August 26, 2013 | Vol 3, Issue 35 |
Take A Fresh Look
at Oakland
News from Mayor Jean Quan & Friends |
President Obama with Attorney General Eric Holder and senior advisor Valerie Jarrett.
Apologies for the delay in this week's newsletter. I took the red eye flight last night to Washington to join a group of Mayors who met today with President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to address youth violence and to discuss additional federal resources for Oakland. I spent most of the day preparing for and attending meetings at the White House.
Public safety is my highest priority, and I am grateful to know that President Obama is taking a strong personal interest in reducing youth violence. He asked us what was working and what he could do administratively to help. In the 90-minute meeting with the President he listened intently and asked questions.
He started the meeting acknowledging that while crime is down across the nation, in many cities youth violence is up. He wanted to know what data driven programs are working and asked for frank feedback about how effective federal programs were.
I was struck by the similarities as each Mayor spoke:
- The violence is rooted in relatively small parts of our cities where drop outs, unemployment, poverty, and gangs intersect. We need to tackle these issues as part of a long term solution.
- We all asked that federal resources be focused to help us arrest and convict the most violent criminals.
- Several of us specifically cited the need for more support for programs like Ceasefire and Peace in the Parks.
- Some of us have had the opportunity to work more closely with federal agencies and where that is the case, as it is in Oakland, it is making a difference. We asked for more federal agents to be assigned to cities.
- We urged the White House to focus its resources on the cities and communities with the highest rates of violence and to encourage the foundations and corporations to support these efforts.
- We urged the President to continue the fight to limit the easy access to illegal guns both with Congress and with increased federal agents. We also urged him to help us get federal legislation to require that cell phones have "kill switches" to stop the rising robbery rates in our cities.
In all, it was a good session and the President promised to follow up with discussions and specific actions.
Oakland is strongly investing our local resources in rebuilding the police force. Our first officer academy in more than four years will complete field training in about a week; the next academy graduates in mid-September and will hit the streets for field training; and the third academy starts at the end of September. At the same time we are staffing up our Ceasefire Program with a new coordinator and a dedicated team of police officers. This will allow us to call-in and follow up with the most violent criminals in the City more effectively. But our resources remain limited, so our growing federal partnerships are incredibly important to helping protect the people who live and work in Oakland.
Following our meeting with the President we spent about two hours with the Attorney General joined by our Chiefs. Assistant Chief Paul Figueroa joined me for this meeting.
We made four requests:
1. Funding to hire more police officers
2. Additional assistance from Oakland's federal partners including the ATF and FBI
3. Additional resources for intervention programs like those involved in the City's Ceasefire program
4. Increased workforce funding to create more local jobs for residents in impacted neighborhoods and job training programs for parolees and as alternatives to prisons for youth
Assistant Chief Figueroa emphasized that these priorities would create an immediate and long term reduction in violence and crime based on our experience with their increased help so far. He also asked that more federal police training programs be held on the West Coast so that they can be accessible to more Oakland officers.
The White House press office issued the following statement about the meetings:
President Obama and Attorney General Holder met this afternoon with a group of mayors from around the country to discuss strategies to reduce youth violence. The President reiterated that government alone can never fill the void that causes a child to turn to violence, but that we all have a responsibility to do our part to create safe communities and save lives. The President applauded the mayors for their local efforts to combat violence, solicited their input about proven methods, and pledged his Administration's partnership. He also vowed to continue doing everything in his power to combat gun violence through executive action and to press Congress to pass common-sense reforms like expanding the background check system and cracking down on gun trafficking.
Partnerships Making a DIfference
 | State Attorney General Kamala Harris with Federal Assistant Attorney General Melinda Haag, District Attorney Nancy O'Malley, OPD officers, FBI and Federal Marshals after mass arrest of Case Gang members |
At the beginning of last year I was able to meet with the White House and Attorney General to discuss the issue of illegal guns and the violent gangs in our city. I asked for federal agents to help our police identify and arrest those involved in shootings and other violent crimes and to help stop the illegal guns too accessible to our youth.
In response they have increased federation agents assigned to Oakland and assisted our department with a series of focused investigations and arrests of violent gang members in West and East Oakland.
Today we announced the names of the people arrested in the last two weeks. We believe they are responsible for several murders and hundreds of robberies. In the neighborhoods where we have conducted these operations we are seeing a reduction in violence. We are determined to continue targeting the most violent gangs. I personally thanked Attorney General Holder for his assistance. Federal prosecutions will be critical in taking on gangs that have new levels of weapons and multi-city operations. Those who are convicted in federal court usually receive stiffer sentences and are incarcerated in federal prisons outside of the region or state. They also do their probation near those prisons. This helps interrupt gang activity and gives our communities a break.
Bay Bridge Closure on Schedule
Bridge Closure begins Wednesday,
August 28th at 8:00pm
The Bay Bridge will be closed for 5 days in both directions over the Labor Day Weekend in order to take the original East Span out of service and to open the new East Span to traffic. The new East Span is scheduled to open on Tuesday, September 3rd at 5:00am.
Bike-Pedestrian Path on Oakland Span of Bay Bridge Opens on Wednesday at Noon While the official chain cutting ceremony will happen on Labor Day at 3pm, that will be hours before the bridge reopens. What I am really excited about is the opening of the new Bike and Pedestrian Path. For the first time in history, pedestrians and cyclists will have the chance to travel on the Bay Bridge's new Oakland Span. A portion of the 15.5-foot wide bicycle/pedestrian path will open to the public at noon on Tuesday, September 3. Before the pathway can fully connect to Yerba Buena and Treasure Islands, crews will need to demolish a portion of the existing bridge in order to build and connect the rest of the path to Yerba Buena Island. Once completed, the pathway will extend the 2.2 miles between Oakland and Yerba Buena Island.
To ensure pedestrian safety, there will be one lane in each direction for bicycles and an outside lane designated for walkers. The bike and pedestrian path is named after the late East Bay Bicycle Coalition founder and Bay Bridge pathway advocate, Alex Zuckermann. A plaque bearing his name will be located on the trail.
- 15-mph advisory speed limit
- Bicycle-mounted officers from the California Highway Patrol will patrol the path
- Skateboards and skates are not permitted
- Cyclists must yield to pedestrians
The Bay Bridge bicycle/pedestrian path can be accessed from the following locations when it opens:
- The Bay Trail in Emeryville or Oakland
- Burma Road/ Maritime Street in Oakland
Click here for more info about the path.
City Labor Day Holidays
Monday, September 2 is a federal holiday and therefore the City of Oakland administrative offices will be closed. Police, fire and emergency services are not affected during the holiday. Libraries, senior centers, Head Start sites and the animal shelter will be closed. And the Free Green Broadway Shuttle will not operate on Monday.
It's also a parking holiday, so motorists may park for free at City meters.
Mayor Jean Quan
...and don't forget to check out the items in the sidebar at right!
THIS Weekend: Oakland Pride, Take BART |
The growing Oakland Pride weekend is expecting over 30,000 participants on Labor Day Weekend despite the Bay Bridge Closure. All events are reachable by BART and other public transportation. The Mayor's Office is a sponsor again and we will have our booth there! Please come by.
R/EVOLVE SPECTRUM 2013 Oakland Pride Film Festival
Wednesday, August 28 thru Sunday, September 1
1 Lakeside Drive, Suite 1904
For more info: 239-7197, ourkinfolkz@gmail.com , SPECTRUMQueerMedia.com
The sQm 2013 Oakland Pride FIlm Fest is a five day celebration of new & traditional LGBTQ films with food, fun, fashion shows, and more! This much-anticipated event is being held at beloved Oakland venues:
- Wednesday, August 28: The New Black, Opening Night Gay-la, City Hall
- Thursday, August 29: Big Words, The New Parkway
- Friday, August 30: ShortBus, Grand Lake Coffee House
- Friday, August 30: Paris Is Burning, Uptown Studios
- Saturday, August 31: Mosquita y Mari, Grand Lake Coffee House
- Saturday, August 31: Hella Brown, R/Evolve Party Luka's w/Black
As a SPECTRUM 2013 Oakland Pride Film Festival Partner, your business logo will be branded via hyperlink on our Oakland Pride (www.OaklandPride.org) & SPECTRUM (www.SPECTRUMQueerMedia.com) websites, and highlighted in our commemorative film fest program booklet, which will become a keepsake to be treasured, featuring your name. You will also receive valuable exposure through media interest and our on-screen previews during the festival.
LGBTQ film festival heritage: Created in 2011 and co-presented with the Mayor's Office of the City of Oakland, the SPECTRUM Film Festival honors 2013 Oakland Pride with R/EVOLVE - a 5-day cinematic celebration of our lives, our loves, our spirit, our families, our community, our LGBTQIA Pride & our identity. R/EVOLVE is a rejoice-filled 5 days to re-connect, to re-evolve, to experience our stories as a community and to create positive collective memories as the film fest unfolds.
Oakland PRIDE: An analysis by the Urban Institute of U.S. Census 2000 data showed that Oakland has the third-highest concentration of gays and lesbians among the 50 largest U.S. cities, behind San Francisco and Seattle, with more lesbian couple households per capita than San Francisco. Oakland is the largest city in Alameda county and is the ONLY Pride celebration in the East Bay in 2013. Your sponsorship therefore serves not just Oakland, but the greater metropolitan area, including, but not limited to, Emeryville, Alameda, Berkeley, Fremont, Hayward, Livermore, Piedmont and Walnut Creek.
