St. John on the Mountain
Upcoming Events

Annual Meeting

Sunday, January 31st

Please join us for our Annual Meeting, on Sunday, January 31st, when we will have one worship service at 10 am with a meeting to immediately follow in the sanctuary.  Coffee and light refreshments will be served.  Nursery care will be extended until 12:30 pm. Children's Entertainment will be provided during the Annual Meeting.  All children ages Pre-K and up are invited to Parish Hall to do crafts, while their parents attend the meeting. 

One Worship Service

Sunday, January 31st

Due to the Annual Meeting, on Sunday, January 31st, we will have one worship service at 10 am with a meeting to immediately follow in the sanctuary.  Coffee and refreshments will be provided.

Grace Soup Kitchen
Friday, January 29th 
Grace Soup Kitchen serves 1,000 hot nutritious meals the last five days of each month to the hungry of Plainfield.  St. John on the Mountain parishioners help on the last Friday of each month.  Join us one Friday as we prepare and serve lunch.  The next day scheduled for St. John on the Mountain to serve is on Friday, January 29th from 10 am - 1 pm. Email Graham Argent-Belcher for more info.
Souper Bowl Sunday, February 7th
Please join us on Sunday, February 7th, as our Confirmation class makes and serves soup for Souper Bowl Sunday immediately following the 10 am service.  Soup will be for available for sale for immediate consumption or to go with take-home containers.
Flower Dedications
Donations of flowers are made as memorials or in thanksgiving for special occasions.  A date can be shared by more than one donor.  The 2016 flower sign-up charts are now posted on the bulletin board in the hallway of the church building, opposite the entrance to the Chapel sacristy. For dedications and specific floral requests contact Sue Kennedy or the office 908-766-2282.  The cost is $100 for church altar flowers and $70 for chapel altar flowers. 
Stock Donations
Don't forget that you can donate your Stocks to SJOTM. The tax advantages of giving stock, instead of cash, to church can make doing so very worthwhile.  We would be happy to accept stock donations for 2016 as form of pledge payment. To learn more, please contact Lisa Keenan in the office at 908-766-2282 ext 13.
This Week On The Mountain
January 24, The Third Sunday after the Epiphany
   8:00 am       Holy Eucharist Rite I, Chapel
   9:00 am       Nursery Care, Room 2 Lower Level
                       Confirmation Class, Parish House Lounge
                       Parish Choir rehearsal, Church 
  10:00 am      Holy Eucharist Rite II, Church
                       Sunday School
  11:15 am      Coffee Hour, Parish Hall
January 26, Tuesday
   7:30 pm       Parish Choir Rehearsal, Music Room
January 27, Wednesday
    8:15 am      Men's Bible Study, Meeting Room
January 29, Friday
  10:00 am     Grace Soup Kitchen, Plainfield, NJ
January 31, The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
   9:00 am       Nursery Care, Room 2 Lower Level
                       Confirmation Class, Parish House Lounge
                       Parish Choir rehearsal, Church 
  10:00 am      Holy Eucharist Rite II, Church
                       Sunday School
  11:15 am      Annual Meeting, Church
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Contact Us
Monday - Friday
8 am - 3 pm





The Rev. Susan Ironside
ext 11

Pastoral Associate