July 2013
Issue: 19
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Prepared For Life 1 
Pennsylvania Dutch Council, BSA
Scouter Focus

Thank you for reading the July issue of the Scouter Focus.



Camp is in full swing and we hope you and your Scouts are planning a visit to Bashore Scout Reservation or J. Edward Mack Scout Reservation.  The program at both camps has received a lot of great praise this summer. 


If you happen to by traveling outside the Council for camp this summer we hope that you have a good experience as well.

A good camp experience can really keep a young man involved in the youth programs!


As always we thank you for your leadership of our youth, without you the program would not happen!


Yours in Scouting,
Edward Rasmuson
Scout Executive
Discount Hersheypark Tickets are BACK!!

Hershey Park Image
Here is your chance to support the programs of the Pennsylvania Dutch Council as well as save money on the cost of admission to Hershey Park this summer.

Scouting groups, along with families, friends and others can take advantage of special on-line discounts on Hersheypark one-day passes through the council's website.

These great ticket discounts are only available through the council's website. These tickets purchased on-line through the council's website can be used for ALL of Hersheypark's 2013 summer season dates!

All tickets purchased through our website include a $5.00 contribution to Scouting.

Discounted one-day ticket prices available through this program are as follows:

Tickets purchased through July 31: Best Deal!

Regular (ages 9-54) - just $38.10 (regular price is $57.95* if purchased at gate)
Junior/Senior (ages 3-8 or 55-69) - just $29.25 ($36.95* at the gate)
Senior (ages 70+) - just $21.50 ($23.95* at the gate)

Tickets purchased after July 31:

Regular (ages 9-54) one-day passes, the price increases by $5 (to $43.10)
All other ticket prices remain the same price as above.

Discount Hersheypark Tickets 

Pass this link to the Council Hersheypark page all of your family and friends for great savings and support Scouting.

All tickets purchased at the Hersheypark gate are also subject to a $0.85 per ticket amusement tax. This amusement tax is already INCLUDED for our special discounted ticket prices.

It pays to purchase your Hersheypark tickets through the council's website early and then use them any day you want, all summer long.

Support Scouting and Save!!

Popcorn 2013


The 2013 Popcorn Sale is right around the corner and we have some great plans to make this year's sale a great one! To get your unit ready for the sale, please plan to join us on August 7th at Penn Cinema at 6:45pm (registration begins at 6:15pm) for our Kick-off. We will have all of the new materials and information your unit needs and we will have some fun along the way! Some of the new features of this year's sale that we will highlight include:  

  • New Products (we are adding 3 brand new flavors and 2 new product options)
  • New Prize Program
  • New Commission Structure
  • New Sales Materials and more...

            If your unit has not yet submitted their 2013 Unit Commitment Form ( also downloadable at www.padutchbsa.org), please fill it out and send or fax it to the Council Office. If you have not registered for the Popcorn Kick-off, please contact Margie (717-394-4063 or margie.ferguson@scouting.org) and let her know how many people will be attending. This year's Kick-off will feature a general session for all of our Popcorn Kernels and then a special session for all of this year's first time Kernels.


            In addition to the Popcorn Kick-off, the Popcorn Kernel Team is going to offer the following trainings in August:


How to Place My Order in the Sales System and Online Selling

  • August 7th-following the Kick-off
  • August 13th-12:30pm
  • August 22nd-6:30pm

How to Conduct a Successful Popcorn Kickoff and How to Teach My Scouts to Sell

  • August 15th-12:30pm
  • August 20th-6:30pm

            With the exception of the August 7th training, all of this year's training will be conducted as a webinar. Please, register with Margie a week prior to the session and you will receive the log-in information electronically prior to the event.   Click Here for the Training Flyer.


            The Popcorn Sale is a great way to fund your unit's year of Scouting! Thank you for your participation. We look forward to seeing you on the 7th!



   BSA Corp Logo 


Silver Beaver Award Presented
Silver Beaver 

The Silver Beaver is the highest honor a council can award to a adult volunteer, who has displayed noteworthy service to youth in their local council. 


            This award is given for exceptional service to Scouting, conducted in the spirit of the daily "Good Turn."  There are no specific requirements, qualifications, or tenure to be selected for the Silver Beaver;  however, candidates must demonstrate a record of excellence in service to their community that is beyond their Scouting efforts.  Since 1931, 348 Scouting volunteers in Lancaster and Lebanon Counties have been honored with the Silver Beaver. 


