Oakland Mayor Jean Quan's Bi-Weekly Events Newsletter

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What's happening in Oakland? With the summer season in "full swing", there is a lot happening in the "swinging" "cool" City of Oakland. In this letter, there are direct links (in boldto some of the highlights for the next two weeks and articles detailing the goings-on at City Hall. Click on the letters in bold to link directly to the articles below, which provide full coverage of the news discussed in this letter. At the end of each article, you can click a link to return to the top of the newsletter.  To further help with navigation, we have added a new Table of Contents in the left-hand column.
Starting with my City Hall Update section, we are pleased by our progress with the Oakland Athletics. The 10 year lease has now been approved by all players in the negotiation.  I understand the desire of many Oakland residents to keep both teams in Town, and I am diligently working with many people on private negotiations to make that desire into a reality. Plans are underway to build new stadiums for both the Athletics and the Raiders

In this issue of the City Hall Update, we have lots of news about public safety. First, we welcome Victoria Salinas, Oakland's new Chief Resilience Officer as part of the Rockefeller Foundation's 100 Resilient Cities Initiative.  Part of her work will be helping us to prepare for a major earthquake on the Hayward Fault.  We have more good news about the millions in crime-fighting funding we have been awarded from the State. And there is additional good news to share about progress on the smartphone "Kill Switch" bill to reduce cell phone theft.  
Sack race at Carter Gilmore Park last Friday, part of our Peace in the Parks.

The best good news is this: crime continues to decline, according to the latest statistics. Programs such as Ceasefire are working and the Police department is growing and modernizing. This is the 4th year of Peace in the Parks, a summer nights program to re-take parks and streets, to unite vulnerable communities and to reduce violence in East and West Oakland. This Friday, August 15 is the final event in the series. Please come out and meet your neighbors especially our youth. We have seen a reduction of crime and violence in these areas, even after the summer has ended. It is important that the public stay informed of our progress and success in crime reduction. So, in addition to the crime statistics, you will also find a new public safety flyer and additional information about how citizens can help OPD further reduce the rate of crime. Working together, we are making a difference and improving the quality of life for all Oaklanders. 

We are at about 680 officers, and with continuous recruitment we on target to reach over 700 officers next year.  KALW did a good story on what it is like to be one Oakland's newest officers. http://kalw.org/post/what-does-it-take-be-cop-oakland

To help all Oaklanders rise together, we have been working as a community to find safe and productive programs for our youth during their summer vacation. The Mayor's Summer Jobs Program surpassed our goal of 2,000 Jobs with a record 2,125 jobs for our teenagers, keeping them occupied and providing early work experience. Throughout the summer, the city has sponsored a major program to provide food for needy children in cooperation with school and county partners, serving free lunches at most libraries, parks and recreation centers.

Following the City Hall Update section, this week's Oakland Events section is packed with indoor and outdoor activities for everyone over the next few weeks. There are arts and cultural events, tech and small businesscivic, youth, seniors, educational programs, events for food and wine lovers, and events for everyone in the family to enjoy. In this issue, there is also information to assist Oaklanders with employment and calls for volunteers, including at the animal shelter, and programs offering training in emergency preparedness in the event of another earthquake or fire. There are so many ways to get involved with your community!

It's Festival Season! We have just completed some major annual events: National Night Out (625 block parties in Oakland on the same night!), the Art & Soul festivals and the Laurel Street Fair. This is the most jam-packed festival season, with the Chinatown Street Fair August 23 & 24, and then the Oakland Pride Parade and Festival August 31st! But after these we have even more back-to-back festivals coming soon, including the Summer in the Redwoods concert series which I initiated years ago. In the meantime, County Supervisor Keith Carson is sponsoring a special event at City Hall on August 18. "Berry Gordy Day in Oakland," to support the opening of Motown: The Musical, will feature performances from the Broadway play, opening in San Francisco this weekend. And the first phase of a colorful and historically-accurate new mural has just emerged on a dingy downtown corner at 14th Street and Alice. Well worth seeing!
ride this year and has created a radio station (Oakland Pride Radio) for you to download to hear some good music and get updates about Oakland Pride 2014!

Pride is Sunday, August 31, 2014.  It will be bigger and better than ever with a Parade in the morning.  I am also joining the Stonewall Club to host our second annual breakfast to recognize and honor LGBT leaders.  I am very happy that we are honoring my long time friend state legislator Tom Ammiano and the other Grand Marshals of the parade. We have more information in our last section.  Pandora has established a radio station to get us in the mood with Sheila E as the headliner.ride this year and has created a radio station (Oakland Pride Radio) for you to download to hear some good music and get updates about Oakland Pride 2014. Start listening today!   http://www.pandora.com/station/play/2194623926050621107 

Fun fundraisers for good causes such as Oakland Pride (gala this Saturday August 16) and Children's Fairyland (this Friday August 15), Youth Uprising, Oakland Fund for the Arts and the late KTVU reporter Faith Fancher's breast cancer charity are listed in a special section below. In outdoor activities, this weekend we have The Town's Half Marathon and the National Public Parks Tennis Championships and later this month, the Oakland Triathlon.

Oaklanders are blessed with so many activities and ways to get involved. Please take a look below at the extensive list of events for all ages and interests, forward it to a friend, share it on social media (using the buttons at the top), follow me on social media (using the buttons at the bottom and left column) and mark your calendars to take advantage of everything Oakland has to offer. 

Click the links in this letter to skip directly to each section. You can also use the table of contents on the left to seek information on a specific topic. After reading an article, you can easily navigate back to the top of the newsletter by clicking the links.
Stay tuned for the next edition of my Blog Update, coming next week with even more of the latest news from the Mayor's Office at Oakland City Hall. Click here to view the most recent edition.
Let's go, Oakland!


Jean Quan
Oakland Mayor

P.S. If you haven't done so already, please take a moment to subscribe to these weekly newsletters by clicking this link. It's easy and convenient.

Tell us about an Oakland event you would like to submit for publication. Please send a brief description, with contact info and a good quality image, two weeks in advance, to this email address: 

What's Happening in Oakland?

Oakland A's Lease
Good news for Oakland 
The Athletics baseball organization has been an important part of the Oakland community and an inspiring Oakland team for decades. We are all working to make sure the A's stay here at home in Oakland. There is good news! 

Things are much better than they were three-and-a-half years ago. We have a 10-year lease extension for the A's. And we have the world's third-largest real estate company, Colony Capital LLC, negotiating with the city to build a Raiders stadium and a surrounding hotel and condo complex. This August 3 San Francisco Chronicle article describes the situation. Click the link to read: Oakland needs big money to build new stadiums 


This is a complex deal, but the City of Oakland has come together to send the A's a simple message: Yes. I'm hopeful that now we can move on to the larger goal of building new ballparks for both the A's and the Raiders--right here in Oakland. 
There will be lots of posturing as negotiations continue, but I believe in Oakland and our fans.

Announcing $2 million for crime prevention with (left-right) OPD Spokesperson Johnna Watson, OPD Chief Sean Whent, Assemblymember Nancy Skinner, Assemblymember Rob Bonta at Oakland City Hall, August 11 (photo courtesy of Michael Colbruno)
$2 Million State Grant to Fight Crime

Thanks to the efforts of State Assemblymember Nancy Skinner, we are pleased to announce that we have secured a $2 million state grant to focus on helping returning offenders stay straight and support Operation Ceasefire, a program which has reduced gang violence and homicides in Oakland over the last year. There was a great press conference on August 11 (see photo above) with Assemblymember Nancy Skinner, Assemblyman Rob Bonta and the Oakland Police Department, announcing the crime-fighting grant. 


Oakland will use the money to coordinate with law enforcement partners, community organizations, the courts, the Oakland Unified School District and local faith leaders, with the goal of supporting re-entry efforts and reducing violence and criminal activity in Oakland. Basically, what this grant allows us to do is to double-down on some strategies that are clearly beginning to work. Crime has been trending down due to the Ceasefire program and it's great to see that even more support is being given to these efforts. Thanks to Assemblymember Nancy Skinner for her heroic efforts on the Budget Committee to secure these funds for the betterment of our community.  A San Francisco Chronicle article details the new grant. Click the link to read:

killswitchSmartphone "Kill Switch" bill closer to passage
Heads to Governor 
At press conference for "Kill Switch" legislation. To my right are OPD spokesperson Johnna Watson and SF District Attorney George Gascon
Good news for crime in Oakland! The smartphone "Kill Switch" bill has passed the State Assembly and the State Senate with overwhelming support. It's a big win for public safety and will help us continue to reduce crime. The bill now heads to the Governor. This legislation will require all smartphones sold in California to come with what the industry calls a remote "kill switch" feature, activated by the owner, which renders them useless to thieves and destroys their resale value on the black market.


