May 20, 2013 | Vol 3, Issue 20 |
Take A Fresh Look
at Oakland
News from Mayor Jean Quan & Friends |
Warriors Fan Rally -- Wednesday, May 22, 6-9pm It's been another whirlwind week. But we're taking a break on Wednesday to thank the Warrior team and the best NBA fans in the country for an amazing season. The Warrior's tenacity and team work reflect our city spirit and we are proud. I've been told that at least five team members will be there, please join us tomorrow night!
City Hall has been lit in Blue and Gold for the last two weeks. The cupola at the top has been Blue and Gold for a month, then we added the spot lights at the base of the upper floors. We like the look and the LED lights are energy efficient. We distributed thousands of Oakland is Warrior Ground signs downtown. Budget Hearings Come to Close This last week we held 4 hearings on the budget. They were evenly attended by staff and residents for the most part and brought out lively discussion. The Oakland economy and city revenues are growing in most areas --property, business, sales, and hotel taxes. My proposal uses the new revenues from this year to invest in the city in 4 areas: - Public Safety: It funds 2 police academies per year, plus 37 civilian support staff to free up police officers to spend more time in the neighborhoods. We have also increased funding for court-ordered police monitoring and technology.
- Economic Growth: It funds economic development and housing staff critical to growing Oakland's economy, expanding the "pie."
- Investing in our youth: In addition to an increased after school Kids First funds (4% or $11M). No major changes in Park and Rec Centers. We restored about a third of the Headstart slots (34) cut by the federal sequester, and recommend that the the remaining 70 slots be a first priority add back for the Council.
- Restoring Employee Contributions and Furlough Days: This budget does not recommend furlough days, this restores about 9% that employees contributed over the last two years to help us through the recession. It adds 12 days of service back to the community. We also fully fund the 21% increase in pensions, about $14 M.
Only because of state and federal cuts and the increase in pension rates are we making a roughly 5% cut -- despite new funds which are mostly one-time increases in real estate transfer tax. We tried to do this in a "fair share." For more information on the budget see #3. Affordable Housing Week Each year, East Bay Housing Organizations (the non-profit housing community), come together to showcase their work in building diverse and affordable housing. I attended the ground-breaking and opening of several projects, but the one that I have waited for for over 7 years is the Rising Oaks Project on the Fred Finch campus in the Bret Harte neighborhood. In my years as a school board member and then Council member, I was desperate to find housing for kids who aged out of foster care at 18 essentially becoming homeless. These homeless youth are often exploited or become involved in the criminal justice system. I often thought how hard it would be for my own kids who have had a stable home and good schools to support themselves at 18. Since then state law now allows support for foster kids who stay in school or job training until they are 22, but it is still hard for many young people on their own to become established.   Seven years ago my council office worked with the Fred Finch Board, the neighborhood, the County, and the City to plan transitional housing for youth leaving foster homes and becoming independent adults. Fred Finch was established as an orphanage in the early 1900's, then offered mental health services in recent decades. Today it starts a new chapter as a resource center for foster youth who are more likely to drop out of school, be unemployed, or involved with crime. The beautiful new studios on a campus-like setting will hopefully provide the support these young people need and deserve. It would not have been possible without County and Redevelopment Funds.
Ground breaking for the Lakeside Senior Housing on 15th Street.
Without Redevelopment, it is not clear how future projects will be funded as our existing funds are winding down. The mix of affordable housing in Oakland is why the city is one of the most diverse in the nation. Two important budget items will help: On the State level, housing organizations are lobbying for SB391, the California Homes and Jobs Act of 2013, authored by State Senator Mark DeSaulnier, D-Concord, which will create a sustainable funding stream for a housing fund by establishing a $75 fee on real-estate-related documents, excluding home sales, to support rental and home ownership opportunities across the state. The proceeds would be deposited into a trust fund for public-private partnerships modeled on California's affordable home programs, including new rental housing and first-time home buyer down payment programs. The bill will generate $500 million for investment in California and leverage nearly $3 billion in private and federal funds -- desperately needed since the loss of redevelopment funds left California without the tools to leverage federal funding. SB391 already has cleared two state Senate committees.  |
Once abandoned project reopens as one of the greenest projects on International Blvd with solar energy.
As mentioned above, my proposed City budget asks the City Council to fund our housing staff while we negotiate with the state. Under the dissolution of the Redevelopment Agency, cities were encouraged to take over the affordable housing projects that are in the process of being developed or being paid off with bonds. However, this year the state cut funding of the housing staff which they had allowed for last year. Other cities have been allowed funding of their housing staff. Our staff is critical for the management, planning, and building the housing projects now in the pipeline. They are also critical for obtaining state and federal funds and matching grants. As a result, I am proposing in my budget that we fund the housing staff with one-time monies owed to us by the County this year and when those funds are gone, with 20-25% of the "boomerang funds" -- our share of property taxes that used to go to redevelopment districts. This would help us stabilize funding for housing staff and planning at a time when new home construction is about to take off. Walk Against Poverty: Headstart Cuts
Participants start their walk around the Lake from the Bandstand.
On our mind Saturday as Oaklanders from around the City gathered to Walk Against Poverty was the Federal Sequester cuts. For our city some of the impact includes: - Losing funding for over 100 Headstart slots. As mentioned above, I am asking the Council to fund them.
- Cuts to job programs for seniors.
- Elimination of nearly 900 Section 8 vouchers, current recipients will not be affected but there will be less in the future.
- Cuts to Meals on Wheels for seniors, 2% cut in Medicare
Headstart students and their parents from downtown centers.
----------------------------------------------- Commission on Aging Hosts Forum Thursday, May 23, 9am-Noon Downtown Senior Center Join us at 200 Grand Avenue for discussion groups, health workshops and resource tables. Free shuttles from senior centers. Refreshments. Contact Kelly Harp for more info at 832-3040.  ----------------------------------------------- Adopt a Spot Video The City's Environmental Services department posted a video encouraging residents to join the Oakland Adopt a Spot program as part of National Volunteer Week. It features everyday residents who have adopted a spot in their neighborhoods as individuals or groups.  |
2013 Oakland Adopt a Spot
Through Adopt a Spot, the Public Works Agency provides a unique opportunity for individuals, neighborhood groups, civic organizations, and businesses to play an active and ongoing role in cleaning, greening, and beautifying parks, creeks, streets, and other public spaces. Public Works assists adopters by providing tool lending, post-cleanup debris collection, and technical assistance. For more info: Christine Ralls, Adopt A Spot Coordinator, 238-6260 or cralls@oaklandnet.com or go to the City webpage at www.oaklandadoptaspot.org . INSPIRE Oakland 2013 Results Click here to see the Top 10  |
This winning design will soon be a billboard in Oakland.
| INSPIRE is Oakland Digital's workforce development program that provides professional development for community college and state-level students pursuing a career in the competitive graphic design job market...Each year, they ask graphic design students to create a billboard design that conveys the question, "What about your city inspires you?" Three talented students will see their design featured on commercial billboards throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, receive paid internship opportunities, and learn the career-related tools needed to find appropriate employment. This year I was an honorary judge. You can watch a short video here about the process of choosing designs and some of Oakland's inspirational firsts. 1st place winner, Ambrosia Shapiro, had this to say about her design: "For me, Oakland has been on a long winning streak in the contest for the best place to live in the Bay. The diversity and history of Oakland, not to mention the amazing architecture and huge artist population, inspire me everyday. Oakland is rich with culture: Over 100 dialects and languages are spoken in the city, and it's the birthplace of the Black Panther movement. I wanted to create a design that nods to that very important past while at the same time shows the fresh, new, and exciting place Oakland is today. Children's Fairyland, Art Murmur, gondola rides on Lake Merritt, swimming in Lake Temescal, and farmer's markets almost everyday of the week are just a few reasons why Oakland is the place to be." OPD Reorganization on Schedule, Chief Whent Visits Commercial Areas  | Acting Police Chief Sean Whent talks with a student at the OPD Open House (c Howard Dyckoff) |
If you are shopping in Oakland, keep an eye out for Interim Chief Whent. He has been walking in at least one commercial area everyday. He also tells me that he and his leadership team are working hard on the Bratton-Wasserman plan and expect to announce soon the 5 captains that will lead each police district. We will hold receptions in each District when they are named.
Meanwhile, we are working hard to finish the Compliance Plan and Budget with Compliance Director Frazier. We expect a plan, budget, and benchmarks by June.
Enjoy the beautiful weather.
Mayor Jean Quan
...and don't forget to check out the items in the sidebar at right!
This publication is not produced at public expense.
Want to follow events as they happen?
During the week, I also post to my Facebook page: Facebook.com/mayorjeanquan.
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Oakland Honors 25 Humanitarians in Final Sculpture Dedication
PRWeb via SFGate.com
May 9, 2013
Adapt Oakland launches new vision for a greener city
Alisen Baoda, Oakland Local
May 15, 2013
Opinion: The A's Belong in Oakland
Kahil Karn, EB Express
May 15, 2013
Highlights from Bike to Work Day in Oakland (Video)
Kelly Baker, Oakland Local
May 17, 2013
Oakland Public Library: Join us online, enjoy some ice cream (Community Voices)
Sharon McKellar, Oakland Local
May 12, 2013
10 Best Cities to Have a Dog
DIVYA, Nerd Wallet
March 25, 2013
energy efficiency service
This summer, the City of Oakland is supporting
free energy and water assessments for your home as well as installation of free CFLs, showerheads, retractable clotheslines, pipe wrap insulation, and more
through California Youth Energy Services. The program trains and employs Oakland youth each summer in green services. For many of the young people, this is an entree into a career.
These free Green House Calls (GHCs) are available to all homeowners and renters regardless of income level but are
only available July 2 thru Aug 8, so register now
. Spots fill up quickly.
For more info or to register: 665.1501 x10 or click here
Our research crew has grown!
I'd like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank Oakland resident, Paul Vidican, who has been helping me with researching events for the newsletter. Paul joined the team about a month ago and has been doing an amazing job.
As the item below will attest, we can still use more help -- even just an hour a week. If you think you might be interested in doing research on a regular or "special interest" basis, please contact me for more info. Thanks!
--Susan Lockwood, editor
GIS & Custom Mapping --
Oakland's Map Company
2013 Oakland 5k map
Since its inception in 2006 by two Oakland residents, Lohnes+Wright has been based in downtown Oakland. The firm is committed to being a part of the renaissance that is happening downtown.
They designed and produced the maps for the recently completed 2013 Oakland Running Festival and have been donating their mapping services for the festival since the inaugural race in 2010.
Lohnes+Wright has supported other community organizations through free or low cost services including the Oakland Merchant Leadership Forum and Walk Oakland Bike Oakland (WOBO).
In addition to the groups above, Lohnes+Wright has been providing mapping and GIS services to Oakland-based agencies and organizations including BART, the Alameda County Transportation Commission (CTC), and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG). The newest project is a combined print and web mapping project for the San Francisco Bay Trail Project, showing off over 330 miles of scenic trails for biking and walking.
For more info: lohneswright.com ,
info@lohneswright.com, 836-6277
Part of the new SF Bay Trail maps
San Francisco Bay Trail Project
Oakland's Own
Zendaya makes it to the Finals
Oakland native and Disney star Zendaya is in 2nd place overall on Dancing with the Stars. Now more than ever, she needs our votes. You can review the dances but vote for Zendaya today!
1. DISCOVER OAKLAND -- Activities this week
Editor's Note: Remember to check the RECURRING section, way down at the bottom, for events that have been highlighted here previously and are ongoing.
Cambodian Journeys Night, Thursday, May 23, Oakland Asian Cultural Center, 388 9th St, Suite 290.
Featuring a book reading of Asian Refugees in America, the opening of our Mapping Morsels exhibit, and a film screening of "Rice Field of Dreams."
For more info: www.oacc.cc
Rod & Custom Car Show, Saturday, May 25, 10am-4pm, Jack London Square.
