July 22, 2013Vol 3, Issue 30 

Take A Fresh Look  

at Oakland

News from Mayor Jean Quan

& Friends



Oakland youth at the Federal Building demanding federal action on racial profiling and a civil rights investigation of the Trayvon Martin case.



This has been a very difficult and emotion time for many of us.  When we heard President Obama's speech on Trayvon Martin my whole family was very moved.  If you missed it, it is worth watching. Here are a few excerpts: 


"You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot I said that this could have been my son.  Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago.  And when you think about why, in the African American community at least, there's a lot of pain around what happened here, I think it's important to recognize that the African American community is looking at this issue through a set of experiences and a history that doesn't go away.


"There are very few African American men in this country who haven't had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store.  That includes me.  There are very few African American men who haven't had the experience of walking across the street and hearing the locks click on the doors of cars.  That happens to me -- at least before I was a senator.  There are very few African Americans who haven't had the experience of getting on an elevator and a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off.  That happens often...


"Now, this isn't to say that the African American community is naïve about the fact that African American young men are disproportionately involved in the criminal justice system; that they're disproportionately both victims and perpetrators of violence.  It's not to make excuses for that fact. They understand that some of the violence that takes place in poor black neighborhoods around the country is born out of a very violent past in this country, and that the poverty and dysfunction that we see in those communities can be traced to a very difficult history.

"I think the African American community is also not naïve in understanding that, statistically, somebody like Trayvon Martin was statistically more likely to be shot by a peer than he was by somebody else...But they get frustrated, I think, if they feel that there's no context for it and that context is being denied. And that all contributes, I think, to a sense that if a white male teen was involved in the same kind of scenario, that, from top to bottom, both the outcome and the aftermath might have been different.

"And then, finally, I think it's going to be important for all of us to do some soul-searching.  There has been talk about should we convene a conversation on race...in families and churches and workplaces, there's the possibility that people are a little bit more honest, and at least you ask yourself your own questions about, am I wringing as much bias out of myself as I can?  Am I judging people as much as I can, based on not the color of their skin, but the content of their character?   


"And let me just leave you with a final thought that, as difficult and challenging as this whole episode has been for a lot of people, I don't want us to lose sight that things are getting better.  Each successive generation seems to be making progress in changing attitudes when it comes to race.  It doesn't mean we're in a post-racial society.  It doesn't mean that racism is eliminated... and that along this long, difficult journey, we're becoming a more perfect union -- not a perfect union, but a more perfect union."

Young artists finish a new mural on the wall of Youth Radio.


As Mayor it is also troubling that despite the family's pleas and the economic damage to a city that is working very hard to provide hope and jobs to our young men, a very small group of vandals continue to be violent and target Oakland. Over the week we increased police presence and we are determined to make additional arrests based on photos and other information.


Many Downtown and Chinatown restaurants tell us they have been hard hit since the BART strike and vandalism last week with business down as much as 50%. New restaurants have been a critical part of the city's economic growth with 60 new restaurants opening over the last year. Please consider dining in downtown or Chinatown. This is a good starting place: http://visitoakland.org/visiting_dining.cfm  


The saddest part may be that the media continued to focus on the vandals and not the strong voices of the many peaceful people, nor the young voices who talked about the pain felt by many over the verdict at the several peaceful demonstrations across the city last weekend.


Our local NAACP (below) has asked that we participate in National Night Out, August 6, and use it as an opportunity to think about what we can do about racial profiling and to improve opportunities for young African American men.  



I know the city is not totally unified in our opinions about the verdict. And even in this very tolerant and progressive city many fear the crime and violence that we are much more aware of. I hope that the diverse National Night Out parties across this city will be a moment where we can talk about our children, meet each other, and watch out together for each other's children in as many ways as we can.   




This weekend we were one of 11 cities across America that the South African government asked to host celebrations in honor of Nelson Mandela's 95th birthday.  I was pleased to join Congresswoman Lee, Deputy Mayor Swanson, and Supervisor Keith Carson in pulling the event together and was sorry the week's events forced us to postpone the celebration and bring it inside.  The speakers recalled the fight against apartheid and Mandela's visit to Oakland.


I have always been moved by Mandela's ability to forgive his enemies, to be able to work with the men who imprisoned him for 27 years.  I followed the reconciliation process and marveled at how apartheid, in the end, fell relatively peacefully.  I hope that here in America we can eventually forgive each other for the wrongs of history by working together to give all of our children a hopeful future.  South Africa and Mandela's family ask us to pledge 67 minutes of community service in his honor -- one minute for each year of his work to end apartheid. Pledge your 67 minutes at www.mandeladay.com   




One of the tasks that is getting the most attention in the negotiated settlement with the Federal Court is racial profiling.   

  • We have worked very closely with the federal monitor to look at our policies.
  • We are expanding our training on this issue, looking at some new programs.
  • We carefully record data on police stops and arrests.
  • We just passed a budget that includes new software that will allow us to monitor patterns and help us predict potential problems.
  • We are hiring a more diverse police force. The 3 academies on my watch so far are some of the most diverse in OPD's history. Each new OPD graduate will spend time with a community organization in the area they are assigned to. 
  • In our new reorganization we are attempting to implement policies that reflect the feedback we got from our town hall meetings; officers are being asked to get out of their cars and do more walking and engaging with the community.  
Mayor Jean Quan

National Night Out -- coming soon!


August 6, 2013 


It's time to organize block parties for National Night Out, to be held on Tuesday, August 6. 


Monday, July 29 is the deadline for hosts to register their block parties.


last chance In Oakland we know the real spirit of Neighborhood Watch and community policing is neighbors getting to know neighbors and watching out for each other and our children.  Last year, Oakland hosted 600 National Night Out parties citywide, one of the largest turnouts in the nation.   Our goal this year is to have 625 block parties, and so far we're more than half-way there, with 343 registered parties.


National Night Out is America's block party night, an opportunity for residents to organize a barbecue, ice cream social, or other event that is designed to both strengthen neighborhood spirit and unity, and raise crime prevention awareness, by helping neighbors get to know each other. 


National Night Out sends a simple, yet profound message: "when neighbors know each other neighborhoods are safer."  Stronger relationships within neighborhoods result in improved communication and better resource and information sharing. And that sends a message to criminals, letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and working together. Neighbor-to-neighbor cooperation increases crime prevention awareness and improves public safety. 


Party hosts who register with the City are eligible for visits by City staff.  The City will provide a small gift to each party host as well. We encourage all Neighborhood Watch Groups and all other neighborhoods to organize a party on their block!


To register your block party: www2oaklandnet.com/nno 

or 238-3091 

For more info: Felicia Verdin, Community Programs Supervisor, fverdin@oaklandnet.com or 238-3128  



Peace in the Parks -- aka Summer Friday Nights
Kids having fun at Willie Wilkins Park (© Howard Dyckoff)
On Monday night PBS News ran a story about the Los Angeles Summer Lights Program.  
I encourage you to watch this very thorough piece.  It is the kind of coverage that we have been trying to get here in Oakland. This is the program that our Peace in the Parks Program is modeled after.  Now in its 7th year, the LA program has a $6 million budget half funded by private donations and serves 32 parks. It has reduced gang and other violence.

On my first weekend as Mayor, Congresswoman Lee and I worked on a service project in Willie Wilkins Park on Ave C near 98th. This is one of three neighborhoods where I regularly volunteer to see how city programs are working.  When we finished cleaning up, I asked a local resident why there were so few people in the park.  He told me that people were afraid to use the park. So when we heard about the LA program, we visited and decided to pilot it here on a modest basis.  We only have funds for one night a week compared to LA's 4 nights, but still we have seen a difference. 

Last Friday a young man came up to me to and offered to volunteer.  He said that when he moved there 4 years ago, no one used the park...now he says he plays cards there regularly and more families come out.  A nearby neighbor says that as children their families used to picnic there in the summer and the Friday program has brought back that spirit.

Each year we have added a park,  this third summer,my office is working with a a growing coalition of community leaders and organizations at three locations.  We have found that in the surrounding neighborhoods, crime and violence are reduced during the period we hold these events.

Basically we invite neighborhood families to come out and enjoy picnicking, music, dance contests, youth activities, sports, etc.
The events include free food and refreshments, games for all ages and raffles. Messengers4Change has hosted the 6-week Friday night parks program in targeted hotspots in East Oakland as part of our Late Night Live in the Parks project. This year, Messengers4Change plans to build on the program's success and continue to support residents taking a stand against violence. While the focus in previous years was on engaging young men, this year the broader community is invited to participate. Many Messengers4Change volunteers are Oakland residents, parents, youth, and victims of violence from the neighborhood concerned about violence. These individuals come to the park and bring their friends and families because they want to support young people in their community and promote peace. 

For more info: Dylan Hamilton, Community Building Coordinator, dhamilton@oaklandnet.com or 238- 2164


Last Friday the Mayor's Office worked with the non-profit Board Rescue to donate 120 skateboards to youth in Oakland at Rainbow Rec and the Peace in the Parks program at Willie Wilkins (above).



EVENT this week
For the next 4 Fridays, we will be at these locations from 6-9 pm:
  •  Willie Wilkins Park, 98th and Ave C.
  •  Carter Gilmore Park, 1930 66th @ Lucille
  •  West Oakland Teen Center, 3233 Market 
OPD Acting Chief Whent and parents at the Peace in the Park kickoff  (© Howard Dyckoff)
 Mayor with Girl Scouts volunteers (© Howard Dyckoff)


This publication is not produced at public expense.

Want to follow events as they happen? 

During the week, I also post to my Facebook page:  Facebook.com/mayorjeanquan.

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In This Issue
1. DISCOVER Oakland
3. Community Policing
4. Safe & Healthy Oakland
7. GREENING Oakland
8. KIds' Programs & School News
9. Peace-Building in Oakland
10. UPCOMING Events
11. RECURRING Events
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    Oakland workers could get first raises since 2007 

    Matthew Artz, Oakland Tribune

    July 12, 2013


    Zimmerman protests: Oakland residents stand up against violence 

    Lee Romney, LA Times

    July 17, 2013


    Mayor, business community pull together to give Oakland youth summer jobs 

    Barbara Grady, Oakland Local

    July 17, 2013




    Bird Friendly Buildings Mandated in Minnesota, City of Oakland 


    July 18, 2013

    Oakland, an Artist's Paradise! 

    Dejanae Victoria Jackson, MyFamilyTravels.com

    July 15, 2013





    Oakland's Jack London District: A Food Desert For The Wealthy? 