For more info on how to become a partner, click here.
Oakland PRIDE Festival, Sunday, September 1, 11am-7pm, downtown Oakland. Enter at 20th & Broadway.
Celebrate Pride with Oakland. There will be 3 stages, with En Vogue on the main stage. Lots of fun for kids, families, teens, adults, everyone!

Cost: $10 general; $5 kids under 18
For more info: www.oaklandpride.org
5th Annual Volunteer Fair for Oakland Youth
Saturday, September 7
Lakeview School Auditorium
746 Grand Avenue
(at MacArthur Blvd. aross the street from the Lakeshore Farmer's Market and Grand Lake Theater)
Free parking in lot on behind Lakeview School
(enter on Grand Ave.)
This free event links community members to school-based volunteer
opportunities in Oakland that match their interests, schedules, and abilities. Each non-profit organization fully trains all volunteers before they begin a program.
In all, up to 25 school and community-based non-profits will be on hand to share information about the established volunteer programs they operate within Oakland Public Schools and in other settings.
Programs include opportunities for
- reading tutors
- classroom aides
- homework helpers
- mentors
- writing coaches
- library assistants
- playground monitors
- volunteers for food and nutrition programs for low-income families
- instructors in science enrichment, financial literacy and entrepreneurship programs
- and many more
The volunteer programs provide flexible opportunities for volunteers to commit as much or as little time as they have available - from 1-2 hours to several hours a week.
The event will also include appearances by school district, city officials, and other special guests who will meet with current and prospective volunteers and emphasize the importance of non-profit support in Oakland.
Volunteering is a great chance to have a "fun, rewarding experience," according to one of the volunteers who found a great volunteer opportunity at a previous Fair. "Many of the kids hugged me and thanked me on the last day this past week. What a treat! I work part-time and still have time to do this."
For more info: www.VolunteeringForOakland.org or 388-0601, or contact@volunteeringforoakland.org
This publication is not produced at public expense.
Want to follow events as they happen?
During the week, I also post to my Facebook page: Facebook.com/mayorjeanquan.
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Follow the Mayor
 Subscribe to daily tweets
 View our press briefings, meetings & community events Listen to the Mayor Tuesday mornings at 8:05 am on KGO 810 AM radio |
East Bay Poised for Spillover Office Demand "leaving Oakland as the most viable alternative"
August 23, 2013
Lunchables, the Lunchbox King, Faces a Rival Vowing Higher-Quality Fare
Stephanie Strom, NY Times
July 21, 2013
Bay Area rental pendulum swings to condos
Carolyn Said, SF Chronicle
August 18, 2013
Profiles in OakTech: Steve Spiker, open data advocate
Howard Dyckoff, Oakland Local
August 12, 2013
Southern Hospitality at Hutch Bar & Kitchen
Luke Tsai, East Bay Express
August 21, 2013
The Hog's Apothecary nears in Oakland, with whole hog butchery, craft beer and a beer guru aboard
Paolo Lucchesi, InsideScoopSF
August 20, 2013
So You Want to Start a Food Business (top tips for new food entrepreneurs)
Luke Tsai, East Bay Express
August 14, 2013
First Look: Desco's regional Italian arrives in Old Oakland
Jonathan Darr, Oakland Local
August 14, 2013
EDITOR'S NOTE: We're starting a new feature that highlights a different animal each week at the City's animal shelter.
Oakland Animal Services
1101 29th Ave.
Interested in adding a new furry friend to your family? Please consider adopting from Oakland Animal Services (OAS.) OAS is responsible for handling all of Oakland's animal-related calls for service, including neglected, injured, and abandoned animals. This municipal shelter - actually part of the police department -- has many loving dogs, cats, and rabbits who are in need of forever homes. As such, they are required to take every single animal that comes in. No picking and choosing the prettiest-all animals are taken.
Information about OAS hours and location.
Meet Ruthie!
This month OAS is featuring Ruthie, a pit bull terrier mix with a gentle soul and loving personality. Ruthie is seven years old and came to the shelter as a stray. She also may be able to live with a cat. Ruthie is a sponsored dog, which means that a generous donor has covered her adoption costs. OAS is hoping that Ruthie, who is a volunteer favorite, can find a fantastic forever home. Learn more about Ruthie here.
Volunteer for OAS
Volunteers are essential to Oakland Animal Services (OAS). Not only do OAS volunteers benefit from a fun and rewarding experience, but they also significantly improve the lives of the shelter animals. Spending time with the animals, increasing adoptions by helping citizens find the right animal to join their family, and making new friends along the way, volunteers are a driving force behind OAS.
Volunteers can train to work with:
The staff to assist with administrative tasks
Volunteers learn skills for handling each type of animal and techniques for talking with the public about adoptions of them. Learn more about volunteering here.
Measure Y
(Oakland Unite)
2013 Survey
The City of Oakland wants to know what residents think about community policing in Oakland and other services that Measure Y (Oakland Unite), a voter approved parcel tax, funds. The survey should take about 5-10 minutes of your time.
Adopt a Spot
2013 Oakland Adopt a Spot
The City's Environmental Services department posted a video encouraging residents to join the Oakland Adopt a Spot program as part of National Volunteer Week last week. It features everyday residents who have adopted a spot in their neighborhoods as individuals or groups.
Through Adopt a Spot, the Public Works Agency provides a unique opportunity for individuals, neighborhood groups, civic organizations, and businesses to play an active and ongoing role in cleaning, greening, and beautifying parks, creeks, streets, and other public spaces. Public Works assists adopters by providing tool lending, post-cleanup debris collection, and technical assistance.
For more info: Christine Ralls, Adopt A Spot Coordinator, 238-6260 or cralls@oaklandnet.com or go to the City webpage at
www.oaklandadoptaspot.org .
2013 Oakland Housing Fair
Saturday, Sept 14
Geoffrey's Inner Circle, 410 4th St.
Sponsored by NID Housing Counseling Agency,
the City of Oakland, and
Assembly Member Rob Bonta
Free housing workshops
Legal resources and options
For registration and info:
www.nidonline.org , 268-9792 x 457
For homeowners having problems with their mortgages
Major lenders and HUD counselors will meet with you to discuss your options. Please bring copies of:
- Two current pay stubs
- Two current bank statements
- Two years full tax returns with schedules
- Mortgage statements
- Property tax and homeowners insurance documents
- A hardship letter
- Current utility bills
First-time home buyer certification program
Morning session - 9am-12noon
Afternoon session - 1-4pm
- Learn how to qualify for a home mortgage loan
- Ask questions of professionals in the home buying process
- Qualify for your certification to have access to First Time Home Buyer down payment assistance programs
1. DISCOVER OAKLAND -- Activities this week
Editor's Note: Remember to check both the UPCOMING and the RECURRINGsections, way down at the bottom, for additional events.
The Best Free Thing to Do in the Bay Area for a while will be Walking or Biking on the Oakland Span of the Bay Bridge starting Tuesday, September 3, Noon!!! See above for more information.
Semi-annual Book Sale at the Montclair Branch Library, Wednesday, September 28, 10:30am- 3pm, 1687 Mountain Blvd.
Choose from an excellent selection of gently-used books. Find great deals all day and fill-a-bag with discounts from 2pm on. All proceeds directly benefit the Montclair branch of the Oakland Public Library.
For more info: http://montclairlibrary.wordpress.com
Men Of Influence's 1st Annual Family for Life Day, Saturday, August 31, 10:30am, Rainbow Rec Center, 5800 International Blvd.
MOI (Men Of Influence) will be giving out backpacks with school supplies as well as having a BBQ -- free! We have 2 (two) raffles: one for the youth, which is free. Prizes are gift cards and entry to the Oakland zoo. A raffle for the adults will cost $5 a ticket for a 2-night stay at Oakland Hilton with breakfast and parking free! We will also have supporter shirts available for $20 donations to help us stay in the fight to assist our youth to keep them on a path to success.
For more info: 283-3378, www.menofinfluence.net
Friday Nights at the Oakland Museum with Off the Grid Food Trucks, every Friday, 5-9pm, Oakland Museum, 1000 Oak St.
Join OMCA and Off the Grid Food trucks on 10th Street every Friday for a family-friendly take on a festive night market. Savor California beer, wine and non-alcoholic beverages around the Koi Pond at the Blue Oak café pop-up. Bring the whole family to OMCA for a sampling of the best in Bay Area curbside cuisine!
DJ Aware spinning hits from 5 to 6:30 pm
Family-friendly drop-in workshop doing animal printing on bandannas from 5 to 8 pm
Makers & Tasters Series ranging from beer brewing and coffee roasting to recipe sharing and gardening how-tos from 6 to 8 pm
Hooping class with Nicole Wong in the amphitheater from 6:30 to 7 pm
OMCA Pub Trivia with Senior Curator of Natural Sciences, Douglas Long, from 7 to 8:30 pm
Rock and roll band Hot Einsten performing live from 7 to 9 pm
COST: Half-price gallery admission for adults; ages 18 and under are free. Admission for Members is always free. Cash bar. Prices vary for Off the Grid food trucks. Event parking is available at the Museum for a $5 flat fee after 5 pm. For more info, click here.

Bites Off Broadway -- Mobile Food and Family Fun,
Fridays, now thru October 11, 5:30-8:30pm,
in front of Studio One Art Center, 365 45th Street.
