Abundantly Far More Than We Can Ask or Imagine
Connect (with joy)!
Reach Out (in the community)!
Take a Leap (of Faith)!
South Congregational Church Newsletter
October 23, 2014
Issue 41
In This Issue
Trusts 101
Advent Study
ONA Conference
Cold Weather Shelter
Disk Golf

Don't be too early for church November 2.

Turn your clocks back on Saturday, November 1.
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A Gracious Gift from Faith Sulloway


Not long ago, we received the wonderful news that Faith Sulloway, a long-time member of South Church who died in 2013, had bequeathed a generous,  unrestricted gift of $48,908.90 to South Church.   Faith grew up at South Church, and after a career in social work in Boston, returned here. She was particularly engaged with the outreach work of the congregation.  We rejoice in her love for this church, and in her desire to make sure that her legacy lived on after her death.


We give thanks to the 30 people who have joined the Legacy Society and who, like Faith, have made plans to include South Church in their wills.  If you have not yet done so, please consider it!

Christmas Time (Music) Is Here!
If you would like to join the South Church Chancel Choir for its annual Christmas cantata, or singing during Christmas Eve 7pm service, the time to come to rehearsals is now!  Please join us  on Thursdays from 7:30-9:00 pm in the chapel.  All singers of any ability are welcome! 


Attorneys Tina Annis and Jeffrey Zellers of Annis & Zellers,PLLC, are offering a free educational program on Trusts.  Topics to be discussed include -
    ~ What exactly is a Trust?
    ~ Why should you create a Trust?
  ~ What about taxes?
   ~ What is the law in NH?

Whether you already have a Trust or you are wondering what a Trust can do for you, this program will provide detailed information.

October 29, 2014, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Red River Theater, 11 S. Main St., Concord
RSVP - Deb Nugent or 224-5800 by Oct. 23 please.  Seating is limited.  Light refreshments will be served.
Advent Study
The Christmas Story

Join Alison Nyhan this Advent to explore the four Gospels to reveal what each one has to say about the story of the birth of Christ.  During this four week study, we will reflect on the story that we have heard so often and know so well in new and surprising ways.  Classes will be held on Monday evenings (November 24 and December 1, 8 & 15) from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Youth Space in our Community Building.  All are welcome, but this Bible study is geared toward high school students and adults.  If you are interested, please email Alison.
Quick Links...

November 15, 2014
5:30 pm

Many exciting items have been donated: catering hors d'ourves, cooking lessons, 3 hours of feng shui, handmade jewelry, an organic dinner for 4, home made linzer torte and much, much more. To get a glimpse of some of the "silent auction" items, come to Fellowship Hall after worship on Sunday, November 9. 

Be sure to have this event on your calendar.  It is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the South Church community and raise money to continue our ministries.

This evening of great food, fantastic fun with friends, and fabulous items is quickly approaching.  See you there!

Volunteers are needed to host Fellowship Hours after both the 8:00 a.m. Chapel service and the 10:00 a.m. Sanctuary service.  Please take a minute while you are enjoying your coffee and refreshments on Sunday to sign-up on the sheet in Fellowship Hall.
Open and Affirming

The New Hampshire Conference ONA Coalition Mission Group invites you to attend a gathering which will bring together all churches who are ONA, in the process of becoming ONA and those thinking about beginning the journey.  It is a time for connecting and sharing ideas with each other on how to keep Open and Affirming relevant in our churches.

When:  Saturday, November 8, 2014
Where:  South Congregational Church
               27 Pleasant St., Concord, NH
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Keynote Speaker:  Andy Lang, Executive Director of the UCC Coalition for LBGT Concerns.

Registration fee is $12 online and $15 at the door.  Register Here.

The Concord Cold Weather Shelters are looking for volunteers to help out with the upcoming shelter season which runs from December 13 through March 22. 

An informational session for NEW volunteers will be held on Wednesday, October 29 at 7 p.m. at First Congregational Church followed by a training session to be held on Monday, November 17 at 7 pm at First Church

For more information contact Terry Blake at 219-5397 or Susan Gagnon by email or phone 496-5650.
A Thank You From Jim and Ginny

Hello all...what a wonderful fall day we had to walk the "fairways" through the woods with laughter bouncing among the oaks and maples and then gathering at our house for a delicious pot luck. It was a "fun/fund' happening  in a "small is beautiful" manner in our community effort to help the mission village in El Salvador staffed by Susie and Mike Jenkins.  We heard some stories about the mission and the tragic developments of Central America and its impact upon global immigration and the horrid perilous conditions for young people, young girls in particular.

As we played and laughed it was heartening to know that our fun resulted in a small ripple to assist those in great need and danger....ripples do make other ripples and sometimes build to waves.

To all who participated, know that your gift is much cherished by Epilogos.  This support will be applied toward valued school scholarships for young people in the mission village, some will be used to purchase special machines that produce potable water, and some will be used to purchase efficient cooking stoves that allow better and healthier ventilation.

If you missed this year's event, we plan to repeat it in 2015 in some 'fun" form.  FORE....Happy "Discing"...think ripples!!!!!!!
Jim & Ginny
Sustainable House of Worship (SHOW)
The NH Conference of the UCC is sponsoring a half-day session on helping your congregation lower utility bills, decrease the use of fossil fuel and learning more about solar energy.

The workshop is conducted by the Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light and you will learn: 

     How to track your energy use, cost and carbon footprint.

     How to find no-cost and low-cost projects that can have a big impact on your electricity and heating bills.

     How to evaluate energy-using equipment and systems to determine whether they should be updated.

     Incentives, rebates and other financial help available through utility companies.

     How to get solar panels with no upfront cost.


The workshop will be held in two locations on two dates ~  November 1 at South Congregational Church and

~  November 15 at Plymouth Congregational Church.

To register for a workshop go to http://www.bit.ly/SHOW  and click on the appropriate date.   


The cost is $10 per person, payable at the door by cash or check.  Light refreshments are included.  Checks should be made out to NHCUCC.  Doors open at 8:30 am and the program starts at 9:00 am. 

Volunteers are needed to take registrations and also to make coffee. If you can help please contact Sue Moore at 225-6869.
In The Community

The local PAX Program for academic exchange is seeking families to host a Malaysian student for the second semester of High School.  All families are welcome to host - families with or without children, single parents, and the empty nesters.  For more information on the student program contact Linda Coffey the local Pax Coordinator.  To learn more about the student click here.

The 8th Annual Statewide Caregiver's Conference will be held on Wednesday, November 12 from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Grappone Conference Center, Courtyard Marriott, Concord.  This yearly conference is tailored specifically for family and professional caregivers.  Join us for a day of relaxation, good food, good company, helpful information and inspiring speakers.  For more information contact Ellen Edgerly, Coalition of Caring or 603-332-9891.


 "Operation Touch of Home" needs names of deployed soldiers, stationed overseas, who would like a care package.  Read about this service
group by clicking here where you can also get a referral form.