Abundantly Far More Than We Can Ask or Imagine
South Congregational Church Newsletter
February 19, 2015
Issue 49
In This Issue

 Come Try Out Handbells!


Do you like listening to the handbell choir in the service? Have you always been curious to play handbells yourself and learn a little about making music? Come join other curious souls on Wednesdays at 6-6:45 to find out what it's all about!


It's a no-pressure, drop-in beginning handbell choir, for anyone over 10 years old. You'll have some fun and great fellowship, and find out how addicting playing handbells can be!  



Carlene to let her know if you are interested. 

Join Our Mailing List


Have you been enjoying worship services with us but have not yet become a member?

To learn more about South Church, please join us at the New Member Exploration classes.  Rev. Jed will hold his class on Sunday, March 22 at 11:30 a.m. and Rev. Carlos will have his class on Sunday, April 12.  New members will be received into membership on Sunday, April 19.

For more information please contact Rev. Jed,
Rev. Carlos or
Alison Nyhan.
Genesis Circle

Snow canceled the presentation that was to be held on February 8 by Bob and Joyce Ray.  We are very lucky they are able to reschedule!

Monday, March 23
1:30 p.m.
Fellowship Hall

The entire congregation is invited to attend this very informative presentation about the Asian Rural Institute.

The Asian Rural Institute in Japan adds racial diversity to the mix of an interfaith community that lives, works, plays and worships together training rural leaders from Southeast Asia, Africa and South America.

Hope to see you there!
"I was just downstairs in Services for New Americans and was blown away by the gigantic donation of "everything" from South Church.  As always, you guys are amazing.  So many new families will benefit from the Church's generous contribution." These are the comments shared by Ann S. Dancy, Vice President of Operations at Ascentria Care Alliance after seeing the many donations we delivered for use by the new refugees settling in our community. On behalf of the Faith in Action ministry, we thank you for your generous actions of gleaning from your closets and adding to our shopping carts.



A Spiritual Weekend

All women of South Church are invited to a weekend spiritual retreat on April 17 (in the evening), 18 and 19.   It will be held at the Marie Joseph Spiritual Center right on the ocean in Biddeford, Maine.  The title is "Story Telling: Loving Accompaniment for the Journey".  Scholarship funds are available.  The deadline for registering is March 18.   For more details and information about how to register, pick up a flyer in Fellowship Hall or contact Sue Marcotte-Jenkins at 228-3967 or email.  


Those beautiful, colorful birds will soon be returning to the Concord area.  If they end up in your yard, you may have to pay a ransom of $30 to have them removed.

If you do not wish to EVER have them land in your yard, you can buy "bird insurance" for $20.  But the deadline for buying this insurance is Sunday, February 22.  The insurance application is included in the Sunday bulletin or contact the church office to sign up.

All proceeds will benefit the youth ministries and their annual mission trip.
Quick Links...

The Special Congregational Meeting
rescheduled for
Sunday, March 8, 2015
11:15 a.m.
A  Message from Hannah Murray

To the Members of the Congregation at South Congregational Church:

     After much prayerful consideration and many long hours of discussion with my family, I have come to the difficult decision that I must step down from the position of Director of Music, effective June 14, 2015.  I have loved, and continue to love working here at South Church.  The camaraderie and collegiality of the staff, the dedication and good will of the choir, and the support of the congregation have made this job incredibly rewarding.
     My decision comes out of a great desire to find a better balance between my home life and my professional life.  I will miss working at South Church very much.  That being said, one of the great blessings of holding this position is that my family and I feel that we have truly found our church home.  We will continue  to be members of the congregation, and look forward to participating in church life in other ways.
     I have been honored and humbled to be in a leadership position at South Church.  I have learned so much, and know that I will continue to grow here in other ways. To ensure a smooth transition,  I am happy to offer any support that the church may need from me.  My profound gratitude goes out to you all for the extravagant welcome, the countless hours of worshipful music making, and your love and support over the past two years.
                                    With many thanks,
                                      Hannah Schramm Murray

The Giving Ministry Gives Back!


To celebrate our first ever "no pledge-campaign year" and God's abundance in our lives, the Giving Ministry is doing something different.  Instead of asking you to give this year, we want to give something back to you.  Please be our guests at a supper in Fellowship Hall on Tuesday March 10 at 5:30 pm.  We are doing the cooking so you don't have to!  We will be serving a variety of baked pastas, including at least one non-wheat dish, along with bread and salad (if you have special dietary requirements you are welcome to bring a dish, dessert or salad).


