St. John on the Mountain
Upcoming Events

Praying in Lent: 
Evening Prayer on Tuesdays With Potluck Supper
On Tuesdays evenings at 6 pm, the community will gather for Evening Prayer in the Chapel, followed by a simple potluck supper.  Members of our community will preside at this simple service of prayer.  Bring a dish to share for supper, and come and allow the word of God to wash over you, and pray with the assembled community, as our ancestors did before us.  Join us on any Tuesday at 6 pm.  All are welcome to join us on March 1st, 8th, 15th. 
Men's Luncheon
Please join us Thursday, March 3rd at 12:15 pm at the Morristown Club at 27 Elm Street in Morristown.  The luncheons are open to members of the parish and their guests.  The favor of a reply is requested in order that a place may be reserved for you at the table, but last minute drop-ins are always welcome.  Hope to see you there.  For more information please contact Alan Enos at 908-234-1321.
Adopt-A-Family for Easter
Help a struggling family this Easter, by providing an uncooked meal.  It's easy!  Just buy the makings for a meal, and deliver to your Adopt-a-Family. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board. For more information, contact Please call Sue Kennedy at 908-234-0267. If there is a particular family that you have been supporting, please let Sue know so that she can inform the Food Bank.
Collecting Coins during Lent
Sunday school students were given Heifer International banks to fill with coins during Lent. We hope to collect more than last year's total of $210 to help buy a cow, pig, or some chicks to end hunger for a family in need.  Banks can be turned in to Lynn Mitchell on Easter Sunday or the following Sunday. 
Women's Lenten Bible Study:  Looking at Luke
Wednesday 10:00 AM-11:00 AM
In the weeks of Lent, we will explore the Gospel of Luke together.
We welcome Mother Anne Holt from Calvary Church, Flemington who will be our special guest and introduce us to this wonderful engagement with our sacred text.
Ushers Needed
Please consider joining this important ministry.  Greeting people, distributing bulletins, conveying the sacred elements to the altar, and inviting parishioners to partake of Communion are central to our worship services.  No experience needed.  To sign-up or for more information contact the office at 908-766-2282.
Holy Baptism on Saturday, March 26th
We baptize primarily on those dates set aside for baptism, as listed in the Book of Common Prayer.  Since the presence of the community of faith is essential for welcoming the newly baptized into the church, baptisms take place in the principal service.  The next date for Baptism is on Saturday, March 26th at 7 pm during The Great Vigil of Easter.  Questions about baptism? Please contact the office or 908-766-2282 
Save The Date
Saturday, April 16th
3rd Annual St. John's Nursery School & SJOTM Fundraiser!
Join us on Saturday, April 16th at 6:30 pm for cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, music, and a silent auction.  Invitation and details to come.
This Week on the Mountain   
February 28, The Third Sunday in Lent
   8:00 am      Holy Eucharist Rite I, Chapel
   9:00 am      Confirmation Class, Parish House Lounge
                      Nursery Care, Room 2 Lower Level
                      Parish Choir rehearsal, Church 
  10:00 am     Holy Eucharist Rite II, Church
                      Sunday School
  11:15 am     Coffee Hour, Parish Hall
March 1, Tuesday
    6:00 pm     Evening Prayer, Chapel
    6:00 pm     Mission Outreach Meeting, Meeting Room
    6:30 pm     Potluck Supper, Parish Hall    
    7:30 pm     Parish Choir Rehearsal, Music Room
March 2, Wednesday
    8:15 am     Men's Bible Study, Meeting Room
  10:00 am     Women's Lenten Bible Study, Meeting Room
March 3, Thursday
  12:15 pm     Men's Luncheon, Morristown Club
March 4, Friday
                      Office Closed, Convention
March 6, The Fourth Sunday in Lent
   8:00 am       Holy Eucharist Rite I, Chapel
   9:00 am       Confirmation Class, Parish House Lounge
                       Nursery Care, Room 2 Lower Level
                       Parish Choir rehearsal, Church 
  10:00 am      Holy Eucharist Rite II, Church
                       Sunday School
  11:15 am      Coffee Hour, Parish Hall
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Contact Us
Monday - Friday
8 am - 3 pm


The Rev. Susan Ironside
ext 11

Pastoral Associate
Billy Webster
ext 18