Myself, Councilmember Dan Kalb and other Oakland leaders hailed a major win for public safety Thursday August 7, as the State Assembly voted with overwhelming support (53-to-18) to pass a bill to require "kill switches" be included in cellphones sold throughout the state. This has been one of my legislative priorities because it will make so many people safter. 


Public safety is our highest priority, and by working together we're turning the tide on crime. Most major crimes are seeing big declines in Oakland, and this tool will be an essential way for us to reduce robberies and burglaries even more. State Senator Leno and Assemblymember Nancy Skinner are true partners for public safety and I thank them for their strong leadership.


SB 962, authored by State Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) and Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley), would require new smartphones sold in California to have the latest in anti-theft technology. Law enforcement officials nationwide have reported a surge in such thefts in the last few years, owing in part to the devices' value for resale. The "kill switch" will enable a phone owner to permanently disable the device in the event that it is lost or stolen, eliminating the devices' resale value for thieves.


The bill has enjoyed a major groundswell of local-level support by cities across the state. In Oakland, myself, Councilmember Kalb and Chief of Police Whent have been championing the bill as an innovative, effective means of reducing burglaries and robberies and keeping residents safer. Chief Whent reports that: "As many as 75 percent of thefts reported in Oakland have involved the loss of a cellphone. This will be a great new resource to reduce the number of street robberies and home burglaries."


Councilmember Dan Kalb, who was robbed at gunpoint for his phone in 2012, said, "The State Assembly made a smart move on smartphones today by passing the "kill switch" public safety and consumer protection bill. This has been one of my top priorities and I look forward to Governor Brown signing this into law so we can deter and reduce the violent armed and strong-arm robberies that afflict Oakland and our entire state."


Assemblymember Nancy Skinner said, "No one should be in fear of being mugged or robbed just because they are using their cell phones. Today's Assembly vote in support of SB 962, the kill switch bill, is a victory for consumer safety."


To better understand the issue and how the "kill switch" works, this CNN report includes a good interview with San Francisco District Attorney George Gascon (seen in photo above), explaining the rationale for the California legislation. As Chief When said, up to seventy-five percent of all robberies in Oakland involve the theft of a smartphone. But nationwide, the business of selling insurance for lost and stolen phones has grown to a $7.7 million business! Consumers are being squeezed on both ends. Having a pre-installed application ("kill switch") that will allow owners the choice to remotely erase their personal data and disable their stolen smartphones will reduce robberies and theft and save money for everyone. Click the link to watch the interview:  

A City Hall welcome for new Chief Resilience Officer Victoria Salinas and 100 Resilient Cities President Michael Berkowitz
resilienceNew Chief Resilience Officer
Rockefeller Foundation Initiative

On August 12, we announced that Oakland has become the seventh city in the world to hire a Chief Resilience Officer under the  Rockefeller Foundation's 100 Resilient Cities Initiative to help our city and our region prepare to bounce back from major crises and ongoing stresses. Oakland's officer is Victoria Salinas -- in the center of this photo, with 100 Resilient Cities President Michael Berkowitz on the left. Ms. Salinas is a brilliant and dedicated professional with experience that is literally world-class -- she comes to us from the World Bank, and worked for FEMA in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

I am excited to have Victoria come on board. Oakland is an innovative and dynamic city that has been engaging these issues for years. With our Chief Resilience Officer in place we will accelerate our work to become more sustainable and green while preparing ourselves for the major earthquake we know to expect.

Today's announcement means a safer Oakland and a safer Bay Area, and I thank all our staff and community leaders who've contributed to this work, as well as 100 Resilient Cities and the Rockefeller Foundation.



Crime Rate Continues to Decrease
Most categories are trending down

Decades of high crime have hurt Oakland's image in the press. But recently, most categories have been trending down. Many residents are as yet unaware of the drastic change in Oakland's crime rates. The data has been made public and can be downloaded to share with others. Crime is trending down in most categories. Statistics from the Oakland Police Department for the past week are available at: 



The most recent statistics can be read by clicking on the image below:

City of Oakland Weekly Crime Report 7/28-8/3/14
Click to Enlarge
Why is crime declining? There are many reasons, including citizen involvement, reorganization of the police force into geographic areas, a permanent police chief, an influx of new police officers and our successful Ceasefire program. But the bottom line is: what we are doing to increase public safety is working

workwithopdPublic safety is a community responsibility

OPD asks for citizens' assistance to fight crime


The Oakland Police Department would like to remind you:  If You See Crime, Report Crime

  • Report suspicious activity to the police
  • Be a good witness but stay safe: property can be replaced but your life cannot
  • Share everything you can remember:
  • General features - Gender, race, height, weight, age, hair & eye color, clothing
  • Distinctive features - Mustache or other facial hair; Scars, piercings, tattoos; glasses 
  • Speech - Low voice, rapid speech, high pitch, etc.
  • Weapons - Gun, knife, bat, pipe, etc.
  • Anything else that stood out to you

If you're in Oakland, pre-program your cell phone to the Emergency number (777-3211) so that your emergency call will not be routed through the Highway Patrol. Instead, it will go directly to Dispatch and OPD will be notified imediately.


Nixle Tip Watch allows ANONYMOUS tipsters to send OPD a tip three ways: 

  1. Text TIP OAKLANDPD to 888777 from your cell phone followed by your tip 
  2. Call our toll-free tip hotline at 855-TIPS-247 (855-847-7247) 
  3. Submit a tip by web form - see the option at the bottom of OPD's Nixle messages or visit Nixle Tip to complete and send. 

Anonymous Tipping allows residents to proactively connect with the Oakland Police Department by submitting anonymous tips via web form and text message. Additionally, with the issuance of a tipping passcode to tipsters, we can initiate a two-way, anonymous communication to help gather more information. 



Operation Ceasefire yields results 
Program shown to reduce crime in Oakland


Photo: CC HD Photography for Oakland Local
Ceasefire is a partnership-based violence-reduction strategy with nationally proven results. It has three goals: to reduce homicides and shootings, to reduce recidivism among participants, and to improve police-community relations. The Oakland Ceasefire Partnership includes affected community members, community based organizations, social service providers, police and other enforcement agencies.  In Oakland, Ceasefire focuses on gangs and groups who are involved in large numbers of shootings and killings in East Oakland as well as armed robberies and violent crimes in neighborhoods across the city. Ceasefire seeks to combine the best of community energies, social services and strategic law enforcement efforts to reduce violence more effectively than these entities are capable of when operating alone.  Ceasefire is a multifaceted approach that includes outreach, prevention, and services. 


The Ceasefire program directly focuses on those groups engaged in violent behavior in a number of ways, including call-ins, one-on-one meetings, outreach and support services and, when necessary, collaborative enforcement. At call-in meetings, groups and individuals at highest risk of violence meet with affected community members, service providers and law enforcement representatives, who all communicate their shared commitment to reducing violence and their care and concern for these young men. Among the most important messages is the power they have to make choices. Participants are given information about the consequences, both positive and negative, that their choices bring and are provided the opportunity to step away from violence. Services and supportive relationships are provided for those who wish to receive help. Participants are also informed about the array of law enforcement tools available to police and the potential consequences they will face should they continue to engage in violence.  Groups and individuals who continue to engage in violence then receive focused attention from the law enforcement partners.



peaceparksPeace in the Parks
Disrupting neighborhood violence through community engagement

FINAL event of the summer series : Friday, August 15

Friday Nights In The Parks, every Friday through August 15 from 6 to 9 pm at Willie Wilkins Park, 1100 98th Avenue; the Carter Gilmore Park,1390 66th Avenue; and at the intersection of Market and Brockhurst

These free events are open to the public and offer free food, games, entertainment and raffles for all ages. The Friday Summer Nights Programs aim to change community norms around violence through community engagement and empowerment.

These programs are modeled after the Los Angeles' Summer Night Lights Programs and are connected to broader Oakland Unite efforts focused on gang reduction and shooting and homicide intervention and response. The programs are intended to disrupt violence by offering programming and extended park hours in neighborhoods with high rates of violence, during the peak hours when violence occurs. The 2011 Messengers4Change initial park program evaluation shows positive results: The average number of police incidents in the Willie Wilkins Park area decreased by 48% during the three six-week periods that the events were held when compared to the average for the previous two years. To see a list of local sponsors and learn more about the events, please read the media release hereFor specific information about the East Oakland Parks program, please contact Jennifer Argueta, Community Engagement Coordinator, at [email protected]. For specific information about the West Oakland program, contact Dylan Hamilton, Program Analyst, at [email protected].


