June 10, 2013Vol 3, Issue 25 

Take A Fresh Look  

at Oakland

News from Mayor Jean Quan

& Friends


The Women drummers from Heiwa Taiko. 



   Congratulations Oakland!  Thousands of you came out to enjoy the lake and each other!  Many thanks to the citizen leaders of CALM, especially James Vann and Naomi Schiff.  Also, many thanks to the staff including those now retired who came back to celebrate a decade of their work.  And, thanks to the 200 volunteers who helped control traffic and answer questions all day long!


   Many of you wanted us to do this every year or every month.  We are definitely thinking of establishing this as an annual event.  This would not have been possible without about $45,000 in donations from McGuire & Hester, Kaiser Permanente, Halo, Mechanics Bank, Alta, East Bay Express and many more.  We are also hoping to do one more "Sunday Streets" program like this this year where we will close down a major street for pedestrians, bikers, skaters, etc.. 


Governor Brown joins the Mayor and Congresswoman Barbara Lee for the Lake Merritt Blvd and Amphitheater Park dedication.


We were also happy to see the many dozens of leaders, groups, and staff return for the completion of this phase of the Measure DD work,

from Governor Brown to former Council member Wan (Jane Brunner was not able to join us) to the dozens of organizations who fought to preserve the lake from encroaching development projects. 




The next steps include:

  • Finish the 10th Street bridge and take down the last culvert so the Lake and estuary are finally reconnected after 147 years.
  • Finish the trails along the channel.
  • Build the final bridge across the freeway to the estuary.
  • Build the Bay Trail east and west along the estuary.
  • Build two new parks as part of the Brooklyn Basin housing project now underway as part of the largest investment by a Chinese developer in the US.   




     A city's budget is a statement of values, and a budget that serves Oakland must reflect our city's highest priority: public safety. That means investing heavily in both law enforcement and economic opportunity for our residents.

      We are in the final steps of deciding our budget for the next two years, and we have a real chance to make those investments that will create powerful change for Oakland. However, while our economy is growing, our resources are still finite. The City Council is trying to balance many priorities, and crucial public safety investments are at stake.

      It is now vitally important that our community members weigh in over the next two weeks and voice their priorities as the Council decides.
The Council will hold a public meeting at 6:30 pm Thursday evening at City Hall to discuss and consider options. If they don't pass a budget that night, their final meeting and vote will start at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 27.
For the most part, the Council is supporting the "fair share" budget priorities I put forward in April. However, I am asking Oakland residents to  rally support for law enforcement spending that includes: A city's budget is a statement of values, and a budget that serves Oakland must reflect our highest priority: public safety. That means investing heavily in both law enforcement and economic opportunity for our residents.
Revenues are growing, and we are faced with a challenge we're lucky to have: how do we share this growth fairly and make the best investments for Oakland's future? How can we make a full investment in public safety while balancing other important priorities?
I am grateful to see support on the City Council for my overall budget proposal, including the public safety and economic priorities I set forth. However, even with the City's revenues growing, the Council is facing many difficult decisions and weighing priorities with finite resources. Hundreds of residents attended budget town halls over the last two months, building to this final phase.
It is now vitally important that our community members weigh in over the next two weeks and voice their priorities as the Council makes its final decision. I strongly encourage all our stakeholders to make their voices heard, by writing letters, making calls or attending Council meetings.
We have heard loud and clear from our residents that Oakland's highest priority is to be a safe and livable city. A "fair share" budget that supports that priority should:
* Invest heavily in public safety; 
* Protect economic development, affordable housing and preschool; and
* Restore employee contributions and community services by ending furloughs, and building in budgeting flexibility to negotiate a fair contract.
As I have proposed, Oakland's budget needs to grow our understaffed police department by committing ongoing funding to graduate two police academies each year. This will get us to about 700 officers. That's an important first step, but we'll need to continue growing our police force for the foreseeable future, and committing ongoing funds secures that growth. We also need to make the most of our police department dollars, by investing in less-expensive civilian police staff to handle important work that doesn't require sworn officers. We should continue partnering with the California Highway Patrol, which has brought critically-needed extra patrol support to our streets up to four nights a week. And we should fund five more police dispatchers to bolster our overburdened 911 call center.
I'll be clear: these are enforcement resources we must have. Oakland residents have demanded a stronger police force, and we must deliver on that demand. My job as mayor has been to show a clear path to make these investments, and it's now the Council's job to weigh them with other important priorities and decide.
Public safety is never a matter of enforcement alone. Oakland needs to be a livable place of opportunity for everyone. We must revitalize our neighborhoods, build our economy and create jobs for our residents. This budget fills painful state cuts to maintain affordable housing staff we need to ensure that people of all income levels can afford to live here. It invests in economic development staff to move forward major projects that will beautify and enhance our city, produce thousands of jobs for residents, and grow our revenues for staff and services. And it invests in Head Start, a vital program badly hurt by federal cuts -- preserving it with City funds will help us protect vulnerable children and families.
Finally, to help us reach a "fair share" budget, I am asking the Council to build in some budget flexibility, to allow the City to seriously consider employee compensation issues at the bargaining table. We should be able to negotiate in good faith with our unions to reach a fair contract without pitting them against our top priority of public safety. However, we need to respect the collective bargaining process and leave the specifics at the bargaining table for now.
The budget process will continue at the next City Council meeting, at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 13, at City Hall. If the Council doesn't pass a budget that night, their final meeting and vote will be at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 27.
We hope residents will make themselves heard. If you can't attend the meetings, please call or write to your council members. http://www2.oaklandnet.com/Government/o/CityCouncil/index.htm  OR dl-Councilmembers@oaklandnet.com  The budget should address your needs as your elected leaders weigh difficult choices. 

We have come so far together already: now is a time when we can truly choose safety and prosperity for Oakland.     
Mayor Jean Quan





School Board Meeting on Wednesday

Public school libraries are a very important part of student success in literacy and life, guiding and building knowledge and understanding.  Early literacy prevents dropouts and provides skills for positive futures. School libraries can be safe learning havens for students in neighborhoods struggling with poverty and crime. 

  FOPSL group of kids  

Most Oakland public schools in these areas do not have functioning libraries due to budget and staffing difficulties. Community volunteers with Friends of the Oakland Public School Libraries (FOPSL) have worked hard to create school libraries filled with great books and computers. Professional staffing is needed to provide quality instruction in literacy and information technology, as well as maintain and sustain these resources.  


Money will be coming to Oakland from the state that could provide support to open, staff, and operate these libraries.  Help FOPSL and friends close the "opportunity gap" for disadvantaged students. 


fopsl logo Please bring your voices, friends and families to support school libraries and educational equality at the School Board Meeting Wednesday June 12, in the Great Room at LaEscuelita Education Center, 1050 Second Avenue; arrive in time for the public session that starts at 6pm.  


For more info: Kari Hatch, M.Ed., Executive Director, Friends of the Oakland Public School Libraries, khatch.fopsl@gmail.com or www.fopsl.org 




This publication is not produced at public expense.

Want to follow events as they happen? 

During the week, I also post to my Facebook page:  Facebook.com/mayorjeanquan.

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In This Issue
3. Father's Day Events
4. Get Your Walk On
5. Community Policing
6. Peace-Building in Oakland
8. GREENING Oakland
9. SAFE & HEALTHY Oakland
10. Kids' Programs & School News
11. UPCOMING Events
12. RECURRING Events
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    Oakland Accolades
    travelnerd logo

    Oakland Named Among Top
    Urban Destinations for Nature Lovers


    On Monday, May 13, TravelNerd ranked Oakland #4 on its roster of America's top 20 urban destinations with nature opportunities. The group noted Oakland's famed Lake Merritt and abundant parkland as amenities that led to their ranking. 


    To view TravelNerd's list,
    click here.


    For other recent accolades bestowed upon Oakland, including being named America's most exciting city, visit the City's webpage.








    A Car-Free Lifestyle

    Azeen Ghorayshi, East Bay Express

    June 5, 2013

    Visiting Oakland's African American Museum: A fresh look at history


    June 3, 2013

    Ladies of the Lake keep a decades-old tradition alive

    Carl Nolte, SF Chronicle

    June 2, 2013





    Meet the Ex-Cons Who Are Now Stopping Violence on Oakland's Streets

    Caitlin Esch, KQED

    June 6, 2013

    OPD to begin reorganization efforts despite shortage of officers

    June 6, 2013, KTVU


    Oakland Sideshows Gain Police Focus 

    Matthew Artz, CC Times via
    The Huffington Post

    June 4, 2013








    Measure Y
    (Oakland Unite)
    2013 Survey



     The City of Oakland wants to know what residents think about community policing in Oakland and other services that Measure Y (Oakland Unite), a voter approved parcel tax, funds.  The survey should take about 5-10 minutes of your time.  


    Click here to get to the survey.


    Thank you for your input!    


    Questions about the survey? Contact Bright Research Group at info@brightresearchgroup.com




    Adopt a Spot
    2013 Oakland Adopt a Spot
    2013 Oakland Adopt a Spot

    The City's Environmental Services department posted a video encouraging residents to join the Oakland Adopt a Spot program as part of National Volunteer Week last week. It features everyday residents who have adopted a spot in their neighborhoods as individuals or groups. 


    Through Adopt a Spot, the Public Works Agency provides a unique opportunity for individuals, neighborhood groups, civic organizations, and businesses to play an active and ongoing role in cleaning, greening, and beautifying parks, creeks, streets, and other public spaces. Public Works assists adopters by providing tool lending, post-cleanup debris collection, and technical assistance. 


    For more info:  Christine Ralls, Adopt A Spot Coordinator, 238-6260 or cralls@oaklandnet.com 
    or go to the City webpage at 

    www.oaklandadoptaspot.org .



    5 District Police Commanders Named, Police Reorganization Rolls Out This Week

    Click On Map for web based version .

    This week the Oakland Police Department continues implementation of its Neighborhood Policing Plan, putting into place leadership and teams for each of five Police Districts. District commanders will deploy crime reduction and prevention strategies tailored for their to provide more focused, problem-oriented, and community-driven police service delivery as pos
    sible. There will be no change to the number of patrol or problem solving officers assigned to beats or to Neighborhood Crime Prevention Councils.