            Congratulations to the following Silver Beavers!


            GERALD ALLEMAN

            NEAL R. GALBRAITH

            LUANN M. BLEICH  

            SHARON R. HACKMAN



For more information on our 2013 Silver Beavers - click here.



2013 Silver Beaver Receipents  




BSA Corp Logo  BeAScout 

Have you recently updated your BeaScout.org? If not you may be missing out on one of the best chances you have to let potential new members join your unit. So far this year we've had almost 60 people express their interest to join Scouting through the website. So if you're not using BeaScout.org you may be missing a great opportunity to let people know about you and your unit.


Read More

2013 Summer Photo Contest Announced 

Camera Photo
Here's your chance to win a Digital Camera and see your photographs appear in our flyers and website.  Take your camera to camp this summer and send us your best photos.  Capture your camp experience at Camp Mack Cub Scout day or Resident Camps, Webelos Resident Camp or Camp Bashore Boy Scout Camp - show us what you liked best about camp.


For more information to share with your Scouts Click Here.


Here are last year's Winners:



J. Edward Mack Winner



 Editors Choice - Ethan R  

Camp Mack - Connor V.
Editor's Choice Winner

Bashore Winner Bashore - Tim S.

Golf Header


Golf Classic Rescheduled - August 27th


The 11th Annual Boy Scout Golf Classic will now take place on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 at Conestoga Country Club.  Come join us for a day of golf fun and support Scouting in Lancaster and Lebanon counties.


For more information on sponsorships or to play in our golf outing

 click here for the flyer or contact Duane at 717-394-4063.


To register for golf or a sponsorship online click here.


Special Thanks to our lead sponsors:


Eagle Sponsor:  PPL, Corporation


1st Class Sponsors: Integrity Bank & Lancaster Toyota


Golf Eagle Strip  





Dutch Wonderland Discount Tickets



 Dutch Wonderland Logo


Discounted Dutch Wonderland Tickets! - $33.00


Are you looking for a great deal on Dutch Wonderland Tickets this summer?


We have them available at the Pennsylvania Dutch Council Store. Only $33.00 which includes all taxes and fees associated with the ticket, this is one of the best deals around. Each ticket purchased will also provide $3.00 of support to Scouting in Lancaster and Lebanon counties.


The tickets must be purchased through our Council Store located at 630 Janet Ave, Lancaster PA 17601. This is just a few short minutes from the park. The Store is open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday - Friday.


PA Dutch Council Price - $33.00 all inclusive


Dutch Wonderland Online Price - $38.47


If you have questions please contact us during our regular business hours, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, at 717-394-4063.




Scout Shop News


 News Clip Art

For the latest Scout Shop news follow the link below.


This edition includes:

  • New Fall Store Hours
  • Recruitment Materials
  • Tour Plans
  • and much more
NYLT - Time is Running Out!                                                                            NYLT Logo
Now is the time to register for this year's last National Youth Leadership Training Courses (NYLT)!  The course is a 2-Weekend Course scheduled for Camp Mack on August 9th thru the 11th, and again on August 16th thru the 18th 2013.

NYLT is Coed, and it is open to eligible Boy Scouts, Varsity, Sea Scouts & Venturers.  You must be 13 -17, at least 1st Class rank and completed ILST. 


For Sea Scouts & Venturer requirements, you must be age 14-20 and completed ILSC.


Registration forms are available at the PA Dutch Store, or on-line at www.padutchbsa.org


If you have any questions, please call Advisor Rich Garipoli at 717-394-4063 or email at richard.garipoli@scouting.org


2013 Catholic Scout Retreat                                         Catholic Committee
The Harrisburg Diocese will be hosting its annual Catholic Scout Retreat "Year of Faith" at Bashore Scout Reservation September 20-22.  
For all event information, follow the link below:


NRA Basic Instructor and Rifle Instructor Courses                                         NRA Instructor Logo
Become a certified NRA Rifle Instructor this fall.  The PA Dutch Council Shooting Sports Committee will be offering an NRA Rifle Instructor Course and its pre-requisite, a Basic Instructor Course in September.  
For Further Information follow these links:


Basic Instructor Course


Rifle Instructor Course


Guide to Advancement Update                                         Life Badge
Stay up to date on the latest rules and regulations related to Scout Advancement with the 2013 Guide to Advancement.  
Get your copy here: 2013 Guide to Advancement


New Merit Badges Released

Cycling Merit Badge Updated and both Sustainability and Programming Merit Badges Released


Merit Badges

The new Programming Merit Badge, Eagle Required Sustainability Merit Badge and Mountain Biking Option for Cycling Merit Badge have arrived.  