Featuring affordable and delicious food from rotating trucks, such as Fist of Flour, Tina Tamale, Taco Evangelist, Roderick's BBQ, Annakoot, Suzie Q's Lunch Box, Sanguchon, Go Streatery, Doc's of the Bay, Two Mammas Vegan Kitchen, Blue Saigon, Sunrise Deli and more. Lawn seating: bring a chair or a blanket plus your friends, family and neighbors. Hula-hooping, ping pong, live music and movies at dusk.
For more info: www.bitesoffbroadway.com
Oakland Rising Open House, Wednesday, August 28, 4:30-6:30pm, 570 14th St.
We're excited to open our doors to you and share a more intimate look into the work and the people behind Oakland Rising. Join us to learn more about our vision for Oakland. Meet some of our home-grown phoners and canvassers and find out why they think Oakland Rising is making a difference in the lives of Oaklanders. See our state-of-the-art phone banking center and hear about our priority policy fights for 2013. Do all of this with a nice glass of wine and some cheese in hand. This is a free event and we won't ask you for any money! We will also be giving away a few of our t-shirts, hoodies, water bottles, and buttons. It's a celebration of you.
For more info: 261-2600x101, lanese@oaklandrising.org
Click here to RSVP.
Late Summer Soiree - a benefit for Oakland Art Murmur, Wednesday, August 28, 6:30-9:30pm.
Friends of OAM invites you to an exclusive tour of a superlative private modern art collection, housed in the collector's personal residence, an exquisite Bernard Maybeck estate in the Oakland Hills. Come usher in the Fall with Friends of OAM, enjoy delicious bites and lovely drinks while strolling the magnificent grounds of this landmark estate, and all the while take in some seriously stellar works of art by major twentieth century masters.
Cost $25 for the general public; $20 for members of Friends of OAM; Complimentary for Supporter and Donor Level Members
Tickets are strictly limited, get yours today.
SPECIAL OFFER: Become a member of Friends of OAM in the month of August and receive a discount on your tickets to this event (plus invitations to future free events for Friends of OAM members!)
For more info: Oaklandartmurmur.com

Oakland Fund For The Arts annual dinner party at Bocanova Restaurant,Thursday, August 29, 6pm.
With the support of donors like you, Oakland Fund for the Arts (OFFTA) has awarded over $425,000 in grants, funding 100+ performance and visual art programs in 110 public schools located in some of Oakland's most distressed areas. Since being founded in 1996, OFFTA has reached more than 14,000 children. Bocanova, one of Oakland's trendiest restaurants  and long-time supporter of Oakland Fund for the Arts, is once again hosting the annual fundraiser. Cocktails, a silent auction and music will kick-off the event.
For more info and to buy tickets: offta.org
Chicago Steppin' classes, Thursdays, 8-10pm, Ira Jinkins Rec Center, 9175 Edes Ave.
The classes will be held every Thursday through August. Participants will enjoy great music, dancing and conversation while learning the art of the "Chicago Step."
For more info and to register: Donte Watson, Recreation Center Director, dwatson@oaklandnet.com or 615-5959
Dancing Under the Stars, Friday evenings, 8:30-10pm, Jack London Square, foot of Broadway. This week learn the Bachata, a dance from the Dominican Republic.
The incredibly popular dancing event returns to Oakland's waterfront. Kick up your heels and enjoy a free dance lesson provided by the Linden Street Dance Studio. Each week will feature a different type of dance followed by a dance party to practice what was learned.
For more info: 645-9292.
Oakland Symphony Chorus Summer Sing-Ins, now thru August 31, 10am-12noon, 2201 Broadway, Suite 300. On July 9, OSC launched its 21st Anniversary Season of Summer Sing-Ins. All singers are invited to join OSC and sing along to some of the most beloved choral masterpieces. This summer you can expect some Bach, Brahms and Berlioz. OSC welcomes back conductors Vance George, Michael Morgan, Lynne Morrow and more.
For more info: oebs.org
Laurel Outdoor Movie Series
Last Saturday of the month, June thru October, 8pm
Bring your lawn chairs, blankets and warm clothes, held in the Ace Hardware Parking Lot (4024 MacArthur Blvd). Sponsored by Movement Ink, Ace Hardware, the LDA and various Laurel merchants each month.
August 31 -- Good Hair w/ Chris Rock (PG-13)
September 28 -- Wall-E (PG)
October 26 -- Nightmare Before Christmas (PG) and Shaun of the Dead (R for adults only)
$5 Movie Day Every Sunday & Tuesday, Regal Cinema Jack London 100 Washington St.
Tired of shelling out $10 - $12 for movies in a theater? Then take advantage of the Regal, Jack London's all day $5 movie deal!
For more info: www.regmovies.com
The New Parkway, 474 24th Street
658-7900 or www.thenewparkway.com
If you haven't yet been to this movie theater, you really must go. Comfy (clean) couches, good food, and all sorts of themes. Check the website for all the specifics.
See the Spotlight, above, for a special August program that The New Parkway is doing.
Regular Events -- Saturday & Sunday
All Day: Puppet Petting Zoo! Now's your chance to get up close and make these wonderful puppets come alive.
11am, 2pm, & 4pm: Puppet Show: Tashi, A Boy From Tibet. This is a tale about helping each other and caring for animals. Tashi doesn't want to be a hunter, because it hurts his animal friends. In order to learn the lessons of life, his father sends him out into the world. On the way he meets a magical monk, and saves a village from a wicked demon, all through the help of friends. 12pm-2pm: The Marilynn O'Hare Arts & Crafts Center is open with activities geared toward children and their families.
12:30pm & 3pm: Children's Theatre Presents: Cowgirls! The (partly) true story about the girls who won the West. Follow Ruby on her quest to find her beloved cowgirl hat and ride Blue Meany, the orneriest bull that ever bucked a buckaroo. On her way, Ruby meets a host of cowgirls from American legend and history, from Sluefoot Sue to Calamity Jane to Stagecoach Mary. Join us for a rip-roaring celebration of cowgirl culture featuring traditional western songs and stories.
1pm-1:20pm: Animal of the Day!
Come up close and learn about one of our animal friends. Which one of Fairyland's feathered, furry or wooly creatures will it be today? Find out at the Humpty Dumpty wall.
1:30pm & 2:30pm: Award-winning Storyteller John Weaver will entertain with his lively, humor-filled stories for children of all ages.
9777 Golf Links Rd
Animal Encounters,
Sundays, 11:30am and 12:15pm (for about 20 minutes)
Docent led live animal presentation: Wild animals need your help, come find out what you can do.
Learn about and meet some of our amazing animals close up. Our Program Animals are presented with fun facts and important messages; spend 20 minutes with us in the WildLife Theater! This program is free with regular Zoo Admission.
Zoovie Night, August 30, September 20, September 28, 6:30-9:30pm. Put on your jammies and enjoy an evening of Zoovie magic with the whole family. Bring your pillows, blankets, and chairs and snuggle up in our auditorium for a specially selected animal or nature-themed movie. Meet some of our nocturnal Education animals brought to you by Roosevelt, Oakland Zoo's costumed alligator mascot. Hot chocolate (with marshmallows, of course) and popcorn will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own treats and traditional family movie fare. Let the show begin!
Click here for more info.
10000 Skyline Blvd.
For more info, click here.
Staying Alive: The Sokul Spacesuit, Saturday, August 31, 7:30-8:15pm
Come learn the brief history of spacesuits from the earliest pressure suits worn by aviators in the 1930s to the state of the art used on the International Space Station. You'll get a chance to see an actual Russian Sokol Spacesuit with a demonstration of its features and its use.
Click here for more info.
Dinner, a Movie, and the Universe, Friday & Saturday evenings.
The perfect date night experience is back! By popular demand, our unique after-dark offering has returned. Join us for a full-course dinner in our Skyline Bistro, enjoy our live-narrated Planetarium show Cosmos 360, and view the night sky through our telescopes (weather permitting). Reservations are not required, but strongly encouraged.
Costs (includes Admission, Dinner, and Planetarium Show)
Guests: $23 Adults / $16 Children
Members: $15 Adults / $11 Children
*Dinner only walk-ins welcome: $17 Adults / $13 Children
*Price does not include admission to the Center
For more info, click here.
At the Oakland Museum, 1000 Oak Street
For more info: museumca.org
Civil Rights @ 50: March on Washington,
Aug 28, 6pm
Commissioned by the Equal Justice Society
Collaboration by Zaccho Dance Theatre, Marcus Shelby Jazz Orchestra & Lorraine Hansberry Theatre
From 2013 to 2015, the U.S. will observe the 50th anniversaries of four of our nation's seminal civil rights tipping points: March on Washington (1963), Civil Rights Act (1964), Voting Rights Act (1965), and Immigration and Nationality Act (1965). The Equal Justice Society (EJS) will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington on Wednesday, August 28, with an event featuring a collaboration with Zaccho Dance Theatre (ZDT), Marcus Shelby Jazz Orchestra (MSJO), and the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre. The event in honor of the March on Washington is the first of four events that the EJS will be organizing to celebrate these key moments in our nation's struggle for social equality.
Click here for more info and to buy tickets.
Summer of Science: Exploring Urban Nature with the East Bay Regional Park District
Friday, August 30, 2-5pm
Join the East Bay Regional Park District in the Gallery of California Natural Sciences to learn about the great outdoors right here in the Bay Area! Create nature crafts, observe a live snake and demonstration, and join a 30 minute guided tour of the OMCA Garden. Guided tours depart at 3:30 and 4:30 pm from the Redwoods section of the Gallery.