    The 5 commanders below have the authority needed to impact local community crime trends, issues, and patterns and will be held accountable for effective police service and the quality of police/community relationships in their Districts.

    District 1 - Capt. Eric Lewis - 238-6911 -
    District 2 - Capt. Anthony Toribio - 238-3958 -
    District 3 - Capt. Ricardo Orozco - 238-3330
    District 4 - Capt. Steven Tull - 777-8561 -
    District 5 - Capt. Kirk Coleman - 777-8543 -
    The map showing the five districts is available at

    We will be holding meetings in each Police District to introduce the Captains and their command staff over the next weeks.

      Congratulations Citizen Police Academy Graduates:


    This week dozens of more community volunteers graduated from the Citizens Police Academy.  Many that I talked to are either active in their Neighborhood Community Policing Council or considering a career with the OPD.  They plan to play a part in helping to roll out the Police Reorganization this summer. 

    1. DISCOVER OAKLAND -- Activities this week


    Editor's Note: Remember to check the RECURRING section, way down at the bottom, for events that have been highlighted here previously and are ongoing.



    African American Quilt Guild of Oakland's 2nd Biennial Quilt Show: Preserving Our Past - Designing Our Future, Saturday, June 15, 10am-4pm, Allen Temple Baptist Church Family Life 
    AfAm quilt logoResource Center, 8501 85th Ave at International

    Cost: $10; kids under 12 free.  Free parking

    Featuring a wide range of quilt designs created by AAQGO guild members, from traditional pieced blocks to eclectic patterns reflecting our strong African roots. This year's show will feature quilts of Ancestral Memories, created specifically to recall our memories and to share our history, culture, and stories.

    For more info: Amal Johnson, aojohnson1@att.net or 534-6159 or www.aaqgo.org 


    Friday Nights at the Oakland Museum with Off the Grid Food Trucks, every Friday, 5-9pm, Oakland Museum, 1000 Oak St.   
    Join OMCA and Off the Grid Food trucks on 10th Street every Friday for a family-friendly take on a
    museum Fri nitefestive night market. Savor California beer, wine and non-alcoholic beverages around the Koi Pond at the Blue Oak caf� pop-up. Enjoy half-price admission, live music, extended OMCA Store hours, open studios with the Customizers-in-Residence from the  we/ customize exhibition, and much more. Bring the whole family to OMCA for a sampling of the best in Bay Area curbside cuisine!  Or visit the Blue Oak Cafe where Ron Crotty, the original bassist of the Dave Brubeck Trio, plays on Fridays and Sundays 12 to 2 pm.  

    COST: Half-price gallery admission for adults; ages 18 and under are free. Admission for Members is always free. Cash bar. Prices vary for Off the Grid food trucks. Event parking is available at the Museum for a $5 flat fee after 5 pm. 

    For more info, click here.


    bites off broadway logo

    Bites Off Broadway -- Mobile Food and Family Fun,
    Fridays, now thru October 11, 5:30-8:30pm, 
    in front of Studio One Art Center, 365 45th Street.

    Featuring affordable and delicious food from rotating trucks, such as Fist of Flour, Tina Tamale, Taco Evangelist, Roderick's BBQ, Annakoot, Suzie Q's Lunch Box, Sanguchon, Go Streatery, Doc's of the Bay, Two Mammas Vegan Kitchen, Blue Saigon, Sunrise Deli and more.  Lawn seating: bring a chair or a blanket plus your friends, family and neighbors. Hula-hooping, ping pong, live music and movies at dusk. 

    For more info:  www.bitesoffbroadway.com 


    alum fashion show 0613

    Alumni Reunion Youth Fashion Show, Saturday, June 15, 1-6pm, American Steel Studios, 1960 Mandela Parkway.
    Pre-show vending runs until 4pm and the main fashion show takes to the runway at 5pm. Reunion Fashion Show is an opportunity for students of An Eye for Style Fashion Academy to experience the electric energy of a major runway production. 

    For more info: 469-865-0217 or www.aneyeforstyle.com 







    4th Annual California Music Industry Summit (CMIS)CA music industry 0513

    Presented by TraMa� Entertainment

    June 13-15, Laney College, 900 Fallon St

    An intensive 3-day artist showcase and 2-day music business convention with panels, workshops, and exhibits.  Speakers will provide you with personal one-on-one mentoring, intensive demo, beats and tracks listening sessions, vocal critiques, plus parties and mixers that will entertain you while providing priceless networking opportunities.

    Register NOW for the conference here or by phone Monday thru Friday 9am -9pm EST at 888-718-4253

    For more info: www.tramaientertainment.com or Their FaceBook page 




    oacc spirit music 0613  
    China's Spirit Music Ensemble 10th Anniversary Concert, Sunday, June 16, 7pm, Oakland Asian Cultural Center, 388 9th St, Suite 290

    Come experience the music of China through the Chinese Zither. CSME performs a vibrant, colorful, and passionate program demonstrating ensemble and concerto arrangements.

    Click here for more info. 




    Piedmont Piano exterior
    Piedmont Piano Company Concert Series, 1728 San Pablo Ave

    Located in the Uptown, half a block from the Fox Theater, Piedmont Piano Company doesn't just sell beautiful, high-end pianos. Every month, they present music from local and international musicians. Costs vary, but typically range from $15 to $25. For more info: www.piedmontpiano.com   

    June 12:  Oakland Open Sing, hosted by Mary Callahan

    June 15: Josh Workman & Larry Vuckovich: Jim Hall/Bill Evans Tribute

    June 16: Dmitri Matheny Group, Father's Day Jazz Celebration





    Experience Arabic and Turkish Music with Mid-East Tapestry -- lecture and POL arabic music demo, Thursday, June 13, 6-7:30pm, Main Library, Bradley C. Walters Community Room

    Mid-East Tapestry explores the rhythmic and melodic structure of Arabic and Turkish music, from classical, to folk and pop. A brief introductory lecture will be followed by live musical performance.  Mid-East Tapestry is a quartet led by Vince Delgado, and features exotic instruments such as the qanun (a string instrument similar to the zither), oud (a lute-like string instrument), and riqq (similar to a tambourine). 

    Click here for more info. 




    dark knight movieWaterfront Flicks -- "Dark Knight Rises,"
    Thursday, June 13, Sundown, Market Lawn at Jack London Square. 
    Enjoy outdoor movies on the beautiful waterfront.  Grab dinner at any Jack London Square restaurant or pack a picnic.  Movies begin at sundown, but the fun begins earlier with trivia questions and prizes. Beer (New Belgium) proceeds go to East Bay Bike Coalition.

    For more info: 645-9292




    Red Oak Realty Outdoor Movie Night in Montclair -June 15: Willy Wonka and thered oak movies summer 2013Chocolate Factory, with Gene Wilder.

    Third Saturday's of the month: June 15th, July 20th, August 17th, September 21st, 6450 Moraga Ave. Doors open at 6:30, movies start at 7pm.  4 nights this summer, a movie will be projected onto a 26' screen on the side of Red Oak's Moraga Avenue office. All are welcome to bring lawn chairs and blankets to the parking lot for a free outdoor movie complete with popcorn and previews. 




    $5 Movie Day Every Sunday & Tuesday, Regal Cinema Jack London 100 Washington St.

    Tired of shelling out $10 - $12 for movies in a theater? Then take advantage of the Regal, Jack London's all day $5 movie deal! 

    For more info: www.regmovies.com 




    Parkway Theater logo

    The New Parkway, 474 24th Street

    658-7900 or www.thenewparkway.com 

    If you haven't yet been to this movie theater, you really must go. Comfy (clean) couches, good food, and all sorts of themes. Check the website for all the specifics, but here's a general list of themes by day of the week.


    Baby Brigade, Mondays 

    is an opportunity for parents of young children to come to the movies.  

    Doc Night, Tuesdays

    Weekly showing of one or more documentaries, often accompanied by a community discussion and almost always $6.

    Afterschool Special, Wednesdays

    OUSD schools get out early on Wednesdays so they have an afternoon showing for students (and anyone else). Never R- rated, They always offer $1 student discounts but bring a friend and it's half-price instead.

    2  for 1 Wednesdays

    Two people for the price of one, all day Wednesdays, for all of our offerings. The name says it all! 

    Senior Special, Wednesdays

    Part of 2 for 1 Wednesdays, features that might be well-suited to the senior crowd.  

    Parkway Classics, Thursdays

    Cult favorites, party flicks, and rarely screened revivals from the relatively recent past

    Family Classics, Fridays at 4pm, Saturdays at 12:30pm

    Geared towards the whole family, perfect for kids, tweens, and teens but also hopefully engaging for adults. 

    Spectrum Queer Media, Sundays

    Produced by Spectrum Queer Media, the best of LGBTQ feature films and documentaries, often accompanied by speakers and/or discussion. 

    Thrillville Theater, Sundays

    Classic "indoor" drive-in movies from the vintage voodoo vaults of pop cinema history





    malonga center logo Creative Dance Classes for Kids with All Abilities!
    Mondays thru June 17, 4-5pm, Malonga Center, Studio D, 1428 Alice St.
    What would childhood be without the chance to express ourselves through dance? AXIS is one of few programs offering children with disabilities the last chance opportunity to explore their "inner dancer" in a structured environment with professional, disabled dancers as role models. We will focus on positive body awareness, natural
    creativity, teamwork, motor coordination, personal expression, discipline, and self-control. Children ages 6-12 with and without disabilities are welcome.

    Cost: $10/class (no one turned away for lack of funds)

    For more info and to register: Education Director Annika Presley, 625-0110 or kids@axisdance.org  




    Ladybugs!  Free Workshop for Toddlers, Saturday, June 15, 10am, Lake Merritt Edible Demonstration Gardens.
    For young ones 0 to 4 years old. 

    For more info:  gardensatlakemerritt@gmail.com 



    2nd Fridays Performing Arts Social, Every 2nd Friday, 7-10pm, Mosswood Rec Center, 3612 Webster St.  
    Engage and share in music, dance and poetry geared to those 16 and up. 

