 December 2012
Entertaining Out-of-Town Guests?
Need Gift Ideas?
- Give the gift of dance, drama, percussion, jazz or classical music with tickets to a Stanford Live performance in the new Bing Concert Hall.
Have a New Year Resolution to get an early start on planning for your children's summer plans?
Light it Up: Casino Royale Style
Join hundreds of young adults for a rockin' Chanukah party! Hosted annually by numerous groups, this evening features music, dancing, delicious treats, blackjack, dreidel and an open bar! Formal attire; black tie optional. Saturday, December 8, 8 pm, Saturday, Hillel at Stanford, Koret Pavilion at the Ziff Center, 565 Mayfield Ave. Online registration available here at just $15! Registration at the door, $20
The Holiday of Lights
What better way to celebrate the holiday of lights and the end of the quarter than with a night of festivity? Join us for hot latkes, jelly doughnuts, refreshments, drinks and a grand menorah lighting.
Tuesday, December 11, at 5 pm, The Rohr Chabad House, 128 College Avenue, Free

Christmas Eve Family Service
A Christian ecumenical service and children's sermon by Rev. Joanne Sanders, Associate Dean for Religious Life that includes carols and music by university organist, Dr. Robert Huw Morgan. This is a popular event - plan to arrive early-doors open at 3:15 pm. (Please bring new, unwrapped gifts of toys or clothing which will be distributed to needy children.)
Monday, December 24, 4 pm, Stanford Memorial Church, Free

An elegant Christmas Eve ecumenical service glowing with candlelight and holiday music! Rev. Scotty McLennan, Dean for Religious Life, will preach. Featuring university organist, Dr. Robert Huw Morgan.
Monday, December 24, 8 pm, Stanford Memorial Church, Free
Compline - An Evening Service of Song
A reflective 30-minute service of hymns and chant sung in the tranquil candlelit ambiance of Memorial Church.
Sundays, 9 pm, Stanford Memorial Church
University Public Worship
Protestant ecumenical Christian worship featuring choral and organ music as well as speakers and preachers from diverse religious traditions.
Sundays, 10 am, Memorial Church, Free
At the center of the Watergate scandal lies an 18 1/2 minute gap in the audiotapes. Using surreal humor, this play explores the historical, technological and political circumstances around this mysterious gap and broader questions at the center of one the country's most famous political scandals.
Saturday, December 1, 8 pm, Prosser Studio Theater, Tickets $5-$15
The 25th Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee
This Tony Award-winning Broadway musical is about six spellers determined to win to prove their worth, while facing puberty, demanding families, and their own overachiever-complexes. It's filled with strange characters, heartfelt stories, strained relationships, and hilarious music.
Saturday, December 1, 8 pm, Toyon Main Lounge, $5; For tickets click here.
China and the Making of Modern India: A Story of Fantasy, Abuse, and Recovered Memory
The opium trade had momentous consequences for China in the 18th and 19th centuries. Acclaimed author, Amitav Ghosh, will speak about the lesser-known impact that this trade had on arts, crafts, tastes and styles in India, the world's leading opium-producing country under the British Raj.
Monday, December 3, 6 pm, CEMEX Auditorium, GSB Knight Management Center, Free
The International Criminal Court: Challenges and Possibilities - A Conversation with Honorable Luis Moreno-Ocampo
The International Criminal Court in The Hague opened its doors ten years ago amid buoyant optimism and sharp criticism. Supporters hope that a permanent criminal court ensures the worst human rights offenders -- those who have committed genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity -- are brought to justice. One decade later, how should the international community assess the ICC? How fair are allegations of bias and politicization? What are the pros and the cons of the international criminal justice system, and does the ICC present a fairer and cheaper alternative to war?
Friday, December 7, noon, CISAC Conference Rm., Encina Hall Central, 2nd floor, 616 Serra Street, Free
Bring visiting friends and family to Stanford to enjoy fine contemporary and classical art over the holidays!

