Issue 05
June 2014
Welcome to the fifth edition of The Shared Workplace! We've created this e-newsletter as a platform to provide you with valuable clips and tips to help make your business as interconnected and efficient as possible. This newsletter features productivity tips, culture cues, and info on well-being! We hope you enjoy reading and more importantly, using these tips in your own work space.

Happy reading!
Atlantic Business Interiors 
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It's typical for vibrant workplaces to buzz with chatter, phones and noisy machines, but even in creative industries, the noise can sometimes be too much. Creative thinkers need a place to break away and recharge too!

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Leading businesses are constantly seeking ways to improve worker wellbeing while increasing collaboration in the work place. Is there really a "one size fits all" solution?

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The way people feel at work profoundly influences how they perform. Read and discover just how much impact companies can have when they meet each of the four core needs of their employees.

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When thinking about office designs, we typically think of spaces that are designed to increase the company's bottom line. It's time to view our design concepts in a new way- with employee wellbeing as the top priority.  

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"Every space should tell a story, and the design team has a unique opportunity to mold the user experience in three dimensions. Successful environments are created when you are able to align a brand's touch points with a matching quality of space."

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