New EWGA-Boston Logo 
EWGA Boston Chapter Newsletter
Connecting Golfers in Eastern Massachusetts
July 2013


Welcome New Members!

Sudarat Azzalina

Joanne McCabe

Laura Miceli







Chapter Championship

July 13, 2013
47 players
8 scramble teams
15 stroke players
from Championship Flight to Fourth Flight
Winners will advance to the Northeastern Semi-final, Baldwinsville, NY, August 3.


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July 10, 2013


Boston Brings Home

the Cup at the

2013 New England Cup!

Report from Robin Duffy 

On June 28th and 29th the 16 players of the Boston Chapter New England Chapter descended upon the Crestview Country Club in Agawam, MA. The 4th Annual New England Cup was hosted by the Springfield Chapter. The first 3 events saw the Fairfield Chapter take home the cup with one of the Boston teams following up in 2nd and/or 3rd.


For those of you who do not know what the New England Cup is, here is a brief overview. In 2010 the then President of the Chapter contacted all the other New England Chapter presidents and they formed the New England Cup. Each Chapter could send 1 or 2 teams of 8 to compete in a match play event. There are 9 holes of individual match play and 9 holes of team match play. Each hole is worth 1 point and the winner is the team that accumulates the most points.


Once again, Boston sent 2 teams to go and bring the cup home. We not only took the cup but we also took 2nd place, a clean sweep. The "A" team came in second with 60.5 points and the members are Willa Belcher, Therese Bryne, Jacqueline Corcoran, Tess Hetzel, Allyson Holbrook, Thalia Holmes and Ellen Murphy. Team "B" took the cup with 65 total points. The members of team "B" are Tiffany Benedetto, Denise Cataldo, Robin Duffy, Charlene Gaboriault, Linda Gilbert, Gina Haigh, Beth Marmor and Missy Ogg.


The Springfield Chapter hosted an excellent event and we all made it through the heat and humidity. I want to thank everyone who participated in the event. You made the Captain look good. Hopefully everyone on the "B" team will get a chance to keep the cup for a week. I am going to start and bring it to my next league night.



Leagues, Golf Leagues,
Fun Golf Leagues, Fabulous Golf Leagues,

Sue Weber, League Chair


The League Team, Amy, Maria and Sue, hope you are enjoying your golf league this season. Just to let you know, we have 18 leagues this season, almost full to capacity, and hopefully no more rainouts from this point on. If you cannot attend your league, please be sure to request an alternate several times for a specific date. Sometimes the alternate may not know until the last moment that they are able to sub for you. Keep your emails coming to get a sub.


As we reach the halfway point for our 2013 league play, please be sure to post your golf scores using GN21 or GHIN to establish your handicap. The GN21 and GHIN links are located on our chapter's web page.


The 2013 League Championship will take place on Sunday, September 8, 2013 at the New England Country Club in Bellingham, MA. This year's event will be at 9:30 am shotgun start with prize holes and a catered luncheon following the tournament. Your league coordinators will be receiving important information shortly to share with all league players. NOTE: The first criteria all regular league players must meet is, "You must have a handicap established using GH21 or GHIN". Please, please post your scores now if you have not already done so. Time is of the essence!


More details to follow soon about League Championship. In the meantime, enjoy the balance of your golf league season! Any questions, please email us at


The Power of One


Volunteers run this chapter and we need you. There are no paid positions. We are introducing the idea of The Power Of One. If every member would volunteer to do one task: make a phone call, sit at a registration desk, sell prize tickets, coordinate an event, serve on a committee, etc., we would make this chapter run so smoothly. Please reach out to our Leadership Chair, Dee Bouffard, to help in any way you can. Please contact Dee at



Deb Kirk, Education Chair
The last Education Clinic is Course Management and Club Selection on Friday, July 19. There are still several spots open for this Clinic, so check it out.
Match Play 

The current Match Play leaders are Gina Haigh, Charlene Gaboriault, and Willa Belcher. Please note, the Rules have been modified as follows: the ROUND requirement has been removed. Players will be required to have completed 6 matches by the end of July to qualify for the post tournament play. All other rules remain the same. See the 2013 Match Play Guidelines and Rules for more information.




Confessions of Slow Play
Kate Collins, Handicap Chair

I do not think of myself as a slow player; however, sometimes I do things which result in slow play.

I lose track of my ball a lot after I hit it. When I am not sure, I hit a provisional ball, so that I have an option if I cannot find it.  

I don't search for 5 minutes to find my ball. When I have a question in my mind of where my ball went, I safely get ahead of my group. If they all hit and I have not found my ball yet, I play the provisional.

When it rains and it is "cart path only," I need to play differently, so that I can keep up the pace of play. When I get out of the cart, I always bring 2 or 3 clubs, sometimes more, and play the ball with what I have. It helps with my creativity to have to make a shot with what I have. Walking back to the cart to get another club will slow the group down. 


Other things I keep in mind:  

  • Move quickly between shots.
  • Be ready to play when it is my turn.
  • I take the time I need to make a shot. Rushing the shot usually ends up bad.
  • I play "ready golf," if I am ready to play, I play. I don't wait for order of play. I let my group know I am ready to play.
  • I work together with my group, to get everybody around the golf course. I help others when I can after I play my shot, to keep us all moving.
  • And as always, I enjoy the round!  

I am very proud of being an EWGA member, because we work hard to keep up our pace of play.  


How about you?