Round-up the Savings
to Pay for
Facility Improvements
Nevada Governor's Office of Energy
Performance Contracting Programs
August 2015
Consider performance contracting now
Alternate Funding Source * Proven Performance with a Guarantee 
Financial Assistance * Free Technical Assistance
Performance Contracting
for Operating Cost-Saving Measures



Through performance contracting, you can mine your utility and operating budgets to fund cost-saving projects. An Energy Service Company (ESCO) evaluates and installs energy, water and operating cost-saving measures. The resulting savings pay for the entire financed cost of the project over time, without competing for the capital budget. And, the ESCO guarantees the savings. 
Projects Are Rolling Out in Nevada

Carson City
Carson City selected an ESCO to achieve significant long-term energy and operating cost savings in 500,000 square feet of facilities. "The city has very limited funding for capital improvements," said Tom Grundy, Sr. Project Manager, Public Works Department. "This approach helps us achieve sustainability goals." A contract is now being negotiated and a third party consultant was hired to help oversee the project.

Clark County School District
Nevada's largest school district selected two ESCOs to work concurrently on 50 schools. Negotiations are now underway for energy, water, and maintenance cost-saving equipment and services.

City of Henderson
The city has used performance contracting to manage rising utility and operating costs, achieving over 20 million dollars in building improvements including interior lighting, street lighting, and heating and cooling systems. The project was funded through guaranteed savings which exceeded projections, according to Mark Hobaica, City Architect. The city recently issued its third RFP, this time to upgrade outdoor lighting systems at city parks, and selected an ESCO and third party consultant.  
Learn More
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Nevada Governor's Office of Energy 
Performance Contracting Programs
Get Started on Your Project Now 


Free technical assistance 

The Nevada Governor's Office of Energy offers free technical assistance to help you assess project potential, get internal buy-in, and get started on a successful project. 


Contact Us Now

David Gibson, Energy Efficiency Specialist

Nevada Governor's Office of Energy


Financial Assistance 

2015 Performance Contract Audit Assistance Program (PCAAP)

We are now accepting applications for projects that follow-through with a performance contracting project. Eligible Nevada government entities include counties, cities, school districts, state colleges, state universities and state agencies. Visit GOE's Performance Contracting Programs page to learn more. 

Pre-Qualified ESCOs

The State Public Works Division pre-qualified ESCOs to participate in state agency projects. Local governments may use this list to request proposals from ESCOs.  


**ESCOs can still apply for pre-qualification through November 13, 2015**


Longer Financing Term for Local Governments

The State Legislature recently extended the financing term of a performance contract for local governments from 15 years to 25 years. The change will be effective October 1 (NRS 332.380).  


Pre-Qualified 3rd Party Performance Contracting Consultants

Statutes for both state and local governments require a 3rd party consultant to provide independent review of ESCO recommendations. The consultant can also serve as a performance contracting expert to help negotiate and implement a successful project. The State Purchasing Division pre-qualified 3rd Party Consultants for state agencies. Local governments may use these consultants via the state's master service agreements. 

Public/Private Partnership

The Nevada Chapter of the Energy Services Coalition is a public/private partnership of performance contracting advocates and providers, offering additional educational support. The chapter holds meetings regularly. Join now to help in a coordinated effort to increase awareness of performance contracting in Nevada's state and local governments.


Past Projects Demonstrate Success 

Successful past projects lead the way, demonstrating the value of performance contracting in Nevada. The City of Henderson completed over $20 million in facility improvements and Douglas County School District completed $10 million. 

Nevada Success Stories in Performance Contracting 
City of Henderson  Video   Article
Douglas County School District Article