    For more info: 597-5038





    Regular Events -- Saturday & Sundaygreen key
    11am, 2pm, & 4pm: Puppet Show: The Elves & The Shoemaker -- The shoemaker has a problem. Every time he leaves leather on his workbench to make shoes the next morning, someone beats him to it during the night. Who can be making these wonderful shoes? Join the Shoemaker, Cinderella, The Prince, Puss in Boots and the Witch of the North from Oz as they try to find out. Based on the popular Grimms' tale.

    12pm-2pm: The Marilynn O'Hare Arts & Crafts Center  is open with activities geared toward children and their families.

    1pm-1:20pm: Animal of the Day! Come up close and learn about one of our animal friends. Which one of Fairyland's feathered, furry or wooly creatures will it be today? Find out at the Humpty Dumpty wall.

    1:30pm & 2:30pm: Goofball! Ready to have some fun?! Then you don't want to miss Goofball, the Bay Area's funniest, silliest, and wackiest magician. Prepare yourself for some serious laughter. Who knows? You might even be the star of the show!


    Fairyland Presentation Day
    Saturday, June 15, 12:30pm, Children's Fairyland, 699 Bellevue Ave.
    Meet this year's Children's Fairyland Personalities at an inaugural ceremony and costume premiere performance. 

    For more info: www.fairyland.org 





    10000 Skyline Blvd.  

    For more info, click here.

     monsters inc

    Monsters Inc., 

    Sunday, June 15, 7pm

    Come enjoy a show that is funny for all ages and visually captivating. Activities include face painting for kids, costumed characters and other fun monster mayhem!

    Guests: $21 Adults / $17 Children

    Members: $5 Adults / Free for Children


    Dinner, a Movie, and the Universe, Friday & Saturday evenings.

    CSSC dinner movie universe The perfect date night experience is back! By popular demand, our unique after-dark offering has returned. Join us for a full-course dinner in our Skyline Bistro, enjoy our live-narrated Planetarium
    show Cosmos 360, and view the night sky through our telescopes (weather permitting). Reservations are not required but strongly encouraged. 

    Costs (includes Admission, Dinner, and Planetarium Show)

    Guests: $23 Adults / $16 Children

    Members: $15 Adults / $11 Children

    *Dinner only walk-ins welcome: $17 Adults / $13 Children

    *Price does not include admission to the Center

    For more info, click here.





    O MUseum logo hi res
    At the Oakland Museum,
     1000 Oak Street 

    For more info: museumca.org 



    Natural Sciences Guild Day Trip: Northern Volcanics by Bus: Geology of the Petrified Forest and The Geysers, Saturday, June 15, 8am-6pm.  Redwoods and firs were standing in California well over 3 million years ago. They were blown down by a Mount St. Helens-type eruption and converted to stone cell by cell; thus we can now walk among them guided by a OMCA geyser trip docent from the Petrified Forest near Calistoga.


    After lunch in Calistoga, another docent-led trip to The Geysers will include a discussion of the uses of hot springs and the geothermal energy they provide, reminding us that we are standing above a great pool of hot magma!


    COST: $125 and will cover transportation from the Museum, two docent-led tours, lunch, and snacks.  

    To make a reservation: Lynn, lynngotchall@msn.com

    For more info, click here.



    OMCA bike tour

    Bike Tour: Oakland on Two Wheels, Sunday, June 16, 10am. An annual summer favorite is back, with OMCA's popular bike tours! Explore Oakland and its environs with the Museum's bike-tripping docents on the third Sunday of the month. Discover the incredible history of Oakland on two wheels during this leisurely 2-hour ride through downtown Oakland. The tour highlights local history, architecture, and community stories.  Bring your bicycle, helmet, repair kit, and adventurous spirit!

    Click here for more info.




    Hard Times in the OC

    hard times in the oc

    Now thru April 27, 2014

    This installation in the Gallery of California History co-curated with faculty and students at California State University Fullerton focuses on the effects of the 2008 recession in Orange County. It's the second in the series titled What's Happening, California?

    The exhibition explores the theme of resilience in the face of economic setbacks through a presentation of artifacts, including protest puppets, tools of laid-off workers, and oral history interviews. The resulting exhibition portrays a range of experiences and challenges facing the people of Orange County during the recession, reflecting the Oakland Museum of California's mission to connect communities to the cultural and environmental heritage of California.


    Summoning Ghosts: The Art of Hung Liu 

    March 6-June 30, 2013

    The exhibition Summoning Ghosts: The Art of Hung Liu is the first comprehensive survey of the artwork of Hung Liu-one of the most prominent Chinese painters working in the United States today.  




    magnoliaBehind the Scenes, See Art, Make Paper, Break Bread   -- A Toast to Summer at Magnolia Editions,
    June 15, 3-6pm, Magnolia Editions, 2527 Magnolia St. 
    Friends of Oakland Art Murmur (OAM) continues to offer members fabulous new events and exposure to the people who make the art. On June 15th, we'll take you with us to see where so many artists of local and national reputation go to produce traditional and cutting edge work using a combination of old-world techniques and the very latest digital technology in daring, dazzling combination. Reserve a space today to get behind the scenes at one of the preeminent fine art presses in the country: Oakland's own Magnolia Editions.


    Come see how and where so much art comes to fruition, and try your hand (with some expert coaching) at making special embedded art paper -- yours to keep! Delicious bites catered compliments of Oakland culinary masters and art lovers, the team at Bay Wolf Restaurant.

    Click here to reserve tickets. 

    Please RSVP to dalya@flourishoakland.org




    MOCHA logo MOCHA Fundraiser, Sunday, June 2, 8-10pm, Freight & Salvage, 2020 Addison, Berkeley

    Support MOCHA with a night of heartfelt songs and stories at the Freight & Salvage Coffeehouse on Sunday, June 2nd!

    Click here for more info.  



    June Art Exhibits at Oakland Public Libraries O public library logo

    Lakeview Branch, June 4-28

    LAUREL LEE: Landscapes of the Bay

    Paintings and drawings on paper depicting landscapes of San Francisco Bay.


    Main Library, 2nd floor, now thru June 30

    The Scraper Bike Movement on Display

    See examples of Oakland's Scraper Bike Movement up close on the TeenZone Art Wall.


    Rockridge Branch, June 1 - 29

    Dolls4Artsake by Lori Fischer

    Rag Dolls, Posing Dolls, and customized dolls made of fabric.


    Main Library, Oakland History Room, now thru June 30 

    The Waters of Oakland

    Photos, documents, and other articles recount Lake Merritt's metamorphosis from tidal slough to urban lake.





    O public library logo AT OUR PUBLIC LIBRARIES

    Many library events are recurring. Some are highlighted here temporarily, but be sure to check the last section (RECURRING EVENTS) for items no longer listed in this section and click here for a link to all library events.




    Summer Reading Kicks Off June 15 OPL summer reading

    Join us for a summer of fun as the Oakland Public Library launches its annual Summer Reading Program, with separate reading programs for kids, teens, and adults. This year's theme is "Reading is Soooo Delicious!" and the library calendar will feature many food- and reading-related programs all summer long. Summer Reading concludes August 10.


    Summer Reading for Kids

    The kids' program rewards young readers (ages 0-14) with raffle prizes, entertainment, and fun activities. Click here for program details, 


    Teen Passport Program OPL teem summer read

    Teens (ages 12-18) can participate in the Teen Summer Passport Program, which encourages young people to read, participate in Library activities, and explore Bay Area cultural sites. Click here for program details. 


    Adult Summer Reading

    Adults (18 and up) can qualify to win raffle prizes by reading, sharing book reviews, and by utilizing library services. Ask any librarian for info.





    Finding Foundation Support for your Education, Tuesday, June 11, 2-4:30pm, Main Library, Community Room.  Learn about tools and techniques for seeking financial support for higher education.


    Get It Together: Trusts & Estate Planning, Tuesday, June 11, 6:30pm, Piedmont Branch

    Learn how much money you will need to cover your child's education and what investment programs are available to help pay these ever-increasing costs.  Presented by Financial Advisor, David Saxon of Merrill Lynch Wealth Management 



    MOCHA Garden Party - Van Gogh Flower Paintings, Tuesday, June 11, 1-3pm, Main Library Children's Room, 125 14th St.

    Join the MOCHA Garden Party this month and make flower paintings inspired by Vincent Van Gogh!


    Edible EdVentures, Saturday, June 15, 10:30-11am, Dimond Branch, 3565 Fruitvale Ave. 
    Get ready for summer with some new-to-you clothing and shoes! Please bring items to swap that are children's sized, clean, and in good condition


    Power Up -- Free hands-on computer training at the Dimond Branch Library

    Drop-ins welcome. The first of these classes (PC Basics) happened last weekend, but here are the last two. For more info: 482-7844


    Exploring Email, Saturday, June 15, 10-11am. Covering the ins and outs of email, this class will explore how to create and manage an email account including how to safely add and open an attachment and communicate online. 


    Welcome to the Web, Saturday, June 22, 10-11am. This class will take a more detailed look at the opportunities available online by exploring popular, useful websites. 




    REGULAR, RECURRING EVENTS (see others in RECURRING section at the end)

    Lawyers in the Library, Wednesdays, 6-8pm, Main Library, 125 14th St.  
    Free legal information and referral presented by the Alameda County Bar Association. Sessions are popular and sometimes subject to change. Call in advance to confirm on the day of the program. Sign-up for lottery starting 5pm until 5:45pm.

    For more info, click here.


    Paws to Read, Wednesdays, 3:30-5pm, Lakeview Branch.  

    Kids: come read to our canine friends! It's a great way to practice reading, spend time with a gentle dog, and have some fun. Sign up soon for a 20-minute time slot - we fill up quickly! This program is best for independent readers in grades 1-7.



    In Between Time, Thursdays, 2-4pm, 81st Ave Branch, 1021 81st Ave (at Rudsdale)

    Teens and tweens are welcome to come to our pop-up rec center every Thursday this summer.  Join us for ping-pong, videogames, arts and crafts, cooking, and snacks!  For ages 10 and up only, please.


    Brookfield Saturdays Arts & Crafts, Saturdays, 2-3:30pm, 
    Brookfield Branch, 9255 Edes Ave.
    Come and join in the fun at Brookfield Saturdays Arts & Crafts! Learn the basics of paper-crafting, clay modeling, beading and more. Expand your creativity, develop your small-motor skills and enjoy an afternoon of arts exploration every Saturday.  All ages are welcome to participate. 

