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Monopoly Money--
Is the U.S. the Next Greece?
Monopoly Money - Is the US the Next Greece? And What About the Debt?
Thursday November 5, 2015 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM EST

Frame USA
225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, OH 45246
Driving Directions
Is the U.S. the Next Greece? 
And What About the Debt?

EmpowerU managing board member, Dan Regenold invites you to what will surely be a roll-up-your sleeves and get to work class. 
Is the United States really the next Greece?
EmpowerU will investigate this very important topic and learn whether the United States is on a downward spiral to irrelevance or if good ol' USA still has a chance. 
This Greece Debate will be looked at in depth by introducing you to the Budget of the United States Government.   Learn more about the driving factors of this debate and learn more about your Country--including useful handouts to take with you. 
Learn about the Budget of the US Government
Where specifically is money spent, and in what areas? 
Where does the United States get its revenue?   
The military, entitlements, Social Security, The Debt -- how does it all fit together? 
The goal of this class will be to let you walk away with simple documents to help you understand what our options as a country are. 
What does the future look like?
EmpowerU Attendees will decide and vote on the facts with results turned over to our Congressmen and Senators.   Get your crystal ball out and join Dan as we answer this very important question.    
Dan Regenold first become active in Government in 2003 when he became involved fighting Eminent Domain and helping stop it in Evendale and in Norwood, Ohio. In 2006, he was one of the founders of
which successfully fought and stopped, by ballot initiative, a sales tax increase in Hamilton County, Ohio.  Later WeDemand stopped Red Light Cameras in Hamilton County.   Regenold spoke at the CPAC Convention in 2008 to discuss major Grassroots initiative actions across the United States.

In 2010 Regenold was of three leaders of the Initiative to End Ohio's Estate Tax which happened in 2011.  The Tax Foundation called the repeal of Ohio Estate Tax one of the most important Tax accomplishments of 2011. 

In 2011 Regenold founded EmpowerUOhio.org (now in it's 10th semester), a Free University offered in the Greater Cincinnati area with the goal of "empowering" citizens.

In 2014 Regenold assembled a Citizens Advisory Board that carefully studied the proposed Union Terminal-Music Hall Sales Tax Increase. The Board and Commissioners voted to keep Union Terminal in the plan and followed the Citizen's Board suggestions saving taxpayers $130 million. 

Dan Regenold is the CEO of picture frame manufacturing business Frame USA, INC. (FrameUSA.com) which manufactures American Made Picture Frames and employs 75 in Springdale, Ohio. He is passionate about the arts and charitable endeavors.  Regenold and his wife Becky live in Glendale, Ohio. 
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We look forward to seeing you at several EmpowerU events throughout the semester!
Nita Thomas
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