The Tribune published a recent story about the proven success of the Friday Summer Nights program. Here's a quote testifying to its positive effect on public safety in targeted areas: 

The initial summer's events showed positive results. The average number of police incidents in the Willie Wilkins Park area decreased by almost half during the time the events were held compared to the average of the previous two years, a city news release stated. The programs are aimed at supporting residents who take a stand against violence and decreasing violence by offering activities and extended park hours in neighborhoods with high rates of violence during the peak times when violence occurs. 

To read the entire article, click the title link: Oakland: Friday Summer Nights at city parks kicking off


Hundreds of block parties brought neighbors together

Myself, my office staff, Police Chief Sean Whent and Fire Chief Teresa Reed gathered with over 130 Police Officers, Fire Fighters, and other City and County employees in Frank Ogawa Plaza on Tuesday, August 5 at 5:30 pm to participate in National Night Out Oakland. We then fanned out to neighborhoods throughout the City of Oakland to visit the near-record-setting number of 625 block parties that Oakland residents hosted. It was a great way to bring people together and to have fun! 


An estimated 30,000 residents participated. There was almost no media coverage, but I can tell you the fellowship, diversity of activities and food gets better every year. Together our office visited over 40 parties. I personally visited 15 sites with a few additional stops. My staff attended many more (on 8th, 46th & Linden, Ivanhoe, 56th & Broadway, Gwinn). Despite some drizzle in a few places, the parties went on and in many places seemed bigger and more diverse than ever. In dense areas like North Oakland and Maxwell Park, it felt like a party on every street. Good job Oakland! We know the friendships and bonds made will keep us all safer and closer all year long.

National Night Out is an opportunity for people to help improve police-community partnerships and raise crime prevention awareness in their neighborhood by having residents get to know each other through events like barbecues or ice cream socials. It's these connections that build communities block-by-block.  This is important because the best crime prevention tool ever invented is a good neighbor. National Night Out empowers people with a simple yet profound message: When neighbors know each other, neighborhoods are safer.


Police Chief Sean Whent said, "We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for getting involved in your community and participating in National Night Out (NNO). Together we have been able to reduce crime to some of the lowest levels in years through our crime prevention and awareness efforts. When neighbors know each other, neighborhoods are safer. We encourage you to remain involved with solving problems and concerns on your block. Your actions contribute to a safer Oakland."


In 2004, Oakland hosted only 35 National Night Out Block Parties throughout the city. Every year since, the numbers have grown. Parties come in many shapes and sizes, with neighbors meeting on their street, in their apartment complex, or at their neighborhood park, church, or library.  City staff paid a visit to many parties and provided a small gift to hosts. 


The City not only encourages neighbors to have a block party, but also to start a Neighborhood Watch Group on their street and to participate in their Neighborhood Crime Prevention Council where they can work in partnership with the City solving problems in their neighborhood.


The Oakland A's came through with a donation of 1400 baseball tickets - for party hosts to show their appreciation for stepping up and providing leadership on their block. Throughout Oakland, from east to west, north to south, more people than ever before are coming out to make their neighborhood safer and stronger.


New Public Safety Flyer
Just released: July Update
Click on image to enlarge
In July I released a newly-updated version of the Oakland Public Safety Update. The two-sided flyer lists the things residents can do to make Oakland safer. It also details in graphic fashion several changes: the reorganization of the Oakland Police Department, a part of a complete reorganization ordered by the Federal monitor in compliance with the agreement to create a better relationship between OPD and the community it serves. 

As of the date of the flyer, we are closer and closer to being in full compliance of the necessary steps. The flyer also reveals the significant reduction in crime for calendar year 2014 and how the Ceasefire program has aided to that reduction. The new police academies are discussed (one academy will graduate at the end of October; another police academy begins in early October), particularly the diversity of our newest officer cadets reflecting our new recruiting policies to train a new breed of Oakland police officer. Readers will learn about the NextDoor app and OPD's efforts to work within the community through social networks. To view or print the flyer, click on the above image to enlarge. 


Celebrating Motown: The Musical

"Berry Gordy Day in the East Bay" ceremony, Monday, August 18, 11:30 am, City Hall Plaza, Free

Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson will host a ceremony at 11:30 am to present Motown legend Berry Gordy with a County Proclamation declaring "Berry Gordy Day in the East Bay."  Other East Bay elected officials will join with similar presentations, including Congresswoman Barbara Lee and City of Oakland Mayor Jean Quan and Deputy Mayor Sandr� Swanson. Motown The Musical cast members will then perform.   


Gordy is coming to the Bay Area for opening night of Motown The Musical, and wanted to use the opportunity to personally connect with the people of Oakland and the entire East Bay, where the Motown Sound has always had a home.  Motown The Musical will play August 15 - September 28, 2014, at the SHN Orpheum Theatre, in San Francisco. To add to the excitement, Gordy has extended an exclusive discount ticket offer for Motown The Musical to "Friends of Supervisor Keith Carson." (Promo code: ALBUM)


In connection with the opening of the musical, Gordy will officially launch his Motown Legends photo exhibit, a collection of mixed media pieces by Motown artist Chris Clark, taken from Gordy's private collection, including images of The Temptations, Diana Ross, Smokey Robinson, Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder.  And, for the first time in history, Gordy will allow some of these extraordinary pieces to be sold.  The exhibit will be curated by Oakland gallery owner Joyce Gordon, and pieces will be on display not only at Gordon's gallery on 14th Street but also at Dorothy King's popular landmark restaurant Everett & Jones on Broadway.  Clark's pieces will be exhibited at both venues for six months. 


Motown Legends Photo Exhibit will open to the public August 19 at these locations:

* Joyce Gordon Gallery: 406 14th St, Oakland, CA 94612

* Everett & Jones Barbeque: 126 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94607




Living dance legend Carla Service strikes a pose in front of her image on the dance wall
Alice Street Mural Project
Celebrates Oakland history

I was on hand to cut the ribbon for our city's newest public mural: Phase I of the Alice Street Mural Project. Located at the corner of 14th Street and Alice Street, a few blocks from City Hall, the Alice Street Mural was created with community input to reflect the diversity of that specific corner of the city. The large and diverse crowd at the ribbon-cutting ceremony included residents from nearby Chinatown and the California Hotel on 14th Street and the performing arts community of the Malonga Casquelourd Center for the Arts on Alice Street. These people reflect the subject matter of the mural's many figures and illustrations. 


There is a dance wall depicting the incredible dance scene at the Malonga Casquelourd Center, including images of Congolese dance great, the late Malonga Casquelourd and Dance-A-Vision founder Carla Service. One wall illustrates stories about workers: the 1946 Oakland General Strike, the "Rosie the Riveter" shipyard workers of WWII, the Pullman Porters who served aboard the Southern Pacific Railroad line. These individuals reflect the political influence of Oakland on the nation's history. A third wall (shown above) depicts the history of Chinese Americans in Oakland. In the photo I am describing the importance of 1882 in our history and the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act, restricting immigration from China and separating families.

This wall depicts local heroes: media pioneer Jerri Lange, the late journalist Chauncey Bailey and late musical educator Khalil Shaheed

The mural is a project of CRP, The Community Rejuvenation Project, an Oakland-based non-profit organization specializing in community murals.  Phase I of this mural project now encompasses three large walls surrounding the parking lot at 1401 Alice Street (opposite the Malonga Casquelord Center for the Arts and facing the historic Hotel Oakland). The walls cover an approximate surface area of 2500 sq ft and in the past, have been repeated targets for blight and tag vandalism prior to the mural's commencement. CRP is a "policy to pavement" organization that cultivates healthy communities through public art, beautification, education & celebration. This mural was erected with financial support from the community. Phase II of the mural project begins later this summer. Lead artists for the project are Pancho Peskador and CRP Executive Director Desi Mundo. 


I'd like to encourage anyone in the downtown area to stop by and see this colorful and informative addition to the neighborhood. 

artsoulART & SOUL
Inaugural Oaktown Throwdown BBQ competition a big hit 

At the City of Oakland's 14th Annual Art + Soul festival on Saturday, August 2, thirty-five professional and backyard grillers went head-to-head for cash prizes, trophies and the honor of being named "Grand Champion" at the inaugural Oaktown Throwdown BBQ Competition. 