    Lauren Benichou, KQED

    July 17, 2013

    Oakland Social Media Day Empowers Small Businesses with Digital Tools 

    Vignesh Ramachandran,  Mashable.com

    July 17, 2013




    America's best milkshakes (Fentons included) 

    Madeline Monaco, News-Press from USA Today

    July 15, 2013


    Oakland: Craft beer trend helps rebuild neighborhoods 

    Heather Somerville, Oakland Tribune

    July 16, 2013


    Health food store celebrates 80 years in Oakland 

    Brittny Mejia, Oakland Tribune

    July 16, 2013





    13th Annual

    Art + Soul

    August 3 & 4

    Downtown Oakland


    art n soul


    The Bay Area's Best Downtown Festival Just Keeps Getting Better


    Star-Studded LineUp Includes

    Lisa Loeb, Leela James, Confunkshun,

    Tristan Prettyman, Vintage Trouble, Los Rakas

    and mre


    13th Annual Art + Soul Shines Spotlight on

    National, Local Talent and Gourmet Global Cuisine




    After 12 consecutive years of dazzling talent, food from all over the globe, hundreds of artisans and the largest family fun zone of any festival in the Bay Area, the City of Oakland has once again introduced a star-studded lineup for its annual flagship festival. Named "Best Festival" by East Bay Express and Oakland Magazine, and consistently regarded among the top summer festivals in Northern California, the 13th Annual Art + Soul Oakland promises to rock the town at bargain ticket prices with its stellar two-day show.        










    35 Reasons You Need to Move to Oakland


    Randy Nelson recently gave a big shout-out to Oakland with his list of  35 reasons to move to Oakland. Check them out and see what you think. 


    Did he miss anything? If so, send us your list and we'll publish more great ideas!

    Click here to send your list to Susan


    Here are Randy's top 10:


    1. Rent is cheaper here (and you can actually find a place)

    2. Warm, predictable weather

    3.  (Relatively) Stress-free driving

    4. You can find a parking space

    5. That Beautiful new Bay Bridge span

    6. Lake Merritt

    7. The Oak Ness Monster

    8. Children's Fairyland

    9. Fenton's Creamery

    10. The enthusiasm of our pro sports fans


    Click here for the full 35.





    1. DISCOVER OAKLAND -- Activities this week


    Editor's Note: Remember to check both the UPCOMING and the RECURRING sections, way down at the bottom, for additional events.



    Parks & Rec Hosts Open Houses During National Parks and Recreation Month Parks n Rec logo alt

    Throughout July, the Office of Parks and Recreation (OPR) is celebrating National Park and Recreation Month by hosting more than 60 events that showcase its programs and services for youth and families. Since 1985, Americans from all walks of life have celebrated National Park and Recreation Month to promote the importance of parks and recreation in the United States. Open Houses are free to the public and offer fun and entertainment for the whole family. 


    For more info: Michelle Doppelt, Recreation Supervisor, at mdoppelt@oaklandnet.com or 482-7831.  


    The following open houses will be held this week: 

    • Friday, July 26 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Lincoln Recreation Center, 250 10th Street. For more info: Gilbert Gong, Recreation Center Director, ggong@oaklandnet.com or 238-7738
    • Saturday, July 27 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m., Fremont Pool, 4550 Foothill Boulevard. For more info: Harith Aleem, Aquatics Director, 615-5838
    • Sunday, July 28 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., East Oakland Sports Complex & Ira Jinkins Recreation Center, 9175 Edes Avenue. For more info: Donte Watson, Recreation Center Director, 615-5959 

    East Oakland Sports Center, Second Anniversary, Sunday,  July 28, 11am-6 pm:

    Grab the whole family and come to enjoy dance performances, zumba and spin classes, the gym, and inside water park at one of Oakland's newest facilities.  Website.  9175 Edes Avenue.  FREE

    Oakland Municipal Band 102nd Concert Season, Sundays, 1-3pm, Lakeside Park, 666 Bellevue Ave.

    July 21, 28, August 4

    Free concerts offer an array of jazz, contemporary, pop, big band, international, classical, marches, and show tunes. Bring a lawn chair or blanket. Picnics welcomed.  

    For more info: 339-2818 or www.oaklandmunicipalband.org    


    Friday Nights at the Oakland Museum with Off the Grid Food Trucks, every Friday, 5-9pm, Oakland Museum, 1000 Oak St.    museum Fri nite
    Join OMCA and Off the Grid Food trucks on 10th Street every Friday for a family-friendly take on a festive night market. Savor California beer, wine and non-alcoholic beverages around the Koi Pond at the Blue Oak café pop-up. Bring the whole family to OMCA for a sampling of the best in Bay Area curbside cuisine!
  • DJ Aware spinning hits from 5 to 6:30 pm
  • Family-friendly drop-in workshop doing animal printing on bandannas from 5 to 8 pm
  • Makers & Tasters Series ranging from beer brewing and coffee roasting to recipe sharing and gardening how-tos from 6 to 8 pm
  • Hooping class with Nicole Wong in the amphitheater from 6:30 to 7 pm
  • OMCA Pub Trivia with Senior Curator of Natural Sciences, Douglas Long, from 7 to 8:30 pm
  • Rock and roll band Hot Einsten performing live from 7 to 9 pm

  • COST: Half-price gallery admission for adults; ages 18 and under are free. Admission for Members is always free. Cash bar. Prices vary for Off the Grid food trucks. Event parking is available at the Museum for a $5 flat fee after 5 pm. For more info, click here.

    bites off broadway logo

    Bites Off Broadway -- Mobile Food and Family Fun,  
    Fridays, now thru October 11, 5:30-8:30pm, 
    in front of Studio One Art Center, 365 45th Street.

    Featuring affordable and delicious food from rotating trucks, such as Fist of Flour, Tina Tamale, Taco Evangelist, Roderick's BBQ, Annakoot, Suzie Q's Lunch Box, Sanguchon, Go Streatery, Doc's of the Bay, Two Mammas Vegan Kitchen, Blue Saigon, Sunrise Deli and more.  Lawn seating: bring a chair or a blanket plus your friends, family and neighbors. Hula-hooping, ping pong, live music and movies at dusk. 

    For more info:  www.bitesoffbroadway.com 


    Free Movie, Wednesday, July 31, 1pm, Downtown Oakland Senior Center, 200 Grand  Ave. Enjoy a free indoor screening of "Argo." 

    For more info: Jennifer King, Senior Center Director, jking@oaklandnet.com or 238-3284


    Stagebridge logo Stagebridge Summer Camp for Adults 50+, July 22-26, Stagebridge Senior Theatre (in the First Congregational Church at 27th & Harrison).

    It's never too late to go to Camp! Learn to sing, act, tell stories and more at the 7th Annual Stagebridge Performing Arts Camp for Adults 50 and over. Bay Area professional artists will teach classes in Musical Theatre, Improv, Acting, Storytelling, Ukulele, Mime and more! 

    For more info: www.stagebridge.org or 444-4755 


    An Intimate Evening,  
    Friday, July 26, 6-10pm, Dunsmuir Hellman Historic Estate. intimiate
    The all-white attire event will include mansion tours, horse-drawn carriage rides, a silent auction, outdoor games, Gatsby-era cars and live entertainment by top local performers. Learn how to Salsa, Chicago Step or Line Dance or just stroll the sprawling estate lawns while sampling culinary delights from some of Oakland's top caterers and tasting wine. This event is a major fundraiser that supports youth scholarships enabling participation in OPR programs.

    Buy tickets here: dunsmuir-hellman.com  or at the Office of Parks and Recreation (OPR) Administrative Offices at 250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Suite 3330. 

    For more info: Robert Davilla, Administrative Manager, rdavilla@oaklandnet.com or 238-3926




    Oral Traditions at Mountain View Cemetery, Saturday, July 27, 10am, 
    5000 Piedmont Ave. 

    Free docent-led tour by Barbara Gibson and Elizabeth McCune.

    Click here for more info. 


    Oakland's Dine & Unwind Restaurant Series, Tuesday, July 23, 6-9pm, Jack London Square. dine unwind logo
    The inaugural event for Oakland's Dine & Unwind Restaurant Series will be held at The Forge in Jack London Square. In partnership with the Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Visit Oakland, the Oakland Restaurant Association is organizing this first-ever series of monthly events focusing onforge pizzawine tastings, cutting edge cuisine, artisan breweries and other vibrant Oakland-based venues. Oakland's Dine & Unwind Restaurant Series celebrates the exciting and dynamic restaurants that Oakland has to offer, making it a thriving culinary destination. Each month, a different venue will host an event. For the inaugural event, The Forge will donate 15% of all proceeds to 51Oakland, a non-profit organization that promotes educational, artistic and musical opportunities for youth in the Oakland public school system. 


    To make a reservation: www.theforgepizza.com or 268-3200

    For more info about Oakland's Dine & Unwind Restaurant Series: www.oakrest.org or contact Ivette Torres, with the Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, at 874-4800



    5th Annual Pickin' on the Potomac Bluegrass Series,  USS Potomac

    Friday, July 26, 7:30-9:30pm, USS Potomac, dockside at Water Street and Clay.

    Listen to foot-stompin' good sounds of Blue & Lonesome and enjoy tasty bar nibbles and beverages. 

    For more info: 627-1215



    Historic Bridges on San Francisco Bay Cruise, Saturday, July 27, 10:30am-1:30pm, Presidential Yacht Potomac.
    Three hours of intimate viewing of the three important bridges on SF Bay. Learn the history, construction, and tall tales about the Bay, Golden Gate, and San Rafael Bridges.  Lunch included.  
    Info/tickets: 627-1215



    East Bay Vintner's Alliance Urban Wine Experience, Saturday, July 27, 1-5pm, Jack London Pavilion, 98 Broadway.
    The East Bay Vinter's Alliance Urban Wine Experience each summer features over 18 local wineries, pouring a variety of white, ros'es, reds and stickies in a single location. Each winery teams up with a local restaurant or food purveyor to create delightful morsels paired beautifully with their wine portfolio. Enjoy the sunshine along the waterfront and dance to live music while sipping on delightful wines.

    For more info, click here. 



    yoga poseYoga for Stress Reduction, Mondays, 5:30-7pm. Tassafaronga Recreation Center, 975 85th Ave.
    Weekly Yoga classes will be taught by UC Berkeley graduate student and Yoga instructor Maya Weir. Yoga is a practice that connects the mind and body through physical movements, breathing work and meditation. The classes will assist participants with decreasing stress and anxiety, increase flexibility, protect and prevent arthritis and back pain, improve posture and relieve back and neck problems. 

    For more info: Cynthia Armstrong, Recreation Center Director,carmstrong@oaklandnet.com or 615-5764






    dancing under the stars Dancing Under the Stars, Friday evenings, 8:30-10pm, Jack London Square, foot of Broadway.  This week learn the Bachata, a dance from the Dominican Republic.

    The incredibly popular dancing event returns to Oakland's waterfront. Kick up your heels and enjoy a free dance lesson provided by the Linden Street Dance Studio. Each week will feature a different type of dance followed by a dance party to practice what was learned. 

