CEO BlogReuven Pasternak, MD Chief Executive Officer and Vice President for Health Systems |
Employee of the Month 
Eric Spitzer, MD Chief, Clinical Microbiology Lab Department of Pathology |
Tell Us What's on Your Mind
Provide feedback about Stony Brook Medicine through Employee Voice. Share compliments, concerns and ideas, and ask questions. |
Stony Brook Surgery Blog
The Department of Surgery's interactive blog provides health information relating to surgery, plus expert commentary by its faculty on news-making medical studies. |
Lifelines is Stony Brook Medicine's employee newsletter. Topics are organized based on the Hospital's strategic priorities, known as the five pillars: quality and safety, service, people, growth and sustainability.
Stony Brook's New Job Site Streamlines Application Process
Applying for a new position at Stony Brook University, Stony Brook University Hospital and the Long Island State Veterans Home just became easier with the launch of a new computer-based Talent Management System.
Interested internal and external candidates can apply to multiple jobs that are posted on the site using a single profile that they can create and update at any time. They can even use their LinkedIn account to quickly build a profile. The job application process is simple -- just a few quick clicks online. Applicants will be able to see where they are in the search-and-selection process, search for positions for which they had previously applied and receive customized job alerts based on individual preferences.
Current employees will need to use their NetID to view or apply for new job or transfer opportunities, and all hiring managers will need their NetID to sign in to create requisitions and participate in the search or recruiting process. To learn how to find your NetID and NetID password in SOLAR, view this video. Employees may also contact (631) 444-HELP (4357) for assistance.
Quality and Safety
Cancer Center Receives Three-Year Accreditation by ACS Commission on Cancer
Stony Brook University Cancer Center has again received a three-year accreditation from the Commission on Cancer (CoC) of the American College of Surgeons (ACS).
Accreditation of a cancer center is granted only to those facilities that have voluntarily committed to provide the best in cancer diagnosis and treatment and is able to comply with established CoC standards.
During the survey visit, Stony Brook's Cancer program received six commendations, including effort on clinical trials accrual, Cancer Registry leadership and administration, public reporting of outcome, pathology reporting adhering to College of American Pathologists protocols, strong nursing care and accurate data submission.
"This outstanding achievement is a testament to the dedication of our multidisciplinary team in providing safe, effective and high-quality cancer care to our patients," said Yusuf A. Hannun, MD, Director, Stony Brook University Cancer Center. "It highlights our commitment to a comprehensive cancer program, which includes our vast expertise in cancer treatment and access to more than 85 cutting-edge clinical trials, to ensure our patients receive the best and latest in clinical medicine."
Celebrate Patient Safety Week
Stony Brook University Hospital will participate in National Patient Safety Awareness Week (March 8-14) with week-long activities to raise awareness for staff, patients and visitors. The 2015 theme, "United in Health Care," emphasizes the partnership that healthcare workers have with their patients -- all united in the goal of keeping patients free from harm.
Events for the week include safety fairs, screenings and the fourth annual Partners in Quality and Safety Day. Taking place on Wednesday, March 11, 8:30 am to 2:30 pm, in the Health Sciences Galleria, this day-long program on quality improvement and patient safety will feature lectures, poster presentations and a panel discussion with Stony Brook Medicine experts.
Joint Commission Survey Readiness Tip: Be sure to keep food and beverages in non-public areas, such as break rooms or office areas. They are not permitted at nursing stations, on rolling computers or in any patient care area. This OSHA regulation is in place to protect staff from the spread of infectious organisms that can be found throughout patient care areas.
Hospitalist Program Receives February iCare Award
The February iCare Award was presented to the Hospitalist Program for excellence in patient safety, in recognition of its response during the recent period of a very high patient census.
Led by Sadia Abbasi, MD, the Hospitalist team "worked beyond the call of duty during the recent surges in hospital volume," said Joseph Laver, MD, Chief Medical Officer. "They performed at the highest level of professionalism. Members of the team volunteered to do extra work in the HICS (Hospital Incident Command System) unit and on the patient floors. In close collaboration with the nursing staff, the Hospitalist team was able to accommodate one of the highest volumes we ever experienced and provided excellent care to our patients."