Free to OMCA Members. Included in Museum admission.
Click here for more info.
Above and Below: Stories From Our Changing Bay, August 31 thru February 23, 2014
Above and Below unveils the quirky stories of how people and nature together have shaped the San Francisco Bay Area over the last 6,000 years. The first major exhibition to be presented with all three of OMCA's transformed galleries of California Art, History, and Natural Sciences open to the public, the exhibition highlights historic and contemporary place-based stories about the Bay, and engages viewers in discussions about the Bay's future. Through an extensive use of media featuring oral histories, community voices, and interactives, the exhibition explores how human engineering and natural forces have come together over time to shape and reshape the land and water around the San Francisco Bay, and how sea-level rise, wetlands restoration, invasive species, and climate change are central topics in determining the future of the Bay.
Click here for more info.
Peter Stackpole: Bridging the Bay, now thru Jan. 26, 2014
Featuring stunning black-and-white photographs chronicling the original San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge and Golden Gate Bridge construction in the 1930s by American photographer Peter Stackpole, the exhibition continues OMCA's ongoing series exploring contemporary topics in California through photography.
On view in the Gallery of California Art during the opening of the new San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge in fall 2013, the exhibition of 22 of Stackpole's works from OMCA's collection connects visitors back in time to the bridge's first iteration and serves as a complement to the Museum's major exhibition on the San Francisco Bay, opening in concert with the new bridge and America's Cup.
Click here for more info.
Hard Times in the OC

Now thru April 27, 2014
This installation in the Gallery of California History co-curated with faculty and students at California State University Fullerton focuses on the effects of the 2008 recession in Orange County. It's the second in the series titled "What's Happening, California?" The exhibition explores the theme of resilience in the face of economic setbacks through a presentation of artifacts, including protest puppets, tools of laid-off workers, and oral history interviews. The resulting exhibition portrays a range of experiences and challenges facing the people of Orange County during the recession, reflecting the Oakland Museum of California's mission to connect communities to the cultural and environmental heritage of California.
ART Exhibits at Oakland Public Libraries
Is This Justice? Student Design Exhibit, Main Library, TeenZone, July 8 - September 30
Artistic T-shirts conveying messages about violence prevention, incarceration, community, and freedom, created by students in the Restorative Justice Leaders program.
Many library events are recurring. Some are highlighted here temporarily, but be sure to check the last section (RECURRING EVENTS) for items no longer listed in this section and click here for a link to all library events.
Library events page: www.oaklandlibrary.org/events
Library Offers Free Music Downloads and Streaming
On Wednesday, July 24, the Oakland Public Library (OPL) began to offer patrons the ability to download and stream popular music for free, through a service called Freegal Music. Freegal gives you access to millions of songs from over 10,000 labels in MP3 format. To access the free service, you need a valid OPL library card. To check out the free service, please visit the OPL website at www.oaklandlibrary.org or go directly to Freegal's site here.
For more info: Jamie Turbak, Acting Associate Library Director, jturbak@oaklandlibrary.org or 238-6610
4 libraries to change hours beginning September 16
In order to increase the public's access to neighborhood library branches, Oakland Public Library will be implementing a schedule change at four of the library's 16 branch locations. Effective Monday, September 16, 2013, the Brookfield, Eastmont, Golden Gate, and Piedmont Avenue branch libraries will be open Monday through Friday. All other branches will keep their current Tuesday through Saturday schedules and the Main Library will continue to be open seven days a week.
The four branches that are shifting to a Monday through Friday schedule will be open on Monday evenings, instead of their current Tuesday evenings, with the following Monday hours:
* Brookfield and Eastmont branches: 11:30 am - 7 pm
* Golden Gate and Piedmont Avenue branches: 12:30 pm - 8 pm
All Tuesday-Saturday branches will continue to be open on Tuesday evenings, and the Main Library will continue to be open on Wednesday and Thursday evenings.
To view current branch schedules, visit the library's website here.
For more info:www.oaklandlibrary.org
Editor's Note: In the interest of space, we're removing the regular, recurring items we usually have below this section. There are so many events the libraries offer -- best that you just go check out their website for all the details: www.oaklandlibrary.org/events.
Virgin Soul: Author Talk with Judy Juanita, Wednesday, August 28, 6-7:30pm, Main Library, Bradley C. Walters Community Room, 125 14th St.
Author Judy Juanita reads from and discusses her novel, Virgin Soul, based on her personal experiences during the 1960s. The story is about a young woman who goes to college in San Francisco in the 1960s, joins the Black Panthers, and gets entangled in a world of guns, FBI agents, sex, violence, and trouble with the law. Click here for more info.
It's Your Move: Chess Clinic, Wednesdays, 1-3 for adults and 3-5 for kids, West Oakland Branch, 1801 Adeline St.
Beginner and intermediate chess clinic for all ages. Adults come from 1-3 and children from 3-5. Parents are encouraged to participate. Join us for a fun and educational experience. Sign up is mandatory. Hosted by the West Oakland Library Branch and Will Delaney, chess coach. Click here for more info.
Baby Bounce, Thursdays, 11:30-11:50am, Montclair Branch, 1687 Mountain Blvd.
Play, sing, and rhyme one on one with your baby from birth to 18 months, followed by Playtime! Make new friends and play with toys. Click here for more info.
Brookfield Saturdays Arts & Crafts, Saturdays, 2-3:30pm, Brookfield Branch, 9255 Edes Ave.
Learn the basics of paper-crafting, clay modeling, beading and more. Expand your creativity, develop your small-motor skills and enjoy an afternoon of arts exploration every Saturday. All ages are welcome to participate. For more info: 615-5725 or click here.
Power Up: Free Hands-On Computer Training, Saturdays thru September, 10-11am, Dimond Branch, 3565 Fruitvale Ave.
Come join us for a series of classes offering free computer training for beginning and continuing learners. Each class will cover an issue common to new users including PC basics, using email and navigating the Internet. Drop-ins welcome. Click here for more info.
Chinatown StreetFest Draws Tens of Thousands
Latham Square Temporary Makeover Ready For Comments
Last week the temporary makeover of the Latham Square pilot was completed as benches and trees were added. Come and see if this small plaza helps calm traffic and adds enjoyment to downtown. It is located at the corner of Broadway and Telegraph. The no car zone invites peeks at the 100 year old fountain dedicated to James & Henrietta Latham for their work for animal welfare and at the beautiful gothic Cathedral Building, which are often unseen at this busy intersection.
The project was funded with a $200,000 state grant. Responsibility for maintenance and programming the plaza rests with the Downtown Oakland Association, who will assign its community ambassadors to watch over the plaza and is working with the adjacent Awaken Café to host weekly Friday evening concerts. To read more about the project.
BART Coliseum Station Transition Building -- Ongoing Construction
The Oakland Airport Connector (OAC) project is under construction in various locations throughout the Hegenberger Road business corridor to construct the Coliseum Station Transition Building, a structure at the south end of the existing Coliseum/Oakland Airport BART Station that will allow passengers to transfer from existing BART to the new service. The Transition Building includes a stairway, escalators and elevators, and will support an elevated pedestrian walkway over San Leandro Street from the BART station to the new Coliseum Station structure, where construction is also underway.
The public should be aware of the following construction impacts:
- Lane reconfigurations, lane closures and shifting of traffic on San Leandro Street, adjacent to the BART station
- Large equipment and materials being transported and installed overhead at the south end of the BART station's platform
- Construction-related noise, dust and vibration
Construction of the Transition Building will be performed from 7am to 7pm, Monday through Saturday, and at night from 9pm to 5am, Monday through Sunday.
Noise, dust and vibration levels will be monitored and all efforts will be taken to minimize these and other disruptions to the community. Stormwater pollution prevention plans are also in place to mitigate the project's environmental impacts. Please watch for notices regarding future construction activities and signs with safety information. Also note that there is a separate construction project underway at the overpass adjacent to this site, which may necessitate separate closures.
For more info: Phillip Fung, City of Oakland Public Works Agency/Project Delivery Division, 238-2938
City Seeks Citizen Input on Council Redistricting
 The City is hosting a series of Redistricting Town Hall Meetings to gather input from the community on boundary adjustments to Council Districts to equalize each district's population according to US Census data. The Oakland City Charter mandates the review of City Council District boundaries every 10 years. The Council provided specific direction to City staff and established the criteria to be used in reviewing the Council District boundaries. (To view the reports, resolution and video of the meeting, please visit http://bit.ly/103avDM.) The Oakland City Council Districts also serve as the districts for the Board of Education. However, boundary changes will not impact school enrollment choices. Issues raised at the first meetings include: - Some want minimum change others suggest more radical change
- Should the districts be more economically diverse or more homogeneous?
- What growth should we account for given the large new housing developments at Brooklyn Basin and Oak Knoll as well as planned zoning for more density along corridors like Broadway or International?
In the links below there are tools to design your own maps. The dates and locations for future Redistricting Town Hall Meetings are: - Thursday, September 5, 6:30-8:30pm, Caesar Chavez Education Center, 2825 International Boulevard (Interpretation in Spanish will be provided.)
- Saturday, September 7, 10am-12noon, Frick Middle School, 2845 64th Avenue
- Saturday, September 7, 2-4pm, Oakland Public Library, Main Library Auditorium, 125 14th Street (Interpretation in Cantonese and Vietnamese will be provided.)