    For more info: 645-9292.


    OEBS logo Oakland Symphony Chorus Summer Sing-Ins, now thru August 31, 10am-12noon, 2201 Broadway, Suite 300.  On July 9, OSC launched its 21st Anniversary Season of Summer Sing-Ins. All singers are invited to join OSC and sing along to some of the most beloved choral masterpieces. This summer you can expect some Bach, Brahms and Berlioz. OSC welcomes back conductors Vance George, Michael Morgan, Lynne Morrow and more.

    For more info: oebs.org 



    Piedmont Piano exterior

    Piedmont Piano Company Concert Series, 1728 San Pablo Ave

    Located in the Uptown, half a block from the Fox Theater, Piedmont Piano Company doesn't just sell beautiful, high-end pianos. Every month, they present music from local and international musicians. Costs vary, but typically range from $15 to $25.  

    For more info: www.piedmontpiano.com   

    • July 27 - Bill Evans "The Banjo in America"



    Movie Night in the Temescal,  
    Thursday nights from June 13 to July 18, 49th & Telegraph.
    Enjoy a free movie. Get there early to enjoy live music and local food vendors before the film and to stake out a spot before the crowds arrive. Movies range from feature-length documentaries to nationally acclaimed films.

    For more info: temescaldistrict.org  




    brave Waterfront Flicks -- "Brave", Thursday, July 25, Sundown, Market Lawn at Jack London Square.

    Enjoy a free screening of "Brave" on the beautiful waterfront. Moviegoers should arrive early with blankets in-hand for pre-film festivities including small eats, beer, trivia and giveaways. Movies begin at sundown, but the fun begins earlier with trivia questions and prizes - beer (New Belgium) proceeds to East Bay Bike Coalition.

    For more info: 645.9292 or  www.jacklondonsquare.com 




    laurel movies

    Laurel Outdoor Movie Series - "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,"  Saturday, July 27, 8pm, Ace Hardware Parking Lot, 4024 MacArthur Blvd.

    Bring your lawn chairs, blankets and warm clothes and enjoy a free screening of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." 

    For more info: www.laureldistrictassociation.org  




    Movies at Studio One, Friday, July 19, 8:15 pm, Studio One Art Center, 365 45th Street. 

    Enjoy a free screening of "Triplets of Belleville." 

    For more info: 597-5027



    $5 Movie Day Every Sunday & Tuesday, Regal Cinema Jack London 100 Washington St.

    Tired of shelling out $10 - $12 for movies in a theater? Then take advantage of the Regal, Jack London's all day $5 movie deal! 

    For more info: www.regmovies.com 



    Parkway Theater logo

    The New Parkway, 474 24th Street

    658-7900 or www.thenewparkway.com 

    If you haven't yet been to this movie theater, you really must go. Comfy (clean) couches, good food, and all sorts of themes. Check the website for all the specifics.


    Strange Frame: Love and Sax, Sunday, July 28, 3pm

    The Bay Area premiere presented by SPECTRUMQueerMedia.com.  Local musician, Shelley Doty, and visionary film maker, GB Hajim, co-created and co-wrote the film over a decade ago and spent the last 10 years making it. The feature film has an all-star cast from the Sci-fi/Whedon universe including the legendary Tim Curry, Claudia Black, Ron Glass, George Takei, Tara Strong, Michael Dorn, Alan Tudyck, Claudia Christian, Juliette Landau, Cree Summer, and Dawnn Lewis. It was named best feature film at Atlanta's DragonCon and the Hawaii Film Festival. 






    Regular Events -- Saturday & Sunday  Fairyland general
    11am, 2pm, & 4pm: Puppet Show: The Magic Blossom. William Shakespeare's timeless tale of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" comes to life for children. Join King Oberon and Puck and the other fairies as they try to trick Queen Fairy Titania. One drop of dew in the eye from the magic flower will cause the infected to fall in love with the first person they see. But what happens when that person is a poor soul who has had his head turned into a donkey's! 

    12pm-2pm: The Marilynn O'Hare Arts & Crafts Center  is open with activities geared toward children and their families.

    12:30 & 3pm:  Children's Theatre Presents: Nesruddin's Donkey -- From Turkey to China to Africa to America, people tell stories of the Mullah Nesruddin, or Nesruddin Hoja, as he is commonly known. A wise fool who triumphantly bumbles his way through life, Nesruddin stands with other tricky heroes from Anansi to Coyote to the Baal Shem Tov. In our story, he has all sorts of adventures and misadventures on his way to the market, and his donkey more often than not has the last laugh.

    1pm-1:20pm: Animal of the Day! Come up close and learn about one of our animal friends. Which one of Fairyland's feathered, furry or wooly creatures will it be today? Find out at the Humpty Dumpty wall.

    1:30pm & 2:30pm:  Jacquelyn Lynaugh as The Blue Fairy appears with her guitar, Prince Charming. She will be performing well known folk songs and helping children make wishes come true with her crystal wand and fairy dust.


    Special Event -- Summer Sleep Over

    Saturday & Sunday, July 27 & 28, 5:45pm

    Experience the magic of Fairyland in the moonlight. Pitch your tent in the Teddy Bear Picnic area and enjoy dinner, rides & entertainment under the stars. In the morning, wake up to the smell of fresh coffee, bagels and cereal, with our continental breakfast. Savor some quality time with your kids! Pre-registration required.



    9777 Golf Links Rd
    For more info: www.oaklandzoo.org

    Animal Encounters,
    Sundays, 11:30am and 12:15pm (for about 20 minutes)

    Docent led live animal presentation: Wild animals need your help, come find out what you can do. 

    Learn about and meet some of our amazing animals close up. Our Program Animals are presented with fun facts and important messages; spend 20 minutes with us in the WildLife Theater!  This program is free with regular Zoo Admission. 



    feast for the beasts 0313 Feasts for the Beasts, Saturday, July 27, 9am-3pm

    Oakland Zoo visitors are encouraged to donate fresh produce, such as apples, watermelon, grapes, carrots, lettuce, or other delicious fruits and vegetables to help feed the animals. Doors open early at 9am. The first 250 guests through the Main Entrance will receive a golden ticket to spread produce in the elephant exhibit. Once all the food is in place, everyone exits the exhibit to watch the hungry herd chow down on their treats. You won't want to miss this one-of-a-kind experience offered by the Oakland Zoo.

    Family Sundown Safari, July 20, 27, Aug 3, Aug 10, 5:00pm to 10:00am (the following sundown safari

    Go on Safari in Oakland! Family Sundown Safari is a hands-on educational summer program for families with children ages 4 and up. Bring your tent and sleep out underneath the stars. Your family will never forget their incredibly fun and unique campout at the Oakland Zoo! New this year Gerald the Magician!


    Pre-Registration is required. All forms and deposit must be received 1 month before the event date. Click here for more info and to register. 





    10000 Skyline Blvd.  

    For more info, click here.


    The Mercury Seven, Friday, July 26, 7-8pm mercury 7

    Soon after the newly formed National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) introduction of the first seven American astronauts, these men became instant celebrities of their time. With each launch of a Mercury capsule, we left the starting blocks and entered into a fierce space race with the then Soviet Union. NASA's Project Mercury was the first step Americans took into the unknown realm of space. The gallant Mercury Seven Astronauts proved that man was capable of surviving space travel, and that we were well on our way and up to challenge of going farther from our home planet.


    star stories Star Stories,
    Saturday, July 27, 8:30-10pm

    Lie on the grass and look up at the stars this summer! Bring your sleeping bags and blankets and come listen to an expert stargazer explain the mythology behind the constellations and stories from the night sky as seen throughout history, and look for planets and other clues to help orient you to the night's sky.



    We Are Aliens -- An all new full dome show  - narrated by Rupert Grint we are aliens

    Limited Run: now thru December 15  

    Ever since the two men in black showed up, summer means ALIENS and Chabot is right on board with a new planetarium show! We Are Aliens, narrated by Rupert Grint, journeys through the galaxy searching for evidence of life. This animated piece is great for all ages as scientists explore the vast universe asking the question that has sparked curiosity and inspired exploration for generations: are we alone? Colorful and fun, intriguing and exciting, this full dome experience appeals to the kid in all of us.

    Tickets are included with general admission (Chabot members always enjoy free admission).  Check www.chabotspace.org for Showtimes or call the Box Office at 336-7373.



    Dinner, a Movie, and the Universe, Friday & Saturday evenings.

    CSSC dinner movie universe The perfect date night experience is back! By popular demand, our unique after-dark offering has returned. Join us for a full-course dinner in our Skyline Bistro, enjoy our live-narrated Planetarium show Cosmos 360, and view the night sky through our telescopes (weather permitting). Reservations are not required, but strongly encouraged. 

    Costs (includes Admission, Dinner, and Planetarium Show)

    Guests: $23 Adults / $16 Children

    Members: $15 Adults / $11 Children

    *Dinner only walk-ins welcome: $17 Adults / $13 Children

    *Price does not include admission to the Center

    For more info, click here.



    Tyke explorers -- JULY: Water, Water Everywhere! CSSC tykes program

    Tuesdays, 10am or 2pm

    Join us as we discover different properties of water and explore incredible water habitats including kelp forests.

    Tuesday, July 30: Living Under Water

    Learn about an underwater forest that doesn't have a single tree! Kelp Forests are large marine ecosystems with all types of living things. Come and see what lies just beneath the surface of our oceans.




    O MUseum logo hi res
    At the Oakland Museum,
     1000 Oak Street 

    For more info: museumca.org 


    Curator Tour: Peter Stackpole: Bridging the Bay, Friday, July 26, 7-8pm.

    Get the curatorial perspective on OMCA's incredible collection of Peter Stackpole's photographs in this intimate Gallery tour with Curator of Photography and Visual Culture Drew Johnson. Join OMC in the Gallery of California Art during Friday Nights at OMCA to hear about Stackpole's legacy, his unique connection to the Oakland Museum of California, and how his work with a 35 mm camera presented a major shift in documentary photography.

    Hard Times in the OC

    hard times in the oc

    Now thru April 27, 2014

    This installation in the Gallery of California History co-curated with faculty and students at California State University Fullerton focuses on the effects of the 2008 recession in Orange County. It's the second in the series titled What's Happening, California?

    The exhibition explores the theme of resilience in the face of economic setbacks through a presentation of artifacts, including protest puppets, tools of laid-off workers, and oral history interviews. The resulting exhibition portrays a range of experiences and challenges facing the people of Orange County during the recession, reflecting the Oakland Museum of California's mission to connect communities to the cultural and environmental heritage of California.






    ART Exhibits at Oakland Public Libraries

    Is This Justice? Student Design Exhibit, Main Library, TeenZone, July 8 - September 30

    Artistic T-shirts conveying messages about violence prevention, incarceration, community, and freedom, created by students in the Restorative Justice Leaders program.


