An MHI Member-Only Newsletter  -  June 26, 2015


MHI Welcomes Its Newest Members


MHI welcomes the following new members that joined in June.  Click here to view all of the new members that have joined MHI this year.  


Financial Services Division


Hunt Mortgage Group

Certified Rep:  Carl Pankratz



National Communities Council (NCC)

APEX Billing Solutions 

Certified Rep:  Jacqueline Schroeder



Ascentia Real Estate Investment Company, LLC

Certified Rep: Mirko "MJ" Vukovich



MHPI, Inc.

Certified Rep:  John Rogosich, CPM, JD


Monarch Realty & Management, Inc.

Certified Rep:  Jason Monarch


Suppliers Division

Ragsdale Liggett PLLC

Certified Rep:  John B. ("Bo") Walker


Rudderow Law Group

Certified Rep:  Daniel Rudderow




In This Issue

MHI Holds Successful 2015 Legislative Conference and Summer Meeting


MHI held its 2015 Legislative Conference and Summer Meeting June 14-16 in Washington, D.C.  Over 100 attendees participated in two days of business and division meetings which were followed by a day of visits to Capitol Hill and several regulatory agencies by MHI members and staff. MHI Members visited more than 70 House and Senate offices, where they briefed Members of Congress, Senators, and key staff about MHI's legislative priorities: the Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act (H.R. 650/S. 682); the energy efficiency tax credit; and streamlined regulations for manufactured housing energy standards. MHI members and staff also held productive meetings with representatives from DOE, HUD's Office of Manufactured Housing Programs, FHA's Office of Single Family Housing, FEMA and the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS).


MHI would like to recognize and thank its member sponsors for their extra financial support of the 2015 MHI Legislative Conference and Summer Meeting: 


Silver Sponsors

21st Mortgage Corporation

Assurant Specialty Property

Clayton Homes, Inc.

Lippert Components, Inc.



Bronze Sponsors

Cavco Industries, Inc.

CU Factory Built Lending

Follett USA

McGlinchey Stafford, PLLC

Shaw Industries, Specialty Markets

Style Crest, Inc.

UMH Properties, Inc.


With the implementation of the HPML Appraisal Rule approximately one month away, the first general session on Monday morning provided an overview of the requirements of the rule by Dick Ernst, President, Financial Marketing Associates. It included demonstrations of valuation systems specifically developed for industry compliance with the rule by Len Sims, Vice President of Operations, NADAguides, and Dan Rinzema, President, Datacomp. The presentation was a culmination of work by an MHI task force which has worked for 18 months to identify practical methods for complying with the HPML Appraisal Rule and facilitated the collection of wide-ranging data on home sales and home specifications which were utilized by NADAguides and Datacomp to develop proprietary systems for valuing homes. 


Monday's luncheon speaker, Brad Fitch, President and CEO, Congressional Management Services, presented a program titled "How to Turn a 10-Minute Meeting with a Member of Congress into a Life-Long Relationship."  Congressional Management Services has conducted numerous surveys with Members of Congress and their staff on effective communications, advocacy strategies and messaging on issues. Key guidance from the presentation regarding Hill visits was: know the Member's relevant committee assignments; be specific with your request for action; don't have too many talking points or topics; know the Member's history on the issue you are discussing; have data on the impact on the Congressional district and/or state; convey a personal story related to your issue; understand and communicate to the Member any potential negative consequences of your "ask" on an issue; and, limit the number of meeting participants.  Fitch stated that Members of Congress can have approximately 130 meetings in a given week and that following this advice can assist in making your visit stand out.


Tuesday morning began with breakfast and discussion with MHI's lobbying firm, Porterfield, Lowenthal, Fettig & Sears LLC entitled "What's Happening on Capitol Hill." Dr. Lesli Gooch, MHI's Senior Vice President for Government Affairs, introduced the panel, which included Lendell Porterfield (former senior staff member for Senate Banking Committee Chairman Shelby), Dawn Sears (senior lobbyist for the House Financial Services Committee Republicans), Dwight Fettig (former Staff Director for the Senate Banking Committee Democrats), and Ben Turner (former counsel for influential Democrat member of the House Financial Services Committee). Dr. Gooch directed the discussion, which focused on educating Hill-visit participants about the political and policy context in Washington that impacts the outlook for MHI's legislative priorities. Areas of discussion included the national political context; the current legislative environment, including the "must-pass" bills facing Congress; and the priorities of the House Financial Services Committee and Senate Banking Committee.   