"We are thrilled that the Oaktown Throwdown proved to be an instant success," said founder and barbecue aficionado Dave Campbell, an Oakland resident and Advocacy Director at Bike East Bay. "Oakland's rich BBQ history, perfect weather and great buzz as a foodie town were a huge draw for competitors." Tracy Allen, Business Membership Coordinator for the California BBQ Association, lauded what she viewed as a very well-run inaugural event, noting that "... many competitions work for years to attract this many teams."  The City of Oakland plans to build on the success of the inaugural competition to make it an annual feature of the popular two-day arts and culture festival slated to celebrate its 15th anniversary next year.


2014 Oaktown Throwdown BBQ Competition Winners (For complete contest results, click here)

  • Grand Champion:      Ric's Righteous Ribs, San Jose
  • Reserve Champion:   Too Ashamed To Name, San Jose
  • Backyard Overall:     Captain Kev's Competition Cookers, Oakland 
  • Best Dessert:             Butcher's Daughter BBQ, Alameda
  • People's Choice:       Bad S. BBQ, Sunnyvale

We do not usually give the key to the city to residents of Oakland. We made an exception for our hometown food legends: The Everett and Jones BBQ dynasty. Dorothy King in the pink (left) and her sisters operate four stores in the tradition of their parents. I always have a jar of medium sauce in my pantry. "California Chef of the Year" 


Tanya Holland (right) of Brown Sugar Cafe and the B-Side Cafe gave a cooking demonstration of her Barbecued Chicken. Despite being exhausted, I read late into the night all the way through her new cookbook with recipes from the Brown Sugar Cafe ; it is a love letter to West Oakland with history and vignettes of her customers and co-conspirators.  Brown Sugar Kitchen: New-Style Down-Home Recipes from Sweet West Oakland (Chronicle Books). Food & Wine, Travel & Leisure, and Ebony have all included B-Side BBQ on their "best barbecue in America" lists.


There were great articles in the SF Chronicle and the East Bay Express. This quote describes the beautiful diversity of the Art & Soul Festival scene: "This shows people in the country that we can come together and co-exist. This is a microcosm of what the world should be." Click to the links to read the articles.


Mayor's Summer Jobs Program tops record fundraising level 
Thank You Oakland! 
NEW VIDEO: Mayor's Summer Jobs Program
Update August 2014
Click to view 

It's official! My goal of creating 2,000 summer jobs for Oakland's young people was surpassed, with a grand total of 2,125 funded jobs! This is a record number for Oakland, especially after Congress cut federal funding to the program my first year in office. We've redoubled our efforts here at home and seen incredible growth for the program, with inspiring commitments from our local businesses and incredible work from our young people, many of whom enter the workforce for the first time through this program. At least half of the jobs go to youths in our most challenged neighborhoods, where unemployment and poverty rates are highest, so this program is making a real difference and I am excited to see its growing success.

I want to thank the numerous donors who have contributed to our most successful fundraising year yet for the MSJP. The City of Oakland thanks the Oakland Housing Authority for its generous contribution of $450,000 to create 300 jobs for Housing Authority youth. Other generous contributors to this year's MSJP include Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan, the Kaiser Permanente Foundation, the East Bay Community Foundation, and the Oakland Workforce Investment Board.
Local businesses donated money, offered positions to youths that they will pay for themselves or received funding assistance. The majority of these youth jobs are in fields that include: child care services, retail, clerical and office support, recreation centers, painting murals, learning and performing auto repair, construction and law enforcement. These jobs are often a young person's first introduction to the professional world and can change their lives forever.

As crime declines and our economy grows, it's more important than ever that we come together as one city and make sure everyone takes part in Oakland's rise. The Mayor's Summer Jobs Program (MSJP) provides positive experiences for Oakland youth during the summer months. Jobs can stop bullets, and many of these jobs go to kids in our toughest neighborhoods, making a true, concrete difference. Together we can give our young people the hope and opportunity they deserve.

Thank you, Team Oakland -- students, school and city staff, youth, business and labor groups, the Oakland Housing Authority, Alameda County Foster Care and so many others -- for helping our youth to realize their first jobs and expand their experiences and dreams. 

For more program information, please contact Felicia Duncan at 510-238-6457 or [email protected] 



New Financing available to Oakland residents for energy and water upgrades

A way to deal with rising energy costs and water scarcity

It just got easier for Oakland homeowners to tackle rising energy costs and water scarcity while helping to grow local jobs.  Homeowners throughout Alameda County now have access to an innovative new type of financing through CaliforniaFIRST, to help them afford home energy and water efficiency projects along with renewable energy investments. 


The Oakland City Council took early action to join the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program prior to the 2010 Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) guidance that postponed the program.  Now that the legal issues have been resolved with the Governor's PACE Reserve Fund, Oakland is ready for residents to take advantage of the program.


In 2012, the City of Oakland's Energy and Climate Action Plan (ECAP) set a goal of reducing electricity consumption by 32 percent through renewable generation, conservation and energy efficiency, by the year 2020.  CaliforniaFIRST represents a big step forward in reaching that goal. 


CaliforniaFIRST uses PACE financing.  Homeowners can secure up-front funding for home efficiency projects, which they repay through a 20-year special line item on their property taxes, rather than traditional consumer credit.  The program is now available through a partnership with 17 counties covering 142 cities, including Alameda.  


Borrowers choose a qualified contractor and install a qualified, custom-tailored clean energy project, including the purchase and installation of efficient heating and cooling systems, solar panels, low-flow toilets, home insulation, windows, roofs, and electric vehicle charging stations.  Repayments are secured through a special tax assessment repaid by the homeowner through the property tax bill over a maximum of 20 years. 


Oakland-based Renewable Funding (RF) pioneered the PACE financing mechanism in 2008, and the concept spread rapidly to over 30 states.  California FIRST is operated under the auspices of CSCDA and administered by Renewable Funding. More information is available online at CaliforniaFIRST.org.  Interested consumers or contractors can call (844) 589-7953 from 9 am to 6 pm Monday thru Friday.



Seeking to Fill Board Vacancy
Rent Board

There is a vacancy on the Residential Rent and Relocation Board (Rent Board) for a landlord alternate and a tenant alternate. The Rent Board hears appeals from decisions of Hearing Officers and may develop or amend Regulations, subject to City Council approval.  The Board meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m.  Alternate Rent Board members are only required to attend meetings in the absence of regular Board members.


Rent Board members and alternate members are appointed by the Mayor.  A letter of interest and a resume should be submitted to the Mayor's office.  For more information, contact Melissa Vargas at (510) 238-7072.

New Renter Protections Effective August 1
Downloadable brochure


The Rent Adjustment Program works to encourage open communication and to foster a climate of understanding between Oakland landlords and tenants by providing mediation services for cases involving rent increases and some evictions. 

There are new protections for Oakland renters in rent-controlled buildings. This new brochure from the Rent Board explains new procedures and caps on rent increases. Download the new brochure here. The Rent Adjustment Program works to encourage open communication and to foster a climate of understanding between Oakland landlords and tenants by providing mediation services for cases involving rent increases and some evictions. 


Tenants may file a petition to challenge a rent increase that they believe to be in violation of the Rent Adjustment Ordinance.  Cases are initially presented to Hearing Officers, who make a decision after reviewing information from both the tenant and the landlord. For questions regarding rent control or a rental increase, please contact the Oakland Rent Adjustment Department (510) 238-3721 or click here. You can also drop by the office to speak to a Rent Adjustment Analyst in person, Monday - Friday from 10 am - noon and 2 - 4 pm at 250 Frank Ogawa Plaza, Suite 6301.


ousd logo
Most children will return to school in a few weeks. Let's help them have a safe and fun end of summer vacation.The City of Oakland still has  summer activities for them. Here are a few: 
  • Do you know that we have a summer free lunch program for schoolchildren at libraries, Parks & Rec Centers and schools until August 15? Info here
  • Do you know that there are still enrichment and recreational activities available for the summer? Check out our Parks & Rec summer program catalog here  
The Oakland Unified School District resumes classes on Monday, August 25. To download the complete OUSD 2014-15 calendar, click here





I have worked with the Oakland Tech Exchange and its founder Bruce Buckelew for decades.  They have given thousands of recycled computers to Oakland students.

This year they are focusing on the Digital Divide and Oakland's lowest income students without computers.