    Impressions by Laurie Rothman, Lakeview Branch, July 2 - July 27

    Diverse images from nature and urban life by a local artist.


    Going on Down the Road, Rockridge Branch, July 2 to July 31

    Paintings by Benny Alba.


    Adornment, Rockridge Branch, July 2 to July 31

    A Jewelry Exhibit by Kim Anderson, in the Lobby Display Case. 




    O public library logo 


    Many library events are recurring. Some are highlighted here temporarily, but be sure to check the last section (RECURRING EVENTS) for items no longer listed in this section and click here for a link to all library events.



    Library events page: www.oaklandlibrary.org/events


    Some libraries to change hours in the fall

    In order to increase the public's access to neighborhood branches, the Oakland Public Library (OPL) will  change its schedule this fall at 4 of the library's 16 branches.  Effective September 16, the Brookfield, Eastmont, Golden Gate, and Piedmont Avenue Branch libraries will be open Monday through Friday. All other branches will keep their current Tuesday through Saturday schedules, and the Main Library will continue to be open seven days a week. 


    With the upcoming schedule change, the library will be able to bring Monday hours to more areas of Oakland. This change also adds an additional day of the week with open evening hours for further access, and allows more time for services to children during the school week. 


    Total service hours and costs to operate branches will not change. OPL will assess the public response to the new schedules based on six to nine months of data collection and survey review to determine if further modifications are needed.

    For more info: www.oaklandlibrary.org 




    Summer ReadingOPL summer reading

    Join us for a summer of fun as the Oakland Public Library launches its annual Summer Reading Program, with separate reading programs for kids, teens, and adults. This year's theme is "Reading is Soooo Delicious!" and the library calendar will feature many food- and reading-related programs all summer long. Summer Reading concludes August 10.


    Summer Reading for Kids

    The kids' program rewards young readers (ages 0-14) with raffle prizes, entertainment, and fun activities. Click here for program details, 


    Teen Passport Program OPL teem summer read

    Teens (ages 12-18) can participate in the Teen Summer Passport Program, which encourages young people to read, participate in Library activities, and explore Bay Area cultural sites. Click here for program details. 


    Adult Summer Reading

    Adults (18 and up) can qualify to win raffle prizes by reading, sharing book reviews, and by utilizing library services. Ask any librarian for info.





    Lakeview Writers' Group, 4th Tuesday of the month, 6-8pm, Lakeview Branch

    550 El Embarcadero. Join facilitator Jeanne Lupton in her happy and successful Lakeview Writers group, featuring creative writing exercises and sharing.


    East Bay Regional Park District - Mobile, Tuesday, July 23, 2 times and locations 

    12:30pm, Temescal Branch, 5205 Telegraph Avenue

    4:30pm, Golden Gate Branch, 5606 San Pablo Avenue

    Learn to identify local mammals! Imagine a "closet on wheels," filled with materials for teaching any range of nature-related topics. And it even comes with a professional nature educator!  For more info, click here. 


    Lawyers in the Library, 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month, 5-7pm, Eastmont Branch, 7200 Bancroft, Ste 211 Eastmont Town Center. 
    Free legal information and referral presented with the Alameda County Bar Association. Sessions are popular and sometimes subject to change. Please call in advance to confirm on the day of the program.  Sign up at 4:30pm, names of those persons present will be selected by lottery.


    Money Talks, one-on-one financial advice, Piedmont Avenue Branch, 2 Tuesdays, 80 Echo Ave

    Tuesday, July 23 -- appointments start at 5pm

    Tuesday, August 20 -- appointments start at 5pm

    Are you curious about your retirement, investments or child's education savings account?  Sign up for a free appointment to talk to a financial advisor.  

    All programs presented by Financial Advisor, David Saxon of Merrill Lynch Wealth Management

    For more info, click here. 


    Owen Baker-Flynn, Wednesday, July 24, 10:30am, Asian Branch, 388 9th Street Suite 190.
    He juggles, does magic, balances stuff, spits jelly beans and does a really weird thing with his head and neck! This show is fun for the whole family. For more info, click here.


    Busy Bee Dogs, Thursday, July 25, 1:30pm, Eastmont Branch, 
    7200 Bancroft, Ste 211 Eastmont Town Center. Formerly homeless pets currently amaze and educate audiences of all ages through heart-capturing extraordinary entertainment.

    For more info, click here.


    ZumbAtomic® with Chiquy Boom!, Saturday, July 27, 10:30am, Lakeview Branch, 550 El Embarcadero.
    100% kid friendly with songs and dances specially designed for children ages 6-12, this class promotes a healthy lifestyle while introducing your child to a fun group exercise experience.

    For more info, click here. 


    Little Explorers Mobile Petting Zoo, Saturday, July 27, 11:30am-1:30pm, Asian Branch, 388 9th Street Suite 190.  
    Hands-on experience with a variety of friendly animals. Goats, sheep, chickens, ducks, rabbits, guinea pigs, a pot belly pig, an alpaca, and a giant tortoises!

    For more info, click here. 



    REGULAR, RECURRING EVENTS (see others in RECURRING section at the end)

    Lawyers in the Library, Wednesdays, 6-8pm, Main Library, 125 14th St.  
    Free legal information and referral presented by the Alameda County Bar Association. Sessions are popular and sometimes subject to change. Call in advance to confirm on the day of the program. Sign-up for lottery starting 5pm until 5:45pm.

    For more info, click here.


    Paws to Read, Wednesdays, 3:30-5pm, Lakeview Branch.  

    Kids: come read to our canine friends! It's a great way to practice reading, spend time with a gentle dog, and have some fun. Sign up soon for a 20-minute time slot - we fill up quickly! This program is best for independent readers in grades 1-7.


    Observatory: Oakland, Thursdays, 1:30-3:30pm, César E. Chávez Branch, 3301 East 12th St. 
    Join Oakland Library this summer for an art and community observation workshop series for teens. How many objects can you find at the BART station, that begin with the letter "T"? How many cracks are there in the sidewalk outside the Chavez library? How many different tastes and smells can you find at the Fruitvale Village Farmers Market? Join artist Marcela Florez Rodriguez and poet Kristin Palm and explore our surroundings through simple drawings and notations. There will be lots of opportunity for feedback and exploring places and ideas that matter to you!  No art experience necessary. The only thing required is a sense of curiosity and adventure!

    For more info:  krispalm313@gmail.com 

    In Between Time, Thursdays, 2-4pm, 81st Ave Branch, 1021 81st Ave (at Rudsdale)

    Teens and tweens are welcome to come to our pop-up rec center every Thursday this summer.  Join us for ping-pong, videogames, arts and crafts, cooking, and snacks!  For ages 10 and up only, please.


    Brookfield Teen Time, 2nd Fridays of the month, 3-5pm, Brookfield Branch, 9255 Edes Ave.

    Play videogames and make crafts.  For tweens and teens ages 12-18.  


    Brookfield Saturdays Arts & Crafts, Saturdays, 2-3:30pm, 
    Brookfield Branch, 9255 Edes Ave.
    Come and join in the fun at Brookfield Saturdays Arts & Crafts! Learn the basics of paper-crafting, clay modeling, beading and more. Expand your creativity, develop your small-motor skills and enjoy an afternoon of arts exploration every Saturday.  All ages are welcome to participate. 

    For more info: 615-5725


    Library Offers Free Online Language Learning

    On April 1, the Oakland Public Library celebrated a year of offering library card holders free access to Transparent Language Online, a language learning program via the library's website. Transparent Language Online provides instruction in over 80 languages plus English. It's designed to help users learn basic language skills or dive into more extensive language instruction - all at a self-determined pace. The program can be used from any computer with Internet access, and free companion mobile applications for Apple and Android devices are available. To access the system, click here. (New users can sign up on this page.) 

    For more info: Andrew Demcak, Acting Collection Management Librarian, 238-4704


    2.  CITY NEWS 
    East Oakland Senior Center Celebrates 20th Anniversary

    This week I was honored to attend the East Oakland Senior Center's celebration with great local talent from the Center's own choir to Spoken Word performances by local youth.

    Our City has 6 full service senior centers with a full range of social, recreational, nutritional, and educational activities for today's more active seniors.  Most have exercise and dance classes.  Many of our Park & Rec Centers and Libraries have senior activities, too. 


    The Council has only two meetings left in the legislative session:  
    • July 25, 6:30pm:  A Special Meeting
      to Discuss the Charter Provision on Non-Interference by Elected Officials in Administrative Affairs, the Grand Jury Report, and possible Censuring of Council Member Brooks.
    • July 30, 5:30pmThe last regular meeting of the year.   



    Construction to Begin on Latham Square Pilot Pedestrian Plaza 

    Construction on the Latham Square Pilot Pedestrian Plaza is expected to begin this Monday, the 22nd. The pilot project will transform Telegraph Avenue from 16th Street to Broadway into a pedestrian-only plaza. While the pedestrian plaza is in place, vehicular traffic on Telegraph Avenue will be diverted onto 16th Street and drivers traveling north on Broadway will no longer be able to make a left turn onto Telegraph Avenue. 


    The City worked closely with local stakeholders on the plaza design and traffic circulation through more than 25 individual meetings with local businesses, property owners, residents and other stakeholders; public presentations to the Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Oakland Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee; and a 4-hour community design workshop in February that attracted more than 100 participants. 


    The pilot project will build on Latham Square's significance as a gateway to the vibrant Uptown neighborhood by creating an enhanced pedestrian space through a low-cost trial that enhances the pedestrian environment, increases economic development potential, saves existing trees and improves private automobile and transit operations. The pilot pedestrian plaza will remain in place until at least October 2013 at which time staff will bring a report to City Council on the plaza's success and a recommendation on whether a permanent pedestrian plaza should be created. 


    Throughout the pilot period, City staff will collect citizen input, analyze the plaza and traffic flow and make adjustments as needed to respond to concerns. 


    A noontime event to mark the "soft opening" of the Pilot Plaza is being planned for Friday, August 16, with a larger grand opening expected in September. 


    For design documents, project materials and other info:  www.oaklandnet.com/LathamSquare  


    For more info generally: Iris Starr, Division Manager of Transportation Planning and Funding, istarr@oaklandnet.com or 238-6229



    UPCOMING MEETINGS City Council map


    City Seeks Citizen Input on Council Redistricting 

    The City is hosting a series of Redistricting Town Hall Meetings to gather input from the community on boundary adjustments to Council Districts to equalize each district's population according to US Census data. The Oakland City Charter mandates the review of City Council District boundaries every 10 years. The Council provided specific direction to City staff and established the criteria to be used in reviewing the Council District boundaries. (To view the reports, resolution and video of the meeting, please visit http://bit.ly/103avDM.)  The Oakland City Council Districts also serve as the districts for the Governing Board for the Oakland Unified School District, commonly called the Board of Education. However, boundary changes will not impact school enrollment choices.  