More than 65 classic cars from the 1920s to 1960s will be on display throughout Jack London Square including: 1932 Fords, 1951 Mercurys, 1954 Chevys, Model A's, Roadsters,1936 Fords and Thunderbirds! Enjoy live music, food and fun! It will be running throughout the whole of Jack London Square.
For more info: 645.9292
Ghost Investigation, Saturday, May 25. 7pm-12am, Pardee Home Museum, 672 Eleventh St. 
Join Karen Zimmerman, a professional ghost investigator and author, and her fellow investigators in searching for evidence of spirits within the Pardee Home Museum. During several investigations here, she has recorded several EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomenon). Volunteers will serve a wonderful array of food and drinks to the participants midway through the event. All of the money from ticket sales will go to benefit the Pardee Home.
For more info: http://www.pardeehome.org/
Friday Nights at the Oakland Museum with Off the Grid Food Trucks, every Friday, 5-9pm, Oakland Museum, 1000 Oak St.
Join OMCA and Off the Grid Food trucks on 10th Street every Friday for a family-friendly take on a  festive night market. Savor California beer, wine and non-alcoholic beverages around the Koi Pond at the Blue Oak café pop-up. Enjoy half-price admission, live music, extended OMCA Store hours, open studios with the Customizers-in-Residence from the we/ customize exhibition, and much more. Bring the whole family to OMCA for a sampling of the best in Bay Area curbside cuisine! Or visit the Blue Oak Cafe where Ron Crotty, the original bassist of the Dave Brubeck Trio, plays on Fridays and Sundays 12 to 2 pm.
COST: Half-price gallery admission for adults; ages 18 and under are free. Admission for Members is always free. Cash bar. Prices vary for Off the Grid food trucks. Event parking is available at the Museum for a $5 flat fee after 5 pm.
$5 Movie Day Every Sunday & Tuesday, Regal Cinema Jack London 100 Washington St.
Tired of shelling out $10 - $12 for movies in a theater? Then take advantage of the Regal, Jack London's all day $5 movie deal!
For more info: www.regmovies.com

The New Parkway, 474 24th Street
658-7900 or www.thenewparkway.com
If you haven't yet been to this movie theater, you really must go. Comfy (clean) couches, good food, and all sorts of themes. Check the website for all the specifics, but here's a general list of themes by day of the week.
Baby Brigade, Mondays
is an opportunity for parents of young children to come to the movies. Instead of having to get a babysitter for your baby in order to do adult things, why not just bring your baby to the movies? We'll show some of our regular features, only we've got changing tables set up and an audience that understands if there are a few screams or whimpers along the way.
Doc Night, Tuesdays
Weekly showing of one or more documentaries, often accompanied by a community discussion. Some of the screenings are one off presentations while others are part of a larger series. Always engaging, always pertinent, and almost always $6.
Afterschool Special, Wednesdays
OUSD schools get out early on Wednesdays so they have an afternoon showing for students (and anyone else who wants to attend). Never R- rated, these teen-friendly titles at 2 for 1 prices are the perfect study break. They always offer $1 student discounts but bring a friend and it's half-price instead.
2 for 1 Wednesdays
Two people for the price of one, all day Wednesdays, for all of our offerings. The name says it all!
Senior Special, Wednesdays
Part of our 2 for 1 Wednesdays, we try to pick one of our features that might be well-suited to the senior crowd. Perhaps some of our more mature titles, though no maturity required, and you're never too old to have fun with a whole range of movies.
Parkway Classics, Thursdays
Cult favorites, party flicks, and rarely screened revivals from the relatively recent past, selected by Will "The Thrill" Viharo.
Family Classics, Fridays at 4pm, Saturdays at 12:30pm
This time slot is geared towards the whole family with titles that are perfect for kids, tweens, and teens but also hopefully engaging for adults.
Spectrum Queer Media, Sundays
Produced by Spectrum Queer Media, this weekly series is dedicated to the best of LGBTQ feature films and documentaries, often accompanied by speakers and/or discussion.
Thrillville Theater, Sundays
Classic "indoor" drive-in movies from the vintage voodoo vaults of pop cinema history, programmed by Will "the Thrill" Viharo.
Weekly Co-Ed Basketball Clinic, Saturdays, April 27 thru May 25, 12-2pm, Ira Jenkins Recreation Center, 9175 Edes Ave.
Weekly basketball clinic for elementary, middle and high school students, ages 7 to 16. The clinic will give participants a chance to learn and work on their dribbling, passing, shot form, offense (catch and shoot, jumpshot, set-shot, drop step, etc.) and defense (footwork, zone rotation, man-to-man, shot blocking, etc.). Each week, participants can stop by to sign up while spots are available.
For more info: Renee Tucker, Recreation Leader, 615-5959
Weekly Soccer Clinic, Saturdays through May 25, 11am-12noon, Ira Jinkins Recreation Center, 9175 Edes Ave.
The weekly Soccer clinic is an opportunity for energetic youth, ages 5 to 12, to learn and develop fundamental soccer techniques and teamwork while making new friends.
For more info: Renee Tucker, Recreation Leader, 615-5959
Creative Dance Classes for Kids with All Abilities!
Mondays thru June 17, 4-5pm, Malonga Center, Studio D, 1428 Alice St.
What would childhood be without the chance to express ourselves through dance? AXIS is one of few programs offering children with disabilities the opportunity to explore their "inner dancer" in a structured environment with professional, disabled dancers as role models. We will focus on positive body awareness, natural creativity, teamwork, motor coordination, personal expression, discipline, and self-control. Children ages 6-12 with and without disabilities are welcome.
Cost: $10/class (no one turned away for lack of funds)
For more info and to register: Education Director Annika Presley, 625-0110 or kids@axisdance.org
Celebrating Elephants Day, Saturday, May 25, 10am-3pm.
Oakland Zoo presents its 17th annual Celebrating Elephants Day. Festivities will feature Circus Finelli, an animal free circus, elephant learning stations, and a unique elephant research camp. Join the elephant keepers for a tour of the elephant barn and an up-close view of how the keepers care for the elephants.
Cost: All activities included with regular Zoo Admission,
Optional Elephant Barn Tours: $5 per person.
Wildlife Theater at the Zoo, Saturdays, 11:45am & Sundays, 1:45pm
Every Saturday, hear a story and meet an animal with the Oakland zoo staff. On Sundays, there are more animals to meet and a chance to learn cool nature facts.
For more info: www.oaklandzoo.org
AT FAIRYLAND -- this weekend, May 18 & 19 fairyland.org
Regular Events
11am, 2pm, & 4pm: Puppet Show: The Elves & The Shoemaker -- The shoemaker has a problem. Every time he leaves leather on his workbench to make shoes the next morning, someone beats him to it during the night. Who can be making these wonderful shoes? Join the Shoemaker, Cinderella, The Prince, Puss in Boots and the Witch of the North from Oz as they try to find out. Based on the popular Grimms' tale.
12pm-2pm: The Marilynn O'Hare Arts & Crafts Center is open with activities geared toward children and their families.
1pm-1:20pm: Animal of the Day! Come up close and learn about one of our animal friends. Which one of Fairyland's feathered, furry or wooly creatures will it be today? Find out at the Humpty Dumpty wall.
1:30pm & 2:30pm: Dana Smith performs a show for all ages, with circus arts, comedy, improv and audience participation.
Special Event
MUSE Orchestra of Oakland East Bay Symphony's Music for Excellence (MUSE)
Saturday, May 25, 12noon
The after-school MUSE Orchestra of Oakland East Bay Symphony's Music for Excellence (MUSE) program will perform their Spring Program with special guest emcee maestro Michael Morgan.
10000 Skyline Blvd.
For more info, click here.
Future Prom 3000, Friday, May 24, 7-11pm
Prom is back! This year's theme: Alien. Come dressed to the nines or dressed as the most dapper alien of all time. The night is fueled by music, dancing, and the only drinks outside of Chalmun's Cantina served by an alien bartender. Photos snapped, prizes for futuristic costumes given, and a King and Queen crowned. Don't let the high school kids have all the fun, party it up for prom, without the curfew!
Adults 21+
Cost: $17 General Admission / $8 Members
Full Moon Hikes, Friday, May 24
6-9pm: 5 mile moderate; 7-9pm: 3 mile easy
Hike through the redwoods in the beauty of the full moon on either of two hikes. After the hike, stay and view the night sky through our telescopes (weather permitting) or tour the Telescope Makers Workshop. Hike will take place rain or shine.
Cost: $10 (does not include admission into the Center)
Dinner, a Movie, and the Universe, Friday & Saturday evenings.
The perfect date night experience is back! By popular demand, our unique after-dark offering has returned. Join us for a full-course dinner in our Skyline Bistro, enjoy our live-narrated Planetarium show Cosmos 360, and view the night sky through our telescopes (weather permitting). Reservations are not required but strongly encouraged.
Costs (includes Admission, Dinner, and Planetarium Show)
Guests: $23 Adults / $16 Children
Members: $15 Adults / $11 Children
*Dinner only walk-ins welcome: $17 Adults / $13 Children
*Price does not include admission to the Center
For more info, click here.
Celebrating our Diversity and a Cultural Renaissance through the Arts, now thru May 31, various hours, Oakland City Hall on the 3rd floor
The City of Oakland, in collaboration with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Alameda County and Artists from the Bay Area and International community, is honored to present the first series of Art Exhibitions, "Celebrating our Diversity and a Cultural Renaissance through the Arts" Oakland City Hall Art Exhibit. Artists include: Aldyn Richmond, America F. Jimenez de Lara, Boris Ciudad Real, Gordon Pagnello, Lecy Brito, Letty McGuire, Mary T. Giancoli, Noemi Hernandez, Orlando Flores, TaniaMabel Scroggie, Laura Faya, and Paulo Acosta Cabezas.
At the Oakland Museum, 1000 Oak Street
For more info: museumca.org
Natural Sciences Guild Day Trip: Suisun Marsh Natural History Cruise, Wednesday, May 22.
Join the Natural Sciences Guild for this cruise around the edge of the Bay-Delta while learning about Suisun Marsh, the largest and most important contiguous brackish marsh in California. On the way to the marsh, voyage under 5 bridges, pass through historic Carquinez Straits and cruise past the historic Mothball Fleet before entering the marsh. The day includes lunch in Suisun City and a tour of the Suisun Marsh Wildlife Center with a presentation of native rehabbed animals. Bus leaves from OMCA for the Vallejo Marina, where we board the River Dolphin for the cruise.
Cost: $125; all expenses are included except parking in the Museum garage.
Click here for more info.
History Guild Day Trip: A Day in the Country: Pleasanton & Livermore, Wednesday, May 22, 8:45am-4pm. Gary Holloway will guide a visit to two of the most historic cities in the Bay Area and the Tri-Valley areas of eastern Alameda County. You will do a short history walk along Pleasanton's Main Street, and connect with such famous people as Phoebe Apperson Hearst, Max Baer Sr. and John Madden. You'll walk First Street, looking at historic architecture and an historic tile mural, see the old railroad station and the world's longest burning light bulb, and visit the History Museum in the classic 1910 Carnegie library building.
Cost: $98 History Guild Member; $103 guests; non-members.
For more info: Helen Tryon 834-2964 or Marlynn Dykstra 339-0371 or click here.
OMCA Community: Conversation and Performance with the Oakland East Bay Symphony, Friday, May 24, 7-8:30pm
Don't miss this special performance and curatorial talk during Friday Nights @ OMCA with the Oakland East Bay Symphony. Join OMCA Curator of Photography and Visual Culture Drew Johnson and Oakland East Bay Symphony Conductor Michael Morgan in conversation as they discuss the work of composer Dave Brubeck and photographer Ansel Adams. Adams' striking black-and-white photographs of the natural world provided inspiration for the Grammy-nominated symphonic work Ansel Adams: America, by Dave and Chris Brubeck, which will be performed in full at the Symphony's Dave Brubeck Tribute Concert on Saturday, June 1. Following the curatorial talk, the Symphony quintet, will perform a selection of Brubeck's works.