To qualify for FREE 6 months of broadband:

  1. Students must qualify for free or reduced lunch in schools,
  2. You can NOT be a current Comcast broadband subscriber or within the last 90 days, AND
  3. You can NOT have an outstanding balance with Comcast. After 6 months, service converts to $10 a month.


You can call 866-460-7439





What's Happening in Oakland?



2014 Attend & Achieve Back to School Rally, Saturday August 23, Rally: 9 am-4 pm, Health Expo: Noon - 3 pm, Oakland City Hall Plaza, 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, Free

Join Oakland Natives Giveback for the free 7th Annual 'Attend & Achieve Back to School Event. Help send children back to school prepared to learn! Let's celebrate the beginning of a new school year by giving students the tools they need to succeed - With your help we can achieve our goal of giving away 2000 backpacks filled with"tools for school". Backpacks and school supplies will be distributed as part of the 7th Annual Attend & Achieve B2SR 2014 and our East Bay giveaway efforts, a partnership with Oakland Natives Give Back, the Office of Assemblymember Rob Bonta, Office of Mayor Jean Quan, Oakland Parks and Recreation, Oakland Unified School District and KQED. Info: Tatiana Larkin at [email protected], 510.867.6656 or oaklandnatives.org

Open House, Laney Community College: Intro to Manufacturing OaklandMakers Wednesday August 13, 9- 10 am, 3 - 5 pm, Laney College Machine Shop Room G100, Free

Laney College is now offering open house sessions and accepting applications for their FREE Introduction to Manufacturing Program. If you know a youngster (18-24) who might be interested in learning a skilled trade in our growing local manufacturing and makers industry but might not be sure which one to pursue, this FREE course with 4.5 credits will be a great overview.


This is a semester-long program to provide 18-24 year old youth with entry-level skills that will be useful to help them in entering the workforce or pursuing further education. It includes basic math, Introduction to the Skilled Trades course (machining, welding, carpentry, and wood technology), OSHA safety training certificate, college and career readiness, along with guest speakers and field trips. Application deadline:  Monday August 11. Apply online here 


Students, Teachers, and others interested in learning more, sign up for updates here or contact Matt Trocker at [email protected] or (510) 464-3445

Two Activities Just for Girls 
Build a Game in a Day with Scratch Workshop, Black Girls Code Saturday, August 16, Check-in: 9:30 am, Event: 10 am, DeVry University, 505 14th St 

Black Girls CODE is thrilled to host an exciting new game development class. This workshop will focus on game development using SCRATCH, an open source software that allows players to easily play and create digital stories.  No prior programming experience is required for this class.  This class is designed for girls ages  7- 17. Participants do not need to bring their own laptops and lunch will be provided. Space is limited. Sign up soon to secure your spot!  Once you register for this event, please complete the online student profile and emergency contact forms, which can be found hereRegistration here 

Future Innovators Challenge Saturday August 16, 11 am - 3 pm, Chabot Space and Science Center, Included with General Admission

Just right for the girls in your life! In partnership with Goldiblox and The Arizona Science Center, Chabot Space and Science Center is on a mission to inspire the next generation of female engineers. We will present a fun-filled day of engineering activities that will engage and inspire the next generation of young women scientists and engineers. Explore the wonderful world of STEM. Challenges will include engineering and designing of a shatterproof egg dropping contraption that will be thrown from our highest balcony. Participate in our give-away contest ad other fun, hands-on activities! Info here   


2014 East Bay Parent Resource Fair Sunday, August 17, 10 am - 2 pm, Oakland Scottish Rite, 1547 Lakeside Dr, Free

Doctors to doulas, nannies to nutrition, childbirth and post-birth support, pediatric medicine and dentistry, alternative health, nannies and babysitters, eco-safe products, early education, parenting education including onsite mini classes, early starts in art, music sports. East Bay Moms' mission is to provide support, companionship, and networking for members. We provide an avenue for parents to meet, exercise and enjoy the outdoors. All interested parents of infants and toddlers are welcome to join. Info: www.eastbaymoms.com 



Free offer

5th Annual Oakland Senior Summer Free Day August 17, 10 am - 4 pm, Oakland Zoo, 9777 Golf Links Rd, Free

Oakland residents 65+ receive free admission to Oakland Zoo. Seniors must be 65+ with valid identification and must be residents of Oakland. Oakland Zoo's Senior Summer Free Days are in partnership with the Oakland Vice Mayor Larry Reid. Info here





Oakland City Council Rules and Legislation Committee Meeting, Thursday, August 14, 10:45 am, Oakland City Hall, 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Hearing Room 1

The Rules and Legislation Committee usually meets at this time (although it is recommended to confirm the day and time, as this is subject to change). A downloadable agenda is availablehere. For more information, click here or call (510) 238-7370.


Temescal NCPC Meeting, Thursday, August 14, 7 - 8:30 pm, Faith Presbyterian Church, 49th and Webster

Everyone is welcome at the monthly Steering Committee meetings of the Temescal Neighborhood Crime Prevention Council. For more information, visitgroups.yahoo.com/group/TemescalNeighborhood or [email protected].


Rockridge NCPC Meeting Thursday, August 14, 7 - 9 pm, Rockridge Library, 5366 College Avenue

The Greater Rockridge Neighborhood Crime Prevention Council was officially established in April 2002 to respond to the newly reorganized Community Policing Program of the City of Oakland Police Department. It combines beats 12Y and 13X under a single NCPC and operates under its own by-laws. Monthly steering committee meetings consist of officers, committee chairpersons and volunteers, a Neighborhood Services Coordinator (NSC) from OPD, and our Problem-Solving Officer (PSO): a specifically-designated OPD patrol officer. Any resident community member who wishes to attend regularly and participate in meetings is also welcome to join. For more information, please visit the website below, or email [email protected]. For more information, visitwww.rockridgencpc.com.


AC Transit Board of Directors Meetings, Wednesday, August 13, Times listed below, Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District, 1600 Franklin Street, 10th Floor

The Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District is the third-largest public bus system in California, serving 13 cities and adjacent unincorporated areas in Alameda and Contra Costa counties. AC Transit has been serving the East Bay since 1960, taking over from the Key System and its predecessors, which carried passengers via buses, horse-drawn rail, electric streetcars, and ferries over the previous 100 years. AC Transit's mission is to provide safe, convenient, courteous, and reliable transit service. Info:   visitwww2.actransit.org

  • 3 pm: Operations Committee Meeting
  • 3:30 pm: External Affairs Committee Meeting
  • 6 pm: Board of Directors Meeting

Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Meeting, Wednesday, August 13,4:30 pm, Lakeside Park Garden Center, 666 Bellevue Avenue

The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission reports and makes recommendations to the Oakland City Council on Office of Parks and Recreation policies. It consists of 11 seats, appointed by the Mayor and Council to represent the citizens of Oakland. The public is welcome to attend the Commission's monthly meetings, which are held on the second Wednesday of every month except for August. Please call the Director's office, (510) 238-7532, to confirm meetings in case of cancellation or change of venue. 


Oakland Board of Education General Meeting, Wednesday, August 13, 5 - 9 pm, Paul Robeson Building, Board Room, 1025 2nd Avenue 

The Governing Board, commonly called the Board of Education, is the elected policy-making body of the public education system within the City of Oakland. The Governing Board's primary responsibility is to ensure that every student served by the District is well educated and demonstrates high academic achievement. For more information, visit bex.ousd.k12.ca.us.


Manzanita 18Y NCPC Meeting, Wednesday, August 13, 6:45 - 8:15 pm, Salvation Army, 2794 Garden Street

For more information, please contact NSC Edith Guillen at (510) 238-7159 or [email protected]


Meet the new Citizens' Police Review Board Director, Monday August 25, 5:30 - 7:30 pm, Humanist Hall, 390 27th Street

Introducing the newly hired Executive Director of Oakland's Citizens' Police Review Board (CPRB). Learn about Anthony Finnell's background and his vision for how Oakland can better hold police accountable for their conduct and remain in compliance with the standards of the Negotiated Settlement Agreement that require constitutional policing. 

Learn more about the procedure for filing complaints and how Oakland residents can get involved. There will be at least 30 minutes for Q & A and some time for one-on-one informal exchanges. Light refreshments will be available. Info and RSVP here  







CORE I Training: Home and Family Preparedness Thursday, August 14, 6 - 8:30pm, Mills College, 5000 MacArthur Blvd.

