Weekly News from FASRI

September 25, 2013
Save the Date

*Open Homeroom Days*
8:15 - 8:30 AM

Every Thursday
Grades 1 & 2

Every Friday
Grades 3 & 4

Transition to High 
School Meeting
6:00 PM

Tuesday, October 8
State of the School
6:30 - 8:30 PM

Wednesday, October 9
PA Meeting
8:30 AM

Friday, October 11
Faculty Day

Monday, October 14
Columbus Day

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In This Issue
Important Reminders
Weekly updates from the Education Directors
Volunteers of the Week
Save the date: FASRI's annual State of the School
School Forum: Merci
Beaujolais 2013 needs your help!
From the Extracurricular Desk
Important Reminders


Picture Day: Wednesday, October 2 (form attached)

Individual student photos will be taken next Wednesday. Please click here to download the photo order form, due to Mrs. Chung in the Main Office by Monday morning (September 30). Full-class pictures are taken in the spring.


**Photo sessions begin first thing in the morning; please be sure your kids are on time so they don't miss their class's slot!**


Background checks for volunteers

All FASRI volunteers, including parents, must now undergo fingerprinting and background checks due to new laws in Rhode Island.

Please go to the office of the RI Attorney General, 150 South Main Street in Providence, to obtain a statewide background check. The cost is only $5.00. 


From the Lost & Found

A pair of Burberry eyeglasses are waiting for their owner in the Main Office. Please see Mrs. Chung to pick them up.


Missing something? Please check the box across from the Main Office.

Volunteers of the Week
Field trip chaperone for Maternelle
Cheri Saddul 
Save the date: FASRI's annual State of the School
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
6.30pm to 8.30pm in the auditorium
Please join us for this important annual event for the whole FASRI community. In FASRI's twentieth year, the FASRI Board and Head of School will present the FY13 annual report, celebrate our successes, thank our donors and volunteers, and look to the future.
For information and registration, please click here.
School Forum: Merci


Thank you to everyone who attended yesterday's first Forum of the year. We had a good turnout and some meaningful conversations! 
Minutes for the Forum will be posted in the Weekly News next Wednesday.
Beaujolais 2013 needs your help!
All are welcome to celebrate 20 years of this great event. Funds raised benefit student programs at FASRI! Contact us if you are interested in:
  • Getting involved: Volunteer! Contact Beaujolais Chair, Stephanie Naudo snaudo@gmail.com
  • Advertising your business in the program book. Click here for more information.
  • Donating an item for the auction: This could be a weekend stay in a vacation home, a unique experience etc... Contact Andrea Degos adegos@cox.net
If you would like more general information, please contact Beaujolais Chair, Stephanie Naudo at snaudo@gmail.com

Book the babysitter now for November 22!
From the Extracurricular Desk

Dear Parents,


I know there have been some communication and organizational issues with the extracurricular programs and La Garderie. Please know that we are taking steps to rectify and tackle these issues rapidly. We are looking into online registration programs and getting more volunteers to assist. If you have any thoughts feel free to share them with me. Thank you for your understanding.

  • October Camp registration is online - the link brings you to sign up Genius. The week costs $300 and the day costs $65. Please let me know if you have any questions.
  • Invoices for clubs with the school tax ID are being generated and will be sent out this week.
  • Reminder: Yoga pour les Petits, A La Mode, SSAT, and Sports pour les El�mentaires have been canceled. 
  • Theater Club is now on Thursdays.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions, comments, or concerns. Merci beaucoup!


Anne Lacoste Kapstein


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French-American School of RI | 75 John Street | Providence, Rhode Island 02906 |