For more info, click here.
Hard Times in the OC
Now thru April 27, 2014
This installation in the Gallery of California History co-curated with faculty and students at California State University Fullerton focuses on the effects of the 2008 recession in Orange County. It's the second in the series titled What's Happening, California? The exhibition explores the theme of resilience in the face of economic setbacks through a presentation of artifacts, including protest puppets, tools of laid-off workers, and oral history interviews. The resulting exhibition portrays a range of experiences and challenges facing the people of Orange County during the recession, reflecting the Oakland Museum of California's mission to connect communities to the cultural and environmental heritage of California.
Summoning Ghosts: The Art of Hung Liu
March 6-June 30, 2013
The exhibition Summoning Ghosts: The Art of Hung Liu is the first comprehensive survey of the artwork of Hung Liu-one of the most prominent Chinese painters working in the United States today.
What do YOU customize?
For more info, click here.
Through May with different types of events each month. Inspired by maker culture, we/customize, an experimental, participatory, process-oriented outreach project and exhibition, takes the Oakland Museum of California outside its walls.
Customizer-in-Residence Open Studio Series, Fridays 5-8pm, Saturdays & Sundays 1-4pm.
Catch Bay Area hackers, makers, and DIYers in action as part of the we/customize Customizer-in-Residence series. Watch the process of expert customizers and participate in transforming objects with clothing mash-ups, toy hacking, music remixing, and more! Visit the open studio to customize something different every week, then see your finished work featured on Flickr and wecustomize.org
Other Exhibits:
California Photography - Beth Yarnelle Edwards: Suburban Dreams, thru June 30.
Many library events are recurring. Some are highlighted here temporarily, but be sure to check the last section (RECURRING EVENTS) for items no longer listed in this section and click here for a link to all library events.
NOTE: Libraries will be closed for the Memorial Day Holiday.
Monday, May 27 -- The Main Library will be closed for Memorial Day.
Tuesday, May 28 -- Branch Libraries will be closed for Memorial Day; the Main Library will be open.
Fix Your Resume, Tuesday, May 21, 6-7:45pm, Piedmont Avenue Branch.
Get your resume into shape in a one-on-one session.
Youth Speaks offers free Poetry Workshops for Teens
Tuesdays, thru June 25, César Chávez Branch.
The spring cycle of Youth Speaks' after-school writing workshops kicks off April 9 at César Chávez Branch. Led by local artist Dennis Kim, workshops are open to teens 13-19. No registration is necessary.
For more info: 535-5620
Food Stamp Program, 3rd Tuesdays of the month, beginning May 21, 2:30-4:30pm, Asian Branch, 388 9th Street, Suite 190. Staff from the Alameda County Community Food Bank will help you apply for stamps and connect you to food programs in your neighborhood.
For more info: 238-3400
Lakeview Chess with Marvin Willis, Tuesdays, 3:30-5pm, Lakeview Branch, 550 El Embarcadero. Join chess facilitator, Marvin Willis, learn the fundamentals of Chess and meet new friends. All ages and skill levels are welcome to the Lakeview Chess Club!
It's Your Move Chess Clinic, Wednesdays May 22 & 29, 1-5pm, West Oakland Branch, 1801 Adeline. Beginner and intermediate chess clinic for all ages at the West Oakland Branch Library. Adults come from 1-3 and children from 3-5. Parents are encouraged to participate. Join us for a fun and educational experience. Sign up is mandatory. This is a free event. Hosted by the West Oakland Library Branch and Will Delaney, chess coach.
Lawyers in the Library, Wednesdays, 6-8pm, Main Library, 125 14th St.
Free legal information and referral presented by the Alameda County Bar Association. Sessions are popular and sometimes subject to change. Call in advance to confirm on the day of the program. Sign-up for lottery starting 5pm until 5:45pm.
For more info, click here.
Paws to Read, Wednesdays, 3:30-5pm, Lakeview Branch.
Kids: come read to our canine friends! It's a great way to practice reading, spend time with a gentle dog, and have some fun. Sign up soon for a 20-minute time slot - we fill up quickly! This program is best for independent readers in grades 1-7.
Pack your bags -- it's time to travel!, various dates & times, Main Library, 125 14th St, in the Bradley Walters Community Room.
The Main Library's Spring Travel Series can help you make your plans for summer, with a host of programs about travel and destinations near and far.
Wednesday, May 22, 6-7:30pm
Touring Singapore -- Vanessa Deza is a dedicated food enthusiast who recently moved from the Bay Area to Singapore. We will join her on a virtual tour of this ethnically diverse island nation, visiting food markets, public spaces, and cultural sites. Vanessa will also share insights about challenges and pleasures of living abroad.
Clase de Computadoras para Principiantes en Español (Computer Basics in Spanish), Saturdays, 10am-12pm, César E. Chávez Branch, 3301 East 12th St. Drop in for free computer assistance, in Spanish. To register: 535-5620 Knitting Club, Saturdays, 2pm, Golden Gate Branch, 5606 San Pablo Ave. Join the friendly Knitting club to learn how to knit or improve your skills. For adults & children age 8 and up. Beginners through experts are welcome! Brookfield Saturdays Arts & Crafts, Saturdays, 2-3:30pm, Brookfield Branch, 9255 Edes Ave. Come and join in the fun at Brookfield Saturdays Arts & Crafts! Learn the basics of paper-crafting, clay modeling, beading and more. Expand your creativity, develop your small-motor skills and enjoy an afternoon of arts exploration every Saturday. All ages are welcome to participate. For more info: 615-5725 Author Talks at the Library Saturday, May 25, 2:30pm, Temescal Branch. J. Douglas Allen-Taylor will read from Sugaree Rising, his new novel that offers a glimpse into the unique culture of the Gullahs, inhabitants of the coastal lowlands of South Carolina, who preserved many of the spiritual and social components of life in Africa. The story recalls the determined struggle of African Americans in the South, before the Civil Rights Movement. Library Offers Free Online Language Learning On April 1, the Oakland Public Library celebrated a year of offering library card holders free access to Transparent Language Online, a language learning program via the library's website. Transparent Language Online provides instruction in over 80 languages plus English. It's designed to help users learn basic language skills or dive into more extensive language instruction - all at a self-determined pace. The program can be used from any computer with Internet access, and free companion mobile applications for Apple and Android devices are available. To access the system, click here. (New users can sign up on this page.) For more info: Andrew Demcak, Acting Collection Management Librarian, 238-4704 Weekly art workshops with MOCHA
Join OPL and MOCHA artists in this weekly workshop for children. Each week the artist will present art related to a different theme as she or he takes us around the world in art. Times and locations are in our recurring events section at the end.

With spring comes lots of opportunities to get to know this wonderful city better, and get some good old-fashioned exercise at the same time! Take your pick.
Love Our Lake Day: Celebration of Lake Merritt Boulevard and Oaklavia: Sunday Streets, Sunday, June 9, 11am-4:30pm, Amphitheater and area around the south end of Lake Merritt.
Oaklanders love to walk around the lake. A party to celebrate the work of Bond Measure DD and enjoy the improvements at Lake Merritt. This festive event will will enrich 3 miles of car-free streets with recreation and cultural activities for the whole family. Presented by the City of Oakland, Walk Oakland, Bike Oakland (WOBO), and Measure DD Community Coalition.
Summer Walking Tours
now thru December 7
Providing an intriguing combination of outdoor exercise and education about our city's unique architectural, historic and cultural heritage. The tours are 2-hour walks lead by knowledgeable guides, and range from very easy to moderately challenging.
For more info: www.oaklandheritage.org

Dockside Tours of the Presidential Yacht Potomac
now thru January 26, 2014, 11am & 3pm
Take a walk through history with a docent-led tour of FDR's Floating White House.
For more info and to purchase tickets: 627-1215 or www.jacklondonsquare.com/events
Guided Walking Tours
3rd Saturdays, 2pm & 4pm
Oakland Art Murmur offers a series of guided walking tours, on third Saturdays of each month, as a way of introducing visitors to Oakland's rich array of visual art venues.
For more info: oaklandartmurmur.org
Savor Oakland Food Tours
Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays
A chance to explore the local cuisine, history, art, and architecture while you walk and snack. Fun for all ages! This narrated and guided 3.5 hour food tour visits several food and drink tasting locations including Oakland-style soul food, Pan-American cuisine, award-winning wine, just to name a few. All food tastings are included in the ticket price of $45.
For more info: savoroaklandfoodtours.com
Saturday Stroll
every week, 1pm & 5pm
Vessel Gallery hosts their Artist Talk Series every second Saturday and a jewelry trunk shows on the First Saturdays. Saturdays are an opportunity to get closer view of the art and learn more about our exhibits and artists.
For more info: www.vessel-gallery.com
Free Walking Tours of Oakland
every Wednesday & Saturday, 10am, May thru October
Free 90-minute walking tours of downtown Oakland will be offered every Wednesday and Saturday starting May 1 and continuing through October. The twice-weekly guided tours showcase the city's changing skyline, landmarks, churches, and high-rises. Sponsored by the Marketing Division, Department of Economic & Workforce Development, the tours are led by a volunteer guide, and start at 10am from various starting locations depending on the itinerary.
Reservations are recommended. Leave a message on the Tours' 24-hour hotline at 238-3234 or email aallen@oaklandnet.com .
For more info, click here.
There are 8 different tours, and listed here are those happening this week. Check the website for the others.
Tour 8 - New Era/New Politics (Wednesday)
This tour highlights African-American leaders who have made their mark on Oakland. Learn how Lionel Wilson, Delilah Beasley, Robert Maynard and Byron Rumford changed the city and the Bay Area. The tour starts at the African American Museum and Library at 659 14th Street. Tour 8 will be offered on May 22, June 15, July 17, August 17, September 11 and October 5.
Tour 7 - Churches and Temples (Saturday)
Visit historic places of worship and learn about their influence on the history of Oakland. Featured buildings include the First Presbyterian Church, First Congregational Church and Temple Sinai. The tour starts in front of the First Presbyterian church at 2619 Broadway, Tour 7 will be offered on May 25, June 19, July 20, August 14, September 14 and October 9.
Budget Town Hall Meetings Completed, Council to Hold Next Hearing This Thursday
On April 30, City Administrator Deanna J. Santana and I presented the FY 2013-15 Proposed Policy Budget to City Council. Throughout May, the City we hosted five neighborhood Budget Town Hall Meetings, in partnership with Council members, to gather input from Oakland residents on the proposed budget.
The following Council Budget Hearings will be held in Council Chambers, Oakland City Hall, 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza:
- Thursday, May 23, 6:30pm, generally Council members are expected to state their priorities
- Thursday, June 13, 6:30pm, usually the the vote on the Council's budget
- Thursday, June 27, 6:30pm for final budget adoption
For those unable to attend any of the above meetings, other engagement and feedback opportunities available include:
- The City's newly launched open data platform, https://data.oaklandnet.com, to explore and visualize budget data
- A community-created visualization tool, www.openbudgetoakland.org, to view data and interactive infographics
- Survey and community engagement opportunities at www.EngageOakland.com
- Emailing suggestions and comments to budgetsuggestions@oaklandnet.com
For budget-related documents including the Administration's priorities, the principles behind the budget proposal, a 4-page Budget-in-Brief fact sheet, and an 8-page Budget Backgrounder fact sheet, please visit the budget web page here.
For more info: Sean Maher, Communications Director, Office of the Mayor, smaher@oaklandnet.com or 238-7439 or Karen Boyd, Citywide Communications Director, Office of the City Administrator, kboyd@oaklandnet.com or 238-6365
City Council meetings are typically held the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month (assuming no holidays interfere). The public part of the meeting starts at 6:30pm. Here is the schedule for the next few months:
Can't get downtown to see the meeting? You can watch all Council meetings on Cable Channel 10 or live stream by clicking here .