Please join us on March 10 to share food, fellowship, fun and conversation! 

Shelter News #3


As we head into the second half of February we are a week past the halfway mark. These past four weeks have been challenged by weather, mechanical interruptions, and significant increase in guest each night. For the past 10 days there have been 17 - 22 overnight guests each night with 20 or more each of the last five nights. During this time there have been four major snowstorms, two of blizzard or near blizzard category. The blizzard level storms chose to fall on days when the normal daytime sites where guests can stay warm and out of the elements have been closed. Fortunately these were also days when the South Church Youth Center was not scheduled to be in use, so we were able to open the facility for them. This was only possible through the extraordinary efforts of Jim & Ginny making phone and e-mail contact with scores of volunteers to assure there would be two/three volunteers on site at all times, and that the facility was left in "as we found it" condition. A very special thank you to those volunteers for stepping up and taking three hour shifts to allow this to happen. A special thank you also goes to Checkmate Pizza and Constantly Pizza for generously providing free pizzas during the storms, and regularly throughout the shelter season, and during the Super Bowl.


For about a week the shelter was a "men only" activity as renovations of the two bathrooms used by women turned out to be much more extensive than expected leaving the men's bathroom the only one in service. A special thanks to our partner, First Church, for their understanding, and the burden it placed on their ability to accommodate more women than normal. We did lend them air mattresses to accommodate the extra female guests.


South Church's capacity to host guests for a warm, clean, and safe overnight stay goes far beyond making available its downstairs rooms each night. It happens through scores of volunteers showing up each week to welcome the guests, serve as overnight staff, assuring fresh clean bedding each night, baking and delivering fresh food for the evening, dropping off warm bedding and new, used and handmade clothing for the guests, provide transportation to South Church from First, and when feasible, to the Friendly Kitchen in the morning, and assuring the rooms are left in condition for South's other community and church related gatherings and activity.


You are all very special. Thank you,


                               Jay Haines, Director


Guess Who's Coming to Dinner 
Saturday, March 7 at 6:30 p.m.
What a wonderful way to connect with South Church members and embrace the tradition of sharing a meal.  Sign up in Fellowship Hall to be a host or a guest.  The Faith Formation Ministry will take it from there.

SouperFest 2015
March 28, 2015Soup Fest
Fun Fest
Entertainment for all ages!
Carnival, Games, Music and More!

Music Fest
David Shore's "Trunk O' Funk"

Fellowship with friends old and new!
Luscious home-made soups, artisan
breads & delectable desserts.
Volunteers are needed - click here.

     The Sixth Annual "Beyond the Garden Gate"
              tour of special gardens

Saturday, June 27 (rain or shine)
9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Garden Gate

Please be sure to put this date on your calendar.  If you would like to volunteer as a worker at one of the gardens please contact
DiannaOr if you'd like to be a sponsor contact Mae.


Lenter Luncheons
The Lenten Luncheons sponsored by the Greater Concord Interfaith Council and hosted by the Salvation Army, 58 Clinton St., Concord will be held every Thursday at 12noon during Lent.  The luncheon is provided by the Friends of Forgotten Children at a cost of $7.  Proceeds will benefit FOFC.  All are invited.  Luncheon tickets can be purchased at the door.

February 26 - Joyce Ray is the local author of Feathers & Trumpets, a Story of Hildegard of Bingen (March 2014).  She will discuss the 12th century's most dynamic female voice and the obstacles overcome in bringing her to life for young adult readers.

March 5 - The Rt. Rev. A. Robert Hirschfeld the 10th Bishop of the Episcopal Church in New Hampshire.  He will talk about Lent and human dignity, and he will share (and ask participants to share) stories of "dignity robbed, and dignity restored."

The remaining schedule will be in the next e-Lation!

SUFFERING: MYSTERY, PARADOX, AND PURPOSE - Saturday, March 14, 2015 - Berakah, 96 Fairview Rd., Pittsfield, NH. 
Presenter: Mary Schneiders, OP, Ph.D

Suffering is a reality of life - Jesus' life and our own. But why? What meaning or value does suffering have? Come explore the meaning and purpose of this paradox--- the terrible gift of suffering.



9:30 - 3:00 PM     COST: $40.00 (includes a meal) DEPOSIT: $10.00 non-refundable. Pre-registration is required call 603-435-7271 or email.