March 2013
Issue: 16
PA Dutch header 
Prepared For Life 1 
Pennsylvania Dutch Council, BSA
Scouter Focus
Welcome to the March issue of the Scouter Focus.
We have had a lot of great Scouting activities take place over the last couple of months, Klondike Derby's, Blue and Gold banquets, Scout Sunday's, Pinewood Derby's and much more.  If you would like to share some of your photo's or great events, I encourage you to visit our Council Facebook page at and post either photo's or information about your events.  Please remember do not post tagged photo's or full names of any of our Scouts.
Annual Meeting Notices:
Soon it will be time for our Districts to select their leadership for 2013 - 2014.  Below I have posted the annual meeting notice for each of our Scouting Districts.  If you would like to nominate or have someone in mind to serve Scouting at the district level please contact the District Executive for your district.

Harvest District: May 14, 2013, Mountville Church of the Brethren


Conestoga River District: May 9, 2013, Council Service Center


Horseshoe Trail District: Thursday, June 27, 2013 - J. Edward Mack


If you would like to submit a nomination for any of these district committee's please submit in writing to the District Executive not less than 30 day's prior to the meeting.


Thank you for all you do in Scouting! 

Yours in Scouting,
Edward Rasmuson
Scout Executive
Friends of Scouting 2013
2013 FOS Patch
2013 FOS Patch

Each year the units of the Council are asked to participate in our Annual Friends of Scouting campaign where families are given the opportunity to make an investment in Scouting. We would like to ask for 10 minutes of time at an upcoming Court of Honor, Blue and Gold Banquet or event where parents are present. A presenter from the District will come out and share the story of the Council and how the funds will be spent.


Please be sure to discuss this with your unit committee and decide on what date works best for the unit. The decision to invest will be left up to the individual families and should not be made by the unit for them. Please make sure everyone has the opportunity to support Scouting.



FOS Back Patch   



Celebrate the final year of the "Scout Law" FOS Council Strip Series with a $300.00 annual gift to the 2013 Family Friends of Scouting Campaign and receive BOTH the "Reverent" FOS Council Strip AND this Commemorative 10"x9" "Scout Law" Back Patch!


For more information contact your District Family FOS Chair or your District Executive

Summer Camp at Bashore Scout Reservation Filling Fast!
Bashore Winner  

Space is filling up! If your unit is planning on coming to Bashore for summer camp in 2013 don't wait to send in your reservation. To see an up-to-date listing of availability follow this link.


$25.00 per Scout deposits are due by March 15.


For the 2013 Bashore Reservation Form Click Here: 2013 Bashore Reservation Form


All 2013 Bashore Summer Camp Guides, Forms, and Program Information can be found at Bashore Summer Camp


Camperships Deadline - March 15, 2013 
Helping hands


The deadline for submitting Campership applications, March 15, is quickly approaching. Camperships exist to help scouts with a financial need attend a PA Dutch Council camp. Don't let a lack of funds keep your scouts from attending camp this summer. Camperships are given based upon need and funds available. To apply, fill out and submit the Pennsylvania Dutch Council Campership Form found on our website or contact the Council Service Center to have one sent to you.

Life To Eagle SeminarEagle Badge 


If you are currently a Star or Life Scout, a parent of a boy with either of those ranks, a unit leader or committee member with advancement responsibilities, please take note of this valuable session.


DATE: Thursday, April 25, 2013


TIME: 7PM - 8:30 PM


LOCATION: 630 Janet Ave., Boy Scout bldg in the Blair Room



The purpose of this seminar is to explain in complete detail, the up to date policies and procedures related to the newest Eagle Scout Workbook and Advancement Guide.


One general session for Youth, Parents, and Leaders will cover:


            Significant changes to the Eagle Workbook

            Significant changes to the Advancement Guide

            Having an Eagle Scout Coach

            Candidate Expectations

            Project approval process

            Final approval for the Project

            Fundraising guidelines



 There is no pre-registration required for this seminar.

Dinner Logo
May 1, 2013


R. Scott Smith

R. Scott Smith

2013 DCAD



The Pennsylvania Dutch Council is pleased to announce that the 2013 Distinguished Citizen

is R. Scott Smith.

