Abundantly Far More Than We Can Ask or Imagine
South Congregational Church Newsletter
November 18, 2014
Issue 43
In This Issue
Christmas Music
Notes from Hannah
Article Headline
Note Cards
Article Headline
Jazz Concert This Sunday

The Tall Granite Big Band will make its debut performance at South Church on Sunday, November 23 at 2:00 pm.

A $10 suggested donation will benefit the Cold Weather Shelter.
Contributions for your 2014 Tax Statement

If you want to make a gift/contribution to South Church that will show up on this year's (2014) Tax Statement, we must received your gift
in the office no later than Sunday, December 28. Gifts received after that date will show up on as a January 2015 gift. The same time table is in place for gifts of stock. If you are planning on giving stock, please let Mae Murdoch know the type of stock and number of shares that you will be transferring to South Church.

Special Congregational Meeting

A special meeting to discuss the future of the Community Building and the staffing salary will be held on February 8, 2015.  Please put this date on your calendar.
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Christmas Time (Music) Is Here! 

The Cantata this year will be performed on December 14 at the 10 am service.  It is "Love Came Down at Christmas," music by Joel Raney.  The Cantata has four main sections which are written around the four main themes of advent: hope, peace, joy and love.  The title and many lyrics were taken from Christina Rosetti's poem, "Love came down at Christman," written in 1885.  We have crafted the service around this beautiful cantata, and hope that everyone finds their hearts rejoicing, and their spirits worshiping in this joyful music.


If you would like to join the South Church Chancel Choir for its annual Christmas cantata, or singing during Christmas Eve 7pm service, the time to come to rehearsals is now!  Please join us  on Thursdays from 7:30-9:00 pm in the chapel.  All singers of any ability are welcome!
Concord Cup Stackers

Congratulations to Jim Kinhan and his Team of Cup Stackers who helped set a Guinness world record for a Stack Up event.

Check out the article on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall.
Farewell to Melinda Sanchez

We say farewell to Melinda Sanchez, our sexton of three months, who has given her notice and chosen to move on to new ventures.  Please join us in wishing her well when you see her.  We are in the process of interviewing new candidates for the position of sexton.

Handel's "Messiah" with the Concord Community Chorus and guest soloists, including Hannah Murray, will be performed at St. Paul's Episcopal Church on Sunday, December 7 at 7:00 pm.  This concert is free and open to the public.

Hannah will also be performing at the Concord Community Music School from 12:10-1:00 pm on December 11.  Trillium (Hannah, Peggo Horstmann Hodes and Jane Berlin Pauley) will present "O Christmas T(h)ree."  Bring your lunch.  This concert is also free and open to the public (donations are warmly accepted).
South Congregational Church Cold Weather Overnight Shelter Program

The Mission:  To provide warm, safe, and welcoming overnight indoor shelter from cold weather and winter storms to adult homeless individuals from December through March.

Some items needed for both men and women guests of the shelter include new heavy socks (not wool), warm hats and gloves, new underwear of various sizes for both genders including long underwear.  Gift certificates to drug stores and grocery stores, coffee shops and fast food restaurants are also appreciated.

Contact Information:  Jay Haines, 715-1879,
Quick Links...
In The Season of Thanksgiving

Psalm 16 has always had a special place in the life of our family.  My father memorized it years ago on a long trip, and over the years it has taken on new meaning for me.  It seems fitting to share an excerpt from it this Thanksgiving, as a reminder that in the midst of life's storms and global worries, there is still so much to be grateful for:

"The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot.  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;  I have a goodly heritage.  I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me.  I keep the Lord always before me;  because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.  Therefore my heart is glad, and my soul rejoices; my body also rests  secure. You show me the path of life.  In your presence there is fullness of joy;  in your right hand are pleasures forevermore."  (Ps. 16:5-9, 11.)

As we gather with loved ones this Thanksgving, let us pray for those who have no one with whom to gather, and those for whom there is far less to be thankful for.  May God bless and accompany them with comfort and grace.

Grace and peace,   Jed

South Church Remembrance Service

Monday, December 8, 2014 7 p.m.


