From the Publisher

Dear reader, 

I hope you enjoy this month's edition of our electronic newsletter. It offers a quick-read editorial package of selected information relevant to you and your business. This content is produced by the same editorial staff at ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR that has set the industry standard for currency and quality. If you have any suggestions for us content-wise, please give me a shout at  Also feel free to pass it along to your peers. Thanks for your interest and support. 

Thank you,
John W. Maisel, Publisher


State-of-the-Art Snapshot: LEDs

By Craig DiLouie

We've referred to it as the Lighting Revolution, but in an industry that's marked by a huge technological shift, driven by evolving needs and advances in capabilities, the lighting industry is looking for a champion. And it may have found it in the LED. Read more...  


Your job is demanding. We think you deserve a break. Learn about our time-saving services in our eBook, Four Tips to Running an Efficient Business.


Web Exclusive

Beyond Conventional Solar PV Panels

By Tom Gibson 

Solar photovoltaics are settling into their place among alternative energies, but in terms of efficiency and design, they are going far beyond the popular conception, into unique realms for power generation's future. Read more... 


The Other White LED

By Chuck Ross

Traditional LED technology may lead the charge in the Lighting Revolution, but organic LEDs have made a lot of headway, and they have the potential to perform better than their solid-state brethren at some tasks. Read more... 

Awaiting Take-Off: LED Lighting

By Jeff Gavin

For all their technological gains, LEDs may be held back by the learning curve and lack of awareness. Take a nuanced look at what the technology can do now and how to acquire the knowledge necessary to leverage them for your business. Read more... 

A Walk in the Park: LEDs in Parking Garages

By Susan Bloom

Whereas spaces such as parking garages have been historically dominated by metal halide, high pressure sodium, and fluorescent lighting, LEDs are finding this application suits them, too. Read more... 


Announcing the first in a series of FREE webinars: "Energy Codes and the Impact on Your Business" hosted by Lutron. On April 30th, learn how to become an energy codes expert and win more business. Register Now!   


Integrated Systems Contractor

My System is Survivable (I Think)

By Wayne D. Moore 

Many authorities talk about the term "survivable," but there's an inherent problem in these discussions: the misunderstanding of what "survivable" means. Read more... 

Bigger Data: Data Centers

By Claire Swedberg  

Systems contractors could find a honey hole in data centers, which call upon the full skill set of integrated systems contractors and reward them handsomely. Read more... 

Cool Tools

Cool Tools: Cutting Accessories

By Jeff Griffin

Last month, we covered saws, the king in cutting tools. This issue, we take a look at cutting accessories and power cutting tools, taking the discipline of cutting materials in half to a new level. Read more... 

Industry Watch

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