- Sunday, September 8, 3-5pm, Claremont Middle School, 5750 College Avenue
Do you know what Council District you live in? Click here for a map of Council Districts and locator tool. For those unable to attend any of the above meetings, the City is offering a variety of other engagement and feedback opportunities including: In October, the City Council will begin holding public hearings to deliberate on the proposed redistricting maps that result from the summer's Town Hall Meetings. The Council will make a final selection of the Council District boundaries in November. For more information on Oakland's redistricting process including a map of current Council Districts, redistricting-related legislation, upcoming Council meeting dates and more: Devan Reiff, AICP, Planner II, dreiff@oaklandnet.com or 238-3550 and www.oaklandnet.com/redistricting
Boards and Commissions are a wonderful way for residents to participate in city government, and currently we are recruiting for several openings.
- If your interest is in arts and culture - there are vacancies on both the Cultural Affairs Commission and on the Public Art Advisory Committee.
- The Commission on Aging has two positions that will become vacant in September.
- The Commission on Persons with Disabilities has some vacancies as well.
- Calling out to youth! Citizen's Police Review Board has a couple of openings and would like at least one youth candidate.
- And the Violence Prevention and Public Safety Oversight Committees are looking for one or two excellent candidates.
Due to the term limits that pertain to most Boards and Commissions, vacancies in nearly all of them are continuously occurring. If you are interested in being considered for any of these Boards and Commissions, please send a letter of interest and your resume to Hatzune Aguilar Sanchez at haguilar@oaklandnet.com .
3. Community Policing
Cell Phones Remain Main Targets in Robberies
More officers on bikes and focus on robbery hot sports have seen a small decline in robberies, but cell phones are still the main target. Until "kill switch" agreements take affect next year, they remain expensive and easy targets. Don't use them on the street if possible.

Burglars Pose as Utility Workers
The Oakland Police Department want you to be aware of individuals who are posing as utility workers. In the afternoon of August 20, on Sunnyhills Road, two suspects posing as a utility workers stating they are PG&E workers, contacted the 90 and 80 year old residents telling them that they were there to check the easement at the rear of the property. While the home owners were in the back yard, the home was burglarized of jewelry and cash.
Suspect-1 is described as a male Hispanic, 35-40 years-old, 5'6, 180 ponds medium complexion, short dark hair. He was wearing a hard hat, gloves, dark blue long sleeve polo shirt and dark pants. Suspect-2 is described as a male Hispanic, 45-50 years-old, 5'6, 185 pounds, light complexion, medium length dark brown hair. He was wearing a light blue shirt, light colored pants and a light colored fisherman style hat. Suspects may be carrying clipboards.
OPD encourages everyone to report suspicious activity -- see below for ways to do so.
PG&E offers the following tips to help avoid these scams:
- Customers should always ask to see valid identification before allowing anyone claiming to be a PG&E representative inside their home. PG&E employees always carry their identification and are always willing to show it to you.
- If a person claiming to be a PG&E employee has identification and you still feel uncomfortable, call PG&E's customer service line at 1-800-PGE-5000 to verify an appointment and/or PG&E's presence in the community.
- Customers who have an appointment with PG&E will receive an automated call back within 48 hours prior to a scheduled visit, or they will receive a personal call from a PG&E gas service representative prior to a scheduled visit.
- Customers with concerns about the legitimacy of a call they receive about a past due bill, a service request or a request for personal information are encouraged to call PG&E at 1-800-PGE-5000.
Juvenile Justice Strategy Evaluation Report Published 
Since 2007, the U.S. Department of Justice has funded a collaborative juvenile reentry project in Alameda County through the Federal Second Chance Initiative, led by the Department of Human Services in partnership with Alameda County Probation, Alameda County Healthy Services, Oakland Unified School District, and community-based agencies. This project supplements the work of Oakland Unite's Juvenile Justice Center (JJC) Strategy, bringing additional resources to support youth returning to Oakland from the JJC.
Dr. Sonia Jain, Senior Research Associate for WestEd, a research and evaluation agency, conducted an evaluation study and published a report on the process evaluation of the Second Chance demonstration project led by Oakland Unite between 2011 and 2013. The report highlights the substantial systems change work that has been done to improve outcomes for reentry youth in Oakland.
The Project's Key Accomplishments highlighted in the report include:
- At least 90% target population received pre- and post-release services;
- Approximately 98% of youth were provided with a school placement at OUSD within three days of exiting JJC,
- Staff and organizational capacity building through trainings on cornerstone topics
- Improved data sharing protocols
- Common vision and flow of work for smooth youth transitions from detention to the community
- New individualized approach to juvenile supervision at Probation Dept.
- Staff-wide training in positive youth development and individual achievement plans and case management.
Click here to download the report.
CeaseFire Oakland/LifeLines to Healing -- Walk our neighborhoods
The City of Oakland and local faith-based organizations are continuing their neighborhood Night Walks on Fridays from 6:30 to 9pm -- just one of the ways that community members can get involved in Operation Ceasefire. These walks are organized by residents and faith leaders in areas where Ceasefire is focused. I join the walks at least once a month. Volunteers are trained in advance of the Night Walk and are accompanied by other volunteers for the duration of the walk. The purpose of the Night Walk is to reach out to communities affected by violence and to take back the streets. This group stopped at our Peace in the Parks program last Friday and included many volunteers from Montclair Presbyterian Church. The next walks start from these locations:
- August 30 - First Mt. Sinai, 1970 86th Avenue
- September 6 - Allen Temple, 8501 International Blvd
- September 13 - First Mt. Sinai, 1970 86th Avenue
- September 20 - Cosmopolitan, 988 85th Avenue
- September 27 - At Thy Word, 8915 International Blvd
For more info: 639-1440 or fridaycommunitynightwalks@gmail.com
New Graduates Will Strengthen Neighborhood Policing Plan
New graduates of the first academy finish their year-long training as they complete field training. They will strengthen the current reorganization by filling out Crime Reduction Teams for each area and providing, for the first time, a dedicated group of officers working with Ceasefire, the program focusing on Oakland's most violent criminals.
The Oakland Police Department is completing the Neighborhood Policing Plan developed by the Bratton-Wasserman team, putting into place leadership and teams for each of 5 Police Areas. Area commanders will deploy crime reduction and prevention strategies tailored for their to areas.
The 5 commanders below have the authority needed to impact local community crime trends, issues, and patterns and will be held accountable for effective police service and the quality of police/community relationships in their Areas. We are currently adding more lieutenants and sergeants, special crime reduction teams. We are currently moving investigators to each district. We will be holding events in each Police Area to introduce the Captains and their command staff next month.
Area-Specific Crime Stats Posted to OPD Website

The Oakland Police Department (OPD) updated the web pages for the five Bureau of Field Operations Areas by adding area-specific crime stats. A citywide weekly crime report, available on the Crime Statistics page, has been available since the website was created. The new crime stat pages are tailored to each Area, making information on local crime conditions easily available to neighborhood residents. The five Area webpages are accessible through the Bureau of Field Operations page here.
Many Arrests Are Made Each Week Because Citizens Report Suspicious Activity
Please remember to be alert and report suspicious activity to the police:
777-3333 OPD non-emergency number
This number should be used to report any suspicious behavior and suspicious vehicles parked or driving in your neighborhood or area of business. Callers can opt not to provide their name and number and remain anonymous. Please include any descriptive details that could be helpful. Jot down the date, time and location you saw the vehicle or suspicious person. Each time this information is reported, it is used in the investigative process.
911 for life threatening emergencies
777-3211 emergency when calling from your cell phone
Use Nixle Tip Watch to send an anonymous tip in 1 of 3 ways:
- Text TIP OAKLANDPD to 888777 from your cell phone
- Call the toll-free tip hotline at 855-TIPS-247 (855-847-7247)
- Respond to OPD's Nixle messages
To view the Nixle message, click here.
Nixle -- stay informed of events, news, and announcements
If you have not already done so, please sign up for NIXLE to receive OPD alerts, advisories, and community messages. You can sign up for your beat to receive updates from OPD.
4. Safe & Healthy Oakland: Fire House Open House Events

Fire Station Open Houses 
Sponsored By: City of Oakland/Fire Department, WPAD, and Public Agencies
- Resources for Residents of Oakland Hills
- Roving Fire Patrols, Free Chipping Services
- WPAD Citizens Advisory Committee
- Roadside Treatment, Inspections
- Goat Grazing, New Engines
- Public Education/Fire Safety Information
Here are the dates and locations:
- Saturday, August 31 Fire Station 28 4615 Grass Valley
- Saturday, September 7 Fire Station 6, 7080 Colton Blvd.
- Saturday, September 28 Fire Station 21 13150 Skyline Blvd.

The Great California ShakeOut -- Annual statewide earthquake drill
Thursday, October 17
ShakeOut is now eight weeks away and more than 10.8 million people worldwide are already registered. More than 40 U.S. states and territories, along with several other countries, are participating in 2013!
Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills are a chance to practice how to protect ourselves during big earthquakes, and also how to get prepared.
Check out the following links:
Also from ShakeOut:
The Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety
EDITOR'S NOTE: Over the next two months, we'll feature their Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety, an optional addition to your ShakeOut participation that may improve your preparedness for a big earthquake or other emergencies.
Step 1: Secure Your Space
Earthquake shaking can move almost anything, even large or heavy items. Imagine your home or workplace being picked up and shaken sideways -- what would fall or be thrown around? How can you prevent it?