    Issues raised at the first meetings include: 

                      • Some want minimum change others suggest  more radical change
                      • Should the districts be more economically diverse or more homogeneous?
                      • What growth should we account for given the large new housing developments at Brookly Basin and Oak Knoll as well as planned zoning for more density along corridors like Broadway or International?  


    In the links below there are tools to design your own maps. 


    As requested by City Council, Redistricting Town Hall Meetings will be held in each of the seven Council Districts beginning in July and continuing through September. Oakland residents are encouraged to attend any meeting to learn more about the process and provide comment and input on District boundaries. Simultaneous interpretation in select languages will be provided as noted. 


    The dates and locations for future Redistricting Town Hall Meetings are: 

    • Thursday, September 5, 6:30-8:30pm, Caesar Chavez Education Center, 2825 International Boulevard (Interpretation in Spanish will be provided.)
    • Saturday, September 7, 10am-12noon, Frick Middle School, 2845 64th Avenue
    • Saturday, September 7, 2-4pm, Oakland Public Library, Main Library Auditorium, 125 14th Street (Interpretation in Cantonese and Vietnamese will be provided.)
    • Sunday, September 8, 3-5pm, Claremont Middle School, 5750 College Avenue 


    Do you know what Council District you live in?   Click here for a map of Council Districts and locator tool.


    For those unable to attend any of the above meetings, the City is offering a variety of other engagement and feedback opportunities including: 

    In October, the City Council will begin holding public hearings to deliberate on the proposed redistricting maps that result from the summer's Town Hall Meetings. The Council will make a final selection of the Council District boundaries in November.  


    For more information on Oakland's redistricting process including a map of current Council Districts, redistricting-related legislation, upcoming Council meeting dates and more:  Devan Reiff, AICP, Planner II, dreiff@oaklandnet.com or 238-3550 and www.oaklandnet.com/redistricting 




    Free Summer Lunches for Kids Served at 11 Library Locations Through August 9th 


    This summer, a record number of free and nutritious meals are being served to thousands of youth at select branch libraries, Tuesdays to Fridays, and at the Main Library Mondays to Fridays. Eleven Oakland Public Library sites will offer free lunches to children 18 years and younger. Participating branch libraries are:

    • kids lunch program81st Avenue
    • César Chávez
    • Dimond
    • Eastmont
    • Elmhurst
    • Golden Gate
    • Martin Luther King Jr.
    • Melrose
    • Temescal
    • West Oakland

    At the Main Library, lunch will be served in the Bradley C. Walters Community Room (down the hall from the Children's Room) and in the TeenZone (on the 2nd floor). 


    The free lunch program is operated by the City of Oakland's Department of Human Services in partnership with the Alameda County Community Food Bank.   For more info: Sharon McKellar, Community Relations Librarian, smckellar@Oaklandlibrary.org or 238-3513  





    BART logo Parking fees to rise at MacArthur, West Oakland BART stations July 29

    The daily fee parking charge will increase on July 29, 2013 at MacArthur to $1.50 and at West Oakland to $5.50. This is a 50¢ increase from the current daily fee at each lot.  The current fee had been in effect at West Oakland since 2005 and at MacArthur since 2006.


    Earlier this year, the BART Board made changes to how fees are set for paid parking. The new paid parking fees will be based on parking use at each station. Every 6 months, parking lot use will be measured. If the lot at a station is full, then the daily parking fee may increase by 50¢. If the lot is less than 95% full, then the fee will decrease by 50¢. The daily parking fee will not go above $3 at any station except West Oakland. Single Day, Monthly and Airport/Long-Term reserved parking permits are covered by this new policy and will change by the same amount as the daily fee. Monthly reserved parkers will be contacted directly when rates change. Any change in parking fees will remain in effect for at least 6 months. All money made from these new fees will go to programs for improved station access, rehabilitation, and modernization.

    For more info, click here. 



    Pedalfest Brings Thousands to Jack London Square 



    The expansion of bike lanes are a city priority; we have doubled the miles (222 miles) of bike lanes since I've been Mayor and we are now among the top 10 cities with the highest percentage of bike commuters.  Biking is a key part of the Climate Action Plan.  Congratulations to our community partner in all of these initiatives --the East Bay Bicycle Coalition-- for its very successful 3rd Annual Pedalfest in Jack London Square last weekend.





    Boards and Commissions are a wonderful way for residents to participate in city government, and currently we are recruiting for several openings. 

    • If your interest is in arts and culture - there are vacancies on both the Cultural Affairs Commission and on the Public Art Advisory Committee.
    • The Commission on Aging has two positions that will become vacant in September.
    • The Commission on Persons with Disabilities has some vacancies as well.
    • Calling out to youth! Citizen's Police Review Board has a couple of openings and would like at least one youth candidate.
    • And the Violence Prevention and Public Safety Oversight Committees are looking for one or two excellent candidates. 

    Due to the term limits that pertain to most Boards and Commissions, vacancies in nearly all of them are continuously occurring.  If you are interested in being considered for any of these Boards and Commissions, please send a letter of interest and your resume to Hatzune Aguilar Sanchez at haguilar@oaklandnet.com .   



    3.  Community Policing

    Measure Y (Oakland Unite) 2013 Survey

    The City of Oakland wants to know what residents think about community policing in Oakland and other services that Measure Y (Oakland Unite), a voter approved parcel tax, funds.  The survey should take about 5-10 minutes of your time.  


    Click here to get to the survey.     


    Thank you for your input!   


     Questions about the survey? Contact Bright Research Group at 




    Violence Prevention Community Forum

    EVENT this week Wednesday, July 24, 6-8pm, Black Box Theatre, 530 18th Street (Oakland School for the Arts at the Fox Theater). The Oakland Tribune and Robert C. Maynard Institute for Journalism Education will host this informal panel and discussion on ways to combat violence. Panelists will include Gretchen Musicant, commissioner at the Minneapolis Health Department, who played a key role in developing that city's violence prevention plan; Alex Briscoe, director, Alameda County Health Care Services Agency; Oakland City Councilmember at-large Rebecca Kaplan and Anne Marks, executive director of the Oakland-based nonprofit Youth ALIVE! The discussion will be moderated by Martin G. Reynolds, Bay Area News Group senior editor for community engagement. 

    For more info: mreynolds@bayareanewsgroup.com or 390-1779



    Neighborhood Summer Fiesta

    Sponsored by NCPC27x Melrose Heights Neighborhood

    Saturday, July 27, 11am-3pm, Intersection of Fairfax and Foothill 


    Click here for more info.

    Please join us for an afternoon of fun, food, and friendship. It's free!

    Fiesta Activities Include: 

    • Pie and Cobbler Championship Cookoff 
    • Kidz only Zone 
    • Bounce houses 
    • Facepainting neighborhood fiesta 0713
    • Arts & Crafts 
    • Clowns and kid friendly performances
    • Food! 
    • Enjoy fare from food trucks and local restaurants 
    • Food wagons with ice cream, popsicles, and other treats
    • Art and Education 
    • Meet your local elected officials and city councilors. 
    • Local artisans bazaar 
    • Education and awareness exhibits
    • Music and Entertainment -- Local DJs, MCs, Singers, Bands, and Performers

    For more info: Samantha Johnson, Neighborhood Fiesta Steering Committee, 282-3980



    CeaseFire Oakland/LifeLines to Healing -- Walk our neighborhoods

    CF walk
    Last Friday's CeaseFire Night Walk passed through Wilkens Park (© Howard Dyckoff)

    The City of Oakland and local faith-based organizations are continuing their neighborhood Night Walks on Fridays from 6:30 to 9pm -- just one of the ways that community members can get involved in Operation Ceasefire. These walks are organized by residents and faith leaders in areas

    where Ceasefire is focused. I join the walks at least once a month.  Volunteers are trained in advance of the Night Walk and are accompanied by other volunteers for the duration of the walk. The purpose of the Night Walk is to reach out to communities affected by violence. The message the program tries to convey is: "We love you and we want you to be alive and free." 

    EVENT this week     

    July 26 - Allen Temple - 8501 International Blvd

     August 2 - First Mt. Sinai, 1970 86th Avenue

    August 9 - Cosmopolitan, 988 85th Avenue

    August 16 - Allen Temple, 8501 International Blvd

    August 23 - At Thy Word, 8915 International Blvd

    August 30 - First Mt. Sinai, 1970 86th Avenue


    For more info: 639-1440 or fridaycommunitynightwalks@gmail.com  






    Next Monday, July 29th is Registration Deadline National Night Out:  

    Plan Your Block Party for August 6

    National Night Out header - Spanish 

    National Night Out header - Chinese 

      National Night Out is the nation's night out against crime. Sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch, residents are encouraged to join with their neighbors to have a neighborhood block party, ice cream social or other outdoor event to build neighborhood spirit and unity - which is the first defense against crime. Research shows that when neighbors know each other and look out for each other crime goes down. 

    Go to the Neighborhood Services Division National Night Out page to learn more about this annual event and how to register your block party.
    Neighborhood Policing Plan Still Rolling Out

    The Oakland Police Department has implemented its Neighborhood Policing Plan, putting into place leadership and teams for each of 5 Police Areas. Area commanders will deploy crime reduction and prevention strategies tailored for their to provide more focused, problem-oriented, and community-driven police service delivery as possible. There will be no change to the number of patrol or problem solving officers assigned to beats or to Neighborhood Crime Prevention Councils.

    The 5 commanders below have the authority needed to impact local community crime trends, issues, and patterns and will be held accountable for effective police service and the quality of police/community relationships in their Areas. We are currently adding more lieutenants and sergeants, special crime reduction teams, and eventually investigators to each district.  We will be holding meetings in each Police Area to introduce the Captains and their command staff over the next weeks.
    Area 1 - Capt. Eric Lewis - 238-6911  -  elewis@oaklandnet.com
    Area 2 - Capt. Anthony Toribio - 238-3958  -  atoribio@oaklandnet.com
    Area 3 - Capt. Ricardo Orozco - 238-3330  -  rorozco@oaklandnet.com
    Area 4 - Capt. Steven Tull - 777-8561  -  stull@oaklandnet.com
    Area 5 - Capt. Kirk Coleman - 777-8543  -  kcoleman@oaklandnet.com

    A PDF version of the map showing the 5 areas is available here.    




    OPD logo Many Arrests Are Made Each Week Because Citizens Report Suspicious Activity

    Please remember to be alert and report suspicious activity to the police:

    777-3333 OPD non-emergency number


    This number should be used to report any suspicious behavior and suspicious vehicles parked or driving in your neighborhood or area of business. Callers can opt not to provide their name and number and remain anonymous. Please include any descriptive details that could be helpful. Jot down the date, time and location you saw the vehicle or suspicious person. Each time this information is reported, it is used in the investigative process. 