Scott is the recently retired Chairman of the Board for Fulton Financial Corporation.  Scott has long been a community leader serving on numerous boards and working with them to impact on the lives of those in our area.
Scott will be recognized with the Distinguished Citizen Award on May 1, 2013 at the Lancaster Marriott. 
The keynote speaker will be D. Blake Prichard, First Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.
If you would like more information on this event or would like to attend please follow this link to the Dinner Flyer
A Special Thank You goes out to our Lead Sponsors:
Eagle Sponsors
Lititz Mutual Insurance Company  
Fulton Bank Logo  
Platinum Sponsors
UGI, Utilities
The William F. Brossman Foundation
Online registration for the dinner is available here.
Youth Leadership Training
NYLT Logo  

Looking for tools to help train the Youth Leaders of your Troop, Crew, or Ship? Scouting has what you're looking for:


Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops, Crews, or Ships- A training course designed to help a unit leader teach their unit's youth leadership how to do their job within the context of their specific unit. Course syllabi are available by following this link: Training Resources


National Youth Leadership Training - Help your Youth Leaders take their skills to the next level! PA Dutch Council is offering to opportunities this coming summer for Scouts and Venturers to participate in NYLT.


Follow this link for more information: NYLT


Tiger Cub Camping Update
Tiger Cub Badge  

The Outdoor Programs Committee at the February board meeting approved a change to NCAP and Guide to Safe Scouting related to Tiger Cubs participating in Resident Camp Programs. This change takes effect immediately. As publications are reprinted, the language will be changed. The change now allows Tiger Cubs to attend resident camp with their adult partner or guardian.

Philmont 2014
Tooth of Time 

Discover the wonder of "Scouting's Paradise"!


Philmont's signature program is the High Adventure Expedition. Each expedition provides opportunities for participants to:


  • Explore the high country in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of northeastern New Mexico
  • Experience the thrill of climbing mountains over two miles high
  • Participate in a wide array of fun activities that teach Scouting skills -Archaeology, backpacking, camping, climbing, fly fishing, forestry, horsemanship, Indian lore and much more
  • Develop leadership, group dynamics, wilderness problem solving and outdoor skills 


The PA Dutch Council High Adventure Committee is organizing an all-inclusive trek in 2014. Join in for a once in a lifetime experience! For more information follow these links:


Trek Info Brochure


Registration Form


 Summit Logo 

Summit 2014


Go Big and Get Wild with the PA Dutch Council as we send two Crews for the inaugural High Adventure season at Summit Bechtel Reserve, the BSA's new High Adventure Base in West Virginia. Interested Scouts and Scouters will be able to choose between two different Summit programs: The River or Helmets & Harnesses. There are only 12 spaces for each program so don't hesitate to sign-up. For more information about each program follow these links:


The River


Helmets & Harnesses  

Scout Night

June 15th, 2013 Clipper Magazine Stadium


The Pennsylvania Dutch Council is teaming up with the Lancaster Barnstormers to bring you a great evening of baseball and a fun way to encourage new boys and their families to join your pack this spring! On June 15th, the Lancaster Barnstormers are inviting local Scout packs, troops, and crews and their families to spend the night in Clipper Magazine Stadium's outfield! As a participant you will enjoy 2 hours of Cub Scout pre-game activities, a night under the stars with your scout unit and your family, and have a once in a lifetime chance to have a massive sleepover in a professional ballpark!


If you have been to a Barnstormers Scout Night in the past, you will be happy to know that it is going to be even more fun than previous years.


Tickets will be purchased directly from the Barnstormers.


Look for information on the Council website SOON! Information will also be sent to unit leaders.



Barnstormers Logo   BSA Corp Logo 


Annual Program Planning Conference

Planning Logo
Once again it is time to start planning for the next year of Scouting Adventures. Please plan on joining us for the 2013 Program Planning Launch Thursday, May 2. We will be gathering at Camp Mack for dinner and to learn about effective programing. Back by popular demand will be the Program Committee Midway with tables sharing lots of valuable information and tools. After dinner presentation topics will include Bullying, Using MyScouting Tools, and Best Practices for Recruiting and Engaging Parents in your programs. Look for more information at your District's April Roundtables 

Harvest District Dinner

  Harvest Dist Logo 

The Harvest District dinner is scheduled for Tuesday, April 2nd, at Acorn Farms in Mount Joy. Social gathering is at 5:30pm with dinner at 6pm. Following dinner will be the award presentations of the Scoutmaster, Cubmaster, and Commissioner of the Year, Troop and Pack awards, as well as the District Award of Merit. Fun awards will be presented also and other adult recognitions.


