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Sitting at Your Desk
September 2014
In this Issue
Variations on Your Sittimg Arrangement
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Inspired by the quick adaptation one of my students made to her computer station at work I want to send you a brief newsletter before I take a teaching break until the end of October.

This is a reminder about what you can achieve with openness to change and self-exploration.


With best wishes,

Michaela Hauser-Wagner


A simple way to familiarize yourself with sitting options is through the drawings in Deborah Caplan's book 'Back Trouble'. You can explore the position of the pelvis and its lowest protrusions, the sit-bones, as suggested in her captions. You can also pay attention to the shape of the lumbar curve of the spine, the lowest vertebrae shown here.



Alexander Technique teacher colleagues Sarah and Eric Miller adapted a familiar image for ergonomic computer station set-up by adding directions, as taught in Alexander Technique lessons, to help our physical conditions through verbal reminders and spatial self-organization.   




Recently I showed a brand-new student of mine the way I have set up my PC station. I am of average 5'6" height and like to sit slightly elevated to open my hip joints. An important feature for me was to have the mouse in the middle instead of to the side. Using a wireless mouse was key! 



Melissa is shorter than I am, about 5 feet tall. We realized that on regular chairs she never really has her feet settled on the floor, which leads to excessive holding in the torso, and so contributes to headaches, shoulder and back pain. In this photo she documented her clever adaptation to sitting at her desk. Beginning with a smaller chair, found in another room, she purchased the plastic cabinets, and velcroed her keyboard and a tray from the cafeteria onto the plastic tower. Voil�


For lessons contact Michaela at or call 203-988-834

Upcoming events


The next Introduction to the Alexander Technique in my new teaching space is scheduled for Saturday, November 8, 10:45 to 12 AM. Space is limited to 5 people, so please contact me by calling 203-988-8344 or by email Fee $ 10


Monday, November 3, 6:30 to 7:30 PM: Back Pain Solutions at the Berlin-Peck Library in Berlin, CT.


Thursday, November 6, 7 to 8 PM: Alexander Technique and Scoliosis at Thyme and Season Natural Food Market in Hamden, CT.