To grow your college-planning business you need to consistently and effectively market and promote your capability. One of the first "arrows in your quiver" should be the College Ed Xpress parent e-newsletter, written each month by the CFS team. Subscribers will love it and it will drive new business for you.
Each month College Ed Xpress delivers relevant, actionable and concise college admissions and financial aid information. It's audience is parents of high school seniors and juniors; families that are either beginning or are in the midst of the complex, confusing, stressful and often-times bizarre process of college admissions and financial aid. Incredibly, virtually all college literature on these subjects is targeted to the student; leaving the parents - who generally pay most of the bills - stumbling in the dark. | ![arrow]( |
College Ed Xpress is loaded with insider strategies and secrets for college admissions and financial aid to help families achieve a better outcome. It informs families with actionable information that they need to know, when they need to know it in order to successfully navigate the minefield that is the college admission and financial aid process. And for this, you'll get the credit.
Subscribe Today - Contact CFS to learn how
Special Offer - The first 10 subscribers receive a 25% discount off the subscription fee. See for yourself how valuable the content is and how it promotes YOUR business: - November 2012 Issue
- October 2012 Issue
Benefits: - Subscribers are consistently reminded over time about you and your services. It can take months before a parent is ready to hire you. You need a way to stay connected to prospects over time and College Ed Xpress is the way.
- You can send it to centers of influence. CPA's, accountants, and attorney's are generally interested in other ways to help their clients. Sharing your e-newsletter with their clients can yield new business for you!
- Its the perfect springboard to promote the CFS Client Care Center services that yield income for you. The audience for your e-newsletter is the SAME audience for your Client Care services!
- Email forwarding and social networking tools enable subscribers to easily share your e-newsletter with others, thereby extending your reach - at no additional cost to you.
- It's totally turnkey - CFS manages EVERYTHING.