During the meeting, MHI divisions, committees and board of directors all held meetings.  Click here to read the full report on the 2015 Legislative Conference and Summer Meeting.


MHI Members Make Visits on Capitol Hill


MHI members visited more than 70 House and Senate offices on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, June 15th in conjunction with MHI's 2015 Legislative Conference and Summer Meeting. During the meetings, MHI members briefed Members of Congress, Senators, and key staff about MHI's legislative priorities: the Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act (H.R. 650/S. 682); the energy efficiency tax credit; and streamlined regulations for manufactured housing energy standards. 


Prior to the Hill visits, Dr. Lesli Gooch, MHI's Senior Vice President for Government Affairs, and Rick Robinson, MHI's Senior Vice President for State and Regulatory Affairs, conducted a legislative briefing session to educate participants about the three key issues to be presented on the Hill, including succinct talking points in favor of each issue. Each participant received customized folders which contained: a specific meeting schedule for the day; information on the Senators/Representatives to visit (including official photo, office location information, Committee service, and position on H.R. 650/S. 682); background information on MHI's legislative priorities, including talking points, real-world examples of small loans made before the Dodd-Frank Act restrictions were implemented; a "Myth vs. Fact" sheet about H.R. 650/S. 682; and a color leave-behind handout that was customized to the relevant state and district of the Senator or Representative.


Also included in each participant's folder was a "follow-up" form, that could be used to record notes from each meeting regarding stances on our three key issues: supporting the Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act (S. 682/H.R. 650); supporting the Energy Efficiency Tax Credit (45(L) tax credit); and streamlining regulations for manufactured housing energy standards.  Participants were asked to fax or mail the forms to MHI, or click here to utilize the online system to enter the feedback from Hill meetings. 


Rep. Stephen Fincher (TN), author of H.R. 650, reserved a room in the Cannon House Office Building for Hill-visit participants to relax between appointments.  MHI also secured tables for lunch at the Capitol Hill Club's Presidential Dining Room, where all participants were welcome to stop by for a meal between their appointments.  Congressman Andy Barr (KY), an original cosponsor of H.R 650, joined participants during lunch and he expressed his support and encouragement for their efforts. 


Despite temperatures in the mid-90s, long security lines, and jam-packed schedules requiring treks back and forth from the House side to the Senate side, Hill visit participants diligently delivered our message and the meetings were a great success in demonstrating to Senators/Representatives the importance of MHI's priorities to their constituents from back home.

The impact of face-to-face meetings on Capitol Hill is exceptionally influential to Senators and Representatives and we sincerely thank all those who participated in the visits this year, during a critical time in the legislative process.


CFPB to Delay Real Estate Mortgage Disclosure Rules for Three Months


On June 17th the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced a delay, from August 1st to October 1st, in the implementation of new rules regarding disclosures under the Truth in Lending Act and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA). The new rule, known as the TILA RESPA Integrated Disclosure Rule, will affect all homes financed as real estate. Chattel loans are not subject to this rule. 

The most significant requirement in the new regulation is that the Closing Disclosure must be provided to the consumer a full three days prior to the closing, and if there are changes during that 72-hour period, the closing could be delayed.


For more information on this new CFPB regulation, see the June 5th, Week In Review article or contact Lois Starkey at [email protected]. 


Government and Political News from Around the Nation


California - Legislative leaders reached an agreement with Gov. Jerry Brown (D) on a $115 billion revised budget, one day after the Senate and Assembly passed a $117 budget bill by the constitutional deadline. The new plan was expected to be unveiled and adopted. As part of the negotiations, the Governor announced that he is ordering lawmakers to convene two special sessions beginning June 19th, one on transportation funding and one on Medi-Cal, which will run concurrently with the regular session. Click here to read more.


Florida - House and Senate leaders have reached an agreement on an $80 billion state budget. Click here to read more.