    911 for life threatening emergencies

    777-3211 emergency when calling from your cell phone


    Use Nixle Tip Watch to send an anonymous tip in 1 of 3 ways:  

    1. Text TIP OAKLANDPD to 888777 from your cell phone  
    2. Call the toll-free tip hotline at 855-TIPS-247 (855-847-7247)  
    3. Respond to OPD's Nixle messages 

    To view the Nixle message, click here


    Nixle -- stay informed of events, news, and announcements

    If you have not already done so, please sign up for NIXLE to receive OPD alerts, advisories, and community messages.  You can sign up for your beat to receive updates from OPD. 



    Cops & Kids on Wednesdays
    cops n kids


    4. Safe & Healthy Oakland



    Public Meeting about Renewing Oakland's Wildfire Prevention District
    Monday, July 29, 7-8:30pm New wpd logo
    Highlands Country Club, 110 Hiller Dr. 



    • Status of the current Wildfire Prevention District
    • Key elements of the proposed ballot measure
    • How you can help

    Keep Oakland Firesafe 2013, a committee of fire survivors, current and former members of the Wildfire Prevention Assessment District (WPAD) and neighborhood leaders, is launching a campaign to renew the Wildfire Prevention District. For the past 10 years, the good work and stewardship of the Wildfire Prevention District has protected our neighborhoods from devastating fires.  Since the establishment of the Wildfire Prevention District, Oakland has not had a significant devastating fire in the hills, while other communities that do not have a dedicated service district have experienced large fires. We need to continue funding the district to prevent fires and protect our homes.


    On August 2 at 9 am, the City Council will hold a hearing to place on a November 13, 2013 mailed ballot a measure that will continue these wildfire prevention services. This measure will continue the annual fee at $78 per single family parcel for 10 years with mandatory annual audits of the Wildfire Prevention District and citizen oversight of all spending.


    For more info:




    Fire Station Open Houses O Fire Dept ax logo

    Sponsored By: City of Oakland/Fire Department, WPAD, and Public Agencies

    For more info:  238-7255

    • Resources for Residents of Oakland Hills
    • Roving Fire Patrols, Free Chipping Services
    • WPAD Citizens Advisory Committee
    • Roadside Treatment, Inspections
    • Goat Grazing, New Engines
    • Public Education/Fire Safety Information


    Here are the dates and locations: 
        • Saturday, July 27, Fire Station 23,  7100 Foothill Blvd.
        • Tuesday, August 6 (NNO)  Fire Station 7, 1996 Amito Ave.
        • Saturday, August 17 Fire Station 24  5900 Shepherd Canyon
        • Saturday, August 31 Fire Station 28  4615 Grass Valley
        • Saturday, September 7  Fire Station 6, 7080 Colton Blvd.
        • Saturday, September 28 Fire Station 21  13150 Skyline Blvd.




    CORE stands for Communities of Oakland Respond to Emergencies.  The program is free to anyone who lives or works in the City of Oakland.  If you have not taken any CORE training, or if it has been a while since your last CORE class, please consider attending.  


    For more info and to register for classes:core@oaklandnet.com , 238-6351, and www.oaklandcore.org




    Fall evening classes will begin with

    • CORE I on August 13th followed by 
    • CORE II on August 20th and they will conclude with a 
    • CORE III Series at the Fire Training Center on Saturday August 24th and Sunday August 25th.  


    Other venues include Rockridge Library , Dimond Library, and the Oakland Fire Department's Training Division. 



    If you are a CORE III graduate and your CORE ID has expired (2 year run), refresh your skills and update your ID card status.  Two options are offered:  

    Standard Refresher - 1-day, hands-on training class

    Advanced Refresher - 2-day class incorporating the CORE III series in addition to the hands-on training.   

    NOTE: content of our training does change over time and this will insure that you are up to date with the latest information. Either version you choose will allow you to renew your CORE volunteer certification and ID card for 2 years.  Register online.



    Third Thursday training for the fall will be held at the ESMD Media room, 1605 Martin Luther King Jr. Way in Oakland.  These two hour classes will begin at 6:30 PM and will include both classroom training and simulated hands on training.  .  The general topics will be Light Search & Rescue, Conducting a Neighborhood Drill, Cribbing Method/ Technique, Heavy Rain/Flooding Prep and Response, and Neighborhood Radio Communications.  



    CORE will conduct a CORE I Home and Family Preparedness class and a CORE II Neighborhood Preparedness and Response class in your neighborhood if you can gather 15 people to attend (friends , co-workers, etc.).  






    With summer comes lots of opportunities to get to know this wonderful city better, and get some good old-fashioned exercise at the same time!  Most events are ongoing throughout the summer, but some, like the first two listings this week, are special events. Take your pick. 


    Summer Walking Tours
    now thru December 7

    Providing an intriguing combination of outdoor exercise and education about our city's unique architectural, historic and cultural heritage. The tours are 2-hour walks lead by knowledgeable guides, and range from very easy to moderately challenging. 

    For more info: www.oaklandheritage.org 


     USS Potomac

    Dockside Tours of the Presidential Yacht Potomac 
    now thru January 26, 2014, 11am & 3pm 

    Take a walk through history with a docent-led tour of FDR's Floating White House. 

    For more info and to purchase tickets: 627-1215 or www.jacklondonsquare.com/events 



    First Thursday Art Walk

    Every First Thursday of the Month, 6-9pm

    Grand Avenue from LakePark to Piedmont border. The Grand Avenue Business District hosts a monthly art event with special discounts from merchants and galleries. 

    For more info, click here.


    art murmur square logo Guided Walking Tours

    3rd Saturdays, 2pm & 4pm

    Oakland Art Murmur offers a series of guided walking tours, on third Saturdays of each month, as a way of introducing visitors to Oakland's rich array of visual art venues. 

    For more info: oaklandartmurmur.org 



    Savor Oakland Food Tours savor oakland logo

    Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays 

    A chance to explore the local cuisine, history, art, and architecture while you walk and snack. Fun for all ages! This narrated and guided 3.5 hour food tour visits several food and drink tasting locations including Oakland-style soul food, Pan-American cuisine, award-winning wine, just to name a few. All food tastings are included in the ticket price of $45. 

    For  more info: savoroaklandfoodtours.com 



    Art Murmur SAT Stroll logo Saturday Stroll

    every week, 1pm & 5pm 

    Vessel Gallery hosts their Artist Talk Series every second Saturday and a jewelry trunk shows on the First Saturdays. Saturdays are an opportunity to get closer view of the art and learn more about our exhibits and artists. 

    For more info: www.vessel-gallery.com 



    Free Walking Tours of Oakland Tour 6 JLS
    every Wednesday & Saturday, 10am, May thru October

    Free 90-minute walking tours of downtown Oakland will be offered every Wednesday and Saturday starting May 1 and continuing through October. The twice-weekly guided tours showcase the city's changing skyline, landmarks, churches, and high-rises. Sponsored by the Marketing Division, Department of Economic & Workforce Development, the tours are led by a volunteer guide, and start at 10am from various starting locations depending on the itinerary. 

    Reservations are recommended. Leave a message on the Tours' 24-hour hotline at 238-3234 or email aallen@oaklandnet.com


    For more info, click here.


    There are 8 different tours, all listed at the weblink above.



    6. JOBS, BUSINESS, & TRAINING Opportunities 



    The West Oakland Job Resource Center will be opening soon in the West Oakland Library at 1801 Adeline Street. The Center will serve as the nexus for linking job seekers, employers, and contractors and can be reached via the AC Transit NL and 26 lines.  As the project ramps up over the next few years we are trying to make sure that there are Oakland residents who can fill our 50% local hire requirements.  We particularly hope to make sure residents are prepared for construction and eventually logistics jobs.

    With the Council approval of funding and hiring of new staff, the center has begun a series of orientations.
    • Jobs in the construction Industry and how to access those jobs
    • Information on the trades, unions and their requirements
    • Pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship training opportunities
    • Job placement assistance on construction projects in the local area
    1. Can pass a drug test
    2. Have at least an 8th grade reading and math level (and preferably a GED or High School diploma)
    3. Have documents proving legal eligibility to work in the United States
    4. Proof of Oakland residency for 6 months prior to registering with us, and
    5. Have a valid California Driver License or California ID, and access to reliable transportation
    Job seekers can pre-register to attend orientations by calling: 419-0509

    The Job Resource Center will connect job seekers with job training, education and other support services, refer qualified workers to the Oakland Army Base (OAB) Project and other employers. The Center will also track and support the progress of apprentices becoming journey-level workers, match local residents with operations jobs on the OAB, and recruit existing workers in Oakland on an ongoing priority basis.


    At the West Oakland Job Resource Center employers will be able to post job notifications and receive resumes from qualified workers. The Center will be a valuable resource for technical support and assistance in complying with the OAB Cooperation Agreement, which requires quality employment and training for community residents. Contractors will use the Job Resource Center to help them meet local hiring goals, track job assignments, worker hiring and retention.





    Visit Oakland's Chat n' Chew Visit O logo n words
    Wednesday, August 14, 12-1:30pm
    Temescal Beach House, Broadway near Highways 24 and 13. 
    Meet with the Visit Oakland PR team, share Oakland news, and network with other PR professionals who care about our destination.   We're thrilled to have Todd Sotkiewicz, President of California Home + Design and 7x7, as a guest speaker this month. Please join us to learn how your business or client could be included in these top-tier publications.


    Directions: Enter through the driveway 100 yards east  from the North Lot Parking Lot. The driveway leads to the upper lot.  From there, walk down the stairs to the Beach House.


    Register here by July 31. 


    For more info: 839-9000, info@visitoakland.org , or www.visitoakland.org 





     DER banner logo

    Build your Fundraising Skills

    Do you work for or support a non-profit organization?  Are you interested in knowing more about the art of fundraising?  The Development Executives Roundtable (DER), an all-volunteer organization, helps Bay Area fundraisers build skills through education, practical tools, networking, and peer support. DER now offers free subscriptions to their newsletter.  Just go here and hit the Subscribe button.


    7.  GREENING Oakland


    The Palos Colorados Trail in Joaquin Miller Park is a beautiful, wooded trail that begins at the bottom of the park, off Mountain Blvd, and is a regular route for many community hiking tours. There is a steep section in the middle of the trail that is threatening to fail, at which point the City would be forced to close it indefinitely. To avoid this inevitable closure, Friends of Joaquin Miller Park (FOJMP), the Dimond Improvement

    palos colorados
    © Damon Tighe
    Association (DIA), and Friends of Oakland Parks & Recreation (FOPR) are raising the funds needed to fix the trail.


