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Quote of Day
"The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital." 
 -- Joe Paterno 

Recommended Links  



Summit 2014 



Corporate Partners 

Iwan Simonis 


The Predator Group 




PBIA CREST small  

PBIA Student Feedback Form Notice  

Today (April 16, 2014), the Billiard Congress of America is updating our database software.   

Because of this upgrade we are requesting that all PBIA Instructors do NOT enter any student feedback forms for the next 30 days.   

As soon as we have everything in order we will send out another email to all instructors with new step-by-step instructions on how to enter your student feedback forms.  

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at rob@pbia-instructor.com.   

Summit 2014 Wants YOU!
Make plans today to attend Summit 2014 in Louisville, Kentucky.  It's FREE for all instructors if you click here and register by April 18, 2014. 
(Where it asks for your member ID, please put in 0001.)

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