Illinois - The House and Senate briefly met, but did not take up any budget related items. Meanwhile, Gov. Bruce Rauner (R) launched a new statewide TV ad on Tuesday that targets House Speaker Mike Madigan for declining to take up the Governor's pro-business "turnaround agenda" and stalling progress on the state budget. Legislators are scheduled reconvene for another day of extended summer session as the clock winds down before the July 1st deadline for enactment of a new state budget. Click here to read more.


Maine - The state budget passed the House and Senate with more than enough votes to override a threatened veto by Gov. Paul LePage (R). If the Governor takes the entire 10 days allotted to act on the bill as expected, lawmakers will still have time to override his veto before the July 1st deadline to enact the new budget. Click here to read more.


New York - The regular session was scheduled to adjourn, but lawmakers stayed in Albany working on must-pass rent control legislation after the old law expired on Monday.  Click here to read more.


North Carolina - The Senate unveiled its budget which is $600 million smaller than the version adopted by the House last month and contains a number of policy differences that will need to be ironed out in conference committee by June 30th. Click here to read more.


Rhode Island - The House passed the state budget unanimously, sending the $8.67 billion budget to the Senate where it was expected to be adopted in short order. Legislative may be asked to return for a special session this fall on transportation funding. Click here to read more.


South Carolina - The Senate adopted a continuing resolution on the first day of a 3-day special session, that will keep state government operating through July 24th should a budget not be in place by the July 1st start of the new fiscal year. Budget talks have been hung up on how much of an estimated $400 million surplus to put toward road funding. Click here to read more. 


State Association Meetings and Events for July
Please see below for a list of state association meetings and events being held in July. Click here to view the full calendar of events. State association executives, please forward your meeting information for inclusion in our online calendar of events and Week in Review to Cheryl Berard at [email protected]. Listings for the online calendar of events should include the event name, dates, venue, city, state, contact name and phone number and a Web site link if you would like to include one. 

Wisconsin Housing Alliance Manufactured Housing Community Management Boot Camp 2 Seminar

July 23, 2015

Contact: Julie Patten (608) 255-3131



MHI Members - Save with MHI's Business Service Discount Program

Did you know that you can save on products and services through MHI? Listed below are a few of the savings opportunities available to MHI members.  Click here for more information.


As a member of MHI, you will enjoy substantial savings from 31 percent to 88 percent off manufacturers' list price on frequently purchased items. You will also receive a 5 percent discount on over 12,000 products in the net priced catalog in addition to discounts on certain ImPress print and document services. For product selection and to order, visit www.officemaxworkplace.com and enter username 256740reguser826 and passcode MIHVPEMembers with 40 or more employees call 1-800-636-2377 to request more information on setting up your account.


With UPS Air Freight, it's easier than ever to send freight around the world. The comprehensive portfolio of global air freight services provides options which fit your time-in-transit needs. UPS Air Freight services allow you to control your supply chain, ensure goods get to their destinations and maximize shipping efficiency. Call 1-800-MEMBERS (636-2377) to enroll.

YRC Freight

MHI members can save at least 70 percent on qualifying less-than-truckload (LTL) shipments. YRC offers flexible, efficient solutions, including comprehensive regional and national coverage with a full suite of guaranteed, expedited and specialized services. Call 1-800-MEMBERS (636-2377) to enroll. 
Mark Your Calendars for MHI's Upcomng Meetings and Events

2015 MHI Annual Meeting
October 4-6, 2015
Boca Beach Club
Boca Raton, FL

2015 NCC Fall Leadership Forum

November 11-13, 2015
Fairmont Hotel, 

Millennium Park
Chicago, IL


2016 MHI Legislative Conference & Winter Meeting

February 7-9, 2016

W Hotel

Washington, D.C.

 2016 National 

Congress & Expo for Manufactured and Modular Housing

May 3-5, 2016

Caesars Palace

Las Vegas, NV 




MHI Action Alerts  





MHI Week in Review is a weekly member-only publication with important updates on its federal legislative and regulatory activities, association accomplishments, and other important items that members need to make important business decisions and to keep well informed on issues affecting all sectors of the manufactured and modular housing industries.  


Your feedback is important to us. Please contact Cheryl Berard at [email protected].



� 2015, Manufactured Housing Institute, Inc. (MHI), all rights reserved.  Republication without the express written consent of MHI is strictly prohibited. 



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