St. John on the Mountain
Upcoming Events

June Newsletter 


Communion Instruction 

Sunday, June 14th

Communion Instruction All the baptized are always welcome to receive the Holy Food and Drink, including infants! But many children want to learn more about the Sacrament. OnSunday, June 14 from 9:00-9:30 AM, Mother Susan will meet in the Chapel with any child (2nd grade-6th grade) who wants to learn more about Holy Communion. All children are welcome, whether they have received Holy Communion before and wish to learn more about it, or if they have yet to receive Holy Communion. Please email Lynn Mitchell to reserve a spot for your child.

Last Day of Sunday School with 

Teacher/Leader and Student Recognition

Sunday, June 14th

On Sunday, June 14th following the 10 am service, all children will have the opportunity to receive a collectable pin to commemorate completing another year of Sunday School. Also, the teachers and leaders will be acknowledged for all that they do to make St. John's such a wonderful place for kids!

Summer Office Hours 

Monday, June 15th

Please note that beginning Monday, June 15th the office hours will be Monday - Thursday 8 am - 1 pm.

Ladies' Luncheon 

Thursday, June 18th

All are invited to the Ladies' Luncheon on Thursday, June 18th at noon at the home of Sue Kennedy 18 Brook Hollow Road, Gladstone. Please bring a sandwich; beverages and dessert will be provided.  We hope to see you there.  RSVP to Sue at 908-234-0267.

Backpack Program 

We have recently learned that the Backpack Program is still very much in need. Help the Food Bank Network of Somerset County fill backpacks, for disadvantaged students, with healthy snacks to be taken home by students who depend on school meal programs during the week and do not have enough to eat on the weekends.  Please help by providing any of the following: 

  • Fruit/applesauce cups
  • Raisins
  • Box of oatmeal packets
  • Box of granola bars
  • Ramen noodles
  • Juice boxes
  • Chef Boyardee meals
  • Individual serving-size boxes of cereal
  • Easy Mac & Cheese 
  • Single serving milk boxes (non-perishable only)
  • Gallon ziplock slider bags 
  • pudding snack packs (non-perishable only) 

"A Virtuous Cycle"to Benefit 

St. John on the Mountain

Parishioner, Joe Ray, will ride 1500 kilometers in four rides (April 18, 25, May 16 and June 6) in order to qualify to ride in the Paris-Brest-Paris Randonneur ("PBP") which will be held this August in France.  Each ride must be completed within a set time limit.  The time limit includes stops for rest, flat tires, food and drink, etc.  Rides are unsupported, so whatever you need you bring with you on the ride or you find it along the route.  There is no "team car" handing out food and performance drinks.  So, what makes this Virtuous?  You!!  Joe is inviting fellow parishioners to pledge $x.xx per kilometer to sponsor him.  All  money raised at the end of the journey will be paid to St. John on the Mountain to support the church's operations for 2015.  The total amount of money will be based on the total kilometers completed.  If you would like to support Joe, please call the office 908-766-2282 or email the office and let us know how much you would like to pledge.  Assuming Joe successfully completes all four rides, here are some examples of pledges:

$/km        Total

$1.00       $1,500

$0.75       $1,125

$0.67       $1,000

$0.50       $750

$0.33       $500

$0.25       $375

$0.20       $300

$0.10       $150

$0.05       $75

Conover Community Garden 

June 6th, July 4th, August 29th and September 20th
Watch this YouTube video to learn more the Community Garden.We will be harvesting the tender greens shortly for distribution to the local food pantry.  St. John on the Mountain is scheduled to tend the plots the following weeks:  June 6th, July 4th, August 29th and September 20th.  Tasks will include weeding, watering and harvesting produce.  If you are interested in helping those weeks or for more information, please email Sally Hespe.

Summer Sunday Service Schedule Begins Sunday, June 28th 

The Summer Sunday Service Schedule Begins Sunday, June 28th.  We will offer one service - 9:30 am Holy Eucharist, Rite II with music in the church and childcare, followed by Lemonade Hour.

This Week on the Mountain

June 7, The Second Sunday after Pentecost

   8:00 am   Holy Eucharist Rite I, Chapel

   9:00 am   Confirmation Class, Parish House Lounge

                   Nursery Care, Room 2 Lower Level

                   Parish Choir rehearsal, Church 

  10:00 am  Holy Eucharist Rite II, Church

                   Sunday School

  11:15 am  Coffee Hour, Parish Hall 

June 9, Tuesday

    6:00 pm  Vestry Meeting, Meeting Room

    7:30 pm  Parish Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room

June 10, Wednesday

    8:15 am  Men's Bible Study (Last one until the Fall), Meeting Room

June 14, The Third Sunday after Pentecost

   8:00 am   Holy Eucharist Rite I, Chapel

   9:00 am   Last Confirmation Class, Parish House Lounge

                   Communion Instruction, Chapel

                   Nursery Care, Room 2 Lower Level

                   Parish Choir rehearsal, Church 

  10:00 am  Holy Eucharist Rite II, Church

                   Last Day of Sunday School

  11:15 am  Coffee Hour, Parish Hall

                   Teacher/Leader and Student Recognition 

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Contact Us
Monday - Thursday
8 am - 3 pm
8 am - 12 pm





The Rev. Susan Ironside
ext 11