National Public Works Week 2013
Sunday, May 19 to Saturday, May 25
The 53rd annual National Public Works Week will be celebrated this week. The City's Public Works Agency (PWA) plans, builds and maintains Oakland's physical and environmental infrastructure, making the city a sustainable and desirable place to live, work, invest, and visit for residents, businesses, and visitors. PWA's mission, and sole reason for existing, is to serve the public. An official resolution acknowledging the dedication of Public Works staff will be presented by Oakland City Council on Tuesday, May 21.
Throughout the week, exhibits of selected Public Works projects and programs will be on display at City Hall and 250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza. On Tuesday, PWA staff will join pre-school children to perform routine maintenance and clean-up tasks at Arroyo Viejo Creek. The group will remove litter and graffiti, replenish soil, weed the community garden and repair picnic facilities to enhance the park and recreation activities. Also on Tuesday, from 10am to 3pm, PWA's Transportation Services Division will host a display of live views of traffic flow at select intersections with traffic signals, 3-D and 2-D simulation of traffic flow and exhibits on intelligent traffic systems in the lobby of the Dalziel Building at 250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza.
Oakland citizens are encouraged to report infrastructure problems by:
- calling the PWA hotline at 615-5566,
- sending an email to pwacallcenter@oaklandnet.com , or
- using the mobile app SeeClickFix.
For more info: Kristine Shaff, Public Information Officer, 238-2966, kshaff@oaklandnet.com

Remember Them Dedication,
Friday, May 31, 3pm, Henry J. Kaiser Memorial Park, 19th Street at Telegraph.
Join in the formal dedication of Remember Them: Champions for Humanity Monument by sculptor Mario Chiodo. With four sections, this is the largest bronze monument on the West Coast, and the only monument in the country dedicated to civil rights.
For more info: 874-4800 or www.oaklandchamber.com
Public Works Kicks Off Annual Blitz on Potholes
On Monday, April 29, the City's Public Works Agency (PWA) launched its pothole blitz to keep Oakland's vehicular and pedestrian traffic safe. This year's Blitz runs through June 26. Each week, the Blitz will relocate to another district in the City, starting on Claremont Avenue between Clifton Street and Hudson Street. Last year, the Streets & Sidewalks Division of the Department of Infrastructure & Maintenance filled 2,800 potholes city-wide during the Blitz. Crews expect to repair more than 3,000 this year. The focus will be on traffic corridors, schools, hospitals, high-traffic pedestrian areas and problem streets. Where necessary and feasible, the repairs will focus on long-lasting solutions to recurring potholes instead of short-term patches. Potholes are a never ending battle because repairing them is just a temporary fix. You are asked to report your least-favorite potholes by either:
- Calling the PWA Hotline at 615-5566;
- Using the online form at www.oaklandpw.com;
- Using the mobile app SeeClickFix; or
- Emailing pwacallcenter@oaklandnet.com
For more info: Kristine Shaff, Public Information Officer, 238-2966 or kshaff@oaklandnet.com
BART - several stations have entrances that will be closed temporarily
BART continues to work on replacing security grilles at entrances to a number of stations. The replacement work will be done on a rotating basis and will involve no more than 2 entrances (on opposite sides of the station) at a time. Each entrance will be closed for approximately 2 weeks while the work is completed. Passenger bulletins are being issued detailing the dates and locations for each station involved.
To read more go to these links:

Boards and Commissions are a wonderful way for residents to participate in city government, and currently we are recruiting for several openings.
- The City Planning Commission is looking for a representative who has a background in planning, development, and/or preservation. The Mayor prefers someone who has served on another board or commission in the City Of Oakland and will bring a balanced approach to their membership on the commission. We will collect resumes through the end of May and will begin the first round of interviews in June.
- If your interest is in arts and culture - there are vacancies on both the Cultural Affairs Commission and on the Public Art Advisory Committee.
- The Commission on Aging has two positions that will become vacant in September.
- The Commission on Persons with Disabilities has some vacancies as well.
- Calling out to youth! Citizen's Police Review Board has a couple of openings and would like at least one youth candidate.
- And the Violence Prevention and Public Safety Oversight Committees are looking for one or two excellent candidates.
Due to the term limits that pertain to most Boards and Commissions, vacancies in nearly all of them are continuously occurring. If you are interested in being considered for any of these Boards and Commissions, please send a letter of interest and your resume to Hatzune Aguilar Sanchez at haguilar@oaklandnet.com .
Chief Whent Walks Oakland Neighborhoods
Since Monday, May 13, Interim Chief Sean C. Whent has been visiting various Oakland neighborhoods to walk around and have conversations with residents, business owners, and community members. On Monday, Chief Whent visited the Temescal District; on Tuesday, he was in Chinatown; on Wednesday, he walked sections of Fruitvale Avenue and International Boulevard; and on Friday, Chief Whent visited another neighborhood in East Oakland.
For more info: Officer Johnna Watson, OPD Public Information Officer, at jawatson@oaklandnet.com or 238-7230
CeaseFire Oakland/LifeLines to Healing -- Walk our neighborhoods
The City of Oakland and local faith-based organizations are continuing their neighborhood Night Walks on Fridays from 6:30 to 9pm -- just one of the ways that community members can get involved in Operation Ceasefire. These walks are organized by residents and faith leaders in areas
Residents mapping out the night's walk (© Howard Dyckoff)
©where Ceasefire is focused. Volunteers are trained in advance of the Night Walk and are accompanied by other volunteers for the duration of the walk. The purpose of the Night Walk is to reach out to communities affected by violence. The message the program tries to convey is: "We love you and we want you to be alive and free."
May 24 - Allen Temple, 8501 International Blvd
May 31 - At Thy Word, 8915 International Blvd
For more info: 639-1440 or fridaycommunitynightwalks@gmail.com
Street Wisdom -- with
Kevin Grant, Zac Carey & Kyndra Simmons
Wednesday, May 22, 7-9pm,Holy Names University, Valley Center Theater, 3500 Mountain Blvd.
Oakland Street Outreach Manager & California Peace Prize recipient Kevin Grant; Soldiers Against Violence Everywhere Founder Pastor Zac Carey; and Caught in the Crossfire First Responder Kyndra Simmons share firsthand knowledge of violence from their outreach work on Oakland's toughest streets.
Event Parking is now on site at Holy Names College. Can't attend? You can livestream the event from your computer at this link or check back there later for a recording.
League of Women Voters of Oakland Annual Meeting & Public Safety Talk with Wasserman,
Wednesday, June 5, 5:45pm, Faz Restaurant, 1111 Broadway.
 Dinner/Meeting followed by a talk by Robert Wasserman, Public Safety Consultant with the City of Oakland. 
TALK: Ensuring Public Safety in Oakland -- What Community Groups Can Do All LWVO Members are called to attend. Guests are welcome.
$15- Dinner, meeting and program
RSVP required by Friday, May 31. Mail your check to the League office,
1305 Franklin Street, Suite 311, Oakland CA 94612, or call 834-7640.
For more info, click here.
80% of Robberies in Oakland involve a smart phone, ipad, or laptop.
Safety Tips -- Avoid Being a Robbery Victim!

OPD wants to remind residents to be smart and safe about possible robberies.
Always conceal what you have to steal, such as money or a cell phone. Cell phones are just like cash-when thieves see a cell phone they want it. To be safe, treat your cell phone like your cash: don't let anyone know you have it.
Call the OPD non-emergency number, 777-3333, to report suspicious persons. The police want to hear from you, and you could prevent a crime! Provide as much information as possible, including the time you noticed the person, the clothing worn, the shoes worn, and the manner in which the person walked.
At BART stations
- Be especially cautious around BART stations. Thieves tend to look for victims there.
- Try not to walk alone at night near stations.
- Try to walk with people from the BART station to your car.
- Be aware of who is around you, and if someone looks suspicious, get away from them.
- Avoid making cell phone calls while on BART or the bus. If you must make a call, go sit near the driver and stay there.
On the street
- Be aware of who is around you. If someone looks suspicious or makes you feel uneasy, avoid that person. Go inside a store or business if necessary.
- If you must make a call while you are walking, go to a safe, public place, like a store. Make your call, then conceal your phone the way you would conceal your cash before going back to the street.
In your car
- When leaving your car, lock it and close the windows. Take your key.
- Don't leave items inside the car, even if you think they look like trash-they may still look attractive to a thief.
- When you get in the car, close and lock the doors immediately. Don't open windows so far that your purse or other items can be grabbed from the seat.
- Avoid making cell phone calls while driving. If you must make a call, pull over and keep an eye on who is near your car.
At home
When you are exiting or unloading your car, when walking from your car to your home, or when spending time in your front yard, follow these precautions:
- Be cautious of anyone on the street who makes you feel uneasy.
- If you view such a person and are in the front yard, quickly go inside and lock the doors.
- If you are in a car, stay in the car with locked doors and windows. Either use a cell phone to call someone to escort you inside, or drive away and come back later.
- Never, ever open your door to anyone you do not know.
At the ATM
- Use ATMs in well lighted, populated areas. Store and bank ATMs during the day are best.
- Scan the area before using the ATM. If you see a person loitering in the area for no apparent reason, go to another location.
- If you see something strange during your transaction, push cancel, take your card, and leave the area.
- After the transaction, be alert. You'll have cash in hand making you a possible target. Scan the area. Leave immediately. If you suspect danger, promptly enter the nearest store or building.
OPD to Introduce ReportIt 
In May, the Oakland Police Department (OPD) will begin community outreach to introduce ReportIt, a free, secure online service provided by LeadsOnline that allows you to record serial numbers and upload images of phones, electronics and other valuables. The information entered is accessible from anywhere, regardless of loss, theft or natural disaster.
Essentially, its a system for maintaining secure records of property you own. You may store an unlimited number of serial numbers, item descriptions, pictures, and scans of receipts so that your items may be more easily identified in the event of theft or loss. This record may also come in handy when reporting a loss to your insurance provider.
LeadsOnline (www.leadsonline.com), the nation's largest online investigation system, is used by law enforcement agencies nationwide to recover stolen property, reduce metal theft, and solve crimes. When an item is sold to a pawn or secondhand shop, the product information is entered in the LeadsOnline database and is immediately viewable by participating law enforcement agencies across the country. Recent robbery trends indicate that cell phones and electronics are commonly targeted during robberies but rarely recovered, in part because victims are unable to provide serial numbers. By using ReportIt, people can easily provide secure records of property to police or insurance carriers in the event items are stolen or damaged. The LeadsOnline system will allow OPD to search for items using a variety of parameters, including item descriptions and serial numbers.
For more info about the OPD program: Sergeant Chris Bolton, OPD Chief of Staff, 238-3131 or
You can register for the free service and begin building your personal property inventory list here:reportit.leadsonline.com
HOW YOU CAN HELP OPD Many Arrests Are Made Each Week Because Citizens Report Suspicious Activity
Please remember to be alert and report suspicious activity to the police: 777-3333 OPD non-emergency number This number should be used to report any suspicious behavior and suspicious vehicles parked or driving in your neighborhood or area of business. Callers can opt not to provide their name and number and remain anonymous. Please include any descriptive details that could be helpful. Jot down the date, time and location you saw the vehicle or suspicious person. Each time this information is reported, it is used in the investigative process.
911 for life threatening emergencies777-3211 emergency when calling from your cell phone
Use Nixle Tip Watch to send an anonymous tip in 1 of 3 ways: - Text TIP OAKLANDPD to 888777 from your cell phone
- Call the toll-free tip hotline at 855-TIPS-247 (855-847-7247)
- Respond to OPD's Nixle messages
To view the Nixle message, click here. Nixle -- stay informed of events, news, and announcements If you have not already done so, please sign up for NIXLE to receive OPD alerts, advisories, and community messages. You can sign up for your beat to receive updates from OPD.