    For more info: 615-5725


    Library Offers Free Online Language Learning

    On April 1, the Oakland Public Library celebrated a year of offering library card holders free access to Transparent Language Online, a language learning program via the library's website. Transparent Language Online provides instruction in over 80 languages plus English. It's designed to help users learn basic language skills or dive into more extensive language instruction - all at a self-determined pace. The program can be used from any computer with Internet access, and free companion mobile applications for Apple and Android devices are available. To access the system, click here. (New users can sign up on this page.) 

    For more info: Andrew Demcak, Acting Collection Management Librarian, 238-4704


    MOCHA logo Weekly art workshops with MOCHA

    Join OPL and MOCHA artists in this weekly workshop for children. Each week the artist will present art related to a different theme as she or he takes us around the world in art. Times and locations are in our recurring events section at the end. 




    2.  CITY NEWS 



    Budget Town Hall Meetings Completed, Council to Hold Next Hearing Next Thursday

    On April 30, City Administrator Deanna J. Santana and I presented the FY 2013-15 Proposed Policy Budget to City Council. Throughout May, the City we hosted five neighborhood Budget Town Hall Meetings, in partnership with Council members, to gather input from Oakland residents on the proposed budget.  


    EVENT this week The following Council Budget Hearings will be held in Council Chambers, Oakland City Hall, 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza:

    • Thursday, June 13, 6:30pm, usually the vote on the Council's budget 
    • Thursday, June 27, 6:30pm for final budget adoption

    For those unable to attend any of the above meetings, other engagement and feedback opportunities available include: 

    • The City's newly launched open data platform, https://data.oaklandnet.com, to explore and visualize budget data 
    • A community-created visualization tool, www.openbudgetoakland.org, to view data and interactive infographics 
    • Survey and community engagement opportunities at www.EngageOakland.com
    • Emailing suggestions and comments to budgetsuggestions@oaklandnet.com

    For budget-related documents including the Administration's priorities, the principles behind the budget proposal, a 4-page Budget-in-Brief fact sheet, and an 8-page Budget Backgrounder fact sheet, please visit the budget web page here.


    For more info: Sean Maher, Communications Director, Office of the Mayor, smaher@oaklandnet.com or 238-7439 or Karen Boyd, Citywide Communications Director, Office of the City Administrator, kboyd@oaklandnet.com or 238-6365


    City Hall 

    City Council meetings are typically held the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month (assuming no holidays interfere). The public part of the meeting starts at
    6:30pm. Here is the schedule for the next few months: 

    • June 4 and 18
    • July 2, 16, and 30

    Can't get downtown to see the meeting? You can watch all Council meetings on Cable Channel 10 or live stream by clicking here 




    youth poet noms

    Oakland Public Library Announces Finalists in Youth Poet Laureate Competition

    Eight finalists have been announced in the City's 2nd annual Youth Poet Laureate competition. These talented young poets made it through a highly competitive and rigorous first round juried by esteemed judges, including accomplished authors, educators and two youth judges. The Oakland Public Library, in partnership with Youth Speaks (the country's leading nonprofit presenter of spoken word performance, education and youth development programs), is staging the competition. The winner will be honored with a $5,000 scholarship and the opportunity to officially represent his/her community through poetry, media, and public appearances. The winner will be announced in early August.


    First-round evaluations were based solely on the strength of the applicants' poetry. Judges looked for Youth poet laureate logo writing that demonstrated Overall Artistic Excellence, Bold Approach in Content and Form, Outstanding Creativity, Originality and Authenticity. The eight finalists represent the best of Oakland's young talent, while also reflecting the city's lauded diversity. They attend seven different schools and hail from six different zip codes. They are:

    • Olivia Hoffman, 16, Oakland School for the Arts
    • Maya Bello, 16, Holy Names High School
    • Obasi Davis, 17, Berkeley High School
    • Robert Paige, 18, Oakland Technical High School
    • Mina Jameson, 15, Oakland School for the Arts
    • Francesca Paris, 16, Head-Royce School
    • Cindy Huey, 17, Oakland Technical High School
    • Kai Smith, 15, Oakland School for the Arts

    All finalists will gain mentorship and educational opportunities. They will also have their work published in an anthology. Their submissions will be forwarded to a panel of celebrity judges, including poet and playwright Chinaka Hodge, poet and performer Raphael Cohen, and current Youth Poet Laureate Stephanie Yun, who won the competition in 2012.


    Youth Poet Laureate Finalists will make several public appearances this summer before the competition culminates August 2-4, when the winner will be announced. Dates and venues will be announced soon. 

    Oakland to Host the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce (CHCC) Annual State Convention CA hispanic cham of comm

    CHCC, the premier organization promoting the development of Hispanic entrepreneurs and emerging Latino businesses in California, has selected the City of Oakland to hold its Annual State Convention, from Aug. 14 to 16 at the Oakland City Centre Marriott. This 3-day convention will bring more than 3,000 entrepreneurs, small business advocates, and corporate representatives together and will have a multimillion-dollar impact on the local economy. Session topics will focus on small business, Latina-owned businesses, and the importance of corporate partnerships. The CHCC has a network of over 65 Hispanic chambers and business associations throughout the State of California. Through its network of Hispanic chambers and business associations, the CHCC represents the interest of over 700,000 Hispanic business owners in California. 

    For more info: www.cahcc.com 





    BART - several stations have entrances that will be closed temporarilyBART logo

    BART continues to work on replacing security grilles at entrances to a number of stations. The replacement work will be done on a rotating basis and will involve no more than 2 entrances (on opposite sides of the station) at a time. Each entrance will be closed for approximately 2 weeks while the work is completed. Passenger bulletins are being issued detailing the dates and locations for each station involved. 

    To read more go to these links:




    Boards and Commissions are a wonderful way for residents to participate in city government, and currently we are recruiting for several openings. 

    • The City Planning Commission is looking for a representative who has a background in planning, development, and/or preservation. The Mayor prefers someone who has served on another board or commission in the City Of Oakland and will bring a balanced approach to their membership on the commission. We will collect resumes through the end of May and will begin the first round of interviews in June.
    • If your interest is in arts and culture - there are vacancies on both the Cultural Affairs Commission and on the Public Art Advisory Committee.
    • The Commission on Aging has two positions that will become vacant in September.
    • The Commission on Persons with Disabilities has some vacancies as well.
    • Calling out to youth! Citizen's Police Review Board has a couple of openings and would like at least one youth candidate.
    • And the Violence Prevention and Public Safety Oversight Committees are looking for one or two excellent candidates. 

    Due to the term limits that pertain to most Boards and Commissions, vacancies in nearly all of them are continuously occurring.  If you are interested in being considered for any of these Boards and Commissions, please send a letter of interest and your resume to Hatzune Aguilar Sanchez at haguilar@oaklandnet.com .   





    Father's Day is this weekend. Here are some great ideas for you and the man in your life. If you know of others, please send them to us! Enjoy!  


    Father's Day Cards & Crafts

    Saturday, June 15, 2-4pm, Oakland Public Library, Piedmont Ave Branch.

    Come make a little something special for your special old guy.



    Ppiano Fathers day Dmitri Matheny Group -- A Father's Day Jazz Celebration

    Sunday, June 16, 4pm, Piedmont Piano Company

    1728 San Pablo Ave. at 18th

    Treat Dad to an afternoon of world class jazz with renowned flugelhornist Dmitri Matheny and his band for an all-star Father's Day Jazz Celebration! The Dmitri Matheny Group will put their creative spin on several Father's Day favorites, including Horace Silver's "Song for My Father," Cannonball Adderley's "One For Daddy-O" and more. The all-ages program will also feature selections from Matheny's critically acclaimed CDs, balancing fresh originals with familiar jazz classics, hard bop, west coast cool and beloved standards from the Great American Songbook.

    Dmitri Matheny, flugelhorn

    Dave Ellis, tenor and soprano saxophones

    Matthew Clark, piano

    Ron Belcher, bass

    Deszon X. Claiborne, drums

    Cost: $10 general admission, $15 includes signed CD.  

    To reserve tickets with your credit card: 547-8188

    For more info, click here.



    Geek Out with Dad Day at Chabot Space & Science Center

    Sunday, June 16, 10000 Skyline Blvd.  CSSC logo

    Hike: 9am

    Speaker: 12:30pm

    Solar Cars: 1:30pm

    Looking for something unique to do on Father's Day? Chabot has a bunch of cool space and science activities for you and dad to enjoy. Ken Denmead, author of the hit book series Geek Dad, is sharing his global "Geek Dad" movement and his best secrets to geeking out with your kids. The adventure continues with a 4-5 mile moderate interpretation hike led by an experienced hiker and Chabot educator. Hear fascinating facts about the redwood ecosystems and astronomical activity. If that's not enough, build and race solar hot rods in a Solar Car Challenge (ages 8+).

    Solar Cars & Presentation included with General Admission 

    Hike Cost: $8 (register at 336-7373)



    Dunsmuir house logo Dads & Jazz at Dunsmuir-Hellman Historic Estate

    Sunday, June 16, 2-6pm, 2960 Peralta Oaks Court

    This Jazz Series is to honor and celebrate fathers and to encourage a healthy, active and fit lifestyle. It will be a day to not only honor fathers, but honor all men who have acted as father-figures, step-fathers, uncles, grandfathers, or 'Big Brothers'... Jazz lovers will be able to enjoy great music, food, drinks, vendors and a free tour of the Mansion.


    This will be the perfect opportunity to treat your father-figure to a relaxing and enjoyable Sunday afternoon with live jazz against the backdrop of the 114 year-old turn-of-the-century mansion.  Dads & Jazz Series will feature some of Oakland's most talented and versatile jazz artists performing on the lawn of the Estate.

    For more info & tickets: 615-5555 

    Seating is limited, so purchase your tickets early.



    Father's Day at Oakland Zoo

    Sunday, June 16, 10am-5:30pm, 9777 Golf Links Road
    To celebrate Father's Day, bring Dear Ole Dad to Oakland Zoo! Fathers get to ride the train for free on Father's Day. Take a stroll to the Lion Deck, check out the Alligator exhibit, or see the Chimpanzees. Father's Day at Oakland Zoo is a way to surprise Dad with a gift he will never forget.

