May 2013
Issue: 18
PA Dutch header 
Prepared For Life 1 
Pennsylvania Dutch Council, BSA
Scouter Focus

Thank you for reading the May issue of the Scouter Focus.


As we all know, Scouting happens in our local communities because of people like you, our volunteers. When it comes right down to it, you, our volunteers, are where the rubber meets the road. On June 5th, our council will have the opportunity to thank our volunteers and recognize several groups of outstanding Scouts and Scouters at the Council Recognition Dinner. I hope you will be able to join us that evening to salute our Eagle Scout Class of 2012, the Adams Eagle Scout Award, the Outstanding Eagle Scout of the Year Award, our Veteran Scouters, and our 2013 Silver Beaver Recipients.


It will be an exciting and special evening and I hope you will join us.


Thank you for your leadership!


Yours in Scouting,
Edward Rasmuson
Scout Executive
Three of the PA Dutch Family to be Recognized!
Silver Buffalo Award

At the National Annual Meeting, which takes place in Dallas Texas, May 22nd -24th, three Scouters from the Pennsylvania Dutch Council will be recognized.


Mrs. Jeanne Donlevy Arnold and Mr. John F. Pyfer, Jr. will receive the Silver Buffalo Award at the National Awards Dinner on May 24th.


The Silver Buffalo Award, created in 1925, is bestowed upon those who give truly noteworthy and extraordinary service to youth. This award, Scouting's highest commendation, recognizes the invaluable contributions that outstanding American men and women render to youth. The service must be national in character and may or may not be directly connected with the BSA. 



Mr. James Castanzo will be presented the Silver Antelope Award at the Northeast Region Awards Luncheon on May 24th.  


The Silver Antelope Award, created in 1942, is the highest regional-level distinguished award of the Boy Scouts of America, acting through the National Court of Honor.  Recipients of this award are registered Scouters of exceptional character in their region and recognized for their distinguished service to youth.


Congratulations to all three of these distinguished Scouters.


Click here for information on each of our award recipients.




Scout Night

June 15th, 2013 Clipper Magazine Stadium


The Pennsylvania Dutch Council is teaming up with the Lancaster Barnstormers to bring you a great evening of baseball and a fun way to encourage new boys and their families to join your pack this spring! On June 15th, the Lancaster Barnstormers are inviting local Scout packs, troops, and crews and their families to spend the night in Clipper Magazine Stadium's outfield! As a participant you will enjoy 2 hours of Cub Scout pre-game activities, a night under the stars with your scout unit and your family, and have a once in a lifetime chance to have a massive sleepover in a professional ballpark!


If you have been to a Barnstormers Scout Night in the past, you will be happy to know that it is going to be even more fun than previous years.


Tickets will be purchased directly from the Barnstormers.


More Information is now available on the Council Website or contact Chris Styers at or 717-394-4063.



Barnstormers Logo   BSA Corp Logo 


Discount Hersheypark Tickets are BACK!!

Hershey Park Image
Here is your chance to support the programs of the Pennsylvania Dutch Council as well as save money on the cost of admission to Hershey Park this summer.

Scouting groups, along with families, friends and others can take advantage of special on-line discounts on Hersheypark one-day passes through the council's website.

These great ticket discounts are only available through the council's website. These tickets purchased on-line through the council's website can be used for ALL of Hersheypark's 2013 summer season dates!

All tickets purchased through our website include a $5.00 contribution to Scouting.

Discounted one-day ticket prices available through this program are as follows:

Tickets purchased through July 31: Best Deal!

Regular (ages 9-54) - just $38.10 (regular price is $57.95* if purchased at gate)
Junior/Senior (ages 3-8 or 55-69) - just $29.25 ($36.95* at the gate)
Senior (ages 70+) - just $21.50 ($23.95* at the gate)

Tickets purchased after July 31:

Regular (ages 9-54) one-day passes, the price increases by $5 (to $43.10)
All other ticket prices remain the same price as above.

Discount Hersheypark Tickets 

Pass this link to the Council Hersheypark page all of your family and friends for great savings and support Scouting.

All tickets purchased at the Hersheypark gate are also subject to a $0.85 per ticket amusement tax. This amusement tax is already INCLUDED for our special discounted ticket prices.

It pays to purchase your Hersheypark tickets through the council's website early and then use them any day you want, all summer long.

Support Scouting and Save!!
Friends of Scouting Phone-a-thon 

We have partnered with J. Milito & Associates to help us with our Friends of Scouting follow-up calls.  They will be calling individuals between May 21st and June 15th.

If you have any questions please contact Duane at
2013 Summer Photo Contest Announced 

Camera Photo
Here's your chance to win a Digital Camera and see your photographs appear in our flyers and website.  Take your camera to camp this summer and send us your best photos.  Capture your camp experience at Camp Mack Cub Scout day or Resident Camps, Webelos Resident Camp or Camp Bashore Boy Scout Camp - show us what you liked best about camp.


For more information to share with your Scouts Click Here.