Christian Marclay's Video Quartet
In this 'must see' four-channel video projection, internationally acclaimed artist Christian Marclay presents montages gleaned from more than 700 Hollywood films with the common theme of music: all the actors sing, play instruments, or make some other kind of sound.
Through February 10, 2013, Cantor Arts Center, Free
Expanding Views of Africa
The arts of Africa date express universal and timeless ideas. The newly reinstalled African art galleries features more than 200 objects and offer historical depth, geographic and chronological representation ranging from the contemporary times to ancient Egypt.
Through December 30, Cantor Arts Center, Free
The Jameel Prize: Art Inspired by Islamic Tradition
On view for the first time in the U.S., this exhibition presents the work of ten culturally diverse artists selected as finalists for the prestigious Jameel Prize, an international award bestowed by the Victoria and Albert Museum and sponsored by Abdul Latif Jameel Community Initiatives. More than 20 pieces, including Rachid Koraïchi's winning entry, The Invisible Masters, draw on the artists' own local and regional traditions.
Through March 2013, Cantor Arts Museum, Free
Related events include:
Christian Luczanits: Mustang, the Gateway to Tibet
Mustang, called Lo in Tibetan, is a discrete geographical region to the north of central Nepal mostly inhabited by people who are culturally Tibetan. Tracks paralleling the Kali Gandaki river once served as a major trade route between Tibet and India, providing the surplus that enabled the building of monasteries and the creation of stunning artworks from the late 14th to the 17th centuries.
Saturday, December 1, 1 pm, Annenberg Auditorium, Cummings Art Bldg., Free
Graphic novels and Iranian Art: the Case of Zahra's Paradise
Amir Soltani is a graphic novelist, documentary filmmaker and human rights activist. He is the co-creator of "Zahra's Paradise", a NYT bestselling graphic novel published as an interactive real-time web comic and based on the true story of an Iranian woman whose son vanishes after the 2009 protests against Iran's fraudulent elections.
Tuesday, December 4, 6:30 pm, Bldg. 320, Rm. 105, Free
Funding water and wastewater infrastructure: Emerging trends and future models
A discussion with Grant Schlereth, Senior Engineer, ARUP.
Friday, December 7, 12:15 pm, Jerry Yang & Akiko Yamazaki Environment & Energy Bldg. (Y2E2), 473 Via Ortega, Rm. 111, Free
Join us to plant oaks on "Dish" hill. It's a chance to add trees along a recreational route enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. Make new friends, learn about local ecosystems, enjoy the out-of-doors, exercise, and work for common good. We ask that you commit to at least one watering session. These take place one weekday evening per week from May through October. To reserve your place on a planting crew, for details about where to park and what tools to bring, or other info, please contact Robin.
Saturday, December 15 and Saturday, December 22, 10 am, "Dish" hill, Free
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A Love for the Beautiful: A Reading & Signing with Susan Jaques
Some of the country's best art is hidden in plain sight in museums largely unknown outside their regions; it's a colorful tale of American art collecting. Each of the 50 museums profiled in this book offers a uniquely personal, intimate art-viewing experience. Susan Jaques, art and travel writer, crisscrossed the country in search of extraordinary museums for her debut book.
Tuesday, December 4, 6 pm, Stanford Bookstore, 519 Lasuen Mall, Free