    For more info, click here.



    Sunday Stroll: Sibley Volcanic Preserve for Father's Day sibley maze

    Sunday, Jun 16 10am, Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve

    SIBLEY (Skyline Blvd Staging Area): Wake up and walk into nature. Join hikers on a fantastic Father's Day to enjoy a beautiful stroll in one of the most amazing sights around. Hikes range from 2 to 5 miles. Great for families. Dogs welcome on most hikes. Explore quarries and labyrinths and learn of the fascinating volcanic past, especially for Father's Day.  See www.ebparks.org/parks for maps and directions. Parking fees apply where charged. 

    For more info: 544-3187



    A Father's Day Sail (not in Oakland, but cool anyway) 

    Sunday, Jun 16 10am, Marinship Way, Sausalito

    Show Dad how much you love him by inviting him aboard the classic schooner "Seaward " to see San Francisco from the water! Take in an unmatched view of the city front as you sail by famous San Francisco sights such as the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, and Angel Island. Complimentary coffee, tea, juices, and light snacks will be served.  This sail will include optional learning stations in seamanship and San Francisco Bay ecology. It is a great sail for families, though all are welcome!






    With spring comes lots of opportunities to get to know this wonderful city better, and get some good old-fashioned exercise at the same time!  Most events are ongoing throughout the summer, but some, like the first two listings this week, are special events. Take your pick. 


    Oakland Heritage Alliance Tours O Heritage Alliance logo

    (more to come in July and August)

    For more info, click here. 


    Highland Hospital Highlights Tour
    Saturday, June 15, 10sm-12noon, Highland Hospital campus, 1411 E 31st St.
    Highland Hospital opened its doors to the community in 1927 to serve the urgent EVENT this week care needs of Alameda County residents. Visit the campus with the Oakland Heritage Alliance to explore Highland Hospital's historic structures as well as new buildings, with knowledgeable guides from Alameda County Medical Center. 

    Cost: $20 OHA members; $25 general admission


    Oakland Scottish Rite Revealed Tour
    scottish rite Saturday, June 29, 10am-12noon, Scottish Rite Center, 1547 Lakeside Drive.

    The Scottish Rite Masons can trace their Oakland roots back to 1883. Learn about the history of the intriguing organization that created this lovely architectural gem built in 1927. Take in the beauty of the building from its hand-carved ceilings and opulent furnishings to the 1,400 seat auditorium. The facility went green in 2005. It now operates entirely on solar energy and has the largest private solar electrical co-generation system in the entire city. Photos will be permitted on this tour.

    Cost: $20 OHA members; $25 general admission


    Summer Walking Tours
    now thru December 7

    Providing an intriguing combination of outdoor exercise and education about our city's unique architectural, historic and cultural heritage. The tours are 2-hour walks lead by knowledgeable guides, and range from very easy to moderately challenging. 

    For more info: www.oaklandheritage.org 



      USS Potomac

    Dockside Tours of the Presidential Yacht Potomac 
    now thru January 26, 2014, 11am & 3pm 

    Take a walk through history with a docent-led tour of FDR's Floating White House. 

    For more info and to purchase tickets: 627-1215 or www.jacklondonsquare.com/events 



    First Thursday Art Walk

    Every First Thursday of the Month, 6-9pm

    Grand Avenue from LakePark to Piedmont border. The Grand Avenue Business District hosts a monthly art event with special discounts from merchants and galleries. 

    For more info, click here.

    art murmur square logo Guided Walking Tours

    3rd Saturdays, 2pm & 4pm

    Oakland Art Murmur offers a series of guided walking tours, on third Saturdays of each month, as a way of introducing visitors to Oakland's rich array of visual art venues. 

    For more info: oaklandartmurmur.org 




    Savor Oakland Food Tours savor oakland logo

    Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays 

    A chance to explore the local cuisine, history, art, and architecture while you walk and snack. Fun for all ages! This narrated and guided 3.5 hour food tour visits several food and drink tasting locations including Oakland-style soul food, Pan-American cuisine, award-winning wine, just to name a few. All food tastings are included in the ticket price of $45. 

    For  more info: savoroaklandfoodtours.com 




    Art Murmur SAT Stroll logo Saturday Stroll

    every week, 1pm & 5pm 

    Vessel Gallery hosts their Artist Talk Series every second Saturday and a jewelry trunk shows on the First Saturdays. Saturdays are an opportunity to get closer view of the art and learn more about our exhibits and artists. 

    For more info: www.vessel-gallery.com 




    Free Walking Tours of Oakland Tour 6 JLS
    every Wednesday & Saturday, 10am, May thru October

    Free 90-minute walking tours of downtown Oakland will be offered every Wednesday and Saturday starting May 1 and continuing through October. The twice-weekly guided tours showcase the city's changing skyline, landmarks, churches, and high-rises. Sponsored by the Marketing Division, Department of Economic & Workforce Development, the tours are led by a volunteer guide, and start at 10am from various starting locations depending on the itinerary. 

    Reservations are recommended. Leave a message on the Tours' 24-hour hotline at 238-3234 or email aallen@oaklandnet.com


    For more info, click here.


    There are 8 different tours, all listed at the weblink above.




    5.  Community Policing

    Please read the Mayor's Blog on the budget and the First Article Above if you missed it.




    80% of Robberies in Oakland involve a smart phone, ipad, or laptop.   


    For years big city mayors including me have been lobbying Congress to require a kill switch on expensive smart phones.  Ranging from $300-500 they have been the main target of increasingly frequent robberies around the nation.   This week Apple finally agreed, they had already been doing this Australia.


    More on this in weeks to come!  Meanwhile, please don't use your cell phones on the street when possible.  Consider changing your white earphones if you have an Apple.

    OPD Partners with CHP and the Community to Address Sideshow Activity

    Last Monday, Interim Police Chief Sean C. Whent was joined by representatives of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) and other members of the Oakland Police Department's (OPD's) command staff as well as community and youth leaders to announce the joint OPDCHP response to recent "sideshow" activity in Oakland. As events of the past weekend have shown, sideshows are inherently dangerous because of their association with violence and illegal activity. At the press conference, Chief Whent shared his strategy on how he will address sideshow activity in Oakland, which is based on: 

    • Enforcement 
    • Community involvement 
    • Education 

    Brief comments from community partners, including Youth UpRising, supported the Chief's position. To view "Reality of the Sideshow," the OPD-Youth UpRising video, click here.






    CeaseFire Oakland/LifeLines to Healing -- Walk our neighborhoods

    MJQ n CF walkers2_0513 HD
    Walking with residents on a recent Friday night (� Howard Dyckoff)

    The City of Oakland and local faith-based organizations are continuing their neighborhood Night Walks on Fridays from 6:30 to 9pm -- just one of the ways that community membe

    rs can get involved in Operation Ceasefire. These walks are organized by residents and faith leaders in areas

    �where Ceasefire is focused. Volunteers are trained in advance of the Night Walk and are accompanied by other volunteers for the duration of the walk. The purpose of the Night Walk is to reach out to communities affected by violence. The message the program tries to convey is: "We love you and we want EVENT this weekyou to be alive and free." 



    June 14 - Cosmopolitan - 988 85th Avenue

    June 21 - Allen Temple - 8501 International Blvd

    June 28 - At Thy Word - 8915 International Blvd


    For more info: 639-1440 or fridaycommunitynightwalks@gmail.com  




    Safe Oakland Speaker Series

    Certain Wednesdays, 7-9pm, 

    Holy Names University, Valley Center Theater

    3500 Mountain Blvd.


    June 19 -- Gerald Chaleff: Can Constitutional Policing Make Safer Streets?

    LAPD Special Assistant for Constitutional Policing Gerald Chaleff explains why constitutional policing matters and how it helped, not hindered, reducing crime in tough cities like LA.

    Event Parking is now on site at Holy Names College.  Can't attend? You can livestream the event from your computer at this link or check back there later for a recording. 

    For more info: http://safeoakland.com/events 






    Safety Tips -- Avoid Being a Robbery Victim!   


    OPD wants to remind residents to be smart and safe about possible robberies.


    Always conceal what you have to steal, such as money or a cell phone. Cell phones are just like cash-when thieves see a cell phone they want it. To be safe, treat your cell phone like your cash: don't let anyone know you have it.  


    Call the OPD non-emergency number, 777-3333, to report suspicious persons. The police want to hear from you, and you could prevent a crime! Provide as much information as possible, including the time you noticed the person, the clothing worn, the shoes worn, and the manner in which the person walked.  


    At BART stations

    • Be especially cautious around BART stations. Thieves tend to look for victims there.
    • Try not to walk alone at night near stations. 
    • Try to walk with people from the BART station to your car. 
    • Be aware of who is around you, and if someone looks suspicious, get away from them.
    • Avoid making cell phone calls while on BART or the bus. If you must make a call, go sit near the driver and stay there.  

    On the street

    • Be aware of who is around you. If someone looks suspicious or makes you feel uneasy, avoid that person. Go inside a store or business if necessary.
    • If you must make a call while you are walking, go to a safe, public place, like a store. Make your call, then conceal your phone the way you would conceal your cash before going back to the street.  

    In your car

    • When leaving your car, lock it and close the windows. Take your key. 
    • Don't leave items inside the car, even if you think they look like trash-they may still look attractive to a thief.
    • When you get in the car, close and lock the doors immediately. Don't open windows so far that your purse or other items can be grabbed from the seat. 
    • Avoid making cell phone calls while driving. If you must make a call, pull over and keep an eye on who is near your car.  

    At home

    When you are exiting or unloading your car, when walking from your car to your home, or when spending time in your front yard, follow these precautions: 

    • Be cautious of anyone on the street who makes you feel uneasy.  
    • If you view such a person and are in the front yard, quickly go inside and lock the doors. 
    • If you are in a car, stay in the car with locked doors and windows. Either use a cell phone to call someone to escort you inside, or drive away and come back later.  
    • Never, ever open your door to anyone you do not know.  

    At the ATM

    • Use ATMs in well lighted, populated areas. Store and bank ATMs during the day are best. 
    • Scan the area before using the ATM. If you see a person loitering in the area for no apparent reason, go to another location.
    • If you see something strange during your transaction, push cancel, take your card, and leave the area.
    • After the transaction, be alert. You'll have cash in hand making you a possible target. Scan the area. Leave immediately. If you suspect danger, promptly enter the nearest store or building.  




