OD Network News
June 2015

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June 18, 2015
Matt Minahan, Ed.D.
Vice Chair
Sherry Duda
Magdy Mansour
Yasmeen Burns
Christina Bell
Jaya Bohlmann
Marco Cassone
Loretta Hobbs
Norm Jones, Ph.D.
Martha Kesler
Kris Lea
Zoe MacLeod
Please welcome our new members who joined in May & June

Cindy Anderson
Tetyana Azarova
Amy Barnes
Tera Bisbee
Michael Blythe
Sharon Catania
George Dervakos
Whitney Ferguson
Diana Finucane
Ryan Gurule
Jean Hartman
Barb Johnson
Yadveer Kaur
Thomas Livernois
Sarah Morgan
Melissa Moroney
James Pae
Susan Perry
Katherine Philipp-Guerra
Susan Quint
Claudia Raffo
Emmanuelle Rey-Marmonier
Anita Smith
Karen Townsend
Chantelle Wyley

2025 M Street NW
Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036
Each month, the Organization Development Network shares news and information about important happenings within OD Network as well as sources to help support the advancement of your OD practice.
ODN | IODA Highlight Keynote and Featured Speakers

Dear Colleagues,
The 2015 OD Network | IODA Annual Conference will feature speakers offering their different perspectives on the world - some from as far as South Africa. Get ready to be motivated by this year's inspirational speakers:

Adam Kahane, Director of Reos Partners
"Doing Organizational Development Beyond the Organization: What It Takes to Solve Today's Toughest Problems"

Elizabeth Hunter, MS, CFRE
"Leading By Example: The Importance of Cultivating Vision, Values and Adaptability"

Dr. Anastasia Bukashe, Mr. Morontshi Matsobane and Col. Louis Cole
"Living through Apartheid: The Power of Witnessing the Other"
Sponsored by Case Western Reserve University

Gary Muszynski, with guest musicians from Orchestrating Excellence
"Orchestrating Excellence: Leadership and Collaboration through Music"

Learn more about our speakers and conference sessions on our online schedule.
Message from OD Network Board Chair, Matt Minahan
Nominating Committee Announcement

To the Members of OD Network,

As I announced in the May issue of Network News, the OD Network Board has decided to pilot a new board election practice to formalize a Nominating Committee whose role will be to recruit diverse candidates for the board and screen potential candidates before placing them on the ballot. 

I am pleased to announce this year's Nominating Committee: 
  • Marisa Sanchez, Committee Chair 
  • Erik Anderson 
  • Yasmeen Burns 
  • Katherine Farquhar 
  • Norm Jones 
  • Maggie Shreve 
Network members still will be invited to submit nominations for themselves and others, and members will still vote on the candidates put forward by the Nominating Committee. 

Please look for the call for board trustee nominations to be issued later this month. 

Matt Minahan 
Chair OD Network

Member of the Month

Magdy Mansour, Board of Trustees Treasurer 


People have always been of great interest to me, and that includes trying to understand them and build bridges, but, more importantly, helping others.

Growing up, I was always aware of some of the differences in appearance and values I had because of my ethnicity and religion being an Egyptian Muslim kid born in Milwaukee and raised in Baltimore. The differences inspired me to learn more about what and how people thought as well as their perceptions. That belief in people has grown with me professional as well."

Read more about Magdy on our website. 

Culture, Diversity & Initiative

"Mitigating Unconcious Bias in the World of OD"  

By: Julian Chender, Brand Marketing Manager, Cook Ross

In the last year, the public awareness of "unconscious bias" has ballooned as we have repeatedly witnessed instance of police officers killing unarmed African Americans. 

Unconscious bias also known as implicit bias-- is a tendency to make mental associations that result in judgment without awareness, intention or control. Research into this human phenomenon shows that our unconscious beliefs and automatic assumptions often drive our decision-making process-- whether we are chasing a suspect or driving our children to school. 

To read the whole article, please click here.

Enterprise Member Spotlight: Turner Broadcasting


The passion, creativity and daring that have shaped Turner Broadcasting from its earliest days are alive today in a company that remains a leader, an innovator and one of the great business success stories of our time.

Diversity as a Guiding Principle at Turner Broadcasting

We can't begin truly to serve our customers until we listen to and support one another. We've made it a company priority to access the broadest possible range of perspectives, consider a multiplicity of voices and value cultural differences. It's both a business imperative and a matter of respect. 

Learn more about Turner Broadcasting

Searching for a New Job? 
Check Out Featured Opportunities!


OD Network Job Exchange is the most effective forum, whether you're a job seeker or employer, to find opportunities specific to OD.  Some of the most recent postings include:


Manager Learning and Organizational Development

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Posted: 6/3/2015 


Organization Effectiveness Specialist Supervisor

San Diego, CA

Posted: 6/1/2015


Mentoring Program Manager


Posted: 6/1/2015


Principal Change and OD Consultant

Waltham, MA

Posted: 5/18/2015

Synermetric has a brand new addition to their catalogue called "Big Picture," which is a hands-on diagnostic that helps to improve teams by engaging team members.

Would a trial help?

Decisions are hard; we understand. But what better way to figure out what works (and what doesn't) than by trying it out first hand? All you need to do to arrange a trial is ask--no commitments, no cost. Contact Ruth to arrange a product trial.

Project Connections

LAST CALL! Today is the Last Day to Register for PM Light Virtual FastRAMP.

How do you get a new effort going quickly? How do you get everyone working together toward the right goals? How do you build credibility and influence with people throughout the organization? What skills do team leaders in business units need to be more effective on their projects, and how can you help?

Today is the last chance to sign up for a virtual course that will provide know-how, tools and techniques for leading and managing projects-whether yours or theirs-and more. The course is comprised of six, two-hour sessions held once per week to make it easy to attend in the midst of your busy schedule-or listen to recordings of the live sessions if you have to miss any. The course also comes with a downloadable toolkit for every session. 

Our partner ProjectConnections.com has made a special discount available to OD Network members. Read more about this practical course, and get the discount here. Remember to sign up today!

Join the Conversation Online!   


Are you tapping into our network of more than 20,000 Organization Development professionals and thought leaders?


If you work in organization and human systems development, HR, change management, leadership or talent development, training, strategic planning, or any area involved in promoting healthy change, join the conversation - the OD Network is for you! Share educational resources. Assist each other with technical issues. Directly communicate with knowledge experts and information brokers. 


Follow us on Twitter, like our Facebook page and get involved in the conversation on the OD Network LinkedIn group.  

ODEA Spotlight: Case Western University


The Master of Science in Positive Organization Development and Change (MPOD) is an ongoing, adaptive response to continuing changes in the world that emphasize an increasingly strategic focus on relational and human factors, and striking a balance between economic well-being, social responsibility and environmental sustainability. The curriculum attempts to remain on the cutting edge of change management, leadership development, organizational transformation and societal benefit. OD curriculum drams from strength-based approaches such as appreciative inquiry, experiential learning and action research methods wrapped in an intensive, applied and highly interactive residency-based, cohort design.

MPOD is a residency program, which requires students to attend a seven-day residency each semester for five consecutive semesters as well as a ten-day international study tour. Between residencies, MPOD students return to their homes and jobs, completing assignments through Internet-based learning methods.