also available on the Harvest Page.


Information on silent auction items will be available at in October.


            For more information on the event or if you are interested in getting involved contact Chris Styers at 394-4063 or

2013 Fall Recruiting
Scouts at Barnstomers 

            Do you have yard signs to put at the busy intersections in your community or across from your local school? Do you have a stack of New Scout Packets for boys and their families interested in joining your unit? Do you have posters to put up at the local grocery store, post office, gas station, pizza place? Do you have fliers to take to local community events? If the answer is no to any of these questions, contact your District Executive right away so that they can help you get prepared for Fall!

            As summer draws to an end, parents are getting prepared to find great activities to get their sons involved with and we want them to know that Scouting is the best program around! To help units prepare for the fall there are great resources online and available at the Scout Office. Online, under the documents section, check out the "Recruiting Folder for Cub Scouts" and the "Unit Leader Toolbox." There are great tools here to help orient new Scouts and parents as well as great tools you can use to customize invitations to your local Scouting program. Available at the Scout Office we have:

  • Yard Signs
  • Posters
  • New Scout Packets
  • Mini Magazines
  • Cub Scout Business Cards
  • Fliers
  • New Den Leader Packets (available by the end of the month)

These are great tools, but they all require a plan if they are going to be successful.

Planning your recruitment night early helps to make sure that we can help you be successful. Please, complete the 2013 Fall Recruiting Unit Commitment Form so that your District Executive can help you get everything you need to get your fall started right.

            After your recruitment night, every new Cub Scout can receive an 'I Joined Cub Scouts' t-shirt and 2 tickets to Dutch Wonderland. Dutch Wonderland has been a great partner in the fall and year round and we are glad for their continued support. Please, complete your order form to turn in with your New Scout Applications.

Fall Leader Training

 Trained Patch 

The PA Dutch Council Training Committee will be holding a number of trainings this fall to help leaders Be Prepared to offer the best Scouting Program Possible. Courses that are being offered include:


*   Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)

*   Den Chief Training

*   Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Specific (Indoor) Training

*   Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills/Webelos Outdoor Leader Skills Training

*   Venturing Leader Specific Training


For more information on each of these courses including dates, times, locations, and registration information go to:

Save the Date - 2014 Council CamporeeBSA Corp Logo  


Mark your Calendars. The Pennsylvania Dutch Council will hold is tri-annual Council Camporee May 2-4, 2014 at Long's Park in Lancaster. The event theme will be Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.


Scouting For Food
Scouting for Food  

In 2012, 2400 Scouts and Scouters from the Pennsylvania Dutch Council collected over 135,000 pounds of food for local pantries during the BSA's largest national good turn, Scouting For Food.  In 2013, we know we can blow that number out of the water! To do it, we need to start planning and coordinating now to help ensure that every home in our communities receives a bag and is asked to make a donation.


2013 Scouting For Food Timeline:


September 13-Return your unit commitment form to your District Executive

October Roundtables-Requested Bags Distributed

November 9-Distribute bags in your communities

November 16-Return to collect bags, count and weight items, deliver to your local pantry

November 22-Return final report form to the Council Service Center.




Unit Commitment Form

Unit Report Form


Lowes Banner

Lowes National Eagle Scout Project Impact Grant

During 2012 more than 3,000 Scouts received $100 grants for their Eagle Scout service projects through the generosity of the Lowe's Charitable and Educational Foundation. The Boy Scouts of America is pleased to announce that the foundation has offered to continue its support with a similar number of grants beginning in July 2013.


PA Dutch Council has reserved 25 grants for Eagle Scout Candidates. Grants will be distributed first come, first served upon application. Eagle Scout Candidates must have an approved Eagle Scout Project Proposal, plan to complete their project no later than April 30, 2014, and agree to the Scout Recipient Obligations. For more information on the Lowe's National Eagle Scout Project Impact Grant program go to .


To apply, download the Application below, complete it, and return it with all necessary attachments to PA Dutch Council Lowe's Project Follow-Up Volunteer George Lewis at


Scout Recipient Obligations


Lowes Grant Application

Camporee Patch Design Contest
patch design 


For all contest rules and guidelines download the filer here: Camporee Patch Contest


All submissions are due by December 31, 2013.


The 2014 Council Camporee Committee


Announces the Camporee Patch Design Contest. Creative Scouts are invited to submit a design that could be used for the event patch and logo! Three divisions will be judged: Cub Scout/Webelos, Boy Scout, and Venturer.
Camp Bashore's 10th Annual Haunted Trail Weekend
You are invited to participate in the 10th Annual Haunted Trail Weekend at Bashore Scout Reservation. Troops and Crews will camp for the weekend while they prepare to "haunt" a portion of the trail. On Saturday night beginning at 6:30pm Cub Packs and family guests are invited to hike and ride the scariest trick-or-treat trail they've ever seen. Afterwards, refreshments are served at the Conference Center by the Parking Lot. This is intended to be an event that is fun for all ages- keeping in mind ageappropriate
activities and good clean fun in a safe environment.
The Venture Crew 212 proudly presents the 2nd Annual Macktoberfest Cub Scout Fall Festival & Recruitment Night!  The day is set for Wednesday, October 23, 2013 from 5:00 - 8:30PM at Camp Mack.

Some of the planned activities are: pumpkin decorating, Hay wagon rides, Pumpkin golf, a movie, costume judging, a spooky house and plenty of food!  So plan on coming out for a fun evening, and don't forget to wear your costume.

If you still have questions contact the event chairman, Darwin Davis at 717-669-1420.  This event is sponsored by Crew 212 / NYLT Staff.
Join Our Mailing List!
In This Issue
Popcorn 2013
Eagle Scout Updates
Knol Recognized
Discount Dutch Wonderland Tickets
Scout Shop News
Wilderness First Aid Training
Catholic Scout Retreat
NRA Courses
Scout Advancement Guide
New Merit Badges
Annual Friends of Scoutng Dinner
Fall Recruiting 2013
Fall Leader Training
Council Camporee 2014
Scouting for Food
Lowes Eagle Scout Project
Camporee Patch Design
Haunted Trail Weekend
Caped Crusaders
Quick Links

Looking for Caped Crusaders!!






The Central Penn Parent wants to honor some kids that are doing great things and they need your help! Tell us about a terrific young person in your area and maybe we'll put them in front of thousands of area residents.


Each month Central Penn Parent will honor an outstanding young person who is doing great things for their community. We call them our Caped Crusader!


A Caped Crusader! is a young person (ages 6-18) who has gone above and beyond to help the people around them. Whether it's raising money for a charity or helping out a neighbor in need or even organizing an event to help others achieve their goals, we want to recognize the accomplishment.


Caped Crusader! presentations are organized by the Central Penn Parent staff along with ABC27. We arrange to surprise the recipient with a cape, gift pack and formal declaration. Each presentation is later aired on ABC27 and the Caped Crusader's story is told in a full-page article in Central Penn Parent.

Now we need your help. If you know of a young person that is doing great things, tell us about them! Email a short paragraph or two describing what they have done and why you feel we should honor them.



Send your submissions to


Check out our dedicated Caped Crusader! webpage here -




Quick Links
quick link 

Pennsylvania Dutch Council, Boy Scouts of America
630 Janet Ave, Suite B-114
Lancaster, PA 17601
(717) 394-4063