College Planning Insider - Solutions for an Expensive World

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Here's the latest exciting enhancement to CFS' college-planning software


What's the enhancement?
The update concerns how home equity is assessed by colleges in the financial aid formula. Many private colleges (and some public universities) that require the CSS PROFILE for determining the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and financial aid eligibility assess home equity as part of EFC. The question is HOW MUCH of the home equity is assessed? The answer to the question can dramatically impact the EFC and is crucial to determining strategies that the family might implement concerning the redeployment of home equity to some type of non-assessable asset.
Over the years, CFS has developed a list of dozens of private schools across the country that assess equity differently than the "standard" assessment rate.

NOW - with this enhancement - when you generate a college-planning report, if the school is in the list, you'll see a notification in the report!

What's the benefit for your clients?
Actionable information that they couldn't obtain elsewhere that enables them to make better-informed decisions! They'll be thrilled when you inform them that they DON"T need to suck ALL the equity out of their home to shield it from the financial aid formulas? You'll be a hero!

What's the benefit for you?
You deliver more differentiated and exclusive value! You engender trust by fulfilling your obligation to help clients make better informed decisions about home equity - which is so important to the overall college planning and funding equation. Who else can provide this value-added information to families? The more clients trust you, the more business they'll do with you! The more they trust you, the more likely they are to refer others to you.

This enhancement demonstrates once again the unique and unsurpassed value of CFS' college-planning software. It's CFS' extensive and ever-expanding knowledge-base of expertise - and how it equips you to deliver much-needed and appreciated value -  that sets CFS and YOU apart from the competition. 



Roger Lorelle

President - Collegiate Funding Solutions 

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