5. Peace-Building in Oakland
Restorative Justice & Ending Youth Violence --
A Healing Conversation with Azim Khamisa and Ples Felix
Thursday, May 30, 7pm
Allen Temple Baptist Church
8501 International Blvd.
Azim Khamisa's 20 year-old son, Tariq, was shot and killed by Ples Felix's 14 year-old grandson, Tony. Even though Tony was just a child, he was sentenced to prison for first-degree murder for 25 years. Rather then become enemies as a result of this tragedy, these courageous men responded by embracing one another. Just 9 months after his son's death, Khamisa created a nonprofit dedicated to breaking the cycle of youth violence, starting with the kids themselves. They have shared their story and their work all over the world together as ambassadors of peace. On May 30th they will be in Oakland. Witness and join a powerful sacred healing talk with the two of them. How do we create a culture of peace? Come and participate in a conversation about youth violence, restorative justice, and the power of forgiveness.
Click here for more info.
Celebrate the Summer of Peace 2013 Kick-Off Highlighting Oakland Peace-Building Organizations Sunday, June 23 East Bay Church of Religious Science, 4130 Telegraph Ave. (within walking distance of MacArthur BART) The East Bay Church of Religious Science in partnership with The Shift Network will be hosting the launch of the Summer of Peace 2013. Come hear James O'Dea, global peace leader and author, share what it means to be a 21st century Peace Ambassador. Hear Senior Minister Reverend Elouise Oliver speak about simple practices to become peaceful inside as part of your everyday life. Learn and experience peace-building work being done in Oakland. In the midst of all the bad news, hear from organizations that step-by-step are creating peace in the schools, on the streets, in the workplace, and among families. This day will include special peace services in the morning, a wonderful lunch, and presentations, success stories, and an opportunity to learn and experience peace-building skills in the afternoon. Check back for more details next week, including the schedule of activities throughout the day. For more info: Felicia Jeffley, EBCRS, 420-1003 Click here for their FaceBook page. ATTITUDINAL HEALING CONNECTION EVENTS
www.ahc-oakland.org 3278 West Street 652-5530 or For more info: Mindful Drumming for "Mishe" Happiness Last Fridays of the month, 7:30pm Next: Friday, May 31 Experience a once-in-a-lifetime drumming gathering for happiness for the entire family. Cultivate "mishe" happiness through mindfulness, synchronistic rhythms, and community building. Kokomon Clottey of Ghana, West Africa, will offer communal rhythms as a gateway to the heart to evoke deep inner bliss. Mindful drumming offers an authentic path to happiness and unleashes the human potential. ArtEsteem's 15th Annual Exhibition "Reflections of Me and My World 2013" Self as SuperHero: The Power to Transform Saturday, June 8, 3-6pm Oasis Gallery at American Steel Studios, 1960 Mandela Parkway (enter on 20th St) BACK TO TOP |
6. JOBS, BUSINESS, & TRAINING Opportunities |

OUR GOAL: Jobs for Youth this Summer -- We are Up to 1300 Jobs!
Help give a young person a job
It is our goal to provide at least 1500 jobs this summer for Oakland youth -- half of whom are in our low-income neighborhoods. We are currently need only a few hundred more funded jobs thanks to public agencies creating jobs with existing funds and corporate donations.
We need employers, large or small. If you can provide an opportunity to work, we can provide a student for 6 weeks.
If you can provide a job, support a position ($1500/student), or provide an internship/work opportunity in a non-profit organization (we pay the student). To support the jobs program and hire a youth for summer 2013, please make a tax-deductible contribution to support local youth by contacting the Mayor's Office at 238-3141 or meverhart@oaklandnet.com
7th Annual Oakland Indie Awards
Thursday, May 30, 6:30-10:30pm
Kaiser Center Rooftop Garden, 300 Lakeside Drive
Winners of the 2013 Indie Awards, recognizing locally owned innovative businesses, will be announced. Celebrate with Oakland's own delicious food, wine, beer, goods, services and people. Shop the Indie Marketplace and enjoy entertainment from Oakland's freshest DJs, musicians, artists and performers.
For more info: www.oaklandindieawards.com
ELEV8 Youth Program AmeriCorps position
Starts August 2013
Make a difference in your community, earn a stipend, and learn valuable skills.
Application deadline: June 30
The ELEV8 Your Program is a special project of Safe Passages, a nonprofit committed to advocating for children, youth, and  families with a special emphasis on vulnerable populations within Alameda County. AmeriCorps members provide academic support, mentoring, and conflict resolution at 1 of 9 middle schools in Oakland or San Lorenzo Unified School Districts. There are a number of requirements for the job.
Submit an AmeriCorps application and resume to: Americorps@safepassage.org
For more info: www.safepassages.org
Trained Assistants Offering Free Computer Help at select libraries through June 7
Thanks to the Ready, Set, Connect job training program that prepares young people for jobs as computer tutors, several locations of the Oakland Public Library are now offering help to patrons using some of the library's public access computers. Free computer help is available to the public at 5 library locations through June 7. Patrons needing assistance from a tutor will need to sign up for a computer at one of the five branches listed in the above schedule, during the scheduled period. (Computers are also available for use at other times and library locations, but without a tutor.) 
The schedule is as follows:
- Main Library, 125 14th Street,
Sundays, 1-4:30pm & Wednesdays, 4-7pm - 81st Avenue Branch, 1021 81st Avenue (at Rudsdale), Tuesdays, 4-7:30 pm & Wednesdays, 2-5:30pm
- Asian Branch, 388 9th Street, Suite 190, Wednesdays, 3:30-5:30pm
- César E. Chávez Branch, 3301 East 12th Street, Ste. 271, Saturdays, 10am-12pm & Tuesdays, 5-8pm
- Dimond Branch, 3565 Fruitvale Avenue, Tuesdays, 12-3pm
- Rockridge Branch, 5366 College Avenue, Tuesdays, 3:30-7pm
For more info: www.oaklandlibrary.org
For more info about Ready, Set, Connect: Kerri Shannon at 479-0931 or kerri@ctnbayarea.orgor click here.

Build your Fundraising Skills
Do you work for or support a non-profit organization? Are you interested in knowing more about the art of fundraising? The Development Executives Roundtable (DER), an all-volunteer organization, helps Bay Area fundraisers build skills through education, practical tools, networking, and peer support. DER now offers free subscriptions to their newsletter. Just go here and hit the Subscribe button.
7. The TECH Side of Oakland
ReWrite Oakland
Saturday, June 1, 9:30am-4pm
1423 Broadway
ReWrite Oakland is a special event in that all of the participants will be working to a singular goal by day's end -- a live, question & answer knowledge service for Oaklanders. This event is open to anyone in the community, regardless of technical expertise. In fact, we will spent most of our time generating questions and answers. If you have a laptop, though, please bring it as we will be publishing live content throughout the day!
Have you ever struggled to find the information you want on the City of Oakland's website? Given up because the answers were not clear or too lengthy? We need you!
Openoakland and the City are inviting you to help us ReWrite Oakland -- our city website that is. We'll be spending a day together at the HUB/Popuphood space brainstorming the common questions and answers real people need and writing the solutions for a new website we will build collaboratively.
Yes, you can help! If you know a few things about how the city works, or if you've tried to do things and struggled to get the help or answers you needed then we want you to participate! This event is open to anyone in the community, regardless of technical expertise. In fact, we will spend most of our time generating questions and answers.
If you have a laptop, please bring it along.
We'll have good food and coffee and great people to collaborate with for a day of civic inspiration!
Sign up here.
8. GREENING Oakland
Oakland Ranked #1 Green City
 On April 15, SheKnows.com published its list of the Greenest Cities in the US and ranked Oakland #1. The author noted the city is reducing waste, using energy more efficiently, planning eco-friendly developments, enacting green transportation guidelines and more. To view the online post, click here.

Rebates for lawn conversion and weather-based irrigation controllers
Many Bay Area Water Agencies - including EBMUD -- are currently offering rebates for lawn conversion and/or weather based irrigation controllers. If you have any thought of a more drought-tolerant native garden, check it out.
East Bay Municipal Utility District EBMUD) offers an integrated package of both irrigation upgrade and lawn conversion rebates -- up to $2500 for single and multi-family residential properties (4 units or less) and up to $20,000 for commercial and multi-family (5 units or more) properties.
For more info: click here.
Thanks to our friends at Bay-Friendly Landscaping & Gardening Coalition for the info.
Friends of Sausal Creek Events
Click here for a full calendar of events and directions to each event.
Beaconsfield Restoration Workday, Saturday, May 25, 9am-12pm, Beaconsfield Canyon.
In the hills of Montclair. Help pull invasive plants to restore the hillsides, plant natives, and work on trails to make more of the canyon accessible. Tools and gloves provided. No experience necessary. Children 10 and older welcome if accompanied by adults. Wear long sleeves, long pants, and sturdy shoes with good treads. Will meet at the end of Beaconsfield Place.
For more info: richard@rkcommunications.com , 908-2563, or click the link above.
Lake Merritt Weed Warriors -- May Work Group, Saturday, May 25, 9 am - noon, Lakeside Park, different location each month. The Lake Merritt Weed Warriors is an informal, can-do group of volunteers that works with Public Works Agency staff every month to weed, mulch, and prune the landscaping and parks around Lake Merritt. They hold workdays usually on the last Saturday morning of each month.
For more info: Jennie Gerard, jgerard@oaklandnet.com, and check them out on Facebook.
Hike for the Parks!, Monday May 27 (Memorial Day), 8:15am, meet at the Palos Colorados trailhead at the end of Joaquin Miller Court (off Mountain Blvd).
Coffee from La Farine will be served and the hike will begin promptly at 8:30am. The 4.5 mile hike has 850 degree elevation changes. The pace will be moderate, but some sections of this hike require moderate to advanced hiking skills. Sturdy shoes are required. Please bring your own water bottle. Hikers will take a break at the uppermost section of the park, where refreshments and a snack from La Farine Bakery will be served. Proceeds will help Friends of Oakland Parks & Rec administer the Youth Scholarship Fund.
Cost: $20
For more info/RSVP: www.oaklandparks.org or 465.1850
Garden Leader Training, Saturday, June 22, 10:30am-3:30pm, Oakland Public Library, Main Branch, 125 14th St.
FREE Training for Parents, Teachers and anyone interested in gardening with children. Leave the kids at home and spend a day exploring new and exciting ways to share the joy and wonders that can be found in a garden.
Kids should know where food really comes from and have the opportunity to experience the excitement and sense of pride that comes from growing something from seed to plate. The garden can reconnect your kids with nature, wholesome & healthy food, and an exciting world that can spark curiosity and learning to last a lifetime.
This training day will be spent sharing tips and strategies to garden with children, interact with families, and enrich the lives of others using hands-on garden activities. Every "Leader-in-Training" will get loads of information, a binder full of resources, and ideas for "hand-on garden activities" that will help you learn how to launch kids and their families on an exciting adventure growing, preparing, and eating fresh California-grown fruits and veggies.
For more info: www.kidsgrowingstrong.org
To register, click here.
9. SAFE & HEALTHY Oakland
Unleash the Power of Age: Senior Town Hall Discussion
Thursday, May 23, 9am-12noon
Downtown Oakland Senior Center, 200 Grand Avenue
The Department of Human Services (DHS) is holding a Senior Town Hall Discussion in honor of Older Americans Month. Join the Commission on Aging to discuss the issues and opportunities confronting seniors in 2013 and beyond. The keynote speaker will be Mayor Jean Quan. Refreshments, abundant giveaways, and community resource tables will be provided at this free event.
A free shuttle will be provided to Senior Centers and Senior Housing.
To RSVP: Barbara Ellis, 238-7298 or bellis@oaklandnet.com
For more info: Tammy Siu, Aging & Adult Services Manager, 238-6137 or tsiu@oaklandnet.com
CORE Classes
To register: www.oaklandcore.org or send contact info (including your Oakland address) to core@oaklandnet.com
For more details about classes, click here.