Secure your space by identifying hazards and securing moveable items. Consider doing one item from the list below each week. You may need to ask others for help or to borrow tools. Perhaps you might help them in return, or help others in your community. We're all in this together!
No cost:
- Move heavy or large items to the floor or low shelves.
- Move things that can fall on you away from where you spend a lot of time.
- Move heavy or unstable objects away from doors and escape routes.
Low cost:
- Secure a water heater to wall studs with two metal straps.
- Secure top-heavy furniture and appliances to wall studs.
- Hang mirrors and pictures on closed hooks.
- Secure computers and TVs with special straps.
- Prevent small items from falling by using museum putty or wax.
- Install latches on kitchen cabinets.
Many of these items may be available at your local hardware store, or at a special discount from ShakeOut partner ReadyAmerica.
A bit more work or cost:
- Use flexible connections where gas lines meet appliances (such as water heaters, ovens, and clothes dryers).
- Secure overhead light fixtures.
- Secure free-standing wood stoves or fireplace inserts.
These recommendations may also reduce injury or damage in other situations. For example, a recent report showed that unsecured TVs that fall are injuring children across the country every day! So even if earthquakes are not common where you live or work, these suggestions are worthwhile to consider.
Visit EarthquakeCountry.org/step1 for additional information, instructions, and resources.
You can also play the "Beat the Quake" game to test your knowledge for how to secure your space, and challenge your friends too!
Wildfire Prevention District Faces Renewal This Fall
Ten years ago I was a new Council Member and the federal funding that had helped Oakland with vegetation control after the Firestorm of 1991 had ended. I had gotten used to the goats grazing the hills, but it was clear that if we were going to continue these and other services we would have to find funding. Eventually we calculated that if every home/property within the tree line of the Oakland hills would pay $65 per year we could cover the basics with about $1.7 million -- including the goats!
In 2003, I helped the residents of the Oakland hills establish and pass the Wildfire Prevention Assessment District (WPAD) to provide annual funding to assist home and property owners in preventing urban wildfires through vegetation management and education. Since then other areas of the state have considered setting up their own districts. For the past 10 years, the WPAD has successfully reduced the risk of wildfires in our fire-prone Oakland Hills through:
- Goat grazing to clear excess brush and weeds
- Maintaining firebreaks so fire cannot spread
- Fire patrols on high fire danger days
- Roadside mowing
- Dead tree removal
- Brush cutting to clear emergency escape routes
- Free chipping/removal of branches and brush debris for residents in the Wildfire Prevention District
Keep Oakland Firesafe 2013 is a grassroots campaign to renew Oakland's Wildfire Prevention Assessment District (WPAD) before it sunsets in 2014. If anyone questions the value of this district, please consider the videos on this website. Or ask the neighbors on Castle Road about the July 4th fire in Joaquin Miller Park. When the sparks from the Girl Scout Cabin ignited a nearby hill, only a meadow separated the fire from nearby eucalyptus trees and homes. Luckily the goats had just been in that meadow and the fire was contained. In 1991 the fire moved from the top of the North Hills across Hwy 13 in less than 25 minutes; vegetation management helps us slow down fires and contain them. It can be a matter of life or death.
We anticipate the actual mail-in ballot for the Wildfire Prevention District will occur in November 2013. Meanwhile, there is a lot we have to do between now and then and we could use your support.
For more info about how to help: www.keepoaklandfiresafe.org
5. VOLUNTEER Opportunities

Become a Volunteer Health Navigator
Allen Temple Health and Social Services and the Robert C. Scott Wellness Center are seeking persons to join the Volunteer Health Navigation Team. The navigators will provide education on the Affordable Care Act (also known as 'Obamacare'), healthcare coverage options, as well as assist in healthcare enrollment. Volunteers will receive training and a certificate of completion. A six-month commitment is requested.
For more info: Raquel Cummings 544-975 or rcummings@allen-temple.org
Add 137 Years to Your Life:
Become a Tour Guide at Camron-Stanford House
6-week (9 session) Tour Guide Training Program
Starts Sunday, September 8
Camron-Stanford House, Oakland's 1876 Victorian landmark house museum on Lake Merritt, is looking for enthusiastic, outgoing volunteers to become tour guides. The museum is recruiting now for its 6-week, 9-session Tour Guide Training program which begins Sunday, September 8. The course is held at Camron-Stanford House, located at 1418 Lakeside Drive (at 14th Street). Most classes are on Thursday evenings, 7-9 pm, with 2 to 3 sessions scheduled for weekend mornings.
The program will explore local history and architecture, the decorative arts and domestic life of the Victorian era, and garden history in conjunction with the museum's new Victorian Garden. Tour Guide trainees will learn from experts everything needed to give tours of the beautiful Camron-Stanford House and garden to public, private and school groups. No previous guide experience is necessary, but curiosity and a desire to share what you've learned are essential. Prospective guides need to be comfortable with stairs and being on their feet for up to an hour.
Cost: $40 for class materials + $35 one-year membership in the museum which comes with all the benefits of membership.
To apply: download the application at www.cshouse.org, complete and email it to Natasha Glushkoff at volunteer@cshouse.org or mail it to Camron-Stanford House Preservation Association, 1418 Lakeside Drive, Oakland, CA 94612.
For more info: Natasha at 444-1876
California Health Insurance Exchange needs your help
California's new health care program will start enrolling residents on October 1st. Volunteers are needed to inform residents about enrollment dates, where to go for information and sign-up.
Invited presenters will include: Health Services, NAACP, La Clinica and Organizing for Action, Volunteering for Oakland.
For more info: aca4eastbay@gmail.com
Success depends on a proactive, prepared volunteer outreach. Learn more about the California Health Insurance Exchange at www.coveredca.com .
Oakland Literacy Coalition - Fall Volunteer Training Series
Tuesday, September 10 and Thursday, September 12, 4-7pm
East Bay Community Foundation - James Irvine Conference Center
353 Frank Ogawa Plaza
The Oakland Literacy Coalition (OLC) is hosting a Volunteer Training Series for those interested in or currently working with pre-k through elementary age students. If you are a new volunteer looking for the right opportunity we are happy to share information about various tutoring programs and help match you to one that meets your interests and schedule!
FREE Live Scan fingerprinting and TB testing will be available from 4-5pm both days. Both are generally required before volunteers can be cleared to work with students. Please contact your volunteer organization for details or click here to learn more about OUSD's volunteer requirements.
NOTE: to receive a TB test you must be present on BOTH Tuesday and Thursday between 4:15 and 5pm.
A light dinner will be offered before the training workshops from 5-7pm.
Workshops are led by experienced trainers and will cover topics including: working with English Language Learners, Literacy Tutoring 101, Conducting an Effective Read Aloud, and Building Comprehension & Vocabulary Skills!
Space is limited and pre-registration is required.
For more info and to register, click here or contact Cassie Perham, OLC Program Manager, cperham@rogersfoundation.org or 899-7914
Have time on your hands? Interested in helping Oakland teens succeed?

WriterCoach Connection takes teams of trained community volunteers into public school English classes to work with students on their classroom writing assignments. We believe one-on-one feedback from caring adults helps students develop their ideas and become confident and competent writers. Our two-part volunteer trainings provide strategies and practice to work effectively with students at all levels of achievement and all stages of the writing process. 
In Oakland we coach at Fremont High School in the Fruitvale and have recently expanded to Oakland School for the Arts. We have a great need for coaches, especially at Fremont High. The commitment is just 1-2 hours per week, 2-4 weeks each month during the school year.
For more info: www.writercoachconnection.com or Camille Graves, Oakland Volunteer Coordinator,oakwcc@gmail.com or 306-1792
6. Peace-Building in Oakland
3278 West Street
"Welcome to the Table" Healing Circle, Wednesday, August 28, 7-9:30pm
Engage in sharing stories, experiences, events, and deep dialogue about healing the wounds of racial inequality. This is Oakland's chapter group of "Coming to the Table" national community (see www.comingtothetable.org . )
Mindful Drumming for "Mishe" Happiness
Last Fridays of the month, 7:30pm
Next: Friday, August 30
Experience a once-in-a-lifetime drumming gathering for happiness for the entire family. Cultivate "mishe" happiness through mindfulness, synchronistic rhythms, and community building. Kokomon Clottey of Ghana, West Africa, will offer communal rhythms as a gateway to the heart to evoke deep inner bliss. Mindful drumming offers an authentic path to happiness and unleashes the human potential.
7. Buy Oakland, Grow Our Local Economy
This week the White House is getting solar panels and the Oakland company, Sungevity is installing them! Personally, I am not surprised. The President can lease the panels and put no money down, and the energy savings is often about the same amount as your current bill. Best of all you can get a quick estimate on line; the Sungevity experts use Google maps to look a your roof. 
Sungevity was just named by Forbes as one of the companies "Best for the World" for their good for the world policies and good business model.
Right now if you sign up with Sungevity, they will give the Sierra Club $750. They will also give you a gift card for the same amount. Founder Danny Kennedy is a big Oakland booster. He started with 50 employees here and now has over 300 in Oakland alone as they have become one of the fastest growing solar companies in the nation.
He has turned their headquarters at Jack London Square into a big incubator for solar start ups. One of the most successful is Mosaic, a company that helps investors put money into solar projects for non-profits and get a decent yield. 51 investors just put $40K into solar on the Youth Employment Partnership (YEP) roof and are making a 6.38% yield. YEP is the group that administers many of our Mayor's Summer Jobs Program internships. Talk about a good investment in Oakland!