Cooking with All Things Trader Joe's: A Signing with Wona Miniati
The first Trader Joe's cookbook, honored as an IndieNext Pick by the American Booksellers Association, is now available in paperback! Recipes use sauces, mixtures, and prepped items from Trader Joe's. Color photos for every recipe, wine suggestions, humorous personal stories, cooking tips, and a Bachelor Quickies section. Meet Wona Miniati, co-author and a graduate of Stanford Business School.
Wednesday, December 5, noon, Stanford Bookstore, 519 Lasuen Mall, Free
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TOURSDo you have out-of-town family visiting for the holidays? Treat them to a Stanford campus tour!
Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday Tours: Auguste Rodin Sculpture Docent-led tours survey the center's outstanding collection of Rodin bronzes, both in the Sculpture Garden and in the galleries. The Cantor Arts Center has the world's largest collection of Rodin's bronzes outside Paris. Saturdays & Sundays, December 1 -January 4, 11:30 am; Wednesdays, 3 pm; Meet in the Rodin Rotunda Cantor Arts Center; tours do not require a reservation. Call 723-3469 for large groups, Free Weekend Tour: Introducing the Cantor Arts Center Saturdays, 1 pm, Meet in the Rodin Rotunda. Cantor Arts Center; tours do not require a reservation. Call 650-723-3469 for large groups, Free Friday Tour: Memorial Church Docents provide background on the architecture, carvings, mosaics and stained glass windows of the church and its restoration after the earthquakes of 1906 and 1989. Fridays, 2 pm, Meet in the Main Quad at the front of Memorial Church; tours do not require a reservation. Call 723-3469 for large groups, Free (No tour on December 21, 28 or January 4) Saturday Tour: Contemporary Art Featuring the contemporary art collection in the Friedenrich Family Gallery, with works from the 1950s to the present. Saturday, December 8, 3 pm, Cantor Arts Center, Free. |
Sundays with the St. Lawrence String Quartet with Stephen Prutsman on Piano Stanford's world-renowned resident ensemble opens its annual Sunday series with a program sure to highlight the quartet's trademark "gravity, warmth, and textural richness" (The New York Times). Joined by their gifted collaborator Stephen Prutsman, SLSQ introduces a late romantic rarity by Ludwig Thuille. Sunday, January 13, 2:30 pm, Bing Concert Hall, Tickets vary from $10 - $60
Come celebrate the holidays with an concert on the Stanford campus!

Roberto Morales and The CCRMA Ensemble
Student and faculty works from the Computer Music Improvisation and Algorithmic Performance's fall session will be featured, with the participation of guest artist/faculty Roberto Morales.
Saturday, December 1, 8 pm, Dinkelspiel Auditorium, Free
Stanford Chamber Chorale: Fall Concert
Join us for an evening of contemplative choral music in the acoustic grandeur of Stanford Memorial Church, directed by Stephen M. Sano. The program will include works by Palestrina, Howells, Whitacre and others.
Saturday, December 1, 8 pm, Stanford Memorial Church, General $10, Seniors $9, Students $5
A Festival of Lessons and Carols
The Memorial Church Choir, directed by Dr. Robert Huw Morgan, and the Stanford Chamber Chorale, directed by Stephen M. Sano, present a seasonal program based on the service at King's College, Cambridge.
Friday, December 7 and Saturday, December 8, 8 pm, Memorial Church, Free
Holiday Musicale
The Friends of Music at Stanford present their annual holiday showcase featuring the Stanford Chamber Chorale and Stanford Symphony Orchestra performing holiday selections.
Saturday, December 8, 2:30 pm, Memorial Church, General $10, Seniors $9, Students $5, Stanford students free with SUID.
Robert Huw Morgan, Organ
Dr. Robert Huw Morgan, university organist, presents his annual holiday recital.
Sunday, December 9, 1:30 pm, Memorial Church, Free
Share the joy of the season as the Grammy-winning "orchestra of voices" performs its beloved holiday program to Memorial Church. Hailed as "the world's reigning male chorus" (New Yorker), Chanticleer's holiday repertoire includes Gregorian chant, American gospel classics, and plenty of favorite Christmas carols.
Tuesday, December 11, 8 pm, Memorial Church, General $54, Youth under 18 $27, Stanford students $10
Join campus and community members in Stanford's annual celebration of Handel's masterwork in Memorial Church! Vocal scores will be available for purchase at the door before the concert; orchestral parts will be provided.
Friday, December 14, 8 pm, Memorial Church, General $10, Seniors $9, Students $5 Stanford students free with SUID
Stanford Football Hosts UCLA Bruins in Pac-12 Football Championship Game
Stanford Football returns to the Farm one last time this season to host the Pac-12 Football Championship Game. The Pac-12 Title and Rose Bowl are on the line, so come out to Stanford Stadium and cheer on the Cardinal to victory!
Friday, November 30, 5 pm, $85 and up, For tickets click here.
Stanford Women's Volleyball to NCAA Tournament
#1 Stanford Women's Volleyball will host 1st & 2nd rounds of the NCAA Division I Women's Volleyball Championship.
Friday, November 30 and Saturday, December 1, 7pm, Maples Pavilion
Stanford Women's Basketball Hosts Perennial Powerhouse UConn
Stanford Women's Basketball will host marquee match up against UConn.
Saturday, December 29, 1 pm, Maples Pavilion, Tickets start at $20

