St. John on the Mountain
Upcoming Events

Fall Fundraiser Planning Meeting
Sunday, April 24th
All are invited to meet after the Sunday, April 24th 10 am service to plan the Fall Fundraiser.  Bring suggestions and ideas.  If you cannot attend the meeting but have suggestions, please email your ideas to  Nina Dixon or call 908-766-3558.
Save the Date! Feast of the Pentecost
Sunday, May 15th
Join us for a Pentecostal service unlike any other!  On Sunday, May 15th there will be no 10 am worship service. Instead, we will have a 
4 pm service to mark the celebration of the Pentecostal feast. This will be a family friendly and casual outdoor service on church grounds, followed by BBQ, bonfire, music & fellowship. The Way of St. Paul committee is hosting this event and we ask everyone to wear red as we celebrate the church's birthday and the fulfillment of Jesus' promise to send the Holy Spirit. Red is traditionally the color of the Holy Spirit and believed to be his favorite color. So, in honor of the occasion, we ask that you wear red. Jeans, flip flops, toenails, Red Sox jerseys (suggested by the Rector) or red hair. The idea is for everyone to wear red! Our confirmation class will host activities for kids, crafts and a fire pit for s'mores. Adults can look forward to great music and some spirited "Pentecocktails."  Food & beverages will be provided but additional contributions of salads & sides are encouraged.  
Please email Melissa Sharron if you are available to help. 
Women's Bible Study
Wednesday Mornings at 10 am
In Eastertide, the women will continue to spend time together on Wednesday mornings.  We are looking at Jesus' own life of prayer.  
No background needed!  All are welcome!
Town Hall Meeting
Sunday, May 1
The Wardens and Vestry invite members of the community to gather after the 10:00 worship service on Sunday, May 1 for a Town Hall Meeting.  We will happily answer any questions, and look forward to updating the community on various aspects of our common life.  If you would like to submit questions in advance, please email them to 
Somerset County Food Bank
Saturday, April 23rd
Volunteers are needed to staff the food pantry Saturdays in April from 9:30 to noon (April 23 and 30).   Tasks include interviewing clients, and bagging and distributing food. The pantry is located at the rear of the United Reformed Church, 100 West Main Street in Somerville. This is a great opportunity for families; community service hours will be given. To sign up, please email Sally Hespe or call   (908) 875-1518.
Grace Soup Kitchen
Friday, April 29th
Grace Soup Kitchen serves 1,000 hot nutritious meals the last five days of each month to the hungry of Plainfield.  St. John on the Mountain parishioners help on the last Friday of each month.  Join us one Friday as we prepare and serve lunch.  The next day scheduled to serve is on Friday, April 29th from 10 am - 1 pm.  To sign up, please email Graham Argent-Belcher.
Heifer Farm Trip
July 15th - July 17th, Rutland Farm, MA
Sixth Graders and up... are you looking for a meaningful way to spend a summer weekend?  Join us from Friday July 15th -  Sunday, July 17th in Rutland, MA at the Heifer Farm for a two night Global Gateway experience that creates an existence in which nothing  -- shelter, food, water or cooking fuel -- can be taken for granted. Participants prepare a meal with limited resources and spend a night in the Global Village.  Approximate cost will be $100 per person, including transportation. Any questions? Email Sally Hespe directly or call (908) 875-1518.
Surf Shack VBS Summer Camp 
June 27th - July 1
Children ages 3 through rising 4th graders are welcome to join us from 9:30 am - 12:00 noon.  Kids will learn, create, and have fun at Surf Shack.  Join us for sports, games, music, snacks, Bible stories, and cool crafts!  The cost is $60 per child (with a $150 cap per family).  Registration forms are available here, on the church website, and in the children's library.
VBS Volunteers Needed
Youth and Adult Volunteers Are Needed for Camp
Rising 5th grade (and up) volunteers are needed to make camp a success!  Credit for community service hours for school, scouts, and/or honor societies is available. Email  Lynn Mitchell if you are interested in volunteering even for one day. 
This Week on the Mountain
April 24, The Fifth Sunday of Easter
   8:00 am      Holy Eucharist Rite I, Chapel
   9:00 am      Confirmation Class, Parish House Lounge
                      Nursery Care, Room 2 Lower Level
                      Parish Choir rehearsal, Church 
  10:00 am     Holy Eucharist Rite II, Church
                      Sunday School
  11:15 am     Coffee Hour, Parish Hall
April 26, Tuesday
   7:30 pm     Parish Choir Rehearsal, Music Room
April 27, Wednesday
    8:15 am     Men's Bible Study, Meeting Room
  10:00 am     Women's Bible Study, Meeting Room
April 29, Friday
  10:00 am    Grace Soup Kitchen, Somerville, NJ
April 30, Saturday
   9:30 am     SJOTM Staffs the Food Bank, Somerville
May 1, The Sixth Sunday of Easter
   8:00 am      Holy Eucharist Rite I, Chapel
   9:00 am      Parish Choir rehearsal, Church    
                      Nursery Care, Room 2 Lower Level
                      Confirmation Class, Parish House Lounge
  10:00 am     Holy Eucharist Rite II, Church
                      Sunday School
  11:15 am     Coffee Hour, Parish Hall
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Contact Us
Monday - Friday
8 am - 3 pm


The Rev. Susan Ironside
ext 11

Pastoral Associate
Billy Webster
ext 18