  • Harvest Awards: Presentation of the Scoutmaster, Cubmaster, and Commissioner of the Year, and Unit Participation awards.
  • District Awards: Quality Units, Training Knots, and District Award of Merit will be announced.
  • The Fun Awards: Would you like to make a special recognition of a unit leader? Bring them to the dinner and you (or we), can recognize them for their help in your unit. Just let us know! Of course you have to get them to dinner.

    Contact Matt Stewart the dinner chair for More Information .



Join in the fun and fellowship with us at Acorn Farms and enjoy and evening out with fellow scouters.


Click here for the Harvest District Dinner forms.



Wild West Adventures at Camp Mack in 2013


Mack Boot

Summer is right around the corner!  What is your Pack doing?  Join us for a rootin' tootin' good time as Camp Mack travels to the Wild, Wild West! Fun, Family, Friends, Learning and much, much more await!  Chill out in the swimmin' hole, paddle around Squire Lake, take your best shot at the shootin' gallery, and take on the Bronco BMX course!

2013 will also have a bigger emphasis on Cub Scout Advancement and Awards than past years.


$25.00 per Scout deposits are due by March 15.


Blue and Gold Placemats will be available at your District's February Roundtable or by stopping by the Scout Shop.


All 2013 Mack Summer Camp Leader Information and forms can be found at Mack Summer Camp


Want to have someone come to one of your pack meetings or events to tell everyone about Summer Camp at Camp Mack in 2013?  The Cub Scout Camping Committee is scheduling Pack Promotion visits now. 


If interested, contact Kent Brusstar at


Spring Training Courses

Trained Patch

The PA Dutch Council Training, High Adventure, and Shooting Sports Committees will be holding a number of trainings this spring to help leaders Be Prepared to offer the best Scouting Program Possible. Courses that are being offered include:


  • Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)
  • Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Specific (Indoor) Training
  • Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills/Webelos Outdoor Leader Skills Training
  • NRA Basic Marksmanship Instructor Training
  • NRA Rifle Instructor Training


For more information on each of these courses including dates, times, locations, and registration information go to: Upcoming Training Courses  






Please note the Annual Council Recognition Dinner will be held on Wednesday, June 5, 2013. As in past years, the Council Recognition Dinner will be combined with the Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner. This dinner honors all volunteers for the Pennsylvania Dutch Council and all Eagle Scouts from the Class of 2012. Additionally, the dinner will honor this year's Silver Beaver Recipients with the highest award a council can bestow upon a volunteer. Family members and friends are encouraged to attend this eventThe Silver Beaver Award is the council-level distinguished service award of the Boy Scouts of America. Recipients of the award are registered adult leaders who have made an impact on the lives of youth by implementing the Scouting program and performing community service through hard work, self sacrifice, dedication and many years of service to the Council. Silver Beaver


Nominations for the Silver Beaver Award are now being accepted.


Click here for the nomination form or visit our website. The deadline for nominations is April 15th and should be addressed to the Special Awards Committee of the Pennsylvania Dutch Council, Boy Scouts of America at 630 Janet Ave., Lancaster PA 17601.

The awards will be presented at the Council Recognition Dinner. 
Sponsors Needed

Please consider becoming a sponsor for a Silver Beaver or Eagle Scout from the Class of 2012. As a sponsor, your donation will be used to purchase a meal and commemorative gift for an Eagle Scout or a meal and Silver Beaver Award Kit for one of this year's Silver Beaver recipients. Sponsor names will be listed in this year's program.


If you have any questions, please contact Rich Garipoli, Council Dinner Advisor at 717-394-4063, or .



Merit Badge Updates


Game Design Merit Badge, Animation Merit Badge, Signs, Signals, & Codes Merit Badge?