The CORE I class teaches Oakland residents how to prepare a family disaster plan, reduce common household hazards, create emergency supply kits, and respond to a number of possible emergencies, including earthquakes and fires. CORE (Communities of Oakland Respond to Emergencies) provides free emergency preparedness training for individuals, neighborhood groups and community-based organizations in Oakland. CORE teaches self-reliance skills and helps neighborhoods establish response teams to take care of the neighborhood after a disaster until professional help arrives. CORE is a program of the Oakland Fire Department's Emergency Management Services Division (EMSD). Info here  


CORE II: Neighborhood Preparedness and Response Training, Thursday, August 21, 6 - 8:30 pm, Mills College, 5000 MacArthur Blvd., Free

In the CORE II class, students learn how to organize a neighborhood command post and create emergency response teams (i.e. communications, damage assessment, hazard reduction, light search and rescue, disaster first aid, neighborhood support). Prerequisite: CORE I. CORE (Communities of Oakland Respond to Emergencies) provides free emergency preparedness training for individuals, neighborhood groups and community-based organizations in Oakland. CORE teaches self-reliance skills and helps neighborhoods establish response teams to take care of the neighborhood after a disaster until professional help arrives. CORE is a program of the Oakland Fire Department's Emergency Management Services Division (EMSD). Info here or (510) 238-6351




Paramount Movie Classics: Viva Las Vegas Friday August 15, 8 - 10 pm, Paramount Theatre , 2025 Broadway

Lucky Jackson (Elvis) goes to Las Vegas, Nevada to participate in the city's first annual Grand Prix Race, but his race car is in need of a new engine. He raises the money to fix his car, but loses it when shoved into the pool by the hotel's nubile swimming instructor, Rusty Martin (Ann-Margret). Lucky then has to work as a waiter at the hotel, as well as enter the hotel's talent contest in hopes of winning a cash prize sizable enough to pay for the engine. All while trying to win Rusty's affections and warding off his competition, Count Elmo Mancini (Cesare Danova), who attempts to steal both the Grand Prix and Rusty from him.


Dancing Under the Stars, Friday August 15 ("Nightclub 2 Step") and August 22 ("Hustle"), 8:30 - 10 pm, Jack London Square, Free

From experienced dancers to newbies, everyone is invited to an evening of rhythm, grooving and Dancing Under the Stars! Dancers will kick-up their heels and pack Jack London Square for free dance lessons. Each Friday night, Jack London Square will host a different dance theme including the Chacha, Rumba, Salsa and Swing Time Swing. The festive, free dance lessons are brought to you, in part, by Professional Dance Instructors Vanessa Montoya of VM Dance and Bradley Montoya begin at 8:30 PM, followed by a dance party, at 9:00 PM to try out all the new moves. For more information call (510)645-9292 or here


4th Annual Opera Concert in the Park Saturday August 16, 3 pm, Dimond Park, 3860 Hanly Rd (BBQ area near Fruitvale entrance), Free

Come & enjoy beautiful singing in Dimond Park at a free concert! This is a free concert with outstanding Bay Area opera singers sharing their favorite arias (songs).  Chairs are provided as well as picnic tables.  Families with children are welcome.  The program is sponsored by Open Opera, Dimond Park Recreation Center and some local donors.  Bay Area opera company Open Opera brings free, professional opera to Bay Area parks and uses public space to build community through the arts. Bring a blanket and someone you love to listen to classical music under the oaks! Info:  www.openopera.net


Umoja Festival and Pan African Soccer Tournament Saturday August 16, Tournament: 10 am, Lowell Park, 1180 14th St, Free

The day's activities will include a thrilling football competition - hosted in partnership with local apparel company SuRu and featuring some of the best players from local African soccer leagues - in addition to diverse African cuisine, African music, and dance. Information booths will promote resources available to immigrants in Oakland. Featuring SambaFunk!, Lagos Roots, Piwai and FreshIsLife of Afrolicious, Thobs the Zulu Queen, Naima Shalhoub, Bongo Sidibe, Vukani Mawethu . A nighttime concert anticipates a headline act from Africa, in addition to a diverse lineup of local musicians. Info: http://theumojafestival.com/ The 2014 Umoja Festival features a diverse musical lineup. From left: FreshIsLife, Thobs the Zulu Queen, Geoffrey Omadhebo from Lago Roots, Naima Shalhoub and Piwai. Info: theumojafestival.com

Family Fun Day & Picnic Sunday, August 17, 1 - 4 pm, Dunsmuir Hellman Historic Estate, 2960 Peralta Oaks Court, Free 

Enjoy an afternoon of free family fun on the beautiful grounds of the Dunsmuir Hellman Historic Estate. Bring your picnic, blanket, lawn chairs and umbrellas. Old-fashioned fun will include games, face painting, mansion tour, and lots more. Info: (510) 615-5555


Waterfront Flicks: The Lego Movie Thursday August 21, Sundown, Ferry Lawn, Jack London Square, Free

Cozy up on the waterfront this summer for free outdoor screenings of hit movies, as part of the annual Waterfront Flicks series. Waterfront Flicks will host fan favorites at sundown. From date night to family flick night, moviegoers can start their evenings early with dinner at one of Jack London Square's waterfront restaurants, or pick-up a quick bite from one of the casual eateries to enjoy during the screening. Moviegoers should arrive early with blankets in-hand for pre-film festivities including small eats, trivia and giveaways. Info: (510) 645-9292 or here


27th Annual Chinatown Streetfest August 23-24, Oakland Chinatown, 13th and Seventh Sts, Free

Established in 1988, the Oakland Chinatown StreetFest was created by the Oakland Chinatown Chamber of Commerce to encourage a sense of community in a place where diversity in people and businesses thrive. Going into its 27th year, the Chinatown StreetFest has firmly established itself as one of the most impressive and dynamic events the Bay Area. Nine core blocks of Chinatown make up the festival site.  See the video of last year's festival here

Headline Makers Tour Saturday August 23, 10 am, Mountain View Cemetery, 5000 Piedmont Ave, Free

Join docent Carolyn Kemp and Michael Colbruno as they share stories about the denizens of Mountain View Cemetery who made headlines in life or death. Learn about the Hall of Fame baseball player who committed suicide, the Rock 'n' Roll drummer who died of an OD and Califonia's first African-American school teacher. Dog-friendly tour. Info here



New OPR Brochure: There is so much going on in the City of Oakland parks system that it is impossible to list. Download the complete Summer 2014 schedule of park activities in the Oakland Parks and Recreational Department brochure

OPR  Family Fun Day & Picnic, Sunday, August 17, 1 - 4 pm, Dunsmuir Hellman Historic Estate, 2960 Peralta Oaks Court, Free

Enjoy an afternoon of family fun at the beautiful grounds of Dunsmuir Hellman Historic Estate. Bring your picnic, blanket, lawn chairs and umbrellas. Get ready to have a ball with your kids - the old-fashioned way with games, face painting, mansion tour and lots more fun. Street parking only on Peralta Oaks Road and Peralta Oaks Court. Info: 510-615-5555


marathonThe Town's Half Marathon Saturday August 16, 7 am, Frank Ogawa Plaza, Registration required

Run a half marathon in The Town... You've crossed the finish line on the steps of City Hall in Frank Ogawa Plaza and met with local volunteers placing a finisher's medal around your neck. As you are catching your breath, you're awarded with a commemorative wine glass and escorted to celebrate your accomplishment. At the RunOak Festival, we've assembled a local collection of live music, food, beer & wine to reflect the romance and culture of Oakland. The festival celebration is open to the public. Everyone is welcome to cheer on the runners, experience Oakland hospitality and celebrate everything The Town has to offer. Info: runoak.com/the-event


Crop Swap Saturday, August 16, 11 am - 1 pm, Dimond Branch Library, 3565 Fruitvale Ave

Wondering what to do with that extra zucchini in your garden?  Drop it off at the crop swap.  We'll meet in front of the library to exchange fruit, vegetables, and herbs. Info: (510) 482-7844


East Bay Regional Parks Summer Activity Schedule
Don't miss out on the fun! Find out what's going on in your East Bay Regional Parks during the summer months. Download the "Regional in Nature" Activity Guide here

Tour de Town Saturday August 23, 10 am, De Fremery Park, 1651 Adeline St, Registration required 

Join Red, Bike and Green on a city-wide bike tour of our beautiful Town as we celebrate the Black heritage in this historic time and place that we call Oakland.Tour de Town is a community bike ride that celebrates the presence and diversity of Black communities in Oakland and the rest of the Bay Area. #FLY500 is a nod to the burgeoning #ridefly culture that Black folks have brought to the bicycling aesthetic.  Our goal  is to gather 500 Black cyclists on a ride through the streets of Oakland! Come be a part of the #FLY500. Registration here, Info here  


National Public Parks Tennis Championships, August 16-24, Davie Tennis Stadium, Mills College, Merritt College and College of Alameda, Registration required

The 2014 Oakland, CA hosted event will be the first time in its history that National Public Parks Tennis Championships tournament has been held in Northern California. The divisions include Senior, Wheelchair, Family, Junior, Open and NTRP. The National Public Parks Tennis Championships (NPPTC) is an annual US tournament held in the public parks of the host city for players of all levels of ability. The NPPTC is the nation's most prestigious municipal tennis competition. Created, promoted and supported by the National Public Parks Tennis Association, this tournament has been a staple across the country since 1923. Info: www.npptc2014.com. or call Marc Weistein, Program Director, at (510) 444-5663. 