Oakland Grown Gift Card
Buy cards for yourself or as a gift to be used with participating Oakland independent businesses and artists. You have lots of great local businesses to choose from and can feel good about keeping your money in Oakland. And now the card includes rewards points, called OakShares. Earn 5 points every time you spend $5 or more at a participating location; good towards specials offered by that business. www.oaklandgrown.org/giftcard 516-0653
Marqeta Explore Oakland card
Get or gift 25% more money to spend at Oakland`s top restaurants, keep dollars in the community and support nonprofit Great Oakland Public Schools.
www.marqeta.com/exploreoakland 888-462-7738
Discover and Go from the Oakland Library Taking a family out can be expensive. The Library's "Discover and Go" Program let's Oaklanders "check out tickets" to many Bay Area museums. Or consider a quiet walk around the Lake or in one of our beautiful shoreline or Redwood parks. Discover and Go
8. GREENING Oakland
Friends of Sausal Creek Events
Click here for a full calendar of events and directions to each event.
Beaconsfield Restoration Volunteer Workday, Saturday, August 31, 9am-12pm, Beaconsfield Canyon, meet at end of Beaconsfield Place.
Help restore the hillsides, plant natives, and work on trails to make more of this beautiful canyon above Montclair accessible. Wear long sleeves, long pants, and sturdy shoes. Tools and gloves provided. Children 10+ welcomed if accompanied by adults.
For more info:richard@rkcommunications.com
or 908-2563
Aquatic Insect Monitoring, Sunday, September 1, 9am-1pm, location varies.
Bio-assessment of the invertebrates that make their home under rocks and in the vegetation under the surface of the creek. This is an important part of water quality monitoring. Wear boots if you have them. Instruction and equipment provided. Not suitable for children.
For location, RSVP and other info: Kathleen at kathalini@comcast.net
Marj Saunders Park Monthly Cleanup, Monday, September 2, 11am-1pm, Marj Saunders Park (Chelton at Ascot Drive by the painted rock).
Clean-up litter, remove graffiti, remove invasive non-native species such as vinca and Cape ivy, and maintain the planted areas.
Raimondi Park Needs You!
Saturday, August 31, 9am-1pm, Raimondi Park, 1800 Wood St. in West Oakland, entrance on 18th Street between Campbell & Wood.
 | Raimondi Park needs your help |
Raimondi is one of Oakland's most popular sports and recreation venues but it needs a serious sprucing up. If you like to get your hands dirty for a very good cause please join the Oakland Parks Coalition Workday at Raimondi to restore health and beauty to Raimondi's trees and landscaping on Saturday, August 31st.
Bring a water bottle, sunscreen, a sunhat, work gloves, and any of your favorite weeding and pruning tools. OPC will supply other tools and refreshments.
For more info: oaklandparkscoalition@gmail.com
Lakeshore Neighborhood Plant Exchange
Saturday, October 19, 12- 4pm
3811 Lakeshore Ave
Do you have plants you must prune or divide? How about trading your excess with others in your neighborhood! Take home new plants for your yard and have an instant new garden! All kinds of plants are welcome, of any size: seedlings, cuttings, or fully grown. Packets of seeds are welcome too. Want to donate plants before the event? No problem. Contact us to arrange to drop off your plants ahead of time.
Garden accessories and accents are also welcome: Umbrellas, clippers, pots, books and magazines on gardening, stepping stones, tools and supplies - even goldfish.
They are creating a documentary about the Plant Exchange. Learn more here.
For more info: 866-8482 or ThePlantExchange@yahoo.com or www.ThePlantExchange.com and here's their Facebook page.

Need Somewhere to Grow Your Own Garden?
Oakland Parks and Rec offers 23 sites with youth gardening facilities, including at most of their recreation centers -- please visit your local center today to see how you can help show kids the value of organic gardening!
To apply for space in one of OPR's 10 rental plot community gardens, contact the program director Peter Collier to see if space is available. If you would like to join a garden's waiting list (or also pay for a plot if space is available), review the rules and regulations and complete, sign, and mail the registration form to Oakland Parks and Recreation, 568 Belleview Ave, Oakland CA 94610. Tey'll contact you when space is available.
For more info: Peter Collier at 238-2197 or pcollier@oaklandnet.com
Rules and Regulations here.
Click here for a registration form.
9. Kids' Programs & School News
EDITOR's NOTE: News about the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) and the local education community appears in a lot of different places: print, radio, television and online media. OUSD has started collecting the highlights in one easy place: https://www.rebelmouse.com/OUSD/ Check the link regularly.
Can You Give an Internship to an Oakland High School Student?
Internship Options Fairs:
Tuesday, September 17 & Thursday, September 19
Students at MetWest High School participate in Linked Leaning, which requires them to get practical work experience through internships. MetWest students are beginning to search for their internships for this academic year. To support students' search process, MetWest is inviting representatives from all businesses and nonprofit groups interested in hosting a MetWest intern to attend one of our Internship Options Fairs: Tuesday, September 17 & Thursday, September 19, from 9am to 12noon.
If you are interested in coming to a fair, please Click here to RSVP.
Read a one page description of our Learning Through Internship program.
If you would like to host an intern but can't make it to a fair, please sign up on our "interested sites" list by clicking here or emailing our Learning Through Internship Coordinator at internships@metwest.org with any questions you have.
Back to school time
Direct from OUSD --
Click here to jump to the top of the newsletter to see the video.
"The start of [public] school in Oakland (August 26) is less than three weeks away! Our Back-to-School push is in full swing and attendance-as always-is a big concern.
"This year, instead of writing another boring parent letter about the importance of having your child in school every day, we figured we'd do something different. The result is this music video "I'm an Oakland school kid" featuring OUSD students and Oakland Tech alumnus Marshawn "Beastmode" Lynch, star running back for the NFL's Seattle Seahawks."
Parents: Apply for the Free Lunch Program Online!
The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is a federally assisted meal program that provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches to children each school day. Parents and guardians of all OUSD students are encouraged to apply. Not only could your child qualify for reduced-price or free meals, but his or her school could receive much needed Title I funding as a result.
Click here for more info and to access the online application. There is no deadline for applying, but we encourage you to apply as soon as possible. If you need help with this form, call Nutrition Services at 879-8345.
If you'd like more information about programs that provide free food in Alameda County, click here.
Free square dance session, Wednesday, September 4 & 11, 7-8pm, Lake Merritt Dance Center in the Veterans' Building, 200 Grand Ave. at Harrison St.
Oaktown8s has a free introductory to square dance session on Wednesdays, September 4 and 11 at the Lake Merritt Dance Center in the Veterans' Building. The New Dancer Program will start on September 18.
For more info: Ellen, 531-6843 or esirbu@sbcglobal.net
Gatsby Summer Afternoon, Sunday, September 8, 1-6pm, Dunsmuir Hellman Historic Estate, 2960 Peralta Oaks Court.
The Gatsby Summer Afternoon lets several hundred aficionados of the 1920s and 30s step back to a time when elegance was a way of life and the Charleston and Fox Trot were all the rage. This is not a spectator event; every guest is part of the scene wearing their vintage best. From 1 pm the panoramic Dunsmuir front lawn becomes the stage on which all participants play, picnic, dance, and sip champagne; reminiscent of a scene from The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald's famous novel of 1925.
Tickets (if bought before Friday, September 6): $40 for members, $50 for guests/non-members
At the Door: $70 for all
Click here for more info.
Sing-along Cinemas - Mamma Mia!, Thursday, September 12, Sundown, Jack London Square, Ferry Lawn.
Come out and join in the fun with an outdoor sing-along movie. Enjoy the movie Mama Mia with the theatrical antics of Barely Legal, as they sing and dance along with the movie. Come dressed as the theme of the movie and be prepared to sing with your favorite songs. Movies begin at sundown, so be sure to make reservations at your favorite Jack London Square restaurant, or visit our quick-casual eateries and make a picnic.
2nd Annual Delilah Beasley Tea, Saturday, September 14, 2-4pm, Pardee Home Museum, 672 11th St.
Progressive Oakland Women for Empowerment and Reform (P.O.W.E.R.) invite you to the 2nd Annual Ms. Delilah Beasley Tea (tea and an assortment of pastries & sweets & goodies) at the Pardee Home Museum.
Cost: $15 per person (under 18 - free)
For reservations: 444-2159 or dbeasleytea@aol.com
For more info: www.pardeehome.org
Jazz at the Chimes - featuring Vocalist Clairdee, Sunday, September 15, 2pm, Chapel of the Chimes; 4499 Piedmont Ave. Jazz at the Chimes presents vocalist Clairdee in a concert entitled "Something to Live For: A Love Letter to Lena Horne." Captivating jazz vocalist Clairdee presents a loving tribute to Ms. Lena Horne. With personal reflections, historical facts, and luminous musical arrangements, Clairdee delivers a moving artistic expression of songs performed and recorded by Ms. Horne from Harlem to Hollywood and beyond. Her all-star rhythm section includes pianist and musical director Ken French, bassist Doug Miller and drummer Jim Zimmerman.
TICKETS: $15 general; $10 seniors (60+) and students - for concert and reception. Plenty of free parking.
Purchase tickets at the door. Cash only.
Ticket sales begin at 12:30pm; Doors open 1:30pm. Limited seating!
For more info: chimesjazz@gmail.com, 654-0123, www.jazzatthechimes.com
Moonlight Kayaking, Saturday, September 21, 6pm, California Canoe & Kayak, 409 Water St, Jack London Square.