    The work required -- rerouting a substantial section of trail about 10 feet into the hillside -- must be performed by professionals, and will cost $5,000. The completion of this project would help ensure public access for years to come.


    All donations are tax deductible and any size contribution is greatly appreciated. Please make checks payable to: Friends of Oakland Parks & Recreation (memo: "FOJMP PCT") and drop off at La Farine Bakery, 3411 Fruitvale Ave, "Attn: Stan", or mail to: Friends of Joaquin Miller Park, PO Box 20383, Oakland, CA 94620.


    As a personal thank you, the manager of La Farine Bakery will contact the top three donors (by July 5th) to arrange for a private, customized hiking tour for you and your group (up to 15 people), complete with goodies from La Farine Bakery.


    For more info: Stan Dodson, stan@lafarine.com 



    Dimond Branch Crop Swap, Saturday, July 27, 11:30am-1:30pm, Dimond Branch Library, 3565 Fruitvale Ave.
    Share crops from your garden with other local gardeners. If you have a favorite recipe for your crops, feel free to bring that, too!

    For more info: Rebekah Eppley, 482-7844





    Seed Collecting Class, Saturday, August 3, 11am, Dimond Branch Library, 3565 Fruitvale Ave. 
    Learn how to prepare your plants for seed collecting, the processes of collecting, and how to store dry seeds.  Led by permaculturist Maria del Carmen Cortez.

    For more info: Rebekah Eppley, 482-7844





    The Gardens at Lake Merritt Community Work Parties

    For more info: gardensatlakemerritt.org/ 

    The Gardens at Lake Merritt have lots of options for you to get your hands dirty -- on a weekly or a monthly basis. Choose one of more of these regular workdays and come lend a hand.

    • Every Tuesday Evening, Sensory Garden, 5:30-7:30pm
    • Every Thursday Morning, Succulent Garden, 9am-12noon 
    • 1st Saturday of each month, (July 6) 9am-12noon, Mediterranean Garden
    • 1st Saturday of each month, (July 6) 9am-1:30pm, Succulent Garden
    • First and third Saturday of each month, (July 6 & July 20), Edible Gardens. (If you're interested in gardening at an Edible Garden; the Victory Garden Foundation's People's Victory Garden will have mentored gardening days on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays. Click here for more info. )  
    • 3rd Saturday of each month, (July 20) 9am-12noon, Sensory Gardens, Palmetum, and the Rhododendron Garden. 


    Friends of Sausal Creek Events  

    Click here for a full calendar of events and directions to each event.





    Become a Dedicated Dead-Header at Morcom Rose Garden

    For more info on becoming a Morcom Rose Garden certified Master Gardener, click here.






    Arroyo Viejo Creek Clean-Up Day, 
    3rd Saturday of every month, 10am-12pm. Meet at Oakland zoo arroyo creek keepers logo Zoo, 9777 Golf Links Rd. 
    Park in the Lower Parking Lot near Maddie's Center for Science and Education. Walk back down towards the Zoo's Parking Ticket Booth (where you entered the Zoo) and meet at the big creek restoration sign.  Bring your gloves, play clothes and your friends and come help us keep our creek clean. Earn some volunteer hours, learn about nature and meet new friends while working at the Arroyo Viejo Creek as an Oakland Zoo Creek Keeper. There is no fee associated with this program. 

    For more info: 632-9525 or www.oaklandzoo.org 




    "Mow no Mo'! - or How to Sheet Mulch Your Lawn Away" workshops

    Kathy Kramer from the Bringing Back Native Plants garden tours is offering free labor and advice for Oaklanders who would like to get rid of unwanted lawn and, ideally, replace it with some native plants.  


    The homeowner provides the materials and Karen provides the labor: between 20 and 30 people, who would be at the garden for about 3 to 4 hours (about two hours of that they would be working; the rest would be training time.)  The lawn should be on the large side -- at least 1,500 square feet, so there is room for folks to move.  It would be preferable if the homeowner planned to put in 60% or more natives, and was interested in offering the garden for an upcoming Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour.  It would be heavenly if the planting plan had been designed by the time of the event.  

    For more info: Kathy Kramer, Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour Coordinator, 236-9558, kathy@kathykramerconsulting.net , www.bringingbackthenatives.net 



    EBMUD Rebates for lawn conversion and weather-based irrigation controllers

    Many Bay Area Water Agencies - including EBMUD -- are currently offering rebates for lawn conversion and/or weather based irrigation controllers. If you have any thought of a more drought-tolerant native garden, check it out. 

    East Bay Municipal Utility District EBMUD) offers an integrated package of both irrigation upgrade and lawn conversion rebates -- up to $2500 for single and multi-family residential properties (4 units or less) and up to $20,000 for commercial and multi-family (5 units or more) properties.

    For more info: click here.


    Thanks to our friends at Bay-Friendly Landscaping & Gardening Coalition for the info. 



    Main Library Children's Room is "Growing Readers"

    last chance Thursdays, now thru August 8, 3-4pm

    On Monday, June 10, the Main Library Children's Room began a program that introduces urban farming and container gardening to young library patrons. At the Main Library, patrons will notice the gardens are already sprouting in metal containers outside the Children's Room, on the Library's Oak Street side. The "Growing Readers" program will run all summer, thanks to a generous grant from the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). To implement the program, Oakland Public Library (OPL) is partnering with Acta Non Verba: Youth Urban Farm Project, a non-profit that introduces Oakland youth to urban farming and container gardening. 


    Beginning Thursday, June 20 and for the next eight Thursdays, children will be able to work with Acta Non Verba staff in the garden, do a fun activity and learn about topics such as "Good Bug or Bad Bug?" and "Where Does Food Come From?" (The July 4 workshop will be held on Tuesday, July 2 due to the Library's closure for Independence Day.) The workshops run from 3 to 4pm. These yummy topics tie in with the Library's Summer Reading theme this year -- "Reading is So Delicious!" -- as well as 

    OPL child garden

    the Alameda County Community Food Bank's free summer lunch program for kids in which OPL will be participating. This project was supported in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian. 

    For more info: Helen Bloch, Librarian II, hbloch@oaklandlibrary.org or 238-3615



    8. Kids' Programs & School News


    EDITOR's NOTE: News about the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) and the local education community appears in a lot of different places: print, radio, television and online media. OUSD has started collecting the highlights in one easy place: https://www.rebelmouse.com/OUSD/  Check the link regularly.



    speak emglish



    The following program is open to adults and you may register after July 23.

    ¿Quieres aprender Inglés?  Clases de
    inglés en el Parque Peralta Hacienda


    martes - viernes, 2 horas al día

    23 julio - 16 agosto

    2465 34th Ave. en el Fruitvale.


    ¡Bienvenidos todos!


    Horas exactas de la clase se determinan al registrar -- martes, 23 de Julio, 10am


    $10 por semana o pagar por adelantado;
    $35 para 4 semanas de sesión

    Guardería : $1 por hora por niño

    Para más información:  532-9142


    Do you want to learn English? English
    Classes in Peralta Hacienda Park


    Tuesday - Friday, 2 hours a day, 

    July 23 - August 16

    2465 34th Ave. 


    Everyone Welcome! 


    Exact class hours to be determined at Registration --  Tuesday, July 23, 10am


     $10 a week OR $35 in advance
    for 4 week session

    Babysitting available: $1 per hour per child

    For more info: 532-9142 



    OUSD summer guide 2013
    Make Your Summer Plans with the Help of OUSD

    OUSD offers a variety of programs for students this summer. Take a look at the OUSD programs offered by the schools to focus on academic support, algebra preparation, transition programs to prepare students for middle school and high school, and arts enrichment, as well as high school credit recovery. In addition, their Summer Resources Guide contains resources and information on summer programs in Oakland and the Greater Bay Area. 

    Click here for more program info and to download the Resource Guide. 



    9. Peace-Building in Oakland



    Attitudinal Healing Coalition logo 


    3278 West Street




    Mindful Drumming for "Mishe" Happinessmindful drumming

    Last Fridays of the month, 7:30pm

    Next: Friday, July 26

    EVENT this week Experience a once-in-a-lifetime drumming gathering for happiness for the entire family. Cultivate "mishe" happiness through mindfulness, synchronistic rhythms, and community building. Kokomon Clottey of Ghana, West Africa, will offer communal rhythms as a gateway to the heart to evoke deep inner bliss. Mindful drumming offers an authentic path to happiness and unleashes the human potential.








    argo Free Movie for Seniors, Wednesday, July 31, 1pm, Downtown Oakland Senior Center, 200 Grand Avenue.
    Enjoy a free indoor screening of "Argo." 
    For more info: Jennifer King, Senior Center Director, at jking@oaklandnet.com or 238-3284





    Movie Night at Redwood Heights Rec Center, Friday, August 2, at dusk, Redwood Hts Rec
    Center, 3883 Aliso Ave. Features a free screening of "The Lorax."

    A great way to spend a Friday night is to come over to Redwood Heights Rec Center, bring a small lawn chair and/or blanket, some warm clothes, and watch a fun movie under the evening sky. Movies start at dusk, which changes as the days get longer.  There will be popcorn, hot chocolate, drinks & hotdogs this year. No alcohol, drugs or dogs allowed. All of the money goes towards scholarship fund for summer day camp and after school Rockets program. 

    For more info: Breht Clark, Recreation Center Director, bclark@oaklandnet.com or 482-7827

    For the summer schedule, click here.

    Movies at Studio One, Friday, August 2, 8:15 pm, Studio One Art Center, 365 45th Street. Enjoy a free screening of "Raiders of the Lost Ark." 

    For more info: 597-5027



    art n soul Art + Soul Oakland Festival, Saturday, & Sunday, August 3 & 4, 12-8pm (Sat), 12-6pm (Sun), Downtown Oakland, Frank H. Ogawa Plaza and surrounding streets.
    The festival that launched downtown Oakland's transformation into the Bay Area's hottest dining and arts scene, Art + Soul Oakland will sizzle this year with two art-and-music-packed days featuring live jazz, rock, indie, punk, honky-tonk, gospel, metal, world, Latin, folk, R&B and blues music performed by national recording artists and top local talent. The musical line-up for Saturday includes Lisa Loeb, Tristan Prettyman, The Rescues and Vintage Trouble. Oakland-based Amikaeyla and ConFunkShun join Soul/R&B powerhouse Leela James on Sunday. There will be hundreds of artisan booths; gourmet global cuisine and mobile food trucks; and for kids, carnival rides, music, art activities and costumed characters. 