Here are last year's Winners:



J. Edward Mack Winner



 Editors Choice - Ethan R  

Camp Mack - Connor V.
Editor's Choice Winner

Bashore Winner Bashore - Tim S.
National Youth Leadership Training



Now is the time to register for this year's National Youth Leadership Training Courses (NYLT).  We have two courses scheduled.  


The first one is the weeklong course, scheduled at Camp Bashore from June 9th - June 15th 2013.


The second course is a 2-Weekend Course scheduled for Camp Mack on August 9th - 11th, and again on August 16th - 19th 2013.


NYLT is Coed, and it is open to eligible Boy Scouts, Varsity, Sea Scouts & Venturers.  You must be 13 -17, at least 1st Class rank and completed ILST. For Sea Scouts & Venturer requirements, you must be age 14-20 and completed ILSC.


Registration forms are available at the PA Dutch Store, or on-line at The NYLT page.


If you have any questions, please call Advisor Rich Garipoli at 717-394-4063 or email Rich . 










Please note that the Annual Council Recognition Dinner will be held on Wednesday, June 5, 2013.  As in past years, the Council Recognition Dinner will be combined with the Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner. This dinner honors all volunteers for the Pennsylvania Dutch Council and all Eagle Scouts from the Class of 2012.  Additionally, the dinner will honor this year's Silver Beaver Recipients with the highest award a council can bestow upon a volunteer.  Family members and friends are encouraged to attend this event.  The registration form can now be found on the Council Website.



Sponsors Needed


Also, please consider becoming a sponsor for a Silver Beaver or Eagle Scout from the Class of 2012.  As a sponsor, your donation will be used to purchase a meal and commemorative gift for an Eagle Scout or a meal and Silver Beaver Award Kit for one of this year's Silver Beaver recipients.  Sponsor names will be listed in this year's program. 


If you have any questions, please contact Rich Garipoli, Council Dinner Advisor at 717-394-4063, or e-mail Rich.


Golf Header


Are you a golfer? 


The 11th Annual Boy Scout Golf Classic will take place on Friday, June 7, 2013 at Conestoga Country Club.  Come join us for a day of golf fun and support Scouting in Lancaster and Lebanon counties.


For more information on sponsorships or to play in our golf outing

 click here for the flyer or contact Duane at 717-394-4063.


To register for golf or a sponsorship online click here.


Special Thanks to our lead sponsors:


Eagle Sponsor:  PPL, Corporation


1st Class Sponsors: Integrity Bank & Lancaster Toyota


Golf Eagle Strip  





Keep Up With the Latest Advancement News


Interested in finding out what is coming up related to Advancement? Join the mailing list for the National Advancement Committee's Newsletter: Advancement News


To Subscribe: Send a message to, with "SUBSCRIBE" in the subject line. Indicate your name, email address, and council in the message text.


For back issues go to:

Philmont 2014
Tooth of Time 

Discover the wonder of "Scouting's Paradise"!


Philmont's signature program is the High Adventure Expedition. Each expedition provides opportunities for participants to:


  • Explore the high country in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of northeastern New Mexico
  • Experience the thrill of climbing mountains over two miles high
  • Participate in a wide array of fun activities that teach Scouting skills -Archaeology, backpacking, camping, climbing, fly fishing, forestry, horsemanship, Indian lore and much more
  • Develop leadership, group dynamics, wilderness problem solving and outdoor skills 


The PA Dutch Council High Adventure Committee is organizing an all-inclusive trek in 2014. Join in for a once in a lifetime experience! For more information follow these links:


Trek Info Brochure


Registration Form





Visiting the 2013 National Jamboree

at The Summit


Jamboree 2013 Logo

Planning on visiting the National Jamboree this summer? Be Prepared! Check out the Visitor Information section of the Jamboree website for schedules, activities, fees, and pre-registration. The Pennsylvania Dutch Council will not be offering an organized trip to visit the 2013 National Scout Jamboree at the Summit.


Go to:

Join Our Mailing List!
In This Issue
Three Scouters Honored
Scout Night
Discount Hersheypark Tickets
FOS Phone-a-thon to be Held
Summer Photo Contest
Council Recognition Dinner
Boy Scout Golf Classic
Advancement News
Philmont 2014
Visiting the Summit
Discount Hersheypark Tickets
Quick Links

Discount Hersheypark Tickets Available Now



Hershey Park Image   


Here is your chance to support the programs of the Pennsylvania Dutch Council as well as save money on the cost of admission to Hershey Park this summer.

Scouting groups, along with families, friends and others can take advantage of special on-line discounts on Hersheypark one-day passes through the council's website.

Click Here to save $19.85 on your Hersheypark tickets.


Tickets purchased on-line through the council's website can be used for ALL of Hersheypark's 2013 summer season dates!




Quick Links
quick link 

Pennsylvania Dutch Council, Boy Scouts of America
630 Janet Ave, Suite B-114
Lancaster, PA 17601
(717) 394-4063