    OPD logo Many Arrests Are Made Each Week Because Citizens Report Suspicious Activity

    Please remember to be alert and report suspicious activity to the police:

    777-3333 OPD non-emergency number


    This number should be used to report any suspicious behavior and suspicious vehicles parked or driving in your neighborhood or area of business. Callers can opt not to provide their name and number and remain anonymous. Please include any descriptive details that could be helpful. Jot down the date, time and location you saw the vehicle or suspicious person. Each time this information is reported, it is used in the investigative process. 

    911 for life threatening emergencies

    777-3211 emergency when calling from your cell phone



    Use Nixle Tip Watch to send an anonymous tip in 1 of 3 ways:  

    1. Text TIP OAKLANDPD to 888777 from your cell phone  
    2. Call the toll-free tip hotline at 855-TIPS-247 (855-847-7247)  
    3. Respond to OPD's Nixle messages 

    To view the Nixle message, click here


    Nixle -- stay informed of events, news, and announcements

    If you have not already done so, please sign up for NIXLE to receive OPD alerts, advisories, and community messages.  You can sign up for your beat to receive updates from OPD. 




    For more info generally about OPD news items (unless otherwise noted):  Officer Johnna Watson, OPD Public Information Officer, 238-7230 or jawatson@oaklandnet.com 





    6. Peace-Building in Oakland


    Special Invitation for Oakland Residents to Participate in the
    Global Peace Ambassador 
    Training Program

    Wednesdays, May 15 - August 14, 5pm

    AND 4 Saturdays at 10am


    (Trainings are recorded and transcribed, so you can study on your own schedule.)



    This 16-week online certification program sponsored by The Shift Network brings together some of the best peace-building trainers in the world and incorporates the cutting-edge science exploring what promotes violence, conflict, resolution, and enhanced connection. 

     Registration is open for Oakland applicants. Register now. It is easy to review the initial classes.


    Special Oakland rate: $100 for participants committed to fully engaging in the course and furthering peace-building principles and skills in our community. (Full, regular price: is $697) 

    To register at the $100 rate: Jennae Wallach, jennaew@aol.com  -- please put "Peace Ambassador Training" in the subject line. 



    Peace Ambassador training
    Celebrate the Launch of the Summer of Peace 2013,  Highlighting Oakland Peace-Building Organizations
    Oakland Peace Builders Rising Up -- Celebrate, learn, connect, and experience healing and restorative peace-building in Oakland

    Sunday, June 23

    East Bay Church of Religious Science, 4130 Telegraph Ave.
    (within walking distance of MacArthur BART)

    The East Bay Church of Religious Science in partnership with The Shift Network will be hosting the

    launch of the Summer of Peace 2013.  


    Special Peace Day Morning Church Services -- 9 & 11:30am 

    (30-minute meditation precedes each service)

    Delicious Healthy Lunch -- 1 - 1:45 pm 

    Summer of Peace 2013 event -- 2 - 5:30pm


    This event is by donation.   

    For more info: Felicia Jeffley, EBCRS, 420-1003 

    Click here for their FaceBook page. 





    7. JOBS, BUSINESS, & TRAINING Opportunities 



    OUR GOAL:  Jobs for Youth this Summer -- We are up to 1300 jobs!


    Help give a young person a job


    It is our goal to provide at least 1500 jobs this summer for Oakland youth -- half of whom are in our low-income neighborhoods. We are currently need only a few hundred more funded jobs thanks to public agencies creating jobs with existing funds and corporate donations.


    We need employers, large or small.  If you can provide an opportunity to work, we can provide a student for 6 weeks. 


    If you can provide a job, support a position ($1500/student), or provide an internship/work opportunity in a non-profit organization (we pay the student). To support the jobs program and hire a youth for summer 2013, please make a tax-deductible contribution to support local youth by contacting the Mayor's Office at 238-3141 or meverhart@oaklandnet.com 





    ELEV8 loog 

    ELEV8 Youth Program AmeriCorps position

    Starts August 2013

    Make a difference in your community, earn a stipend, and learn valuable skills.

    Application deadline:  June 30


    The ELEV8 Your Program is a special project of Safe Passages, a nonprofit committed to advocating for children, youth, and families with a special emphasis on vulnerable populations  within Alameda County. AmeriCorps members provide academic support, mentoring, and conflict resolution at 1 of 9 middle schools in Oakland or San Lorenzo Unified School Districts. There are a number of requirements for the job. 

    Submit an AmeriCorps application and resume to: Americorps@safepassage.org 

    For more info: www.safepassages.org 



    FREE Green Job Training for Low-Income or Unemployed Adults

    Rising Sun Energy Center is actively recruiting Oakland residents for the next GETS training, beginning RSEC logo July 22.  The free 8-week training will take place in Berkeley.  To qualify, individuals must have a high school diploma or GED, 8th grade reading/writing/math ability, legal eligibility to work in the US and be low-income or unemployed.  


    The Green Energy Training Services (GETS) program trains adults (18 and over) for entry-level jobs in energy efficiency and Building Performance.  During the 8-week program, GETS provides 280 hours of classroom and hands-on training on the basics of construction and building science, jobsite safety, use of diagnostic tools used to perform energy audits, and installation of energy efficiency measures in homes.  GETS training is free, and is the first step in a green career helping home-and building-owners save energy.  GETS graduates are prepared for entry-level positions as energy efficiency or weatherization installers and technicians, energy auditors, air sealers and insulation installers, building maintenance technicians, or HVAC technicians.  Some GETS graduates may also move on to union apprenticeships in the building trades. 


    After completing GETS, graduates receive ongoing case management and job placement services.  Rising Sun staff work closely with graduates to polish their resumes and practice job interview skills, and to find the right job or further training opportunities.  Graduates also participate in monthly alumni meetings, where they have the chance to network, learn about job openings, and continue building their technical skills.


    All GETS classes are free, and take place at the training center in Berkeley.  Interested applicants should attend an information session to learn more about the program, complete an application, and take a math and reading test. 

    For more info: www.risingsunenergy.org  or contact Melvin Parham, parham@risingsunenergy.org 


     DER banner logo

    Build your Fundraising Skills

    Do you work for or support a non-profit organization?  Are you interested in knowing more about the art of fundraising?  The Development Executives Roundtable (DER), an all-volunteer organization, helps Bay Area fundraisers build skills through education, practical tools, networking, and peer support. DER now offers free subscriptions to their newsletter.  Just go here and hit the Subscribe button.



    8.  GREENING Oakland


    Bayview Trail to Open!

    The much beloved Bayview Trail in the Dimond Canyon/Joaquin Miller Park is finally set to open - probably June 1. The City posted signs that the trail was closed last year after small pieces of cement began to fall from the Liemert Bridge. The bridge itself is not in any danger, but out of caution the trail had to be closed to prevent possible small pieces of cement from hurting hikers. A canopy is finally being installed under the bridge to collect falling pieces and warning signs will be erected on the trail by the bridge notifying hikers to be aware and use caution.


    Rebates for lawn conversion and weather-based irrigation controllers

    EBMUD Many Bay Area Water Agencies - including EBMUD -- are currently offering rebates for lawn conversion and/or weather based irrigation controllers. If you have any thought of a more drought-tolerant native garden, check it out. 

      East Bay Municipal Utility District EBMUD) offers an integrated package of both irrigation upgrade and lawn conversion rebates -- up to $2500 for single and multi-family residential properties (4 units or less) and up to $20,000 for commercial and multi-family (5 units or more) properties.

    For more info: click here.


    Thanks to our friends at Bay-Friendly Landscaping & Gardening Coalition for the info. 



    friends of sausal creek  




    Friends of Sausal Creek Events 

    Click here for a full calendar of events and directions to each event.




    Ladybugs!  Free Workshop for Toddlers, 
      EVENT this week
    Saturday, June 15, 10am, Lake Merritt Edible Demonstration Gardens.
    For young ones 0 to 4 years old. 

    For more info: gardensatlakemerritt@gmail.com




    Garden Leader Training, Saturday, June 22, 10:30am-3:30pm, Oakland Public Library, Main garden leader trng 0613 Branch, 125 14th St.

    FREE Training for Parents, Teachers and anyone interested in gardening with children. Leave the kids at home and spend a day exploring new and exciting ways to share the joy and wonders that can be found in a garden.


    Kids should know where food really comes from and have the opportunity to experience the excitement and sense of pride that comes from growing something from seed to plate.  The garden can reconnect your kids with nature, wholesome & healthy food, and an exciting world that can spark curiosity and learning to last a lifetime.


    Register Now icon This training day will be spent sharing tips and strategies to garden with children, interact with families, and enrich the lives of others using hands-on garden activities. Every "Leader-in-Training" will get loads of information, a binder full of resources, and ideas for "hand-on garden activities" that will help you learn how to launch kids and their families on an exciting adventure growing, preparing, and eating fresh California-grown fruits and veggies.

    For more info: www.kidsgrowingstrong.org 

    To register, click here.




    9.  SAFE & HEALTHY Oakland



    Alameda County Public Health Emergency Preparedness Fair 

    June 19, 10am-2pm

    Oakland Coliseum, 7000 Coliseum Way

    Alameda County Public Health is working with local agencies to provide demonstrations, trainings, and special workshops that will assist families, seniors, people with special needs, and caretakers with their emergency planning.  FREE starter Emergency Prep Kits will be provided.  


    This is a great way to get an alternate perspective on your emergency response planning and learn additional information that will enhance your preparedness and response regardless of what level you are at. There will be a variety of organizations available in all aspects of preparedness. Free emergency supplies, demos, trainings, & workshops.  


    This free event takes place at the Oakland Coliseum.  Take BART or park free in the Coliseum lot. 

    Click here for more info.

    NOTE -- Volunteers Needed for This Event
    Are you bilingual in Spanish, Vietnamese, or Chinese? The organizers of the Fair are looking for you!  Alameda County Public Health is seeking bi-lingual volunteers to assist with translations for their Fair participants.  


    If you're interested in volunteering at this event, please contact Rosanna Lee at rosanna.lee@acgov.org or 208-5943.




