College Planning Insider - Solutions for an Expensive World

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Here are the latest important enhancements to CFS' college-planning software and the associated benefits to your clients and your business:


  1. Updated Expected Family Contribution (EFC) calculators

  2. New feature in CFS report - The Education Tax Benefit Analyzer

efcUpdated EFC Calculators for 2013 using FAFSA and CSS Profile

The EFC is the amount the family will be expected to pay toward the cost of college at the school selected before qualifying for any need-based financial aid. By starting with an accurate estimate of the EFC, the family will have a much better idea which schools are REALLY affordable!

Whether the school being evaluated requires only the FAFSA or also the CSS Profile can make a HUGE DIFFERENCE in how much a family will be expected to pay at the school. It also affects strategies for increasing financial aid eligibility at that school.

Over 150 schools in the CFS database REQUIRE the CSS Profile to determine EFC.

With CFS' proprietary web-based software, you'll know:
  1. Which formula the school being evaluated uses to calculate the EFC 
  2. An accurate estimate of the EFC for your client using the right formula 
  3. Strategies to reduce EFC and increase financial aid eligibility based on right formula!

analyzerNew Feature - Education Tax Benefit Analyzer

This new feature will help you and your clients assess which of the available education tax benefits is best for them. Click here to see an example.

The software-generated report also includes strategies for helping clients maximize the benefits and in certain cases reveals strategies to qualify for a benefit even when their AGI is beyond the phase-out limit. It's valuable information to know which credit yields the greatest benefit, it's also valuable information to know strategies for maximizing the benefit. The combination of the analyzer and strategies yield both!



What's the benefit for you and your clients?

With CFS you stay on top of the ever-changing college planning landscape. You fulfill your obligation to help clients make better-informed decisions and leverage their financial situation and circumstances for maximum benefit.

You are a trusted and OBJECTIVE SOLUTION PROVIDER, not just a salesman using college planning as a hook to sell the client a product that may not even be in their best interest. You're a LEGITIMATE college-planning professional and you can be proud of your capability and how it can help families. What other advisor in your locale can provide this level of value to families? You'll engender trust in your clients and the more clients trust you, the more business they'll do with you! The more they trust you, the more likely they are to refer others to you.

These enhancements demonstrate once again the unique and unsurpassed value of CFS' proprietary web-based college-planning software and how it sets YOU (and CFS) apart from the competition!


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