Oakland Triathlon, August 31, 7 am  Jack London Square, 466 Water Street

The Oakland Triathlon Festival is all about the incredible triathlon community we have in Northern California. The history of Oakland is symbolic and the Oak Tree (strength and endurance) represents a triathlete perfectly, which makes this event a natural fit for many years to come!   Our goal is to showcase the beautiful City of Oakland, create fundraising/giving to all the Oakland sports programs, and encompass all our fellow endurance athletes around the country. Come join us in creating the largest west coast urban triathlon, featuring Sprint and Olympic distances for new and experienced endurance athletes. http://oaklandtri.com/






Catch Me If You Can, August 7-17, 8 pm, Woodminster Amphitheater, 3300 Joaquin Miller Road

Based on the hit DreamWorks film and the incredible true story that inspired it, Catch Me If You Can is the high-flying, splashy musical that tells the story of Frank W. Abagnale, Jr., a teenager who runs away from home in search of the glamorous life. With nothing more than his boyish charm, a big imagination and millions of dollars in forged checks, Frank successfully poses as a pilot, a doctor and a lawyer, living the high life and winning the girl of his dreams. But when Frank's lies catch the attention of FBI agent Carl Hanratty, Carl chases Frank to the end...and finds something he never expected. Tickets and info here. Special online offer: Any Oakland resident can get Opening Night half-price tickets on August 8 with the code: MyCity. Details here


Guerilla Suit Clothing and SURU Present: Open Mic at The New Parkway Aug 18 and September 1, 7:30 - 9:30 pm  (every 1st & 3rd Monday), The New Parkway, 474 24th St, 57th Street Gallery, 5701 Telegraph Ave

Check out our Open Mic, always free, and always welcome to all styles of entertainment: poetry, singing, instruments, lip sync, storytelling, stand-up, and whatever else you fit into 5 minutes! 


Tory Teasley presents Honey and Wine: The Sweetest Taste of Oakland Friday, August 15, 8:30 - 11:00pm, at 57th Street Gallery, 5701 Telegraph Ave, $15

Come join Tory Teasley, local vocal and performance artist, for a night of Entertainment. The theme of the evening is romance, with covers of the hottest Jazz, Blues, and Soul tunes to make you dance, sweat and get lucky. Come get a taste of the sweetest honey in all of Oakland. Vocals: Tory Teasley, Drums: Kwic Time, Bass: Vernon Hall, Piano: Anthony Patterson 


Art Scavenger Hunt with Oakland Art Murmur Saturday August 16,  1 - 4 pm, Royal NoneSuch Gallery, 4231 Telegraph Ave, Free

Oakland Art Murmur is hosting its first ever Art Scavenger Hunt!  Families and individuals of all ages are invited to engage in an investigation and discussion of the art on display at participating local galleries: Royal NoneSuch Gallery, Smokey's Tangle, and Interface Gallery. All participants will receive a prize inspired by the current art shows. This special program is made possible by The San Francisco Foundation. Info here 


Temescal Alternative Space: Free Guided Art Walk, Saturday August 16, 2 pm, Meet at Royal NoneSuch Gallery, 4231 Telegraph Ave 

Oakland Art Murmur's monthly guided walking tour for August will explore Temescal's alternative art spaces.  Led by Susannah Magers of Royal NoneSuch Gallery.  Info: oaklandartmurmur.org




Sundays in the Redwoods Woodminister Amphitheater, Sundays September 21 - October 12, 2 - 7 pm, Woodminster Amphitheater, 3300 Joaquin Miller Rd, $18; Tickets on sale now

11 years ago I wanted to bring more people up to Joaquin Miler Park to enjoy this 500 acre treasure of beautiful forest and hiking/biking trails. We thought concerts in the open air amphitheater would provide  a unique family friendly experience. Over the years Sundays in the Redwoods has grown to be one of the acclaimed Fall musical events in the East Bay, drawing thousands of first time visitors to Joaquin Miller Park's shaded trails through the Redwoods and rich cultural history as a haven for artists and musicians started by 19th century poet Joaquin Miller.  2014 concert series features: Ozomatli, Dos Four, Kyle Eastwood, Patrice Rushen, Alex Bugnon, Ginuwine, Mint Condition. Info: (510) 238-3052 or [email protected] 



foodwineFOOD AND WINE 

Anasa Yoga's The Fusion of Food and Yoga with Bryant Terry, Saturday August 16, 2:00pm-5:00pm, Anasa Yoga, 4232 MacArthur Blvd, $40.

Nationally acclaimed chef, cookbook author Bryant Terry on The Fusion of Food and Yoga, shares a meal inspired by his new cookbook, Afro-Vegan. Info: 510-482-9642, [email protected] or www.anasaoakland.com


Temescal Farmer's Market, Sunday August 17 (and every Sunday year-round), 9 am - 1 pm, 5300 Claremont Ave (DMV)

Please join us year 'round and enjoy what there is to offer each season at the Urban Village Farmers' Markets. Come shop, sample, and stroll, while listening to some great live music. It will make your day! Info here


Kaiser Permanente Oakland Farmers' Market , Fridays, 10 am - 2 pm, Kaiser Oakland 3801 Howe St, Free

Healthy eating starts here. With vendors selling fresh, all-organic fruits and vegetables.


Bites Off Broadway, Fridays, 5:30 - 8:30 pm Through October 10, Studio One Art Center, 365 45th St
The best food truck experience in the East Bay!
Featuring food from rotating trucks including Go Streatery, Fist of Flour, Tina Tamale, Skylite Snowballs, Kenny's Heart and Soul, NoNo Burger, Curbside Creamery, and more. Plus, hula-hooping, live music, and movies at dusk. Info:  http://studiooneartcenter.net 



Digital Tools for Small Businesses 101, August 12, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, The Port Workspaces, 101 Broadway 

Join us for an introduction to the world of digital business tools - and how they can make your life running a small business a whole lot easier. Townsquared is a private network for small businesses in the same neighborhood to connect with one another, share expertise, and find partnership opportunities. See if we're in your neighborhood! Oakland business owners and professionals. It is an overview of what to consider when you are considering adopting a digital tool for your business covering tools like Hootsuite, Eventbrite, Square, Highrise, Timely, and more. Communities are using it to share information about upcoming events, find marketing partners, discuss crime and safety, and so much more. I hope through it, we can make our community safer and stronger. This workshop will help you to:

 *  Identify digital tools your business can use to reach new audiences and increase efficiency.

 *  Compare several tools that address the same need and select the one that's right for you.

 *  Find new tools as they come out.

Info:  www.townsqd.com  Registration here 


Hack the Economy featuring Marco Vangelisti, Wednesday August 13, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, Impact Hub Oakland, 2323 Broadway, Impact Hub Oakland Members: $5, Non-Members: $10

The current economic crisis is a recurring phenomenon of a structurally unstable economic system. We will look at the current economic crisis in its historical context, how we dealt with the last major crisis in the 1930s and how we are (counter productively) dealing with it now. We will look at the essential features of the current system that makes it unstable and destructive of communities and ecosystems. We will then look at the systemic features of a new economic system that would be compatible with long-term health of ecosystems and communities. Finally, we will explore the path from the current system to one that democratizes and localizes economic activity and anchors wealth and capital formation in the community. Registration here 


Legal Services for Entrepreneurs Clinic August 14, 5 - 7 pm, Oakland Business Assistance Center, 270 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Free

Entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to consult with a business law attorney one-on-one with questions about entity formation, contract review, and other topics as announced.  Appointments will be 30 minutes each. To REGISTER, click here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/12gwolKpfEAZN6jHkC3RAnoHKZlUNO3JmO1GBC5AEAIM/viewform   Registration is required and you will be contacted to confirm your appointment. Info: (415) 543-9444 x 217 or [email protected]



Homebuyer Workshop, Wednesday, August 20, 6 - 8:30 pm, City Hall Hearing Room #3, 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Free

The city sponsors a free, two-evening workshop each month to educate prospective homebuyers about the home-buying process, including mortgage financing, working with realtors, property selection and the responsibilities of ownership. We place a special emphasis on Oakland area housing assistance programs designed to assist low-and moderate-income homebuyers. Open to attendees currently residing in any city. Space is limited and advance enrollment is required. Please call 510-238-7486 to enroll. Info here or (510) 238-7486



City Of Oakland Job Announcements
The Department of Human Resources Management (DHRM) recently posted job announcements for the following positions:
  • City Administrator
  • Deputy City Attorney III
  • Deputy City Attorney IV
  • Head Start Program Coordinator
  • Lifeguard
  • Program Analysts II
  • Program Analyst III
  • Special Counsel
  • Tax Auditor II
For updated information on City jobs, please visit the DHRM website. 