It is a full moon and moonlight paddling is enchanting!
For more info: www.calkayak.com or 893.7833

Eat Real Festival, September 27-29, Friday 1-9pm, Saturday 10:30am-9pm, Sunday 10:30-5pm, throughout Jack London Square.
Eat Real combines a state fair, a street food festival and a block party to celebrate good times and fresh, local food. Free entry and no food item costs more than $5.00 - all food includes local, organic and sustainable ingredients.
For more info: www.eatrealfest.com or 250-7811
6th Annual Oaktoberfest in the Dimond, Saturday, October 5, 11am-6pm.
4 blocks of fun branching out from the intersection of
Fruitvale Ave. and MacArthur Blvd.
Oaktoberfest in the Dimond returns for its 6th year of fun, community-building, and festivities. This event is FREE to the public. Oakland Mayor Jean Quan taps the first keg at 10:45 am in a traditional Munich style Oktoberfest kick off. Highlights include:
the Bill Brand Biergarten (at Fruitvale Ave. and MacArthur Blvd.) with 20 local craft breweries;- the Mad Zymurgist Homebrew Competition hosted in the HopTech Homebrewers' Alley;
- the Family-Friendly Rootbier Garten;
- the Wells Fargo Bank Family Stage filled with fun for the entire family;
- the Main Stage with traditional German and modern Oakland entertainment; and
- plenty of food and vendor booths in-between, including beer-food pairings, German inspired artisan entrees, cooking demos, alongside traditional favorites to satisfy everyone.
Plan your weekend around this great Community Festival - with all proceeds benefiting neighborhood improvement.
Tickets on sale at www.Oaktoberfest.org
Volunteers always welcome!
For more info, to volunteer, sponsor, vend, or advertise: www.Oaktoberfest.org or 452-7392

Oakland Makers' East Bay Mini Maker Fair, Sunday, October 20, 10am-5pm, Park Day School, 360 42nd St. and Studio One Art Center, 365 45th St.
Featuring both established and emerging local "makers," the East Bay Mini Maker Faire is a family-friendly celebration coming to Oakland for its third year on Sunday, October 20, 2012. It will feature rockets and robots, digital fabrication, DIY science and technology, urban farming and sustainability, alternative energy, bicycles, unique hand-made crafts, music and local food, and educational workshops and installations.
Click here for more info.
12. RECURRING Events |
Oakland Public Libraries sponsor a multitude of events all over the city. Go to this link -- now and often -- for upcoming events of all kinds: www.oaklandlibrary.org/events
Oakland Museum has weekday and weekend events and hands-on activities. First Sundays of the month are free. museumca.org
Saturday Stroll, Every Saturday, 1-5pm: Uptown Art Galleries: www.oaklandartmurmur.org/calendar/saturday-stroll
First Thursday Art Walk, Every First Thursday of the Month, 6-9pm, Grand Avenue from LakePark to Piedmont border.
The Grand Avenue Business District hosts a monthly art event with special discounts from merchants and galleries.
For more info, click here.
Jack's Night Market, First Fridays through September, 6-10pm, Jack London Square, foot of  Broadway.
A captivating evening filled with merriment and verve can be enjoyed every first Friday through September. Sample the eclectic mix of artisans, music, food and fun.
For more info: www.jacklondonsquare.com
EMBRACE the Dimond District, every 3rd Thursday, 5pm, corner of Dimond & MacArthur Blvd.
Join your friends, family and neighbors to EMBRACE the Dimond District every 3rd Thursday of the month. Starting at 5pm, come out to the Dimond to have a bite to eat, a cup of coffee, or to just stroll around! This monthly event is organized by the Dimond Business and Professional Association (DB&PA), and has a different theme each month. The "PREMIRE" August 15th will be all about art:
Sidewalk Art Contest for ALL!
- Many featured local artist and craftsmen
- A fantastically fun kids' zone
- Get the super secret "WORD" for 3rd Thursday merchant specials!
- Community organizers will also be present to answer all your questions
Piedmont Art Walk, Piedmont Avenue, every 3rd Thursday, 6-9pm.
Enjoy Piedmont Avenue's rich and diverse collection of art of all stripes: culinary, music, design, photography, fashion, recycled design and upcycled style, among others.
For more info: www.piedmontavenue.org/avenue-art-walk
Waterfront Flicks some Thursdays, at sundown, Market Lawn at Jack London Square.
Enjoy a free screening on the beautiful waterfront. Moviegoers should arrive early with blankets in-hand for pre-film festivities including small eats, beer, trivia and giveaways.
For more info: www.jacklondonsquare.com
Movies at Studio One, Fridays, 8:15 pm, Studio One Art Center, 365 45th Street.
Enjoy a free screening of recent movies.
For more info: 597-5027
Movie Night at Redwood Heights Rec Center,
some Fridays at dusk, Redwood Hts Rec Center, 3883 Aliso Ave.
A great way to spend a Friday night is to come over to Redwood Heights Rec Center, bring a small lawn chair and/or blanket, some warm clothes, and watch a fun movie under the evening sky. Movies start at dusk, which changes as the days get longer. There will be popcorn, hot chocolate, drinks & hotdogs this year. No alcohol, drugs or dogs allowed. All of the money goes towards scholarship fund for summer day camp and after school Rockets program.
For more info: Breht Clark, Recreation Center Director, bclark@oaklandnet.com or 482-7827
For the summer schedule, click here.
Laurel Outdoor Movie Series
Last Saturday of the month, June thru October, 8pm
Bring your lawn chairs, blankets and warm clothes, held in the Ace Hardware Parking Lot (4024 MacArthur Blvd). Sponsored by Movement Ink, Ace Hardware, the LDA and various Laurel merchants each month.
July 27 -- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (PG-13)
August 31 -- Good Hair w/ Chris Rock (PG-13)
September 28 -- Wall-E (PG)
October 26 -- Nightmare Before Christmas (PG) and Shaun of the Dead (R for adults only)
Red Oak Realty Outdoor Movie Night in Montclair.
Third Saturday's of the month: July 20th, August 17th, September 21st, 6450 Moraga Ave. Doors open at 6:30, movies start at 7pm. 4 nights this summer, a movie will be projected onto a 26' screen on the side of Red Oak's Moraga Avenue office. All are welcome to bring lawn chairs and blankets to the parking lot for a free outdoor movie complete with popcorn and previews.
Tyke Explorers Workshop at Chabot Space & Science Center,Tuesdays, 10am, 12:30pm, or 3pm. Chabot Space & Science Center, 10000 Skyline Blvd. For ages 2.5-5 years. Expand your preschooler's universe by enrolling in our Tyke Explorers Program. Kids get to bring a special grown-up to share in the excitement of science and space. Classes are a combination of instructor-led lessons and self-guided, hands-on experimentation and exploration. For more info and monthly workshop listings, click here.
Girls' Sports Days at Oakland Parks & Rec
League of Women Voters Monthly Hot Topics Roundtable Discussion
LWV of Oakland sponsors monthly HOT TOPICS roundtable discussions to inform members and the public and to seek ways everyone can come together to address important issues facing our community.
For more info: www.lwvoakland.org/calendar.html
Tuesday Toastmasters with Warehouse416 artists and friends, Tuesdays, 7-8am, and NEW TIME: 6:30pm, 416-26th St.
Plenty of parking is available. Anyone who needs a parking place can get one here, enjoy an hour of fun, then walk to work. All you need is a job in the area. You are welcome to visit, just to see what it is like.
For more info: Ron Scrivani, scrivanir@aol.com or warehouse416.com
Saturday morning bike ride with Warehouse416 artists and friends, every (dry) Saturday, 8:45am (doors open at 8am), 416 26th St.
This is a flat, short ride designed to provide new or returning riders with a way of getting started. We will guide you back to the start early, based on your needs. Our full ride is 30 miles and returns to 416 26th by 12:30pm. For more info: Ron Scrivani, scrivanir@aol.com or warehouse416.com
Vintage Porcelain Show, Wednesdays, 10:30am & every 2nd Saturday, 10:30am, & every 2nd Sunday, 2pm, Pardee Home and Museum, 672 11th St.
If you love vintage china, you won't want to miss Mrs. Helen Pardee's collection of exquisite demitasse cups, teacups, and tea pots. Included with cost of tour ($5) or tour with high tea ($25). Reservations required for tea or private tour (min 4).
For more info: 444-2187, www.pardeehome.org
The Listening Horse designed by our nationally known architect Walter Hood has a magical impact as visitors listen to stories
What I Hear, I Keep: Stories From Oakland's Griots, Wednesday-Saturday until February 2014, 2:30-5:30pm, Peralta House Museum, 2465 34th Ave.
A visual and audio art installation based on African American stories of modern-day Oakland, with local residents telling about their lives and exploring their identities. Hear voices speak about the pluses and minuses of segregation, rituals commemorating the Black Holocaust, combating racism in major league baseball, The De Fermery Recreation Center community, the Black Panthers, the heyday of KJAZ, the Black Native community, and many other iconic contemporary Oakland themes. Cost: $5; free for Fruitvale Community members and children 10 & underFor more info: Peraltahacienda.org
Mexica Dance, every Monday evening, 6-8pm, sponsored by Peralta Hacienda, Center for History and Community, 2488 Coolidge Ave.
All are welcome to discover Mexica culture during ceremony and dance classes open to the public.
For more info: www.peraltahacienda.org