Stanford Men's Basketball Tickets on Sale
This winter, Stanford Men's Basketball is sure to bring the heat when the Cardinal hosts non-conference opponents:
- Denver, Sunday, December 2, 2 pm
- UC Davis, Saturday, December 15, 2 pm
- Lafayette, Saturday, December 29, 7:30 pm
Tickets start at $22!
For complete information on promotions, please visit Cardinal Promotions.
Need the latest news and views on Stanford Athletics? Visit gostanford.com or sign up for The Weekly Axe, Stanford Athletics' official e-newsletter distributed every Monday during the academic year.
The Program in Human Biology at 40 Years: What Made This Start-up So Successful?
Early faculty from the Program in Human Biology will discuss the idea behind the founding of Stanford's largest interdisciplinary, inter-school program, the process that led up to its founding, and their view of the reasons why HumBio has been so successful over the past 40-plus years. The evening will also feature clips from a video about the history of the program, including other faculty founders.
Tuesday, December 11, 5 pm, Oak West Lounge, Tresidder Union, Free

Leonardo Art/Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER Series)
The LASER series began in 2008 in San Francisco under the aegis of Leonardo ISAST as a local forum for presenting art and science projects underway in the Bay Area. The LASERs now alternate between USF and Stanford, with a parallel series in DC at the National Academy of Sciences. Each evening presents four artists, scientists, philosophers, historians, inventors and scholars who are working on paradigm shifts and allows the audience to socialize and to briefly introduce their work.
Wednesday, December 12, 6:45 pm, History Corner (Bldg. 200), Rm. 305, Free
Join executives from around Silicon to hear Cynthia Montgomery, Timken Professor of Business Administration and Director of Research, Harvard University on a range of business and leadership topics.
Wednesday, December 5, 7:30 am, Stanford Faculty Club, 439 Lagunita Dr., $60
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Women of Tibet: Gyalyum Chemo - The Great Mother
Introduction by Rosemary Rawcliffe Director and Producer.
The first of a trilogy of films about women of Tibet, recounting the compelling life story of Dekyi Tsering, the mother of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. During the course of her extraordinary life, she gave birth to 16 children, seven who survived, three of whom were recognized as incarnate lamas, and one who has been recognized by millions around the globe as one of the world's leading ambassadors for peace.
Thursday, December 6, 7:30 pm, Bldg. 200, Rm. 002, Main Quad, Free
Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies (SPCS) Open House
SPCS invites students and educators to learn more about programs designed for students from elementary through high school, including residential, commuter, online, summer, and year-round options. Program directors will be available to answer questions.
Sunday, December 9, 1 pm, Arrillaga Alumni Center, Free
 Heart to Heart: A Seminar on Growing Up
This informative, humorous and lively discussion of puberty, the opposite sex and growing up sets parents and their preteens on a straight course for talking with one another on these very important topics. Multiple dates available, $75
During Stanford Summer Session, courses are offered for high school, undergraduate and graduate students. Students can earn Stanford credit and a transcript for courses taken, experience college life and the Stanford tradition, and develop confidence and vision for their future.
Click here for more information.
Women's Basketball-Girl Scouts Day Got a Girl Scout at home who loves sports? Bring her to the Battle of the Bay when the Stanford Women take on Cal! All Girl Scouts are invited to participate in a special pregame basketball clinic and sit in a reserved section at the game. For more information, call 650-724-9293 or email.
January 13, 1 pm, Maples Pavilion
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