Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis
Member Newsletter

April 2016
In This Issue
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A Message from the President 
Dear women of Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis and our loyal supporters,
Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis president Beth Thomas
It's a busy time of year for Impact 100. The Focus Area Committees (FACs) have read the grant proposals and are scheduling site visits. The Annual Dinner Committee is pulling together the final plans for the dinner on June 7, where the members will vote to determine which finalist will receive our 2016 $100,000 grant. The Membership Committee is working to finalize dates and locations for our fall activities. The Nominating Committee is recruiting to fill open positions on the Board and Committees. And all of this has to be completed in the next few weeks.

Regarding the Nominating Committee, it's very difficult for the committee members to get to know all of our members, so self-nomination is the best way to get involved. Check out the article below on opportunities to help make Impact 100 a better organization.

Also see the article on other ways you can support Impact 100 beyond your annual donation or serving on a committee. If you have other ideas, please contact me at [email protected].

Enjoy the lovely spring weather,

Beth Thomas
Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis

The Nominating Committee Needs Your Help   
Because every dollar of your membership contribution goes to fund a grant, Impact 100 needs lots of help to take care of the administrative side of running a nonprofit. All we ask of members is to make an annual donation and to cast a vote. But if you would like to be more involved, you can serve on one of the following committees. Some of the committees need leadership positions, and it is noted if the role requires you to be a member of the Board of Directors.

If you would like to know more about or serve on one of the following committees, please send an email to Beth Thomas at [email protected].

Board of Directors: Our management and fiscal year is August 1 through July 31. Each Board member serves a three-year term, and can serve only two terms in a row. Almost all Board members have a leadership role on one of our committees, and our bylaws allow members to change roles each year if they wish. This year we have three Board members ending their terms and a few Board members who have asked to move to other roles next year. This leaves us with possible openings for Focus Area Committee (FAC) Chairs, a Membership Co-Chair, and an Annual Dinner Chair.

Membership Committee: Works on member retention and recruitment, meeting two to three times a year to plan activities and events. The committee is responsible for planning and hosting membership events, maintaining the Constant Contact database, and may also be asked to help with correspondence, record-keeping, and membership communications. Current focus: Recruiting a Membership Vice-Chair who would be interested in taking over as Membership Chair when the current Chair moves into the presidency in 2017. The Membership Vice-Chair does not have to be a member of the Board, but the Membership Chair does.

Grants Committee: Oversees our grant making processes. Current focus:
Recruiting Focus Area Committee Chairs. These roles must be Board members.

We are also looking for members interested in serving as FAC Vice-Chairs in order to learn more about our process and possibly move into FAC Chair positions in the future.

Annual Dinner Committee: Plans and manages the June Annual Dinner where the membership votes for the $100,000 grant recipient. Current focus: Members interested in assisting at the dinner, and a Chair for the 2017 Annual Dinner (the Chair must be a Board Member). We are also looking for an Annual Dinner Vice-Chair, who doesn't have to be a Board member.

Fundraising Committee: Encourages businesses and individuals in the Indianapolis area to support Impact 100 with financial and in-kind donations. This is an area of potential growth for us. Current focus: Recruiting a Vice-Chair to work with the Chair and hopefully take over the role next year. The Vice-Chair does not have to be Board Member, but the Chair does.
Join W3 for Their Spring Event  
Please join W3 for their next event, "Mind Games," on Wednesday, May 4. The event is presented by Amazon best-selling author Jay Mooreland, author of "The Emotional Investor." Jay has presented to thousands across the globe. He will explain how our brains use shortcuts that help us in everyday life but can trick us when it comes to important financial decisions. As always, you are welcome to bring along others that might have an interest in this topic. The workshop is 5:30-7:30 pm, at the Indianapolis Marriott, 3645 River Crossing Parkway, Indianapolis. RSVP to Whitney Schmitt at [email protected].