CORE Refresher Class
If you are a CORE III graduate and your CORE ID has expired (2 year run), we encourage you to refresh your skills and update your ID card status. You have 2 optioins:
- Standard Refresher - a 1-day hands-on training class.
- Advanced Refresher - a 20-hour CORE class series (next held at Mills College).
Even if you have taken this training previously, the content does change over time and this will insure you are up-to-date with the latest info. Either option will allow you to renew your CORE volunteer certification and ID card for two years. Register online (see above).
CORE Training in your neighborhood
CORE will conduct a CORE I Home and Family Preparedness class and a CORE II Neighborhood Preparedness and Response class in your neighborhood if you can gather 15 people to attend (friends, co-workers, etc.). Contact the CORE office for details.
FEMA Draft Environmental Impact Statement for East Bay Hills Hazardous Fire Risk Reduction
The US Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on proposed hazardous fire risk reduction activities in the East Bay Hills is now available for public review and comment. Comments on this document must be submitted by June 17, 2013.
You can access the draft EIS on the project website (http://ebheis.cdmims.com) or you can review hard copies at the following Oakland locations:
- Oakland Main Library, 125 14th Street
- Oakland Rockridge Library, 5366 College Avenue
- FEMA Region IX Headquarters, 1111 Broadway, Suite 1200,
- East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD), 2950 Peralta Oaks Court,
- City of Oakland, Office of the City Clerk, Oakland City Hall, 2nd Floor, 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, CA 94612
FEMA is welcoming public comments on the draft EIS through June 17th, 2013. You may submit written comments in several ways:
- Via the project website: http://ebheis.cdmims.com
- At the public meetings listed above
- By email: EBH-EIS-FEMA-RIX@fema.dhs.gov
- By mail: P.O. Box 72379, Oakland, CA 94612-8579
- By fax: 510-627-7147
Comments received on the draft EIS will be included in and addressed in the final EIS. Reviewers have an obligation to structure their participation in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process so that it is meaningful and alerts the agencies to the reviewers' position and contentions. Comments on the draft EIS should be specific and should address the adequacy of the statement and the merits of the alternatives discussed (40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1503.3).
10. MENTOR Opportunities
East Bay College Fund's Awards Ceremony
Wednesday, May 22, 6:30-8:30pm
Kaiser Center Auditorium and Lakeside Theater, 300 Lakeside Drive (street parking or lot is $7).
Lawrence Newsome's success goes against all stereotypes of African American males coming out of foster care. He lost his parents as a toddler and grew up in difficult, sometimes violent homes. Out as an LGBTQ man, Lawrence has weathered difficulty and come through with a high GPA and admission to a 4-year college.
Fatima Kamara, displaced by Liberia's 10-year civil war saw more death in childhood "than most people do in their whole lives" while growing up in Guinea, Ghana and Mali. The death of her cousin from preventable Malaria motivates Fatima who hopes to pursue medicine and public health as a career.
Another recipient has weathered obstacles and hardship like few have. Instead of starting classes at the start of her freshman year, she was diagnosed with bone cancer and began an arduous 8-month regiment of treatments. She has persevered and is now dedicated to a career path in oncology.

These are just three of the many inspiring youth who will meet their mentors in May and prepare themselves for college with the help of the East Bay College Fund. Receiving a financial scholarship ($16,000) from the East Bay College Fund (EBCF) is only part of what these youth will get. When chosen by the EBCF, scholarship awardees become part of a community of mentors, staff and on-campus support groups that will help them succeed to graduation. They also join 150 other students currently sponsored by the East Bay College Fund.
The East Bay College Fund has put together a successful strategy of long-term mentorship and support. Fully 80 percent of EBCF's students graduate from college, a percentage far above the 30 percent estimate for similar youth in the nation.
RSVP to: rsvpebcf@gmail.com
See some of Oakland's inspired youth in this 1-minute video.
First Place Rocks the Fox
Thursday, May 23, 6pm, Fox Theater, 1807 Telegraph Ave.
May is National Foster Care Month and First Place for Youth is celebrating its 15 years of providing housing and supportive services to Oakland's older foster youth. Our 15th anniversary, "First Place Rocks the Fox" will be at the Fox Theatre in downtown Oakland beginning at 6 pm with a VIP reception, featuring Oakland School for the Arts' award-winning a capella group, Vocal Rush, guest speakers, a featured youth speaker, and some of the Bay Area's best food trucks and cocktails. At 8pm, we'll begin our After Party featuring three musical acts: Oakland's own hiphop duo, Zion I, singer-activist Maya Azucena and DJ Fuze to dance the night away!
Tickets for VIP reception: $250
Ticket for After Party: $35
For more info: www.firstplaceforyouth.org
11. VOLUNTEER Opportunities

Food Drive in Frank Ogawa Plaza
Now thru Friday, May 31
150 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, 4th Floor, Suite 4340
Now through the end of May, the Alameda County-Oakland Community Action Partnership (AC-OCAP) is hosting a food drive in honor of National Community Action Month, to benefit the Alameda County Community Food Bank. Food donation barrels will be available for nonperishable food items (no glass containers) at 150 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, 4th Floor, Suite 4340 during normal business hours. The month-long food drive coincides with National Community Action Month, which highlights Community Action Agencies' work helping millions of families and individuals escape poverty and achieve economic stability each year.
In 2012, AC-OCAP programs and partners served 28,677 low-income individuals in the City of Oakland and throughout Alameda County.
Follow AC-OCAP on Facebook.
Click here (and scroll to the middle of the page) for a PDF of the most needed food items.
For more info: Barbara Amaro, Program Analyst, 238-2272 or bamaro@oaklandnet.com
Volunteer Fair to Support Oakland Youth - Register to Host a Table
Saturday, September 7, 10am-1pm
Lakeview School campus (note venue change)
Volunteering for Oakland (VFO) is hosting its annual Volunteer Fair to Support Oakland Youth on Saturday, September 7th from 10am to 1pm at Lakeview School campus, across from the Grand Lake Theater. (Please note the new location!) If your organization would like to have a table at the fair to recruit volunteers please complete the attached registration form.
VFO would like to help generate excitement for volunteering and the various volunteer opportunities that are available. If your volunteer organization has any upcoming events or human interest stories they can share, please send them to Thai Lam (phuong82lam@yahoo.com) and Nicole Gyan (nicolegyan@gmail.com) and please also cc your information to Natalie Van Tassel (natalie.vantassel@gmail.com) as well.
12. Kids' Programs & School News
EDITOR's NOTE: News about the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) and the local education community appears in a lot of different places: print, radio, television and online media. OUSD has started collecting the highlights in one easy place: https://www.rebelmouse.com/OUSD/ Check the link regularly.
Oakland Board of Education has 12 applicants for District 4 board member seat
Twelve Oakland residents applied for the Oakland School Board vacancy during an application window that closed at 5pm on Friday, May 17. The vacancy was created recently when former District 4 Director Dr. Gary Yee resigned in order to become Acting Superintendent of the Oakland Unified School District, effective July 1. The Board of Education will now begin to evaluate the applicants. A list of applicants and their applications can be viewed by clicking here. To view the application of a specific candidate, click on that applicant's name.
Environmental internships for high school students this summer
Application deadline: May 31
The Friends of Sausal Creek (FOSC) invites high school students who love the outdoors and want to make a difference in their local environment to apply for the Frances Whyte 2013 Summer High School Internship Program.
This summer FOSC will again be hosting a team of local student volunteers to participate in restoration and nursery projects on Wednesdays (9 a.m.-4 p.m.), Fridays (9am-4pm), and optional Saturdays (times TBD) from June 26 to July 26.
Interns will start each day at either Dimond Park (3860 Hanly Rd.), or the Joaquin Miller Native Plant Nursery (3594 Sanborn Rd.). Public transit is available to both sites.
For more info, click here.
All-City Council's 4th Annual Youth Action Summit
Tuesday, May 21, 9am-3:30pm, First Unitarian Church, 685 14th St.
All-City Council (ACC) high school student leaders, in collaboration with Meaningful Student Engagement partners, will host the 4th Annual Youth Action Summit to once again check-in with School Board Directors and Superintendent Tony Smith on how youth and adults in Oakland schools can work together to best prepare students for graduation, college, career, and life after high school.
All OUSD students are welcome to attend, ask questions, and propose solutions to eliminate barriers to graduation and college readiness. Four years ago, All-City Council was successful in working with the Board of Education to introduce 'A-G' college entrance requirements as the default OUSD graduation requirements.
Since then, All City Council has worked with their students at their sites, teachers, principals, and community members to 'Make 'A-G' Real.' Over 200 students are expected to attend. Throughout the event, students will have an opportunity to:
- check in with each other on what is working and what is absent from their campuses to reach 100% graduation and 'make A-G real'
- propose solutions to barriers to graduation based on youth research team's findings
- celebrate graduating seniors' civic engagement senior projects
- elect their new governing board officers, including the two Student Directors to serve on the Board of Education.
This event was made possible with the collaboration of our Meaningful Student Engagement Community Partners: Da Town Researchers, Educating for Democracy in the Digital Age, Oakland KidsFirst!, LIBRE-Spanish Speaking Citizens' Foundation, Youth ALIVE!, Youth Together, Youth Uprising, Californians For Justice, BAY Peace, AYPAL, Oakland Youth Commission and Forward Together.
All-City Council General Meetings directly support the student leadership development and engagement at school sites by involving students in district policy design, change, and implementation, to strengthen student ownership and investment in their own, and their peers' academic achievement and advancement at sites, and district-wide.
School Wellness and Nutrition Parent Engagement, Wednesday, May 22, 9-11am, Madison Middle School Library.
Please join us for breakfast (featuring new menu items from the OUSD School Meal Program) and conversation around school food, nutrition, health and wellness. All parents welcome and participants will receive a $10 coupon for the Sobrante Park weekly Produce Market.
Effective Parent Forum / Foro De Padres, Thursday, May 23 & 30, 6-8:30pm, Elmhurst Community Prep & Alliance Academy - Family Resource Center.
Do you feel your child is being victimized? Do you fear your child may be hanging out with the wrong crowd? Do you live in a neighborhood where crime is prevalent? Do you know your child's friends? Come join this parent forum to discuss communication, violence prevention, conflict resolution, substance use and abuse and dealing with stress. FREE Childcare and FOOD served at each session!
Junior Achievement's Be Entrepreneurial Business Plan Challenge event, Wednesday, May 29, 10:30am-1:30pm, City Hall, Frank Ogawa Plaza.
All are welcome at this event where students from Skyline and McClymonds High Schools will present their business plan ideas and compete for scholarships. These students have been led in a 7-week program to develop their own business by business leaders such as James White, President & CEO of Jamba Juice. One of the judges will be Doug Leeds of Ask.com. Sponsors include The Clorox Company, Kaiser, Jamba Juice, PG&E and Sungevity.
For more info: Krista Gulbransen, SVP Development & Marketing, Junior Achievement of Northern California, kgulbransen@janorcal.org or 925-465-1074
Asian Pacific American Parent Summit, Saturday, June 1, 9:30am-2pm, Oakland High School, 1023 MacArthur Blvd.
OUSD Family, Schools, and Community Partnerships Department, in partnership with Asian Pacific Islander Youth Promoting Advocacy and Leadership (AYPAL), East Bay Asian Youth Center (EBAYC), and the Spot Chinatown Youth Center, presents the last of 4 district-wide parent summits for the 2012-13 school year.
The purpose of this conference, like our other conferences, is to build from our parent and community assets to create stronger academic school-home partnerships. The theme this year is Bridging Our Families, Building Our Future. The summit will feature motivational speakers on Supporting Your Teenager, and The Path to Graduation.
This summit has a specific focus on graduation and college readiness, so we highly encourage parents of 8th-10th graders to attend, and welcome all parents PreK-12. Other activities include special recognition of our graduating Asian Pacific American students, a resource fair, a book give away for high school youth, and a raffle.