You got that right! Nine new merit badges are on the way in the next couple years. Want to know what merit badges are on schedule for major updates? Sure you do! To keep up with what new merit badges are on the way and which ones are getting some updates check out the Calendar of New Merit Badges on the Bryan on Scouting blog. Bryan Wendell is the senior editor for Scouting Magazine and will keep you up-to-date with some inside information. We suggest saving this link and checking back!


Bryan on Scouting-Merit Badge Calendar

Wood Badge For the 21st Century-Advanced Adult Leadership Training
Wood Badge Pentagon  

The Pennsylvania Dutch and Chester County Councils will be hosting Wood Badge Training in 2013 at Bashore Scout Reservation. The course will be held over two full three day weekends, April 12-14 and May 4-6.


Wood Badge teaches a Scout leader about the aims and methods of Scouting, the Scouting vision and mission and the theory and practice of using the patrol method to teach scouts leadership skills. This is where the course earns its reputation as one of the best leadership courses offered - anywhere! Sessions during the two - three day weekends include listening skills, managing conflict, stages of team development, project management, leading and managing change in an organization, coaching and mentoring, etc. All the skills needed for a leader to truly lead his or her unit into the 21 century. Wood Badge is open to leaders in any leadership position at any level of Scouting (Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Venturing, Varsity, District, or Council)


To learn more about Wood Badge and to get registration information go to: Wood Badge 

If you're not using this system to help your unit membership you may be missing out. How does BeAScout work?


First you need to have one of your unit key three (unit leader, committee chair or charter Rep) load your information. Only the key three can initially enter it. They will need to pick a primary and two secondary contacts all with emails.

 Prepared For Life 1

Once entered someone looking for a unit can do a search through BeAScout.Org for the units closest to them. They will see a Google map with pins for all the appropriate units in the area. They can then contact you directly and you will receive a contact to the primary contact you have selected, so make sure you select someone who regularly checks their email. You can then answer their questions and invite the new youth to your meeting.


You can also update your pin with current events and special meetings to show all the great things you do. So don't miss out. If you've had a leadership change be sure to check to see your pin is current. Questions can be referred to your District Executive or to Scott Arnold, at


Camp Firearms Auction

March 28, 2013 6:00pm (estimated start time)

Kleinfelter's Auction

105 Chapel Street, Lebanon PA



The decades-old Rifles and Shotguns used at Camp Bashore and Camp Mack for summer and off-season programs have recently been replaced by the Lebanon County Eagle Scout Society and grants from the National Rifle Association.  As a result, we have 28 surplus Rifles and Shotguns that will be sold to the highest bidder.  Proceeds from the sale will be used to purchase new shooting benches and additional program items for Summer Camp. Here is your chance to own a piece of camp history and perhaps a gun that you might have used when you earned your Rifle and Shotgun Merit Badges.  For a list of firearms that will be auctioned and further information download the Auction Flier here:  Camp Firearms Auction

  Savage Rifle
Join Our Mailing List!
In This Issue
Friends of Scouting
Bashore Scout Reservation
Life To Eagle Seminar
Distinguished Citizen
Tiger Cub Camping
Philmont 2014
Summit 2014
Scout Night
Annual Program Planning Conference
Harvest District Dinner
Wild West Adventures
Spring Training
Council Recognition Dinner
Merit Badge Updates
Wood Badge
Are You Tougher?
Quick Links

Are You Tougher Than A Boy Scout?


Monday Nights


Spread the word to friends, family, and fellow Scouts that Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout, a new series from Original Productions (the Emmy award-winning producers of Deadliest Catch and Ice Road Truckers) premired March 4 on the National Geographic Channel.


In six episodes, adults from all walks of life will compete with the country's top Boy Scouts in challenges based on the Boy Scout Handbook. The adult "civilians" are former Scouts, some of whom left Scouting before achieving the Eagle Scout badge. They will compete against Scouts in challenges ranging from archery to rafting and even to setting up a campsite. The adults will try to prove they can keep up with the Scouts, who were selected are among the tops in the nation


For more information

Quick Links
quick link 

Pennsylvania Dutch Council, Boy Scouts of America
630 Janet Ave, Suite B-114
Lancaster, PA 17601
(717) 394-4063