W3 (wellness. wisdom. wealth.) is a Presenting Sponsor of this year's annual dinner. W3 was started by four women who discovered they had a lot of the same questions about health, finances and overall wellness. They decided there had to be other women with the same questions, so they began hosting a series of events focusing on overall wellness. For each event they choose a topic and find experts who share their research, advice and personal stories. 
Mother-Daughter Members
Did you know we have mothers and daughters who have joined Impact 100 together? Jennifer Bortel profiles five mother-daughter pairs in a blog on our website at:
Ways You Can Support Impact 100

Impact 100 is constantly working to get our name and story in front of more women who want to be members and others who want to support us by making a donation to our Friends Account. There are many ways you can help share our story and create interest.
  • Invite a Membership Committee representative to meet with you and a few friends or acquaintances over food and/or drink. We can also meet with your book club, neighborhood, social club, etc. We promise no high-pressure, just information. Contact Terry Mumford.
  • While men don't meet our qualifications for membership, they make wonderful donors to our Friends account. Many men make a separate donation in honor of the women in their lives. Go to PayPal to make a donation.
  • Like us on Facebook and share our posts.
  • Follow us on Twitter and retweet our tweets.
  • Link to Impact 100 from your website. Get in touch if you'd like us to send you a high-resolution logo.
  • Hang our brochure or Annual Dinner program in your office. Email  Beth Thomas your address and she'll send you a brochure.
  • Add a link to our website in your email signature.
  • Wear your Impact 100 pin.
Send your ideas for promoting Impact 100 to [email protected]. We'll include the ideas in the next newsletter with your name so you get the credit.
Getting Closer: Impact 100 Annual Dinner

Make sure your calendar is set for our Annual Dinner and Grant Presentation on Tuesday, June 7 at The Willows on Westfield.

The Fundraising Committee is looking for businesses and individuals wishing to support this year's Annual Dinner. Depending on the amount of their sponsorship, sponsors may receive signage at the event, recognition during the ceremony and in the program, and other perks. We are also soliciting for items to include in our raffle. In addition to the raffle, we will also be featuring a wine pull.

If you or your organization are interested in sponsoring the dinner or donating an item for the raffle or wine pull drop us a note at [email protected]  with the name and email address of the person we should contact.

Invitations will be sent soon. We look forward to seeing you there!
What Does an Impact 100 Membership Cost?
By Beth Thomas

One of our members recently told me that her $1000 Impact 100 membership only costs her $560 each year. Wanting to know how she managed to get someone else to pay the other $440, I asked her to explain. Being a financial advisor, she told me your actual tax burden is found by adding together the Federal, State and County tax percentages. For most people the total will be in the 40-45% range. Because she falls in the 44% bracket and itemizes her deductions, the $1000 deduction for her Impact 100 donation reduces her taxes by $440 (44% of $1000). She would have paid that $440 in taxes, but feels much better about giving it to Impact 100 and having some influence in who benefits from her money.

Another benefit of your Impact 100 membership!
Member Updates

One of our members was recently in the news...Bev Middaugh, a member of the Membership Committee, reached out to Jim Richter after he had been asked to quit selling his brooms outside Indianapolis post offices. Bev offered Mr. Richter, known to many as "The Broom Guy," a safe place to sell his brooms in front of her business, Bright Ideas in Broad Ripple on Westfield near 75th Street. (See the full story here.) Mr. Richter has since been granted permission to sell at post offices again, but people like Bev reminded him that there are lots of people who care.

We can't always keep up with the media and our members, so if you've been recognized or know of a member who has, please let me know. We believe in celebrating and sharing our members' good deeds and good work.
Upcoming Impact 100 Events

  • April 18-29: Fourth Focus Area Committee Meetings, where each committee's finalist is selected
  • May 11: Finalists Luncheon for the four finalist nonprofits.
  • June 7: Annual Meeting and Grant Presentations, Willows on Westfield
  • July 11: Meet the 2016 grant winners at Bright Ideas in Broad Ripple. The organizations winning grant money at the June 7 Annual Meeting and Grant Presentations will be available to speak to our members, and members will get the opportunity to learn more about how they will spend the money. This is a good event for members and guests to learn more about our grantees.
  • September 14: Membership kick-off event at Outside the Box
Watch this calendar for more information on these upcoming events (dates to be announced): 
  • October: Follow the Impact at Herron High School
  • November: Community outreach program
  • December: Holiday Party

Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis | P.O. Box 40531 | Indianapolis | IN | 46204