"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." - William Arthur

Throughout scripture we hear echoed...the words and feelings of being thankful... thanksgiving... appreciation and gratitude... there is a huge reason behind this....

When we stop to appreciate the world around us, the people in front of us, our Creator's love for us, even as we look in the mirror and appreciate ourselves...something changes.

We see the other, we see our ourselves differently. We feel different. There is a different chemical alchemy moving through our system and it changes our perspective. Try this experiment. For one hour, notice when you feel critical of something or someone and choose to find something you appreciate and tell them. Notice if you feel differently about the person after the hour of choosing differently. This is paralleled to Creator creating and taking moments to exclaim, "and it was good!". That is expressing appreciation.

As an interim, I get the privilege of expressing or giving a voice to that which most would not speak aloud. Today, taking this privilege seriously, I want to talk honestly about your staff at Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church. You have the most amazing staff I have ever worked with in all my years in ministry. I say that with conviction and integrity. They are devoted and dedicated, and they bring all their gifts and skills each day and night to offer in service for the church. Are they perfect? Well..no (don't tell them I said that) Are any of us perfect? =) Are they lovable? Absolutely!

The staff at Montview is an amazing staff. They give it their all to accomplish what is before them in their various ministries. It's a great partnership! They invest themselves into your lives to be there when you need them. My invitation this morning is to consider have you appreciated them lately? 

Do you know what makes them happy? Do you know when their birthdays are (psst...Sheri's is tomorrow)? Do you know their anniversary dates in ministry or when they started at Montview? Do you pray for them? Do you thank them or drop a note or email expressing your appreciation of them in your lives or your children's lives? Do you celebrate them? 

You at Montview are an amazing congregation too! I have loved working here alongside of you. Noting, I feel a little like a marriage therapist encouraging two amazing people to see the value and wonder of the one right in front of them and the value of expressing this love. 

As much as I love working with them and appreciate them, I know there are multitudes of you who feel the same. If you have appreciated them please know your voices and actions matter. I have seen the drawing of a child, or the note of appreciation saved on a desk to read many times by most of my colleagues. Sadly, what is most expressed is the complaint. I want to be clear, they don't know I am writing this and I feel so strongly that you have an amazing grouping of people, like you and me, who love God, who love you, and are giving their best. How can you appreciate them even more?

I wonder what you could do to say thanks, or I appreciate you? I promise it will impact them, it will strengthen the loving bonds between church and staff, and you might notice a change in you in the process...




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