This Employment Information page also contains information on minimum qualifications of specific job classifications, how to apply for a job online and how to submit a job interest card for positions not currently posted. For more information, please contact the Department of Human Resources Management Receptionist at (510) 238-3112.

Americorps is hiring

Want to help bridge the education gap? Americorps is hiring people to help Oakland preschoolers learn to read. If you're interested in helping to promote early literacy among Oakland youth ages 3-5, check out the flyer below, and follow the link for position details here: OaklandReadingPosition


Oakland Animal Shelter

Oakland's municipal animal shelter always needs volunteers to socialize and promote our adoptable animals and conduct adoption counseling for potential adopters. Volunteering at Oakland Animal Services provides a great opportunity to learn more about the behavior and health of animals. This is also a great opportunity for anyone looking to refine their marketing, graphic design or photography skills as we always need help promoting our animals! 

Click here to learn more: oaklandanimalservices.org/volunteer

Yoga for Teens Teacher Training with Erin Lila Wilson and Nicki Guard August 15-17, 9:30 am - 5 pm, Girls Inc. Simpson Center for Girls Yoga Studio, 510 16th Street

Yoga Teachers, School Teachers, Social Workers, and Parents:  Are you eager to make a difference in the lives of young people? Would you like to add a fun and uplifting program to your current offerings? Do you want to bring yoga to teens but you're a little intimidated and unsure how to connect with teenagers? Would you like to create a niche for yourself with a certificate in teen yoga? If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Yoga for Teens Teacher Training can help you reach your goals! We teach yoga at Girls Inc. to provide a space where teens can learn mindfulness techniques, build a strong physical fitness practice and create sisterhood and community. Yoga teachers, school teachers, staff from youth serving organizations, therapists and parents are encouraged to attend. We are partnering with the Yoga for Teens organization to support highly skilled volunteering as a yoga teacher.  Info: here or [email protected]


Build a Game in a Day with Scratch Workshop with Black Girls Code Saturday, August 16, Check-in: 9:30 am, Event: 10 am, DeVry University, 505 14th Street 
Techies: Want to help? We Need Volunteers! Sign up for a spot on August 16, 2014. We have open spots available so please help us create an awesome event for our girls in Oakland! We are looking for 25 Technical and 10 Nontechnical Volunteers for this event. We will host a mandatory volunteer training on Friday, August 15th from 6 - 8 pm. Details and directions for the training session will be mailed to you once you sign up.  Volunteer info here and here

Arroyo Viejo Creek Work Day

August 17 (and every 3rd Saturday of the month) 9 am - noon

Come to the Arroyo Viejo Creek in Knowland Park and experience the local habitat, while helping it thrive. Grab your gardening gloves and help clean up the creek. We work rain or shine, so come prepared! 

The Arroyo Viejo Creek Restoration Project began with a mission to repair damaged and neglected stream areas by preventing bank erosion, increasing stability, and improving habitat for creek wildlife. Pre-Registration is required. Please email the following information: name of group/family, number of adults, and number of children.  Info: Katie Desmond, 

[email protected] or (510) 632-9525 x207 or here 


Donate Books For Low-Income Children. Through Friday August 15, the Human Services Department's Senior Companion/Foster Grandparent Program is sponsoring a book drive for low-income children living in the Oakland area in conjunction with the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). This effort is in response to President Obama's call to service United We Serve, which encourages community projects to improve literacy. Clearly marked white bins will be placed in the three City of Oakland buildings in Frank H. Ogawa Plaza (Oakland City Hall as well as the Dalziel and Lionel J. Wilson buildings) where donors can deposit gently used books during normal business hours throughout the drive. Children's books for all ages are welcome, but please no encyclopedias, textbooks or library discards. Bins will also be placed in these nearby buildings: the Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building at 1301 Clay Street, the Elihu M. Harris State Building at 1515 Clay Street and the University of California Office of the President Building at 1111 Franklin Street. For more information, please contact Liz Hillen, Senior Services Program Assistant, at [email protected] or (510) 238-3620.




fairyfundsFairyland for Grownups, 
August 15, 7-10 pm, Children's Fairyland, Bellevue, $25
Oaklandish and Fairyland are teaming up to host a night of pure imagination, for adults only! This is the fourth Oaklandish presents: Fairyland for Grownups benefit. Proceeds from this event will help Children's Fairyland keep admissions low (or even free) for local kids. Enjoy tunes from Dion Decibels in the Old West Junction, local brews, and some of Oakland's finest food. Info here. Tickets available July 25 here  

pridefundsSelf/Pride Fundraising Gala, Saturday, August 16, 4 - 8 pm, Betti Ono Gallery, 1427 Broadway, $75 advance, $100 regular

One way to support Oakland Pride is by participating in the Fundraising Gala this Sunday. Come enjoy art, music, and fine wine, while supporting Oakland Pride 2014 festivities. All donations are tax deductible and all proceeds go towards Oakland Pride programming.  Info: [email protected] Tickets here:

10th Anniversary Faith Fancher Breast Cancer Challenge, August 23, 8:30 - noon, Lake Merritt, Registration

The 9th Annual Faith Fancher Breast Cancer Challenge is a 5K Walk/Fun Run for the entire family. The course circles Oakland's scenic Lake Merritt and is a fundraiser for uninsured and underinsured women undergoing treatment for breast cancer.

Info: www.faithfancher5k.org

Bocanova Birthday Bash Thursday, August 28, Bocanova Restaurant, Jack London Square, 55 Webster St, $125

The Oakland Fund for the Arts will have its annual fundraiser on the patio of Bocanova in Jack London Square. The event will begin at 6 p.m. with wine and hors d'oeuvres, followed by music and dinner, and concluding at 9 p.m. with a silent auction and raffle. The Oakland Fund for the Arts is an organization that grants money to visual and performing arts programs in under-served Oakland public schools. Since its first donation in 1996, OFFTA has raised over half a million dollars to fund 121 programs in 58 schools. Tickets and info here 



Photo of the Week
Detail of Alice Street Mural depicts an historic 2010 Oakland Tribune headline 


26th Annual Oakland Chinatown StreetFest
VIDEO: 26th Annual Oakland Chinatown StreetFest 2013
Festival season continues

  • 27th Annual Chinatown Streetfest August 23-24

  • 5th Anniversary Oakland Pride (August 31) Info here  
  • 2nd Annual Love our Lake Day featuring Oaklavia (September 14) Info here 
  • 5th Annual Eat Real Festival (September 19-21), Info here 
  • 40th Annual Black Cowboy Parade (October 4), Info here 
  • 7th Annual Oaktoberfest (October 4) Info here  
  • 8th Annual Out & About in Rockridge (October 12)  Info here  
  • 19th Annual Dia de Los Muertos (November 1) Info here  
Oakland Pride

The 2014 Oakland Pride Day will take place on August 31, over the Labor Day Weekend. The Oakland Pride organization says that Oakland Pride is one of the most diverse pride celebrations in the country, and the second largest pride event in Northern California. Why Oakland? Because "according to the Gay and Lesbian Atlas, Oakland places 2nd for highest concentration of same-sex households."

Oakland is also one of the most diverse cities in the country, according to the 2010 Census, and is reported as having the highest concentration of LGBTQ families with children for the past two years." I am proud to have hosted the 1st Annual Pride Breakfast in 2013, where I was honored with an award. To learn more about Oakland Pride (and the Oakland Pride Festival on August 31) click here: oaklandpride.org


Italian Catholic Federation Convention (August 29 - September 1) Info here 


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