Get the requirements here



Annual Friends of Bashore Weekend                                 picnic
The Friends of Bashore invite Scouts and Scouters to their annual Friends Weekend August 16-18 at Bashore Scout Reservation.  Activities will include shooting, boating, trail rides, climbing, bingo and much more.  
For further information check out the event flier: 2013 Friends Weekend


Campmaster Appreciation Picnic                                         We Need YOU
The annual Campmaster Appreciation Picnic is scheduled for Sunday, August 25 at Bashore Scout Reservation. The picnic will begin at 1:00 PM.  If you plan to attend, please let Dave Matterness or Win and Anne Hall know by Friday, August 16.
Campmasters who are unable to attend are asked to contact Win Hall with preferred Campmaster service dates for Fall 2013 and Spring 2014.


Individuals interested in learning more about becoming a Campmaster are encouraged to contact Win Hall for more information.  


Click here for more information on being a campmaster: We Want You!


2013 Friends of Scouting Annual Dinner and Silent Auction
BSA Corp Logo 

Save the Date for the 4th Annual Friends of Scouting Dinner and Silent Auction on Friday, November 1st, 2013 at 6:15pm at the Country Barn in Lancaster. The event is a great evening of fun and fellowship while helping to support local Scouting. Tickets for the evening include: local farm-grown buffet, wine and education from Award Winning Blue Mountain Vineyards and Cellars, music, dancing, and a silent auction.


Invite fellow Scouters, friends, coworkers to join you for this exciting evening. Registration forms for the event are also available on the Harvest Page.


Information on silent auction items will be available at www.padutchbsa.org in October.


            For more information on the event or if you are interested in getting involved contact Chris Styers at 394-4063 or cstyers@bsamail.org.

2013 Fall Recruiting
Scouts at Barnstomers 

Fall Recruiting season is just right around the corner. It is not too early to think about your unit's plans. To have a successful fall recruitment each unit should hold a Back to the Pack event for their returning Scouts, a Sign-up Night Event for all of their new Scouts, and hand out fliers, put up posters, and set up yard signs in the local community. To help us help you have a great fall recruitment, please complete the Fall Recruiting Unit Commitment Form.


            We are well stocked with materials for the fall including posters, yard signs, fliers, and handouts. Let us know what you need and we will make sure that they are available for you. We also have our New Scout Packets ready to go for the fall. If you are planning to hold an event before the start of the school year, please let your District Executive know how many packets you need.


            In addition to materials at the office, materials will be available at the Membership Kick-offs in Horse-Shoe Trail (July 31st Camp Mack) and Conestoga River (August 8th Lampeter United Methodist Church). If your unit needs any assistance with their fall recruiting efforts, please don't hesitate to contact your District Executive!


Membership Recruitment Resources


Back to Pack Program  

Join Our Mailing List!
In This Issue
Discount Hersheypark Tickets
Popcorn 2013
Silver Beaver Award Presented
Summer Photo Contest
Boy Scout Golf Classic
Discount Dutch Wonderland Tickets
Scout Shop News
Catholic Scout Retreat
NRA Courses
Scout Advancement Guide
New Merit Badges
Friends of Bashore Picnic
Campmaster Appreciation Picnic
Annual Friends of Scoutng Dinner
Fall Recruiting 2013
Discount Dutch Wonderland Tickets
Quick Links

Discount Dutch Wonderland Tickets



Dutch Wonderland Logo    



Discounted Dutch Wonderland Tickets!




Are you looking for a great deal on Dutch Wonderland Tickets this summer?


We have them available at the Pennsylvania Dutch Council Store.


Only $33.00 which includes all taxes and fees associated with the ticket, this is one of the best deals around. Each ticket purchased will also provide $3.00 of support to Scouting in Lancaster and Lebanon counties.


The tickets must be purchased through our Council Store located at 630 Janet Ave, Lancaster PA 17601. This is just a few short minutes from the park. The Store is open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday - Friday.




PA Dutch Council Price - $33.00 all inclusive

Dutch Wonderland Online Price - $38.47



If you have questions please contact us during our regular business hours, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, at 717-394-4063.


Quick Links
quick link 

Pennsylvania Dutch Council, Boy Scouts of America
630 Janet Ave, Suite B-114
Lancaster, PA 17601
(717) 394-4063