College Planning Insider - Solutions for an Expensive World
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If you attended the advisor spotlight webinar on January 22 you know how beneficial it was to learn about the marketing strategies, lessons learned and best practices from a CFS affiliated advisor that have enabled  him to significantly grow his advisory business and revenue with college-planning services.


The recorded recorded version of the webinar is now available in CFS' highly-acclaimed and rapidly-expanding online educational library.

As a client of CFS, you can access the recording in the online training and educational library of the CFS back-office, advisor-only website.

If you aren't yet a client then having access into recorded educational webinars like this and others is a great reason to consider becoming one!

Just one more benefit of collaborating with Collegiate Funding Solutions in order to help you:
  Increase your revenue

 Generate more referrals

 Deepen relationships with clients

  Identify new opportunities with the client



Expand Your Capability
Expand Your Opportunities. Expand Your Income.
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