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Driving on Sunshine:
Market Opportunities at the Intersection of Electric Vehicles and Solar Power

September's Solar Drinks is co-hosted with Drive Oregon. Together, we will take a closer look at questions at the intersection of electric vehicle and solar power markets. We'll explore how large the business opportunities are within this arena and how major industry players are working - either separately or in never-before-seen partnerships - to take advantage of the new "EV + PV" market.

The event will feature three knowledgeable professionals to support a rich discussion on how the two industries can compliment each other:
  • Maryline Daviaud Lewett, Senior Manager of Business Development at Schneider Electric
  • Marvin Talbert, Business Development Leader of SolarWorld, and
  • Keith Knowles, Regional Sales Manager, Solar City.
Space is limited, so reserve your ticket now! Attendance is FREE for Drive Oregon members and Solar Oregon members, $25 for non-members. Oregon wine, beer and light refreshments will be provided at no additional charge.

Join us:
at Kell's Irish Pub 
112 SW 2nd Avenue, Portland
Tuesday, September 23rd, 3-5pm
Please RSVP
Join Solar Oregon Today! 

Solar Oregon works hard to get solar built in Oregon. But we can't do our work without the support of people like you!

For 35 years, we've been making solar happen with workshops, tours, technical support, trainings, education, outreach, research, and advocacy. But we've still got a long way yet to go until Oregon's clean energy future is secure.

We'd love to have you as a member -- please consider joining today!
Upcoming Partner Events

September 21st:
People's Climate March

September 24th:
Home Performance Guild of Oregon Conference

September 24-25:
OSEIA Oregon Solar Energy Conference

October 8th:
Energy Trust of Oregon's Allies for Efficiency Training Series: Solar Ready Construction Workshop and Tour

October 24th:
CUB Policy Center Conference
CUP Policy Center 2014 Conference
Solar Drinks: Running on Sunshine!
Join Solar Oregon!
Upcoming Partner Events
How Much Energy Could Your Roof Produce? Mapdwell Solar System
2014 Oregon Green and Solar Tours
Save the Date(s)!: Cocktail Social and Annual Meeting
Volunteer of the Month
Basics of Residential Solar Workshops
EarthShare Oregon: Supporting the Cause of Your Choice
How much energy could your roof produce? Find out with a free online solar mapping tool

It just got easier to explore whether solar panels make sense for your home or business. Energy Trust of Oregon is sponsoring Mapdwell Solar System, an online solar mapping tool that helps homeowners and businesses in select cities in Washington County estimate the solar potential of their rooftops.
Mapdwell Solar System Screenshot
The free, easy-to-use resource is currently available in Beaverton, Durham, Hillsboro, King City and Tigard. Simply search for your address and Solar System will estimate the amount of energy your roof can produce each year. As you select different options, the tool automatically estimates utility bill savings, installation costs, incentives and payback. Solar System is highly interactive, so you can explore a range of scenarios related to system size and financing options.

Solar System uses high-resolution topographical data, called LiDAR, to create a three-dimensional model of all the buildings in a community. Site-specific weather data and shading from nearby structures and trees is then incorporated to precisely calculate and map the solar energy potential of every point on a rooftop for every hour of the year. LiDAR - Light Detection and Ranging - is a remote sensing method used to gather three-dimensional data about the surface of the Earth. Click here to read more about Solar System and access the tool.
Green & Solar Tours

2014 Oregon Green and Solar Tours

Coinciding with the American Solar Energy Society's National Solar Tour, the Oregon Green and Solar Tour is currently underway around the state! Communities across the state are offering tours of homes and business showcasing a variety of green and solar technologies. Each tour reflects the unique interests of their community, yet all share a common goal: to educate the public about green and solar strategies! 

Don't miss out on these upcoming local tours:
  • Douglas County Green & Solar Tour:  Saturday, October 4
  • Ashland Green & Solar Tour: Saturday, October 11
  • Central Oregon Green & Solar Homes Tour: Saturday, October 11
Visit the  Oregon Green & Solar Tours website to learn more about these tours.
Save the Date(s)!
Solar Oregon Cocktail Social
October 29th
On October 29, we're inviting you to Solar Oregon's Cocktail Social - a fabulous time hosted by Tonkin Torp Entrepreneurial Services group.

Join us as we enjoy cocktails from Rolling River Spirits and other local distilleries and breweries and hear about Solar Oregon's upcoming work to lead the way to a clean energy future by demonstrating the successful use of solar energy in Oregon.

Tonkin Torp LLP, 
888 SW 5th Ave, Portland
October 29, 5:30 to 7:30 pm, $30

Annual Meeting
November 15
Solar Oregon's annual membership meeting and Board elections will be held this Fall in Portland. Join other solar supporters to socialize, grab a drink, and elect incoming Board members. Click here to become a member or renew your membership. 

Lucky Lab
1945 NW Quimby St, Portland
November 15, 1:00 to 4:00
Volunteer of the Month: Kenn Kochi

Kenn is our volunteer coordinator. He is the guy who brings us such wonderful and dedicated volunteers! Kenn successfully recruited and managed 14 volunteers for June's 2014 Solar Now University.


Born in Switzerland, and growing up on the East Coast, Kenn came out to the Northwest for school. He immediately fell in love with the region, its culture of sustainability and its open-minded, nature-loving people.  Holding a B.A. in Philosophy from Whitman College and interested in pursuing a career in conservation, Kenn recently joined the team in March 2014 as the Volunteer Coordinator.  He is excited to help volunteers get involved in all aspects of Solar Oregon's work. Thank you so much Kenn!!!

Interested in volunteering with Solar Oregon? Visit our volunteer page to find out how to get involved!
Join us for a Basics of Residential Solar Workshop

Solar Oregon will be offering free Basics of Going Solar Workshops in communities throughout the greater Portland metro area and around the state this Fall. These workshops cover the basics of why solar is a smart choice for Oregon homeowners, how well solar works in Oregon's climate, identify available solar technologies, how financial incentives may cover 70-80% of the cost, and discuss how to go about choosing a contractor.

Participants will come away with basic knowledge about solar energy systems and will be prepared to do more focused research on their own, or start working with a contractor right away!

We'll be leading workshops in Beaverton (Oct 15th), Hillsboro (Oct 28th), Corvallis (Nov 3rd), Tigard (Nov 5th), and Happy Valley (Nov 17th). We'll be adding a few more to our calendar soon, so check out our workshop offerings page for additional workshops in your area.
Supporting the Cause of Your Choice: It's Never Been Easier

How concerned are you about the quality of air you breathe? What about the natural areas you visit - would you like to visit them 10, 20 or 50 years from now? With ongoing threats to our natural environment, we count on conservation groups to protect our forests, farmland, streams and air quality.

Solar Oregon is a member of EarthShare Oregon, a nonprofit that allows employees across Oregon to support nearly 80 of the best environmental organizations here at home, and coast to coast. If you work for the State of Oregon, the federal government, Kaiser Permanente, NW Natural, PGE, or one of more than 100 employers, you can make one-time or regular donations from your paycheck - just by signing up once a year. It's simple and easy.

Please contribute today through EarthShare to restore our forests, reduce landfill waste, develop clean energy, protect threatened land, and safeguard our streams. When you do, you're not only protecting Oregon's environmental legacy, you're inspiring others to share in that responsibility. If your workplace does not offer EarthShare Oregon, establishing a partnership is easy. EarthShare staff will work with your employer to set up a program that meets your company's needs.

For more information, please contact Jan Wilson at 503-223-9015 or jan@earthshare-oregon.org. And visit EarthShare at earthshare-oregon.org.
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