For more info & to register: Vicky.Herrera@ousd.k12.ca.us
Westlake Jazz Ensemble at the Oakland Coliseum, Saturday, June 1, 1:05-2pm, Oakland Coliseum.
Westlake Jazz Ensemble playing the national anthem at the A's game. Yoanis Cespedes jersey day also.
Greater Good Summer Institute for Educators, Friday, June 28 thru Wednesday, July 3, 8am-8pm, Clark Kerr Campus, UC Berkeley, 2601 Waring St., Berkeley.
Over 6 exciting days, experts on compassion, empathy, and mindfulness will equip teachers and administrators with tools to promote social-emotional learning in their schools. Scholarships available! Attendees will gain research-based skills and insights to protect themselves from burnout and enhance the social and emotional well being of their students. They'll also learn scientific evidence to help them make the case for the importance of social-emotional learning back at their schools.
Speakers include: Rick Hanson, neuropsychologist and best-selling author of Buddha's Brain; Kristin Neff, author of Self-Compassion; Marc Brackett, founder of the RULER Approach to Social and Emotional Learning; and Megan Cowan, co-founder and executive director of Mindful Schools.
Click here to apply.
Teen Eco Action Week
Monday, July 15 to Friday, July 19, Ira Jinkins Recreation Center, 9175 Edes Avenue.
Registration runs through Wednesday, June 5
The Rec Center will host the Teen Eco Action Week -- a program that allows teens to discover how to benefit from taking action to protect the environment. In addition to participating in restoration projects and fun-filled outdoor recreational activities, youth will earn community service credit and receive a career exploration stipend upon program completion.
For more info: Renee Tucker, Recreation Leader, 615-5959
13. UPCOMING Events
Prescott Circus Theatre Presents Givin' It Our All, Thursday & Friday, May 30 & 31, 10-11am, Prescott School Auditorium, 920 Campbell St.
School groups and individuals are invited to attend the Prescott Circus Theatre's 2013 culminating performances, Givin' It Our All! on Thursday, May 30 and Friday, May 31. The inspiring show features 3rd-5th grade circus students of Prescott Elementary School performing acrobatics, juggling, unicycle, Hambone body percussion, stilt dancing, and more!
Groups interested in coming need to make reservations: 967-0355, info@prescottcircus.org
Piedmont Piano Company Concert Series, 1728 San Pablo Ave
Located in the Uptown, half a block from the Fox Theater, Piedmont Piano Company doesn't just sell beautiful, high-end pianos. Every month, they present music from local and international musicians. Costs vary, but typically range from $15 to $25. For more info: www.piedmontpiano.com
AT CHABOT SPACE & SCIENCE CENTER For more info, click here. Tyke Explorers Workshop, Tuesdays, 10am, 12:30pm, or 3pm. For ages 2.5-5 years. Expand your preschooler's universe by enrolling in our Tyke Explorers Program. Kids get to bring a special grown-up to share in the excitement of science and space. Classes are a combination of instructor-led lessons and self-guided, hands-on experimentation and exploration. Tuesday, May 28: Sowing Seeds How can I help a plant grow? What do plants need to stay alive? Join us this week to answer these questions as we plant seeds in our Chabot garden. Cost: Guests: $12 / $10 each additional child; Members: $9 / $5 each additional child Advanced registration is required. Call Charlette Lim Yankowitz at 336-7381 to register. For more info click here . Our Next Ride, Friday, May 31, 7-8pm NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) is the new protocol for the American Space Program. This is an elaborate approach to lifting crew and cargo into the sky in a way that is safe, economical, and with greater options and flexibility. In this presentation, you'll gain some insight into the future of space travel and understand why our traditional means of exploration are now history. Cost included with General Admission AT THE LIBRARY NOTE: Libraries will be closed due to the Memorial Day Holiday. Monday, May 27 -- The Main Library will be closed for Memorial Day. Tuesday, May 28 -- Branch Libraries will be closed for Memorial Day; the Main Library will be open.
Pack your bags -- it's time to travel!, various dates & times, Main Library, 125 14th St, in the Bradley Walters Community Room.
The Main Library's Spring Travel Series can help you make your plans for summer, with a host of programs about travel and destinations near and far.
Wednesday, May 29, 6-7:30pm Brazil for Beginners -- Intrepid traveler and travel journalist Elaine Lee will share tips on how to budget, plan, and pack for your trip to Brazil.
Friends of Montclair Library Book Sale, Saturday, June 1, 10:30am-3pm, Montclair Library, 1687 Mountain Blvd.
Stock up for summer reading! Choose from an excellent selection of recent fiction and non-fiction, cookbooks, children's books, and more. Find great deals all day and fill-a-bag discounts starting at 2pm. All proceeds directly benefit the Montclair branch of the Oakland Public Library.
For more info, click here.
East Bay Rowing Club Offering Free Learn to Row Class, Saturday, June 1, 10am-1pm, Jack London Aquatic Center, 115 Embarcadero Ave.
East Bay Rowing Club (EBRC), a competitive and recreational rowing club, will offer a free Learn to Row class on National Learn to Row Day (June 1). EBRC will open its doors for a free intro to rowing in a fun and inspiring environment. 
Participants can expect to:
- Tour the boathouse and get acquainted with rowing terms
- Learn the basics of the rowing stroke on an erg (indoor rowing machine)
- Understand basic boat handling
- Apply new skills with a short row in our barge and get a taste of rowing on the water
- Learn about opportunities to join our men's and women's teams
Class size is limited, so register now. Send your contact info to info@eastbayrowingclub.org.
Drop-ins and all fitness levels are welcome. This event is designed for adults; however, if youth are interested in this program, please contact us for special arrangements. Wear comfortable but tight-fitting clothing, hat, socks, sunscreen, sunglasses and bring a bottle of water.
 A Celebration of the Music of Dave Brubeck, Saturday, June 1, 8pm, Oakland East Bay Symphony, 2201 Broadway. Special benefit concert honoring the late legendary jazz pianist and composer Dave Brubeck!
For more info: oebs.org

REEL LIFE -- A special screening to benefit OSA Digital Media students, Sunday, June 2, 12pm, The New Parkway Theater, 474 24th St.
Don't miss this special screening to showcase the history of inspired film and animation created by students in the OSA School of Digital Media. This one-time screening will feature fresh picks of the newest works by current students, as well as deep cuts from the OSA Digital archives. Come, get inspired, and show your support of youth media in Oakland. Food, drinks, Raffle and more.
Cost: $10 at the door
For more info: www.oakarts.org , 658-7900, www.thenewparkway.com
OSA presents HairSpray! 2013 All-School Musical, June 4, 7pm; June 5, 11am & 7pm, Scottish Rite Center, 1547 Lakeside Dr.
HAIRSPRAY -- the Broadway Musical, with over 100 students taking part in this epic production. The June 4, 7pm show will offer ASL interpreting services. Winner of 8 Tony Awards including Best Musical and inspired the 2007 blockbuster feature film. This is a family-friendly musical with lots of laughter, romance and deliriously tuneful songs.
Click here for tickets. Group Rates: 20+ tickets purchased receive $5.00 off each General Admission seat
For more info: www.oakarts.org or Denise Booker, dbooker@oakarts.org or 873-8807
"Dimond Night Out,"
Tuesday, June 4, 6-8:30pm,
centered at MacArthur Blvd & Fruitvale Ave, just north of I-580.
This is an evening stroll in the Dimond Business District featuring samples from 24 Dimond restaurants and merchants offering delicious food or goodie bags to residents and visitors. There will be a Jumpy House for children, and entertainment by the GroWiser Band. Sponsored by the Montclair Lions Club, this event is designed to preview the variety of merchants in the district.
Proceeds benefit the organizations that sell the Passports (tickets) and two local entities: The Senior Center at Fruitvale Presbyterian and the new "I Love Dimond" mural by local artist Debbie Koppman.
Dimond Night Out Passports (tickets)
are $20 each and available from:
- Dimond Café, 3430 Fruitvale Ave.
- Flavor Brigade, 3540 Fruitvale Ave.
- Kelly's Corner, 2029 MacArthur Blvd.
- Paws & Claws, 3446 Dimond Ave.
- the Dimond Improvement Association
- 22X NCPC
- the Montclair Lions Club
- the Senior Center at Fruitvale Presbyterian
- Artist Debbie Koppman
Contact krussell@russell-gordon.com for more information about groups selling Passports.
For more general info: Howard Neal, 339-0233 or hneal@gmail.com or 842-3200.
Dancing Under the Stars, Friday evenings beginning June 7, 8:30-10pm, Jack London Square, foot of Broadway.
The incredibly popular dancing event returns to Oakland's waterfront. Kick up your heels and enjoy a free dance lesson provided by the Linden Street Dance Studio. Each week will feature a different type of dance followed by a dance party to practice what was learned.
For more info: 645-9292.
Slumber with the Stars at Chabot, Friday, June 7, 6pm-10am, Chabot Space & Science Center.
Spend a night under the stars or with some really cool exhibits. Join us for Slumber with the Stars, Chabot's family night out. An overnight in our Center that includes games, exhibit exploration, hike in the Redwoods, a live planetarium show and viewing through our renowned, large telescopes (weather permitting). An experience your family will remember for a lifetime. Ages 5+
Advance reservations required: 336-7373
"Feeding the Artist Within" series in collaboration with J.Posh Design Studio, 3824 Telegraph Ave. June 7: "An Evening of Prosperity and Poetry" The series is a call for all creative persons who have blocked their creativity because it wasn't profitable. It is also for those who used to be into theater, writing or singing, but grew up and use their gifts less and less. It's for the people looking for an outlet to express their divine creative gifts. It is also for folks looking to be inspired and surrounded by artists alike. For more info: 922-1447, www.jposhdesign.com or their FaceBook page 4th Annual California Music Industry Summit (CMIS)
Presented by TraMaí Entertainment
June 13-15, Laney College, 900 Fallon St
An intensive 3-day artist showcase and 2-day music business convention with panels, workshops, and exhibits. Speakers will provide you with personal one-on-one mentoring, intensive demo, beats and tracks listening sessions, vocal critiques, plus parties and mixers that will entertain you while providing priceless networking opportunities.
Register NOW for the conference here or by phone Monday thru Friday 9am -9pm EST at 888-718-4253
COST: Early Bird Registration until May 1st: $99 ($50 Students)
For more info: www.tramaientertainment.com
Their FaceBook page
Red Oak Realty Outdoor Movie Night in Montclair - June 15: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, with Gene Wilder.
Third Saturday's of the month: June 15th, July 20th, August 17th, September 21st, 6450 Moraga Ave. Doors open at 6:30, movies start at 7pm. 4 nights this summer, a movie will be projected onto a 26' screen on the side of Red Oak's Moraga Avenue office. All are welcome to bring lawn chairs and blankets to the parking lot for a free outdoor movie complete with popcorn and previews.
African American Quilt Guild of Oakland's 2nd Biennial Quilt Show: Preserving Our Past - Designing Our Future, Saturday, June 15, 10am-4pm, Allen Temple Baptist Church Family Life Resource Center, 8501 85th Ave at International
Cost: $10; kids under 12 free. Free parking
Featuring a wide range of quilt designs created by AAQGO guild members, from traditional pieced blocks to eclectic patterns reflecting our strong African roots. This year's show will feature quilts of Ancestral Memories, created specifically to recall our memories and to share our history, culture, and stories.
For more info: Amal Johnson, aojohnson1@att.net or 534-6159 or www.aaqgo.org
Walk in the Wild, Saturday, June 22, 4-10pm, Oakland Zoo, 9777 Golf Links Rd.
Walk in the Wild brings together amazing vendors from around the Bay Area. Bakeries, breweries, caterers, restaurants, and wineries gather to support the Oakland Zoo's largest annual fundraiser. Guests of this unique event will stroll through the Zoo and enjoy delicious cuisine, libations, fabulous entertainment, and dancing under the stars.
