Issue 03
July 18, 2013
Welcome to the third edition of The Shared Workplace! We've created this e-newsletter as a platform to provide you with valuable tips and clips to help make your business as interconnected and efficient as possible. This newsletter features productivity tips, culture cues, and info on well-being! We hope you enjoy reading and more importantly, using these tips in your own work space.

Happy reading!
Atlantic Business Interiors 
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Resilient Real Estate
Amongst a whirlwind of volatility, business leaders are looking for new skills and strategies that will help their organizations thrive in the new global economy. "If we cannot control the volatile tides of change, we can learn to build better boats."

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The Role of Harmony in Innovation
Where does innovation come from? There is a need to bring all interested parties together, and though it's not a new scenario, many organizations continue to struggle with it. 

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How a Proper Office Environment May Help You Hire Top Talent
Most successful small businesses have little to no trouble getting their hands on the best employees they can hire. Their secret: the office environment.

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Creating a Coffee Shop Vibe in the Office
Some people start their day by rushing off to their car or the bus, coffee in hand; whereas others start their day in a coffee shop. This coffee shop vibe can also be created in the workplace. 

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5 Easy Tips for Better Work Life Balance
Many people are faced with the challenge of balancing work and home life, and finding that middle ground between the two.
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