    For more info: www.artandsouloakland.com  or 444-CITY



    Montclair Community Work Day, Saturday, August 3, 9am-1pm, 6300 Moraga Ave.
    Meet near the Basketball Court in the Park. Montclair Village Association, Montclair Safety and Improvement Council, and Montclair Park & Rec are proud to host The Montclair Community Work Day. The event will improve infrastructure, clean and clear overgrowth of plants and trees, remove trash and debris in Montclair Park, and build community through a collective effort to beautify our Park!  Refreshments will be provided by Crogan's Montclair, Crown Wines and Spirits, Rustica Pizzeria, and others.  Bring gloves and any sheers or pruning tools -- rakes and bagging supplies will be provided. 

    For more information: info@montclairvillage.com or www.montclairvillage.com 




    The Oakland Public Conservatory of Music Symphony Orchestra Free Concert, Sunday, PubConservMusic logo August 4, 4pm, Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church, Barnett Hall, 3534 Lakeshore Ave.

    Musicians are still welcome to join the orchestra, and the public is invited to the free concert.  The OPC Symphony Orchestra offers Bay Area musicians the unique opportunity to perform the rarely heard works of African-American, and other ethnically under-represented composers, and standard repertoire.  


    Tuesdays, 7-9:30pm, Ed Kelly Hall at OPC,1616 Franklin St.  All musicians are welcome to join the orchestra.   $50 registration fee for participation.        

    For more info: 836-4649,  info@opcmusic.org , or www.opcmusic.org 




    CSSC tykes programTyke Explorers Workshop at Chabot Space & Science Center,Tuesdays, 10am, 12:30pm, or 3pm. Chabot Space & Science Center, 10000 Skyline Blvd.  For ages 2.5-5 years. Expand your preschooler's universe by enrolling in our Tyke Explorers Program. Kids get to bring a special grown-up to share in the excitement of science and space. Classes are a combination of instructor-led lessons and self-guided, hands-on experimentation and exploration. For more info and monthly workshop listings, click here.

    AUGUST: Extreme Travel!

    Learn about airplanes, submarines, and space crafts as we take a journey high in the sky, deep in the ocean, and in to space!

    Tuesday, August 6: Ze Plane! Ze Plane!

    Experiment with Bernoulli's principal and air to learn how airplanes fly. Then build and test your own paper airplanes and helicopters.

    Tuesday, August 13: Under the Sea

    Explore the depths of the ocean as we travel 10,000 leagues under the sea in a submarine! Find out why we need to use a submarine, and observe strange marine creatures and ocean landscapes on our journey.

    Tuesday, August 20: Blast Off!

    Learn all about the biggest, most powerful rocket ever built - the Saturn V, the same rocket that took 12 astronauts to the moon! Then go on a simulated space flight aboard the Discovery Shuttle as we travel to the International Space Station and figure out what astronauts are doing up there. 



    chorus line

    A Chorus Line, Friday, August 9 thru Sunday, August 18, 8pm, Woodminster Amphitheater,
    Joaquin Miller Park, 3300 Joaquin Miller Road.
    Enjoy this classic musical among the towering redwoods. 

    For more info: www.woodminster.com 




    laurel st fair 0813  
    Laurel Street Fair - Call for Vendors, Saturday, August 10, 11am-6pm between 35th and 38th Avenues.

    It's that time again!  The Fair will take place Saturday, August 10, 11am-6pm between 35th and 38th Avenues.  The Laurel would love vendors from the Laurel, Dimond, Maxwell Park and Allendale to shine! Click here for vendor application. 





    Oakland Dragon Boat Festival, Saturday & Sunday, August 10 & 11, Lake Merritt. dragon boat logo

    This two-day event is presented by the Oakland Renegades in conjunction with Bay Area Dragons (BAD), Oakland Department of Parks and Recreation (OPR), and the Pacific Dragonboat Association (PDBA). This year's Festival is the PDBA Regional Championship/CCWC Qualifier to determine who will be representing the US from this region at the 2014 IDBF Club Crew World Championships in Ravena, Italy.

    For more info: oaklanddragonboatfestival.org 







    Oakland Public Libraries sponsor a multitude of events all over the city. Go to this link -- now and often -- for upcoming events of all kinds:  www.oaklandlibrary.org/events 


    Fairyland has events every weekend for children:fairyland.org 

    Oakland Museum
     has weekday and weekend events and hands-on activities. First Sundays of the month are free.   museumca.org 
    Oakland Zoo -- Need we say more? www.oaklandzoo.org

    art murmur square logo
    The Art Murmur
    , Every First Friday year-round, 5-10pm:
    Various art galleries in Uptown.  www.oaklandartmurmur.org 

    Art Murmur SAT Stroll logo


    Saturday Stroll, Every Saturday, 1-5pm: Uptown Art Galleries:





    First Thursday Art Walk, Every First Thursday of the Month, 6-9pm, Grand Avenue from LakePark to Piedmont border.
    The Grand Avenue Business District hosts a monthly art event with special discounts from merchants and galleries. 

    For more info, click here.

    Jack's Night Market, First Fridays through September, 6-10pm, Jack London Square, foot of Broadway.

    A captivating evening filled with merriment and verve can be enjoyed every first Friday through September. Sample the eclectic mix of artisans, music, food and fun. 

    For more info: www.jacklondonsquare.com  



    Piedmont Art Walk, Piedmont Avenue, every 3rd Thursday, 6-9pm. 

    Enjoy Piedmont Avenue's rich and diverse collection of art of all stripes: culinary, music, design, photography, fashion, recycled design and upcycled style, among others. 

    For more info: www.piedmontavenue.org/avenue-art-walk  





    Waterfront Flicks some Thursdays, at sundown, Market Lawn at Jack London Square. 

    Enjoy a free screening of "Hitchcock" on the beautiful waterfront. Moviegoers should arrive early with blankets in-hand for pre-film festivities including small eats, beer, trivia and giveaways. 

    For more info:  www.jacklondonsquare.com



    Movies at Studio One,Fridays, 8:15 pm, Studio One Art Center, 365 45th Street. 
    Enjoy a free screening of recent movies. 

    For more info: 597-5027



    movies Movie Night at Redwood Heights Rec Center, 

    some Fridays at dusk, Redwood Hts Rec Center, 3883 Aliso Ave. 

    A great way to spend a Friday night is to come over to Redwood Heights Rec Center, bring a small lawn chair and/or blanket, some warm clothes, and watch a fun movie under the evening sky. Movies start at dusk, which changes as the days get longer.  There will be popcorn, hot chocolate, drinks & hotdogs this year. No alcohol, drugs or dogs allowed. All of the money goes towards scholarship fund for summer day camp and after school Rockets program. 

    For more info: Breht Clark, Recreation Center Director, bclark@oaklandnet.com or 482-7827

    For the summer schedule, click here.

    Laurel Outdoor Movie Series laurel movies

    Last Saturday of the month, June thru October, 8pm 

    Bring your lawn chairs, blankets and warm clothes, held in the Ace Hardware Parking Lot (4024 MacArthur Blvd). Sponsored by Movement Ink, Ace Hardware, the LDA and various Laurel merchants each month.

    July 27 -- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (PG-13)

    August 31 -- Good Hair w/ Chris Rock (PG-13)

    September 28 -- Wall-E (PG)

    October 26 -- Nightmare Before Christmas (PG) and Shaun of the Dead (R for adults only)



    Red Oak Realty Outdoor Movie Night in Montclair.

    red oak movies summer 2013

    Third Saturday's of the month: July 20th, August 17th, September 21st, 6450 Moraga Ave. Doors open at 6:30, movies start at 7pm.  4 nights this summer, a movie will be projected onto a 26' screen on the side of Red Oak's Moraga Avenue office. All are welcome to bring lawn chairs and blankets to the parking lot for a free outdoor movie complete with popcorn and previews. 


    CSSC tykes programTyke Explorers Workshop at Chabot Space & Science Center,Tuesdays, 10am, 12:30pm, or 3pm. Chabot Space & Science Center, 10000 Skyline Blvd.  For ages 2.5-5 years. Expand your preschooler's universe by enrolling in our Tyke Explorers Program. Kids get to bring a special grown-up to share in the excitement of science and space. Classes are a combination of instructor-led lessons and self-guided, hands-on experimentation and exploration. For more info and monthly workshop listings, click here.




    Girls' Sports Days at Oakland Parks & Rec

    For more info: Coach Love, 535-5608 or girlssports@oaklandnet.com 





    League of Women Voters Monthly Hot Topics Roundtable Discussion

    LWV of Oakland sponsors monthly HOT TOPICS roundtable discussions to inform members and the public and to seek ways everyone can come together to address important issues facing our community.

    For more info: www.lwvoakland.org/calendar.html 




    toastmasters logoTuesday Toastmasters with Warehouse416 artists and friends, Tuesdays, 7-8am, and NEW TIME: 6:30pm, 416-26th St. 
    Plenty of parking is available. Anyone who needs a parking place can get one here, enjoy an hour of fun, then walk to work. All you need is a job in the area. You are welcome to visit, just to see what it is like. 

    For more info: Ron Scrivani, scrivanir@aol.com or warehouse416.com 



    bike grp standing Saturday morning bike ride with Warehouse416 artists and friends, every (dry) Saturday, 8:45am (doors open at 8am), 416 26th St.

    This is a flat, short ride designed to provide new or returning riders with a way of getting started. We will guide you back to the start early, based on your needs. Our full ride is 30 miles and returns to 416 26th by 12:30pm.  For more info: Ron Scrivani, scrivanir@aol.com or warehouse416.com 

    Vintage Porcelain Show, Wednesdays, 10:30am & every 2nd Saturday, 10:30am, & every 2nd Sunday, 2pm, Pardee Home and Museum, 672 11th St. 

    If you love vintage china, you won't want to miss Mrs. Helen Pardee's collection of exquisite demitasse cups, teacups, and tea pots. Included with cost of tour ($5) or tour with high tea ($25). Reservations required for tea or private tour (min 4).

    For more info: 444-2187, www.pardeehome.org  

    The Listening Horse designed by our nationally known architect Walter Hood has a magical impact as visitors listen to stories
    What I Hear, I Keep: Stories From Oakland's Griots, Wednesday-Saturday until February 2014, 2:30-5:30pm, Peralta House Museum, 2465 34th Ave.  
    A visual and audio art installation based on African American stories of modern-day Oakland, with local residents telling about their lives and exploring their identities. Hear voices speak about the pluses and minuses of segregation, rituals commemorating the Black Holocaust, combating racism in major league baseball, The De Fermery Recreation Center community, the Black Panthers, the heyday of KJAZ, the Black Native community, and many other iconic contemporary Oakland themes.
    Cost: $5; free for Fruitvale Community members and children 10 & under

    For more info: Peraltahacienda.org 


    Mexica Dance, every Monday evening, 6-8pm, sponsored by Peralta Hacienda, Center for History and Community, 2488 Coolidge Ave.

    All are welcome to discover Mexica culture during ceremony and dance classes open to the public.  

    For more info: www.peraltahacienda.org