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1710 S. Highland Ave.                                                                              January 8, 2014

Lombard, Il. 60148

Phone 630-627-3912

FAX 630-627-9123


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Upcoming Happenings
Shabbat Services
Shabbat Beshallach
Friday January 10, 2014
7:30 PM Shabbat Evening Service with the Life tree Ramblers ~ Rabbi Cosnowsky will discuss, "Why Do the Israelites Cross the Sea Instead of the Road?" 
Oneg Host: Harris Family

Saturday January 11, 2014
9:30 AM Torah Study with Ashley Rose and Jordie Trafimow
10:30 AM Morning Service ~ Sonia Harris will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah

Shabbat Yitro
Friday January 17, 2014
6:30 PM Tot Shabbat ~ Rabbi Cosnowsky will tell a story
8:15 PM Shabbat Evening Service ~ Brotherhood and Sisterhood Shabbat
Oneg Host: Ellington Family and Brotherhood & Sisterhood

Saturday January 18, 2014
9:30 AM Torah Study with Ashely Rose and Jordie Trafimow
10:30 AM Morning Service ~ Rebecca Ellington will be called to Torah as a Bat Mitzvah

Message from Rabbi Cosnowsky
Rabbi Cosnowsky  
Adult Activities
Message from Our President
Jacob Margulies My two older boys left on Tuesday, December 24 with 31 other 10th, 11th and 12th graders, on the Etz Chaim Youth Trip to Israel, led by Rabbi Bob. Read more here.

  • Spotlight on Our Library- This month's library spotlight focuses on Rachel Kamin, our book facilitator for our evening book group. Read more here.
  • NEW Weekly Event from the Connections Team- Cards & Tiles at Pinstripes in Oak Brook. Read more here.
  • Sisterhood News:
  • The Lifelong Learning Committee presents the second part of Faces of Christianity on Sunday, January 13. Read more here.
  • Introduction to Judaism- Rabbi Cosnowsky along with Rabbi Bob will be teaching an Introduction to Judaism class at Etz Chaim. Classes will run January 19 through May 18. Read more here.
  • Brotherhood Trivia Night- Join us on Saturday, January 25 for our annual Trivia Night. Read more here.
  • The Annual JUF Brunch will be Sunday, February 9. The guest speaker will be Dr. Eric A. Goldman. Read more here. Book order form here. 
  • Connections Team & Etz Chaim's DuPage United Core Team will be leading Listening Sessions through February. Read more here.
  • Sophie and Jack Edwards Scholar In Residence- Save the date for our annual Sophie and Jack Edwards Scholar In Residence weekend March 7-9, 2014. Read more here. 
  • NEW Chavurah- The Connections Team is developing Chavurah Groups for 2014. Read more here.
School & Youth Activities
  • Shabbat Chaverim- Our next Shabbat Chaverim will be Friday morning,  January 17 at 10:00 AM. This program is for young children and a parent/guardian. Each session we do a craft, have play time, music with Cindy Michelassi and, of course a snack. We recite the Shabbat blessings and then have challah and juice.
  • OSRUI is accepting registration for the 2014 summer season. For more information or to register, click here.
  • Snow Day School Closing Information- If we need to close for some unforeseen reason, not due to bad weather, we will contact you via phone. If we need to cancel school because of bad weather we will do three things.
    • Send an email blast by 7:30 AM on a Sunday and by 2:00 PM on a Wednesday
    • Post it on the home page of our Etz Chaim webpage.
    • Post it on the Etz Chaim facebook page. Like us on Facebook.
Congregational Life
  • Brotherhood and Sisterhood Shabbat Dinner and Service January 17 at 6:30 PM. Read more here.
  • Save the Date: Let the Good Times Roll- Congregation Etz Chaim Gala 2014 - Saturday, March 22, 2014. Join us for exciting casino gambling, lively dancing, delicious appetizers and drinks, plus fabulous live and silent auction. Party masks optional! New this year: Photo booth! Priority parking spots! Watch this space for more information in January.
  • Shomrei Adamah, our Etz Chaim Environmental Team- Join us for an afternoon of fun and crafts THIS Sunday, January 12 at 12:00 PM as we learn more about the Birthday of the Trees! Please bring a brown bag lunch. We will create an indoor herb garden (just in time for Passover), play games and learn how we can make the world a better place by honoring our environment.Please RSVP to Mary Slack or Robin Lucansky.
  • Congregational Retreat- Planning has already begun for the annual Congregational Retreat at OSRUI. The 2014 Retreat will be held the weekend of May 2-4 in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. Read more here.
Did You Know
  • Manna- The next Manna is Sunday, January 19. The Manna Gift Card program provides an easy, no cost way to raise funds for our congregation while receiving 100% value for every dollar you spend. Find out more about Manna or click here for an order form.
  • The Jewish Federation Academic Scholarship Program awards two scholarships ($10,000 each year of study toward a four year undergraduate program) to high school seniors beginning college in the Fall of 2014. Read more here.
  • JVS CAREER MOVES (Jewish Vocational Service) provides a range of services that are available for congregants looking for employment:
    • Career Counseling, Resume reviews,
    • Interviewing strategies, Workshops, Networking,
    • JEN (Jewish Employment Networking)
    • Refers qualified job candidates, at no cost to employers, throughout metropolitan Chicago For further information or to schedule an appointment call Joyce Bogolub, JVS Career Counselor, Lombard office, 630-889-0548 or visit the JVS website.
  • Indiana University's Jewish Studies is now accepting applications for scholarships for incoming freshmen for 2014-2015. Read more here.
  • Tzedakah Collection Box-The social action committee has designated the tzadakah collection to aid victims of the tornadoes in Washington, Illinois.
Past Events & Activities
  • The Path of Mussar Recap- On Saturday morning, December 7, Rabbi Cosnowsky grounded thirty congregants on the fascinating spiritual path of Mussar. Read more here.
Congregation Etz Chaim | | cec.office@congetzchaim.org | http://CongEtzChaim.org
1710 S. Highland Ave.
Lombard, IL 60148

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