During the coming Advent season, South Church will again hold a Vespers Service of Remembrance. For most, the season of Advent is a time of joy and anticipation. For those who have lost someone they love, however, Advent can sometimes feel especially lonely.

For this reason, with Jed's help, the Lay Ministry Visitors' team will offer a brief service to remember and to name our loved ones who have died and whom we are missing. If you have lost a loved one, we extend a special invitation to you and your family to join us for Vespers at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, December 8. Afterwards, the Lay Ministry Visitors' Team will offer tea, dessert, and time to be together.    


Everyone is welcome at this service. 

The Rainbow Flag
Recently we hung a rainbow flag over the sanctuary doors.  We did this for two reasons.  Initially, the impetus came as an act of support for, and solidarity with, the First Congregational Church of Rochester, which had had some of its flags vandalized earlier in the year.  The hanging of the flag coincided with the first-ever Open and Affirming Convocation of the NH Conference, hosted here at South Church a few weeks ago.  Although the flag will come down in Advent, it is an important reminder that as a church which extends a radical welcome to all, we need to recall that welcoming those who experience social injustices and inequalities is never-ending task and a holy privilege.

Note Cards

Note cards are for sale through the end of December.  Each packet of 12 cards includes all four photos of our beautiful stained glass windows.  The packets cost $12 and make lovely Christmas gifts.  Images were taken by Becky Field.

Cards may be purchased on Sundays during Fellowship Hour or through the church office during the week.  This fund raiser is a project of the Faith Formation Ministry. 
Interfaith Service of
Prayer, Remembrance and Hope

On Monday, December 1st (World AIDS Day) at 6 pm at Wesley United Methodist Church, the Greater Concord Interfaith Council will host a service remembering those who have died of AIDS and praying for those living with HIV and AIDS.  Rabbi Robin Nafshi will be the featured speaker, and special guest musicians will include the New Hampshire Gay Men's Chorus and Cantor Shira Nafshi.  A section of the Name Project Memorial Quilt will be on display.
Concord Coalition to End Homelessness

The CCEH is inviting all Homeless Service Providers to attend an informational presentation with questions and answers on Tuesday, December 9 from 8:30-10:00 am at the Concord Fire Headquarters, 24 Horseshoe Pond Lane.

Speakers will be Peter Evers, President and CEO of Riverbend Community Mental Health will present an overview of services for people suffering from substance use and mental health issues; and Patricia Jackson, Program Administor, BHHSwill present information on the January 28, 2015 Point in Time count.  And as always a chance to hear updates from other providers and on Concord's Plan to End Homelessness.  For more information contact ccehdirector@gmail.com or contact Ellen Groh  at ccehdirector@gmail.com; 290-3375.

Enviro Corp


The Enviro Corps is sponsoring a viewing of the award-winning documentary "Chasing Ice" this Friday night, November 21, in the CHS

Auditorium at 6:00PM. We are inviting our friends, family, and community to this showing to bring awareness of climate change. In view of the recent agreement reached between President Obama and China, and legislation

introduced related to climate change, it is the perfect opportunity to see this documentary that "depicts a photographer trying to deliver evidence and hope to our carbon-powered planet." 










There is no better way to celebrate or remember a loved one than by making a donation to the Flower Fund. At this time of year, we will use some of the donations to purchase flowers to decorate our Sanctuary on Christmas Eve. Your donation will be recognized in the Christmas Eve bulletins.


A donation of $12 would purchase one plant of your choice (2 plants would be $24, etc.) which you will be able to enjoy in your home after the Christmas Eve services. Please complete this form, and return it to the church office no later than December 12. Make checks payable to South Congregational Church with "Flower Fund" noted on the Memo line.


I would like:

         #_____Poinsettias (regular size at $12 each)

         #_____Cyclamen (regular size at $12 each)

         #_____Mini plants for shut-ins (2 plants for $12)


I am enclosing a check in the amount of $______ for #______plant(s).


Please print clearly:

     In memory of:


     In celebration of:


     I would like my plants to be delivered to a shut-in.___________


Your Name:_________________________________