For more info, click here.
Call for Artists
Pacific Fine Arts Festivals Returns to Montclair Village
June 28 - 30th: Fine Arts Festival
October 5 - 6th: Arts & Crafts Fest
A great opportunity to showcase your artwork in Montclair Village. Pacific Fine Arts Festivals produces shows across Northern California, all summer long, including two in Montclair Village.
Learn more and register for your vendor space here .
Splash Into Summer Open House,
Saturday, July 13, 1-3pm, Lake Merritt Boating Center, Lakeside Park, 568 Bellevue Ave.
Celebrate National Recreation and Parks Month at Lake Merritt Boating Center with free boat rentals, water safety games for kids, and more.
For more info: Sarah Herbelin at sherbelin@oaklandnet.com , 238-2196, or www.sailoakland.com
Annual "Green T" Golf Tournament
Registration for the Annual "Green T" Golf Tournament will be open until Monday, July 15.
The tournament, to be held at the Metropolitan Golf Course, 10051 Doolittle Drive, is for seasoned and novice players of all ages and abilities. Even if you prefer not to play golf, join us for lunch to support the kickoff of the 2013 Sundays in the Redwoods concert series.
For more info: Karis Griffin, Recreation Supervisor, kgriffin@oaklandnet.com or 597-5096 or 238-7526
14. RECURRING Events |
Oakland Public Libraries sponsor a multitude of events all over the city. Go to this link -- now and often -- for upcoming events of all kinds: www.oaklandlibrary.org/events
Oakland Museum has weekday and weekend events and hands-on activities. First Sundays of the month are free. museumca.org
Saturday Stroll, Every Saturday, 1-5pm: Uptown Art Galleries: www.oaklandartmurmur.org/calendar/saturday-stroll
Jack's Night Market, First Fridays through September, 6-10pm, Jack London Square, foot of  Broadway.
A captivating evening filled with merriment and verve can be enjoyed every first Friday through September. Sample the eclectic mix of artisans, music, food and fun.
For more info: www.jacklondonsquare.com
Piedmont Art Walk, Piedmont Avenue, every 3rd Thursday, 6-9pm.
Enjoy Piedmont Avenue's rich and diverse collection of art of all stripes: culinary, music, design, photography, fashion, recycled design and upcycled style, among others.
For more info: www.piedmontavenue.org/avenue-art-walk
Tyke Explorers Workshop at Chabot Space & Science Center,Tuesdays, 10am, 12:30pm, or 3pm. Chabot Space & Science Center, 10000 Skyline Blvd. For ages 2.5-5 years. Expand your preschooler's universe by enrolling in our Tyke Explorers Program. Kids get to bring a special grown-up to share in the excitement of science and space. Classes are a combination of instructor-led lessons and self-guided, hands-on experimentation and exploration. For more info and monthly workshop listings, click here.
Saturday Stories: Bringing literature to life in the hands of young artists, Second Saturday of each month, 12-4pm, MOCHA, 538 Ninth Street, Suite 210.
MOCHA (Museum of Children's Art) links literacy with artmaking. First, we read children's books out loud, then we lead an art activity that highlights the themes of our chosen tales. Refer to the MOCHA Calendar for upcoming stories and art activities.
Cost: FREE with Oakland library card; $8 regular admission
For more info: Amalia Nelson, Museum Registrar, 465-8770 x301, www.mocha.org
Click here to see their calendar.
Weekly Art Workshop with MOCHA, various times and locations.
Join MOCHA artists in this weekly workshop for children. Each week the artist will present art related to a different theme as s/he takes us around the world in art.
- Wednesday, 2-4pm, Eastmont Branch
- Wednesday, 2-4pm, 81st Ave. Branch
- Wednesday, 2-4pm, Main branch
- Wednesday, 3-5pm, Golden Gate Branch
- Wednesday, 2-4pm, MLKJ Branch
- Wednesday, 3-5pm, West Oakland Branch
- Friday, 3-5pm, Elmhurst branch
- Thursday, 3-5pm, Cesar Chavez Branch
Girls' Sports Days at Oakland Parks & Rec
For more info: Coach Love, 535-5608 or girlssports@oaklandnet.com
Saturday, June 1, 10am-2pm, San Antonio
(Basketball, Flag Football, Soccer, Volleyball, Double-Dutch, Cheer/Dance)
League of Women Voters Monthly Hot Topics Roundtable Discussion
LWV of Oakland sponsors monthly HOT TOPICS roundtable discussions to inform members and the public and to seek ways everyone can come together to address important issues facing our community.
For more info: www.lwvoakland.org/calendar.html
Tuesday Toastmasters with Warehouse416 artists and friends, Tuesdays, 7-8am, and NEW TIME: 6:30pm, 416-26th St.
Plenty of parking is available. Anyone who needs a parking place can get one here, enjoy an hour of fun, then walk to work. All you need is a job in the area. You are welcome to visit, just to see what it is like.
For more info: Ron Scrivani, scrivanir@aol.com or warehouse416.com
Saturday morning bike ride with Warehouse416 artists and friends, every
(dry) Saturday, 8:45am (doors open at 8am), 416 26th St.
This is a flat, short ride designed to provide new or returning riders with a way of getting started. We will guide you back to the start early, based on your needs. Our full ride is 30 miles and returns to 416 26th by 12:30pm. For more info: Ron Scrivani, scrivanir@aol.com or warehouse416.com
Vintage Porcelain Show, Wednesdays, 10:30am & every 2nd Saturday, 10:30am, & every 2nd Sunday, 2pm, Pardee Home and Museum, 672 11th St.
If you love vintage china, you won't want to miss Mrs. Helen Pardee's collection of exquisite demitasse cups, teacups, and tea pots. Included with cost of tour ($5) or tour with high tea ($25). Reservations required for tea or private tour (min 4).
For more info: 444-2187, www.pardeehome.org
The Listening Horse designed by our nationally known architect Walter Hood has a magical impact as visitors listen to stories
What I Hear, I Keep: Stories From Oakland's Griots, Wednesday-Saturday until February 2014, 2:30-5:30pm, Peralta House Museum, 2465 34th Ave.
A visual and audio art installation based on African American stories of modern-day Oakland, with local residents telling about their lives and exploring their identities. Hear voices speak about the pluses and minuses of segregation, rituals commemorating the Black Holocaust, combating racism in major league baseball, The De Fermery Recreation Center community, the Black Panthers, the heyday of KJAZ, the Black Native community, and many other iconic contemporary Oakland themes. Cost: $5; free for Fruitvale Community members and children 10 & underFor more info: Peraltahacienda.org
Mexica Dance, every Monday evening, 6-8pm, sponsored by Peralta Hacienda, Center for History and Community, 2488 Coolidge Ave.
All are welcome to discover Mexica culture during ceremony and dance classes open to the public.
For more info: www.peraltahacienda.org
For more info: www.oaklandlibrary.org/events
NOTE: Libraries will be closed due to the Memorial Day Holiday.
Monday, May 27 -- The Main Library will be closed for Memorial Day.
Tuesday, May 28 -- Branch Libraries will be closed for Memorial Day; the Main Library will be open.
Free legal information and referral presented with the Alameda County Bar Association. Sessions are popular and sometimes subject to change.
Call ahead to confirm on the day of the program
Teen Screen-Printing Workshops
Create your own unique screen-printed T-shirt with help from the artists at the Rock, Paper, Scissors Collective. Happening at various branches throughout the spring.
Check OPL events page for all locations.
Lego Mania, various times and branches.
Design, build and explore with thousands of LEGOs at the monthly LEGO club.
- 2nd Thursdays, Main Library, Children's Room, 125 14th St.
- 1st Friday of the month, 3:30pm, Dimond Branch, 3565 Fruitvale Ave.
Bilingual Toddler Storytime, Wednesdays, 10:30am, Asian Branch, 388 9th St, Suite 190.
Songs, active rhymes, and stories especially for ages 18 months to 3 years. Meets every Wednesday, followed by playtime. Presented in English and Mandarin. For large groups, please call in advance.
For more info: 238-3400
Writers' Support & Critique Group, 3rd Saturday of the month, 1-5pm, Rockridge Branch, 5366 College Ave. A workshop open to all writers, sponsored by the California Writers Club, Berkeley Branch.
For more info: 597-5017
African American Quilt Guild of Oakland, 4th Saturday of the month, 1-3pm, West Oakland Branch, 1801 Adeline St. All are welcome to attend for quilting inspiration and community.
For more info: www.aaqgo.org or 238-7352
Baby Bounce, various times and locations. 
Play, sing, and rhyme one on one with your baby from birth to 18 months. Followed by Playtime!
- Tuesdays 10:15am Main library
- Wednesdays 10:15am Dimond Branch
- Wednesdays 11:30am Lakeview Branch
- Thursdays 11:30am Montclair Branch
- Saturdays 11am Golden Gate Branch
Spanish Conversation Group, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30pm-7:30pm, Dimond Branch, 3565 Fruitvale. Practice your Spanish! Improve your Spanish speaking skills and learn new vocabulary. Participants should be familiar with the basics. Drop-ins welcome.
Paws to Read, Wednesdays, 3:30-5pm, Lakeview Branch.
Kids: come read to our canine friends! It's a great way to practice reading, spend time with a gentle dog, and have some fun. Sign up soon for a 20-minute time slot - we fill up quickly! This program is best for independent readers in grades 1-7.
Mural workshop, Thursdays, 3:30-5pm, 81st Street Branch.
Join acclaimed muralist Lisa Nowlain in creating a mural for the 81st Avenue TeenZone.
Computer Help, Saturdays, 10am-1pm, Elmhurst Branch.
A computer tutor will help you with basic computer tasks during your hour online. Sign-up to use one of the Elmhurst Branch computers during these hours, and she'll be available to assist you.
Anime Club, 4th Tuesday of the month, 4pm, 81st Avenue Branch.
Watch your favorite anime, talk about and preview new manga, create your own art and comics, and treat yourself to Japanese snacks.
TEEN Times at various library branches
Teen 'Scape, Wednesdays, 2-3pm, Rockridge Branch, 5366 College Ave. For more info: Vicky Chen 597-5017 or vchen@oaklandlibrary.org
Teen GameZone, Wednesdays, 3-5pm, César E. Chávez Branch, 3301 East 12th St. For more info: 535-5620
Game and Craft Day, Wednesdays, 4-5pm, Asian Branch, 388 9th St, Suite 190. For more info: 238-3400
Tutoring in the TeenZone, Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm, Mail Library, Teen Zone, 125 14th St.
For more info: 238-3134
Video Games at Elmhurst, Wednesdays, 2:30-4:30pm, Elmhurst Branch, 1427 88th Ave. For more info: 615-5727
Teen Thursdays, Thursdays, 3:30-4:30pm, Dimond Branch, 3565 Fruitvale Ave. For more info: 482-7844
Teen GameZone at Eastmont Branch, Thursdays, 3-5pm, 7200 Bancroft, Ste 211 Eastmont Town Center. For more info: 615-5726
Game Day, Saturdays, 3-5pm, 81st Avenue Branch, 1021 81st Avenue (at Rudsdale). For more info: 615-5812
2nd Fridays Performing Arts Social, Every 2nd Friday, 7-10pm, Mosswood Rec Center, 3612 Webster St. Engage and share in music, dance and poetry geared to those 16 and up.
For more info: 597-5038
Sewing with a Purpose, 1st and 3rd Fridays, 6-7:30pm, Mosswood Rec Center, 3612 Webster St. Come revamp your favorite clothes, from jeans to shirts, in this fun semi-monthly class and learn basic sewing skills.
For more info (including class fee): 597-5038
New School Crafting, Every 3rd Friday, 6:30-8pm, Mosswood Rec Center, 3612 Webster St.
Patrons, ages 21 and up, can stop by and create arts and crafts in a fun and relaxing setting while enjoying appetizers and drinks.
For more info (including class fee): 597-5038