This Week on the Mountain
Sunday, May 25th
The Sixth Sunday of Easter 

A Successful Fundraiser!


Many thanks to the Event Committee who made for a most successful evening.  Thank you to:

  • Co-Chairs:  Blake Putnam and Kim McLean
  • Silent auction: Katherine Hermes and Heather Gallagher 
  • Invitations:  Sandy Keegan and Aimee Stull
  • Food and beverage:  Margot Lewis and Courtney Pagel

Their hard work and diligence paid off!  The evening was fantastic, well-attended and lots of fun!  Approximately $28k was raised for the scholarship fund.  We are proud and grateful for the many people who helped make this such a wonderful night for the community.  Look for more details and information in the June Newsletter. 


Click here to view photos from the event.


Homeless Solution Campers


Homeless Solutions in Morristown provides shelter, services, and housing to the homeless and the working poor by helping their guest rebuild their lives until they can once again live independently.  Four of the children, served by Homeless Solutions, have been given full scholarships to the Frost Valley YMCA Camp this summer, but their parents cannot afford the basic equipment they need to take with them.  Our own Fenn Putman is the Chairman of the Board of Frost Valley. So our Mission Outreach Commission thought it would be particularly appropriate to support the cause and did so by sending a check to cover the cost of the required items.  We are hoping to enhance the children's experience by seeking your contributions for "extras" to send with them to camp.  Suggested items* are:  

  • Hair brushes/combs
  • Hair bands
  • Flashlights/batteries
  • Stationery and Stamps
  • Deodorant
  • Sun screen
  • Refillable Water bottles
  • Bug Spray
  • Lip Balm
  • Blank journals
  • Cards
  • Pens 

*Please note that shampoo, toothpaste, and soap are NOT needed. 


Contributions can be placed in the laundry basket at the front entrance hallway.


Can You Speak or Read Another Language?

Pentecost Readers Needed on Sunday, June 8th

As we prepare for the Feast of Pentecost on Sunday, June 8th, we recall the gift of the Holy Spirit.  The first disciples experienced this by understanding languages they had never before learned.  If you are able to read or speak a language other than English, please contact Mother Susan in order to participate in the proclamation of the lessons on Pentecost, when we will experience the gift of multiple languages proclaiming the Word of the Lord.  Fluency is not needed.  One merely needs to be able to read aloud in a different language.  


Healing Service on Thursday, May 29th


The Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing will take place on Thursday, May 29th at noon in the chapel. This simple service of prayer, Holy Communion, and the laying on of hands for those who desire it, is an extension of the ministry of the Pastoral Care Committee.   All are welcome.


Grace Soup Kitchen on Friday, May 30th



Grace Soup Kitchen serves 1,000 hot nutritious meals the last five days of each month to the hungry of Plainfield.  St. John on the Mountain parishioners help on the last Friday of each month.  Join us on Friday, May 30th as we prepare and serve lunch from 10 am - 1 pm.   Sign-up sheets are located on bulletin board outside the Parish Hall kitchen.




We Are in Need of  Your Photo.  Please Participate!

Please send us a recent picture of your family along with your updated contact information for our new directory, which will help us to connect names with faces. 


Kindly email with: your name, and those of your family members, your physical address, home and cell phone #s, an email, and a recent digital picture of your family.


VBS Summer Camp


VBS Summer Camp June 23rd - 27th   

Children ages 3 through rising 4th graders are welcome to join us from 9:30 am - 12:00 noon.  Kids will learn, create, and have fun.  Join us for sports, games, music, snacks, Bible stories, and cool crafts!  The cost is $60 per child (with a $150 cap per family).  Click here for registration forms.  Space is limited.  For more information contact Lynn Mitchell.

This Week at a Glance


May 23, Friday

   9:15 am        Women's Bible Study, Meeting Room

May 25,  The Sixth Sunday of Easter

   8:00 am       Holy Eucharist Rite I, Chapel

   9:00 am       Nursery Care, Room 2 Lower Level

                           Parish Choir rehearsal, Church 

                           Confirmation Class Grades 7/8, Parish House Lounge

  10:00 am      Holy Eucharist Rite II, Church

  11:15 am       Coffee Hour, Parish Hall

May 26, Monday

      Memorial Day - Office Closed

May 27, Tuesday

  7:30 pm        Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room

May 28, Wednesday

  8:15 am        Men's Bible Study, Meeting Room

May 29, Thursday

 12:00 pm      Healing Service, Chapel

 12:30 pm       Pastoral Care Meeting, Meeting Room

May 30, Friday

   9:15 am       Women's Bible Study, Meeting Room

 10:00 am      Grace Soup Kitchen, Plainfield

June 1,  The Seventh Sunday of Easter

   8:00 am      Holy Eucharist Rite I, Chapel

   9:00 am      Nursery Care, Room 2 Lower Level

                          Parish Choir rehearsal, Church 

                          Confirmation Class Grades 7/8, Parish House Lounge

  10:00 am     Holy Eucharist Rite II, Church

                          Sunday School

  11:15 am      Coffee Hour, Parish Hall

                          Treble Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room 

St. John on the Mountain
379 Mount Harmony Road
Bernardsville, NJ 07924
In This Issue
Fundraiser Results
Homeless Solution Campers
Pentecost Readers
Healing Service
Grace Soup Kitchen
Photo Directory
This Week at a Glance
Quick Links
Contact Us
Monday -Friday
8 am -3 pm



The Rector
ext 11

The Reverend Dr. Patrick Malloy

Director of Music & Organist
ext 14

Parish Administrator
ext 10

Director of Children's Ministries

Finance Manager
ext 13