St. John on the Mountain
Upcoming Events

Special Coffee Hour this Sunday 
Sunday, September 28th

Join us for an extra special Coffee Hour to celebrate the coming 

Art Show and Capital Campaign this Sunday, September 28th after the 10 am service.

Healing Service Today at Noon 
Thursday, September 25th 

The Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing will take place today, Thursday, September 25th at noon in the chapel. This simple service of prayer, Holy Communion, and the laying on of hands for those who desire it, is an extension of the ministry of the Pastoral Care Committee.  All are welcome.

Grace Soup Kitchen this Friday
Friday, September 26th
Grace Soup Kitchen serves 1,000 hot nutritious meals the last five days of each month to the hungry of Plainfield.  St. John on the Mountain parishioners help prepare and serve lunch on the last Friday of each month.  Join us tomorrow - Friday, September 26th from 
10 am - 1 pm at 600 Cleveland Avenue, Plainfield.  Sign-up sheets are on bulletin board outside kitchen or contact Graham Argent Belcher.
Men's Luncheon
Thursday, October 2nd
Please join us on Thursday, October 2nd at 12:15 pm at the Morristown Club at 27 Elm Street in Morristown.  The luncheons are open to members of the parish and their guests.  For more information please contact Alan Enos at 908-234-1321 or
St. John's Nursery School Fall Family Fun Day 
Sunday, October 5th

Mark your calendar and plan to join us for the St. John's Nursery School's first annual Fall Family Day on Sunday, October 5th from 2-4 pm in Parish Hall. Join us for bounce house fun, face painting, pumpkin decorating, cider and donuts, plus lots more! $15 per child. Hope to see you there!  

Trinity Cathedral Golf Tournament 
Monday, October 13th

As in past years, members of St. John on the Mountain will support our Trinity Cathedral in Trenton by participating in the Trinity Cathedral Community Day and Golf Tournament.  The 10th annual event will be held on Monday, October 13th at the Mercer Oaks Golf Club, near Princeton.  The event will include an outdoor Eucharist, golfing, refreshments, and supper with members of other churches in our Diocese.  The cost is $175 per person.  Please consider either golfing with our team or your financial support for the event with a check to "Trinity Cathedral - Trenton."  Please join us in support of the programs and outreach of the Cathedral.  (Note: If you are known to be a skilled golfer, you may be actively recruited to join our team!)

Art Show Preview Party   
Friday, October 24th

Be the first to preview all of the wonderful art work, while enjoying hors d'oeuvres and wine on Friday, October 24th from 6 - 9 pm.  Tickets prices range from $40 to $200.  Click here to purchase tickets online.

Help Fill Backpacks 
Help the Food Bank Network of Somerset County fill backpacks, for disadvantaged students, with healthy snacks to be taken home by students who depend on school meal programs during the week and do not have enough to eat on the weekends.  Please consider donating some of the following items: fruit cups, raisins, oatmeal packets, granola bars, Ramen noodles, juice boxes, Chef Boyardee, individual serving-size boxes of cereal, Easy Mac & Cheese.  Please drop off contributions in baskets located in hallway. 
Knitting Needles & Thread
All are welcome to join the weekly knitting which gathers on Thursdays at 10:30 am in the meeting room. In addition to working on personal projects, the group knits Christmas gifts for the Plaid House girls (afghans), prayer shawls for the church, cancer unit and VNA, the Seaman's Church Institute, and any other charity project for groups in need.  Please join us.
Men's Bible Study with Father Malloy
Common prayer is what binds Episcopalians together.  Our liturgy -- the texts and the actions in the Book of Common Prayer -- encapsulates what we believe about God, the created order, and humanity.  In particular, it encapsulates who we understand Jesus to be, the relationship with God that Baptism into his Body has given us, and the life to which it invites us.  Our common prayer is not the Book of Common Prayer.  The Prayer Book gives us the words and the actions we use in our common prayer, and that shared event is what holds us together.  Still, the Book and the actions cannot be separated.  We will spend four weeks looking at the process by which the first editions of the BCP emerged, the theological assumptions upon which it was built, and how the Church's theology and the Prayer Book have evolved (and continue to evolve) together.  Join Father Malloy on Wednesdays at 8:15 am in the Parish House Meeting Room.
Hearing Impaired 
Copies of the scripture lessons are available in the narthex for those who are hearing impaired.
This Week on the Mountain
September 28, The Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost

   8:00 am      Holy Eucharist Rite I, Chapel

   9:00 am      Nursery Care, Room 2 Lower Level

                      Confirmation Class, Parish House Lounge

                      Parish Choir rehearsal, Church 

  10:00 am     Holy Eucharist Rite II, Church

                      Sunday School

  11:15 am     Coffee Hour, Parish Hall

                      Treble Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room

September 30, Tuesday

  7:30 pm       Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room

October 1, Wednesday

   8:15 am      Men's Bible Study, Meeting Room

   9:15 am      Women's Bible Study, Meeting Room

October 2, Thursday

  10:30 am     Knitting Needles & Thread, Meeting Room

  12:15 pm     Men's Luncheon,  Morristown Club

October 5, The Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost

   8:00 am      Holy Eucharist Rite I, Chapel

   9:00 am      Nursery Care, Room 2 Lower Level

                      Confirmation Class, Parish House Lounge

                      Parish Choir rehearsal, Church 

  10:00 am     Holy Eucharist Rite II, Church

                      Sunday School

  11:15 am     Coffee Hour, Parish Hall

                      Eucharistic Minister Training, Church

                      Treble Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room

    2:00 pm     St. John's Nursery School Family Fun Day

In This Issue
Quick Links
SJOTM Website
SJOTM Calendar
Sunday's Readings
Contact Us
Monday - Friday
8 am - 3 pm





The Rev. Susan Ironside
ext 11


St. John on the Mountain
379 Mount Harmony Road
Bernardsville, NJ 07924

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