When Tuesday November 15, 2016 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM EST
Where EmpowerU Studio 4920 Glenway Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45238
Driving Directions |
A Incredible Lineup of Speakers helps bring us
The Beatles, and a Blast from the Past...
Gary Jeff Walker, Dusty Rhodes, Jim LaBarbara, Price Hill Chili and Election over - Time to Celebrate!
Whether you are celebrating or commiserating what better way to kick back, relax and enjoy an historic musical interlude!
This class will be a night to remember for all. Young People will enjoy a great history lesson in rock 'n' and others will relive the golden years of this music genre. We will enjoy Beatles mania from the unique perspective of those involved up close and personal!
Join EmpowerU with Gary Jeff Walker, Dusty Rhodes, and Jim LaBarbara, at one of our favorite venues Price Hill Chili for this BEATLES BLAST from the PAST!
Gary Jeff Walker (once dubbed "The Hardest working man in Tri-/State Radio) will reminisce about the Breakfast with the Beatles Tour.
Dusty Rhodes (part of the Good Guys DJ.s) will share the behind the scenes story of how Cincinnati managed to land a much coveted Beatles Concert. Jim LaBarbara (aka The Music Professor) will take us back in time when he was cavorting with the Beatles and other historic rock 'n' roll groups. Jim will give us a perspective as only The Music Professor can!
Hamilton County Auditor Dusty Rhodes was one of the WSAI-AM DJs in 1964 who invited the Beatles to play at Cincinnati. This photo hangs in his conference room in the county administration building. Dusty Rhodes is top row second from right with the pipe, with the Beatles seated, from left, Ringo Starr, John Lennon, George Harrison, and Paul McCartney.
"On a whim, the five of us (Good Guys" DJs above) sent a telegram to England to and said, can we get them for a show here?" said Rhodes.. "And in early April, the telegram came back that said, 'You've got them!'
 Gary Jeff Walker has been Dubbed: Hardest Working Man in Tri-State Radio, Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, June 25 th 2001. You can hear him frequently on Saturday mornings on WLW radio. He also frequently fills in for Brian Thomas on 55 KRC.
Gary Jeff Walker hosted the Breakfast with the Beatles in the summer of 2011. He will share his vast knowledge and personal insights into what was a Cincinnati Beatle Phenomena! 2011 Summer Tour was a GREAT Success A BIG THANKS to all the fans who came out and made the Breakfast with the Beatles 2011 Summer Tour a smashing success. Also a BIG Thanks to Gary Jeff Walker from 700WLW.
Dusty Rhodes re-elected without opposition to a fifth term as Hamilton County Auditor in 2006. In 1990 he became the first Democratic endorsed candidate to win a Hamilton County administrative office in two decades. He was also re-elected in 1994, 1998 and in 2002. Dusty was a Delhi Township Trustee for twenty-one (21) years, and was also President of the Hamilton County Township Association for seven (7) years.
Dusty has been a long-time Tri-State area radio personality, and in October 2009 concluded a morning program on "Oldies 1160", WDJO. Previously he did mornings on WSAI from 2003 to 2005. His top-rated Sunday night show was heard on WGRR from 1991 until 2002. Previously, he was on WLW, WKRC, and WSAI.
In 1964, he was one of the "Good Guys" sponsoring the Beatles' Cincinnati appearance during their first American tour, and in 1965 was named "Cincinnati's Most Popular Disc Jockey" by "Billboard" magazine. In 2001 he was inducted into the Ohio Radio & TV Broadcasters Hall of Fame.
Jim LaBarbara began his career in broadcasting in 1959 while working on his undergraduate degree from Allegheny College in Pennsylvania and has been heard on hundreds of radio and television commercials. Throughout the years Jim worked under the pseudonyms of Jimmy Holiday while working in Meadville, Titusville, and DuBois, Pennsylvania, and J. Bentley Starr in Erie, Pennsylvania.
He began using his real name on the 50,000-watt WKYC and WIXY in Cleveland and also the year he spent in Denver. However, he is best known as the "Music Professor," a moniker that was given to him when he began his work in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he worked for the powerful WLW, WCKY, WSAI, and WGRR FM, among others. Jim's graduate studies were at the University of Cincinnati where he earned a Master's Degree in Broadcasting and was also an adjunct professor at that university for several years.
Jim is regarded as a respected musicologist on early rock 'n' roll, was named one of the "Top 40 Radio Personalities of All Time," is listed in the Rock Jock Hall of Fame, and was inducted into the Radio/Television Broadcasters Hall of Fame in Akron, Ohio. He has a son and daughter and lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with his wife Sally.
We look forward to seeing you at several EmpowerU events throughout the semester!
Nita Thomas