the urban horticulturist.
Fall 2012  Volume 28 Number 3   

This publication is made possible through a grant from the Rice Family Foundation.

For more information, please visit our website at

Inside this issue

Student Orientation

Aggie Open a Success

OH Alumni Network Launched

Bouquets for Hospice Patients

CCBS Corner

Spring 2013 Class Schedule

Schedule of Events

Student Orientation 


Jan. 23, 2013
6 to 8 p.m.

Cuyamaca College

Room M-111  


5th Annual Sustainable Urban Landscape Conference

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Cuyamaca College


20th Annual

Spring Garden Festival

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Cuyamaca College


32nd Annual Scholarship and Awards Dinner

May 16, 2013
Location TBA 

This publication is made possible through a grant from the Rice Family Foundation.

The Urban Horticulturalist is published by the Cuyamaca College Ornamental Horticulture Department and the Cuyamaca College Botanical Society. It has a circulation of more than 9,000 industry members and horticulturists in Southern California and the United States. Correspondence regarding this publication should be addressed to:


Cuyamaca College Ornamental Horticulture Department


900 Rancho San Diego Parkway El Cajon, CA 92019


(619) 660-4262


Email address: [email protected]


Community College District
Governing Board Members

Bill Garrett
Mary Kay Rosinski
Edwin Ramon Hiel

Greg Barr
Debbie Justeson

Student Members 
Samantha Elliot
Mohammed Alyasini

Cindy L. Miles, Ph.D.

Cuyamaca College President 
Mark Zacovic, Ph.D.

Urban Horticultural Staff

Joan Tammariello, Editor
Don Schultz, Adviser

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Don't Miss Our Student Orientation Orientation

The OH Department's student orientation for the spring semester will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2013, in Room M-111 at Cuyamaca College. This free event is open to the public, as well as new and continuing students. Meet the professors, find out about classes, careers, job opportunities and the Ornamental Horticulture Department at Cuyamaca College. See the 2013 Spring Class Schedule below. 


For more information, call OH Technician John Thomas at 619-660-4262, or visit us online at 

Aggie Open 2012 volunteers
Volunteers, including OH Department students, staff and faculty, pause for a photo in their distinctive blue shirts Oct. 26 at the 2012 Aggie Open at the Bonita Golf Course. Professionals from the landscape, golf and related green industries, as well as OH students, participated in the event to benefit OH Department programs and scholarships.
Photo by Joanne Brannigan
Aggie Open 2012 AggieOpen

Thanks to all of our sponsors, participants and volunteers who made this year's Aggie Open a success. We appreciate your support.


OH Alumni Network Off and Running AlumniNetwork
Alumni and friends of the Ornamental Horticulture Department turned out Oct. 4 for the first Pinot & Pints, an event that launched the department's Alumni Network and also served as a retirement sendoff for longtime OH Program Coordinator Brad Monroe.

Look for the Alumni Network's first newsletter for information on events and how to participate. You can find a link to the newsletter next week at

Recently retired OH Program Coordinator Brad Monroe is sixth from left in this group shot at the first Pinot & Pinots on Oct. 4. Surrounding Brad are past and present presidents of the Cuyamaca College Botanical Society and Cuyamaca College Student Affiliate Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects. Photo by Joanne Brannigan

For Hospice Patients, a Gift of Beauty HeliotropeForHospice

By Diane Citrowske
Diane Citrowske, floral instructor
Diane Citrowske 

As a professional floral designer for more than 30 years and a teacher of floral design, flowers are my world. I think flowers are for celebrating life! As a society and as individuals, we mark life's most important occasions,accomplishments and tributes by giving flowers.


Last year I started a small nonprofit called Heliotrope for Hospice. Derived from the Greek words "helio" for sun and "tropos" to turn, "heliotropic" flowers can move, turning or curving (as a sunflower head) toward sunlight. As the earth spins and revolves around the

sun, the subtle movements of nature mark the passage of time, a powerful symbol of life. I believe every day of life is precious for people in hospice care, and my goal is to provide a floral gift to them, to celebrate each day.


Flowers are incredibly resilient. After they are too old to sell, or have served their purpose in a wedding or other event, with a little TLC these blooms can last another week! Through donations from floral shops, event companies and grocery stores, we pick up, recondition and repurpose the flowers into small arrangements. Each week we deliver these gifts of beauty to patients at San Diego Hospice inpatient care centers and to people in hospice care at home througHeliotrope for Hospice arrangement-Fall 2012 UH newsletterhout San Diego County.


In 1999, when my father was in hospice care, I visited him each day. I didn't know it then, but the seed of Heliotrope for Hospice was planted. I started to make small bouquets for other patients in care, transforming large memorial arrangements that were donated to the hospice lobby, placing the flowers into personal vases for each bedside. Those blossoms would touch each person, giving a sense of calm and focus -- when time slows down, when we all need a gift of beauty.


For more information on how Heliotrope for Hospice happens, beautiful pictures, and inspiration, please check out the website/blog at

Heliotrope for Hospice arrangement-Fall 2012 UH newsletter
Roses repurposed from other arrangements await delivery to patients as part of the Heliotrope for Hospice, a nonprofit group founded by OH instructor Diane Citrowske.

CCBS Corner CCBSCorner

By Zeek Magallanes 
CCBS officers 2012-2013 in Idyllwild, June 2012
Zeek Magallanes

I am so excited to be able to sit as president of the Cuyamaca College Botanical Society this year. Why? I get to work with some of the most talented students in our department every day. This semester has been a blast so far! Let's take a quick look back and glimpse what's next.


We had a great turnout for our student barbeque, with whole classes taking the time to come out, have a bite to eat and chat. Those are the types of informal events that really create a sense of community in the department. Students were eager to talk to us about the club, getting involved and making horticulture apart of their life. What was even more awesome was that we were able to accommodate our vegetarian students as well. Students also talked to professors and got to know them on a more personal level. Good food, good friends, good times.


The Aggie Open Golf Tournament was a great success. Thank you to all of the CCBS officers for all your hard work leading up to and including the event. Thanks also go to all the volunteers at the event. You made it happen!


We will be having another great event for all the students, and I hope you won't miss out. Every year we hold a holiday party, where we get together for a buffet style dinner and play fun games to celebrate all the hard work done during the semester. Keep your eyes on the CCBS bulletin boards for more information.


Lastly, I want to remind you all that everyone is encouraged to attend our CCBS meetings. Some have already attended to give their feedback and see how decisions are made on the student's behalf. We will be posting information on our next meeting on the CCBS bulletin boards. If you have the time and the interest, please join us. We'd like to hear from you.
Spring 2013 Class Schedule Spring2013Schedule

Spring 2013 OH Dept. Schedule