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August 2014 


Join us for a Basics of Solar Workshop!

Solar Oregon will be offering free Basics of Going Solar Workshops in communities throughout the greater Portland area and around the state. These workshops cover: the basics of why solar is a smart choice for Oregon homeowners, how well solar works in Oregon's climate, how financial incentives may cover 70-80% of the cost, and discuss how to go about choosing a contractor. 


Participants will come away with basic knowledge about solar energy systems and will be prepared to do more focused research on their own, or start working with a contractor right away!


September starts off with free workshops in Wallowa County on the 4th (details coming soon!) and in Corvallis on the 9thCheck out our workshop offerings schedule  as we'll be adding more workshops to the calendar soon!

Upcoming Events

Tonight: Solar Drinks - SolTerra from 6:30 - 8:00pm (See below!)

August 26th: Solar Oregon Volunteer Orientation. 6:30 - 8:00pm

September 9th: The Basics of Going Solar workshop Corvallis 6:00 - 7:30pm.
Stay up to date on solar news and events by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn!

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2014 Oregon Green and Solar Tours
ASES and Intersolar Conference
Volunteer of the Month
August Volunteer Orientation
Farewell Mac

2014 Oregon Green and Solar Tours

One of our most favorite times of the year is here! Coinciding with the American Solar Energy Society's National Solar Tour, the Oregon Green and Solar Tours are some of the biggest events of their kind in the county. Communities across the state will offer tours of homes and business showcasing a variety of green and solar technologies. Each tour reflects the unique interests of their community, yet all share a common goal: to educate the public about green and solar strategies! 

While most of these tours happen in October, our friends in Eugene at BRING are kicking things off a little earlier with the 6th Annual BRING Home and Garden Tour on Sunday, September 16th. Ideas for sustainable living abound at this year's tour as ten sites will include examples of thoughtful remodels, custom new construction, urban in-fill, creating community, space-conscious gardens, and of course, solar! To learn more about the BRING tour and other tours around the state, visit the Oregon Green & Solar Tours website.

Also, it's not late to host a tour in your area! If interested in coordinating a local tour, email

ASES and Intersolar Conference Attracts Thousands

By Doug Boleyn


Solar enthusiasts, industry, scientists, and educators from around the world gathered in San Francisco from July 6-10 for the first combined Intersolar and American Solar Energy Society Conference. The Conferences, held at the Intercontinental Hotel, covered all things solar. The Exhibit Hall, located next door at the Moscone Conference Center, was three large floors filled with 550 booths of solar equipment and services providers. The conference attracted such "big names" as Governor Jerry Brown and the mayor of San Francisco as keynote speakers. 


Intersolar is typically the largest gathering of the solar industry in the U.S., with more than 10,000 visiting the exhibit areas. The ASES Conference itself drew 200+ attendees, but any registered attendee of either Intersolar or ASES could attend sessions in both conferences as well as attend the Exhibit areas. This was a notable year because it was 60 years ago, in 1954, that the first solar photovoltaic cells were developed and proven by Bell Laboratories. One of the exhibits in the Exhibit Hall featured actual cells from the Lab from 1954.


The most dramatic observation one could make from the Conference is that solar is now officially "big business" - and is growing fast. It's clear that in many markets and applications, solar photovoltaics has crossed the "cost-effectiveness" barrier.

Volunteer of the Month: Lori Bokovoy  

You may have seen this month's volunteer of the month, Lori Bokovoy around. She's a woman of solar and of Solar Oregon. She's helped us out setting up and working at monthly Solar Drinks and managed a session room at June's 2014 Solar Now University. 

She grew up in Minnesota and moved to Oregon in 1998 where she studied mechanical engineering at Portland State University, and has been excited about solar energy ever since taking a Solar Engineering class her last term there in 2006. This year she decided to take the plunge and get into the solar industry. She started volunteering with Solar Oregon, took some online and hands-on solar courses, and recently found a position at Sunlight Solar in Oregon City, where she's currently an engineering intern. She lives in Portland with her husband Brian and their cat Mocha.

Many thanks Lori!!! 

When: Tuesday, August 26th, 6:30-8 pm Tomoko and Dylan in sun outfits

Where: The Solar Oregon office, 1231 NW Hoyt, Suite 402, Portland, OR 97209

What: Orientation will include introductions, volunteer training, volunteer sign-up opportunities, and snacks!

We have lots of volunteer opportunities coming up with the Oregon Solar Energy Conference fast approaching and variety of various monthly events being planned. For our outreach volunteers, volunteers will represent Solar Oregon at outreach events in throughout the city and occasionally in other parts of the state.


For those interested in helping out at the office, we are looking for volunteers to assist with research, event planning, website design, communications, and data entry. We welcome both new and past volunteers to join us for the Volunteer Orientation. See you there!


To RSVP:  Fill out this form OR contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Kenn Kochi, via email at

Farewell Mac 


 - Solar Oregon Past 
    Interim Executive Director


Farewell my friends, it's time for me to step off the "solar coaster" for awhile ...You probably already know that Solar Oregon is now in the capable hands of Evan Manvel. This is a pivotal time for our organization and we are very fortunate to have Evan in charge as our executive director. This should be welcome news to all members, partners and sponsors, and anyone else who believes in renewables being a big part of our energy future. 

When Claire Carlson left for greener pastures last summer, I stepped in to ensure continuity, keep momentum, and meet our contractual obligations and mission objectives. I think this was accomplished and then some. I've always been connected to our cause and mission in a deep and meaningful way, but I couldn't have accomplished much without the support of people like you.

It has been my honor and pleasure to serve Solar Oregon.  


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