    CORE Classes

    To register: www.oaklandcore.org  or send contact info (including your Oakland address) to core@oaklandnet.com 

    For more details about classes, click here.



    CORE Refresher Class

    If you are a CORE III graduate and your CORE ID has expired (2 year run), we encourage you to refresh your skills and update your ID card status.  You have 2 optioins: 

    • Standard Refresher - a 1-day hands-on training class.   
    • Advanced Refresher - a 20-hour CORE class series (next held at Mills College).   

    Even if you have taken this training previously, the content does change over time and this will insure you are up-to-date with the latest info.  Either option will allow you to renew your CORE volunteer certification and ID card for two years.  Register online (see above).


    CORE Training in your neighborhood

    CORE will conduct a CORE I Home and Family Preparedness class and a CORE II Neighborhood Preparedness and Response class in your neighborhood if you can gather 15 people to attend (friends, co-workers, etc.).  Contact the CORE office for details.



    last chance FEMA Draft Environmental Impact Statement for East Bay Hills Hazardous Fire Risk Reduction

    The US Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on proposed hazardous fire risk reduction activities in the East Bay Hills is now available for public review and comment. Comments on this document must be submitted by June 17, 2013.


    You can access the draft EIS on the project website (http://ebheis.cdmims.com) or you can review hard copies at the following Oakland locations:

    • Oakland Main Library, 125 14th Street   
    • Oakland Rockridge Library, 5366 College Avenue  
    • FEMA Region IX Headquarters, 1111 Broadway, Suite 1200, 
    • East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD), 2950 Peralta Oaks Court, 
    • City of Oakland, Office of the City Clerk, Oakland City Hall, 2nd Floor, 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, CA 94612


    FEMA is welcoming public comments on the draft EIS through June 17th, 2013. You may submit written comments in several ways:

    • Via the project website: http://ebheis.cdmims.com
    • At the public meetings listed above
    • By email: EBH-EIS-FEMA-RIX@fema.dhs.gov
    • By mail: P.O. Box 72379, Oakland, CA 94612-8579
    • By fax: 510-627-7147

    Comments received on the draft EIS will be included in and addressed in the final EIS. Reviewers have an obligation to structure their participation in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process so that it is meaningful and alerts the agencies to the reviewers' position and contentions. Comments on the draft EIS should be specific and should address the adequacy of the statement and the merits of the alternatives discussed (40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1503.3).



    10. Kids' Programs & School News


    EDITOR's NOTE: News about the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) and the local education community appears in a lot of different places: print, radio, television and online media. OUSD has started collecting the highlights in one easy place: https://www.rebelmouse.com/OUSD/  Check the link regularly.



    fopsl logo Support Public School Libraries

    School Board Meeting

    Wednesday June 12, 6pm

    Great Room at LaEscuelita Education Center, 1050 Second Ave


    Public school libraries are a very important part of student success in literacy and life, guiding and building knowledge and understanding.  Early literacy prevents dropouts and provides skills for positive futures. School libraries can be safe learning havens for students in neighborhoods struggling with poverty and crime. 


    Most Oakland public schools in these areas do not have functioning libraries due to budget and staffing difficulties. Community volunteers with Friends of the Oakland Public School Libraries FOPSL group of kids (FOPSL) have worked hard to create school libraries filled with great books and computers. Professional staffing is needed to provide quality instruction in literacy and information technology, as well as maintain and sustain these resources.  


    Money will be coming to Oakland from the state that could provide support to open, staff, and operate these libraries.  Help FOPSL and friends close the "opportunity gap" for disadvantaged students. 


    Please bring your voices, friends and families to support school libraries and educational equality at the School Board Meeting Wednesday June 12, in the Great Room at LaEscuelita Education Center, 1050 Second Avenue; arrive in time for the public session that starts at 6pm.  


    For more info: Kari Hatch, M.Ed., Executive Director, Friends of the Oakland Public School Libraries, khatch.fopsl@gmail.com or www.fopsl.org 



    OUSD summer guide 2013
    Make Your Summer Plans with the Help of OUSD

    OUSD offers a variety of programs for students this summer. Take a look at the OUSD programs offered by the schools to focus on academic support, algebra preparation, transition programs to prepare students for middle school and high school, and arts enrichment, as well as high school credit recovery. In addition, their Summer Resources Guide contains resources and information on summer programs in Oakland and the Greater Bay Area. 

    Click here for more program info and to download the Resource Guide. 




    Greater Good Summer Institute for Educators, Friday, June 28 thru Wednesday, July 3, 8am-8pm, Clark Kerr Campus, UC Berkeley, 2601 Waring St., Berkeley.

    Register Now icon Over 6 exciting days, experts on compassion, empathy, and mindfulness will equip teachers and administrators with tools to promote social-emotional learning in their schools. Scholarships available! Attendees will gain research-based skills and insights to protect themselves from burnout and enhance the social and emotional well being of their students. They'll also learn scientific evidence to help them make the case for the importance of social-emotional learning back at their schools.


    Speakers include: Rick Hanson, neuropsychologist and best-selling author of Buddha's Brain; Kristin Neff, author of Self-Compassion; Marc Brackett, founder of the RULER Approach to Social and Emotional Learning; and Megan Cowan, co-founder and executive director of Mindful Schools. 

    Click here to apply. 




    Teen Eco Action Week

    Monday, July 15 to Friday, July 19, Ira Jinkins Recreation Center, 9175 Edes Avenue.

    Registration runs through Wednesday, June 5 Register Now icon

    The Rec Center will host the Teen Eco Action Week -- a program that allows teens to discover how to benefit from taking action to protect the environment. In addition to participating in restoration projects and fun-filled outdoor recreational activities, youth will earn community service credit and receive a career exploration stipend upon program completion. 

    For more info: Renee Tucker, Recreation Leader, 615-5959



    11. UPCOMING Events



    Juneteenth Celebration, 
    Saturday, June 22, 2-6pm, Peralta Hacienda Historical Park, 2465 34th Ave.
    The celebration includes a ribbon cutting for the new Healing Garden, renovated Peralta Creek Ramp and Community Mosaic Mural. Activities will include music, historical arts & crafts for children and more. 

    For more info: www.peraltahacienda.org 




    walk in the wild 0313


    Walk in the Wild,  Saturday, June 22, 4-10pm, Oakland Zoo, 9777 Golf Links Rd.

    Walk in the Wild brings together amazing vendors from around the Bay Area. Bakeries, breweries, caterers, restaurants, and wineries gather to support the Oakland Zoo's largest annual fundraiser. Guests of this unique event will stroll through the Zoo and enjoy delicious cuisine, libations, fabulous entertainment, and dancing under the stars. 

    For more info, click here.   




    Call for Artists  pacific fine arts festival logo

    Pacific Fine Arts Festivals Returns to Montclair Village

    June 28 - 30th: Fine Arts Festival

    October 5 - 6th: Arts & Crafts Fest 

    A great opportunity to showcase your artwork in Montclair Village. Pacific Fine Arts Festivals produces shows across Northern California, all summer long, including two in Montclair Village.

    Learn more and register for your vendor space here . 




    Montclair Artisan Wine & Craft Beer Tasting Event, Saturday, June 29, 11am-5pm. As a featured addition to the Montclair Art  Festival, Montclair Village will host a beer & wine tasting event on The event will showcase tasting booths with more than 20 artisan wines and craft beers, as well as a music stage, community and select vendor booths, and a kid's activity space.






    Splash Into Summer Open House, Lake M boating Open H 2013
    Saturday, July 13, 1-3pm, Lake Merritt Boating Center, Lakeside Park, 568 Bellevue Ave.
    Celebrate National Recreation and Parks Month at Lake Merritt Boating Center with free boat rentals, water safety games for kids, and more. 

    For more info: Sarah Herbelin at sherbelin@oaklandnet.com238-2196, or www.sailoakland.com 




    Annual "Green T" Golf Tournament

    Register Now icon Registration for the Annual "Green T" Golf Tournament will be open until Monday, July 15. 

    The tournament, to be held at the Metropolitan Golf Course, 10051 Doolittle Drive, is for seasoned and novice players of all ages and abilities. Even if you prefer not to play golf, join us for lunch to support the kickoff of the 2013 Sundays in the Redwoods concert series. 

    For more info: Karis Griffin, Recreation Supervisor, kgriffin@oaklandnet.com or 597-5096 or 238-7526




    Red Oak Realty Outdoor Movie Night in Montclair.red oak movies summer 2013

    Third Saturday's of the month: July 20th, August 17th, September 21st, 6450 Moraga Ave. Doors open at 6:30, movies start at 7pm.  4 nights this summer, a movie will be projected onto a 26' screen on the side of Red Oak's Moraga Avenue office. All are welcome to bring lawn chairs and blankets to the parking lot for a free outdoor movie complete with popcorn and previews. 









    Oakland Public Libraries sponsor a multitude of events all over the city. Go to this link -- now and often -- for upcoming events of all kinds:  www.oaklandlibrary.org/events 


    Fairyland has events every weekend for children:fairyland.org 

    Oakland Museum
     has weekday and weekend events and hands-on activities. First Sundays of the month are free.   museumca.org 
    Oakland Zoo -- Need we say more? www.oaklandzoo.org

    art murmur square logo
    The Art Murmur
    , Every First Friday year-round, 5-10pm:
    Various art galleries in Uptown.  www.oaklandartmurmur.org 

    Art Murmur SAT Stroll logo


    Saturday Stroll, Every Saturday, 1-5pm: Uptown Art Galleries:





    First Thursday Art Walk, Every First Thursday of the Month, 6-9pm, Grand Avenue from LakePark to Piedmont border.
    The Grand Avenue Business District hosts a monthly art event with special discounts from merchants and galleries. 

    For more info, click here.

    Jack's Night Market, First Fridays through September, 6-10pm, Jack London Square, foot of Broadway.

    A captivating evening filled with merriment and verve can be enjoyed every first Friday through September. Sample the eclectic mix of artisans, music, food and fun. 

    For more info: www.jacklondonsquare.com  



    Piedmont Art Walk, Piedmont Avenue, every 3rd Thursday, 6-9pm. 

    Enjoy Piedmont Avenue's rich and diverse collection of art of all stripes: culinary, music, design, photography, fashion, recycled design and upcycled style, among others. 

    For more info: www.piedmontavenue.org/avenue-art-walk  



    CSSC tykes programTyke Explorers Workshop at Chabot Space & Science Center,Tuesdays, 10am, 12:30pm, or 3pm. Chabot Space & Science Center, 10000 Skyline Blvd.  For ages 2.5-5 years. Expand your preschooler's universe by enrolling in our Tyke Explorers Program. Kids get to bring a special grown-up to share in the excitement of science and space. Classes are a combination of instructor-led lessons and self-guided, hands-on experimentation and exploration. For more info and monthly workshop listings, click here.

    Saturday Stories: Bringing literature to life in the hands of young artists, Second MOCHA logo Saturday of each month, 12-4pm, MOCHA, 538 Ninth Street, Suite 210. 

    MOCHA (Museum of Children's Art) links literacy with artmaking. First, we read children's books out loud, then we lead an art activity that highlights the themes of our chosen tales. Refer to the MOCHA Calendar for upcoming stories and art activities.


    Cost: FREE with Oakland library card; $8 regular admission

    For more info: Amalia Nelson, Museum Registrar, 465-8770 x301, www.mocha.org 

    Click here to see their calendar.   



    Weekly Art Workshop with MOCHA, various times and locations. 
    Join MOCHA artists in this weekly workshop for children. Each week the artist will present art related to a different theme as s/he takes us around the world in art.
    • Wednesday, 2-4pm, Eastmont Branch
    • Wednesday, 2-4pm, 81st Ave. Branch
    • Wednesday, 2-4pm, Main branch
    • Wednesday, 3-5pm, Golden Gate Branch
    • Wednesday, 2-4pm, MLKJ Branch
    • Wednesday, 3-5pm, West Oakland Branch
    • Friday, 3-5pm, Elmhurst branch
    • Thursday, 3-5pm, Cesar Chavez Branch




    Girls' Sports Days at Oakland Parks & Rec

    For more info: Coach Love, 535-5608 or girlssports@oaklandnet.com 





    League of Women Voters Monthly Hot Topics Roundtable Discussion

    LWV of Oakland sponsors monthly HOT TOPICS roundtable discussions to inform members and the public and to seek ways everyone can come together to address important issues facing our community.

    For more info: www.lwvoakland.org/calendar.html 




    toastmasters logoTuesday Toastmasters with Warehouse416 artists and friends, Tuesdays, 7-8am, and NEW TIME: 6:30pm, 416-26th St. 
    Plenty of parking is available. Anyone who needs a parking place can get one here, enjoy an hour of fun, then walk to work. All you need is a job in the area. You are welcome to visit, just to see what it is like. 

    For more info: Ron Scrivani, scrivanir@aol.com or warehouse416.com 




    bike grp standing Saturday morning bike ride with Warehouse416 artists and friends, every  

    (dry) Saturday, 8:45am (doors open at 8am), 416 26th St.


    This is a flat, short ride designed to provide new or returning riders with a way of getting started. We will guide you back to the start early, based on your needs. Our full ride is 30 miles and returns to 416 26th by 12:30pm.  For more info: Ron Scrivani, scrivanir@aol.com or warehouse416.com 



    Vintage Porcelain Show, Wednesdays, 10:30am & every 2nd Saturday, 10:30am, & every 2nd Sunday, 2pm, Pardee Home and Museum, 672 11th St. 

    If you love vintage china, you won't want to miss Mrs. Helen Pardee's collection of exquisite demitasse cups, teacups, and tea pots. Included with cost of tour ($5) or tour with high tea ($25). Reservations required for tea or private tour (min 4).

    For more info: 444-2187, www.pardeehome.org  



    The Listening Horse designed by our nationally known architect Walter Hood has a magical impact as visitors listen to stories
    What I Hear, I Keep: Stories From Oakland's Griots, Wednesday-Saturday until February 2014, 2:30-5:30pm, Peralta House Museum, 2465 34th Ave.  
    A visual and audio art installation based on African American stories of modern-day Oakland, with local residents telling about their lives and exploring their identities. Hear voices speak about the pluses and minuses of segregation, rituals commemorating the Black Holocaust, combating racism in major league baseball, The De Fermery Recreation Center community, the Black Panthers, the heyday of KJAZ, the Black Native community, and many other iconic contemporary Oakland themes.
    Cost: $5; free for Fruitvale Community members and children 10 & under

    For more info: Peraltahacienda.org 


    Mexica Dance, every Monday evening, 6-8pm, sponsored by Peralta Hacienda, Center for History and Community, 2488 Coolidge Ave.

    All are welcome to discover Mexica culture during ceremony and dance classes open to the public.  

    For more info: www.peraltahacienda.org   



    O public library logo 


    For more info: www.oaklandlibrary.org/events 




    Lawyers in the Library, check OPL events page for all locations. 

    Free legal information and referral presented with the Alameda County Bar Association. Sessions are popular and sometimes subject to change. 

    Call ahead to confirm on the day of the program


    Teen Screen-Printing Workshops

    Create your own unique screen-printed T-shirt with help from the artists at the Rock, Paper, Scissors Collective. Happening at various branches throughout the spring. 

    Check OPL events page for all locations. 



    Lego Mania, various times and branches.
    Design, build and explore with thousands of LEGOs at the monthly LEGO club.
    • 2nd Thursdays, Main Library, Children's Room, 125 14th St.
    • 1st Friday of the month, 3:30pm, Dimond Branch, 3565 Fruitvale Ave. 
    Bilingual Toddler Storytime, Wednesdays, 10:30am, Asian Branch, 388 9th St, Suite 190. 
    Songs, active rhymes, and stories especially for ages 18 months to 3 years. Meets every Wednesday, followed by playtime. Presented in English and Mandarin. For large groups, please call in advance.

    For more info: 238-3400


    Writers' Support & Critique Group, 3rd Saturday of the month, 1-5pm, Rockridge Branch, 5366 College Ave. A workshop open to all writers, sponsored by the California Writers Club, Berkeley Branch. 

    For more info: 597-5017


    African American Quilt Guild of Oakland, 4th Saturday of the month, 1-3pm, West Oakland Branch, 1801 Adeline St.  All are welcome to attend for quilting inspiration and community.

    For more info: www.aaqgo.org or 238-7352


    Baby Bounce, various times and locations. OPL_Flying babies

    Play, sing, and rhyme one on one with your baby from birth to 18 months. Followed by Playtime!
    • Tuesdays 10:15am Main library
    • Wednesdays 10:15am Dimond Branch
    • Wednesdays 11:30am Lakeview Branch
    • Thursdays 11:30am Montclair Branch
    • Saturdays 11am Golden Gate Branch


    Spanish Conversation Group, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30pm-7:30pm, Dimond Branch, 3565 Fruitvale.  Practice your Spanish! Improve your Spanish speaking skills and learn new vocabulary. Participants should be familiar with the basics. Drop-ins welcome.


    Food Stamp Program, 3rd Tuesdays of the month, beginning May 21, 2:30-4:30pm, Asian Branch, 388 9th Street, Suite 190.  Staff from the Alameda County Community Food Bank will help you apply for stamps and connect you to food programs in your neighborhood. 

    For more info: 238-3400

    Paws to Read, Wednesdays, 3:30-5pm, Lakeview Branch.  

    Kids: come read to our canine friends! It's a great way to practice reading, spend time with a gentle dog, and have some fun. Sign up soon for a 20-minute time slot - we fill up quickly! This program is best for independent readers in grades 1-7.


    Mural workshop, Thursdays, 3:30-5pm, 81st Street Branch.  

    Join acclaimed muralist Lisa Nowlain in creating a mural for the 81st Avenue TeenZone.

    For more info: 615-5812


    Computer Help, Saturdays, 10am-1pm, Elmhurst Branch.  

    A computer tutor will help you with basic computer tasks during your hour online.  Sign-up to use one of the Elmhurst Branch computers during these hours, and she'll be available to assist you. 


    Anime Club, 4th Tuesday of the month, 4pm, 81st Avenue Branch.
    Watch your favorite anime, talk about and preview new manga, create your own art and comics, and treat yourself to Japanese snacks. 


    TEEN Times at various library branches

    Teen 'Scape, Wednesdays, 2-3pm, Rockridge Branch, 5366 College Ave.  For more info: Vicky Chen  597-5017 or vchen@oaklandlibrary.org 


    Teen GameZone, Wednesdays, 3-5pm, C�sar E. Ch�vez Branch, 3301 East 12th St. For more info: 535-5620 


    Game and Craft Day, Wednesdays, 4-5pm, Asian Branch, 388 9th St, Suite 190. For more info: 238-3400  homework teens


    Tutoring in the TeenZone, Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm, Mail Library, Teen Zone, 125 14th St.
    For more info: 238-3134 


    Video Games at Elmhurst, Wednesdays, 2:30-4:30pm, Elmhurst Branch, 1427 88th Ave. For more info: 615-5727 


    Teen Thursdays, Thursdays, 3:30-4:30pm, Dimond Branch, 3565 Fruitvale Ave. For more info: 482-7844     


    Teen GameZone at Eastmont Branch, Thursdays, 3-5pm, 7200 Bancroft, Ste 211 Eastmont Town Center.  For more info: 615-5726


    Game Day, Saturdays, 3-5pm, 81st Avenue Branch, 1021 81st Avenue (at Rudsdale).   For more info: 615-5812



    O Parks n Rec logo 2nd Fridays Performing Arts Social, Every 2nd Friday, 7-10pm, Mosswood Rec Center, 3612 Webster St.  Engage and share in music, dance and poetry geared to those 16 and up. 

    For more info: 597-5038


    Sewing with a Purpose, 1st and 3rd Fridays, 6-7:30pm, Mosswood Rec Center, 3612 Webster St.   Come revamp your favorite clothes, from jeans to shirts, in this fun semi-monthly class and learn basic sewing skills. 

    For more info (including class fee): 597-5038


    New School Crafting, Every 3rd Friday, 6:30-8pm, Mosswood Rec Center, 3612 Webster St.
    Patrons, ages 21 and up, can stop by and create arts and crafts in a fun and relaxing setting while enjoying appetizers and drinks. 

    For more info (including class fee): 597-5038