Dr. Abbasi noted that the team's volume grew from its usual 155 patients to 212 patients during this time. "We pulled extra resources by scheduling an extra physician every day to deal with high volume. Our physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners worked very hard by prioritizing early morning structured rounding, identifying and reporting discharges, as well as identifying barriers to discharges. Barriers were reviewed and addressed by program leadership daily to ensure safe and efficient throughput."
The monthly iCare Award recognizes clinical and nonclinical units for outstanding achievements related to quality, safety and the patient experience.
| Members of the Hospitalist Program receiving the iCare Award for February. Back row, from left: Carol Gomes, MS, FACHE, CPHQ, Chief Operating Officer; Allen Gordon, Administrative Director, Hospitalist Program; Donna Franco, Administrative Assistant; Mathew Tharakan, MD, Associate Chief Medical Information Officer; Robert Caiati, MD; Riyaz Kamadoli, MD, Associate Director of Medicine Consult Service; Dea Abbene, NP; Veronica Rocco, NP; Neil Jaglall, MD; and Preeti Mukhi, PA. Front row, from left: Chun Chen, MD; Ainul Asif, MD; Nycholle Gavilanes, MD; Vincent Yang, MD, PhD, Simons Chair of Medicine, Professor, Departments of Medicine, and Physiology and Biophysics; Sadia Abbasi, MD, Interim Chief, Hospitalist Section in the Division of Geriatrics, General Internal Medicine and Hospital Medicine; and Geeta Savla, MD. |
Submit Nominations for the 12th Annual Michael A. Maffetone
Community Service Awards
The individual award honors current employees of Stony Brook University Hospital, Health Sciences schools and Long Island State Veterans Home who best exemplify a commitment to outstanding community service -- a hallmark of the life and career of the late Dr. Michael A. Maffetone, former Director and Chief Executive Officer of Stony Brook University Hospital from 1994 to 2000. A grant is also awarded to an organization and is presented to the Stony Brook employee actively involved with the organization.
Visit the hospital intranet to fill out and submit nominations by March 6. The link to the nomination form is located in the "Announcements" section of the intranet.
Enter Community Service Hours Online
If you haven't already done so, enter your community service hours for 2014. Stony Brook has a long tradition of honoring East Campus employees who have volunteered on behalf of Stony Brook Medicine at community events. Perhaps you presented an educational lecture at a church or provided blood pressure screenings at a health fair? Maybe you volunteered at National Cancer Survivors Day or at the Kids Health & Safety Expo? Whatever your efforts, please let us know.
Visit the hospital intranet to access the SharePoint site to enter your data in the "Community Service Data Lib" by 5 pm on Friday, March 20.
Cancer Center to Present Community Update
Stony Brook University Cancer Center will host an informative and interactive day on the latest advances in the prevention, diagnosis, management and treatment of several cancers, including breast, gynecologic, leukemia, lymphoma, lung, prostate and colorectal.
Called the Spring Community Update, the event will be held on Saturday, March 21, 8:30 am to 3 pm, at the Charles B. Wang Center. The program features an interactive panel discussion as Cancer Center experts discuss the risk factors, screening recommendations and treatment options for cancer; a theatrical presentation of "Every Voice, A Journey, Every Voice, An Inspired Catalyst"; and the opportunity to have lunch with and ask questions of Stony Brook's cancer healthcare professionals.
This free event includes continental breakfast and lunch. The registration deadline is March 13. View the full agenda and register online or call (631) 444-4000.
LiveOnNY Commends Stony Brook's Contributions to Organ Donation
Stony Brook was recently recognized by LiveOnNY (formerly known as the New York Organ Donor Network) for its efforts and care provided to patients whose legacies now live on through organ, eye and/or tissue donation. In 2014, nine organ donors provided new life to 26 individuals, and 19 tissue donors healed hundreds more. LiveOnNY praised Stony Brook University Hospital for its diligent work, benevolence and partnership.
Stony Brook University Hospital was the first hospital to perform kidney transplants on Long Island when its kidney transplant program began in 1981. Thirty-four years later, Stony Brook remains the only state-designated hospital in Suffolk County to perform kidney transplants.
Every year, more than 1,600 people in New York State receive kidneys, livers and hearts that have been donated for transplantation. However, with more than 10,000 New Yorkers still on waiting lists, the need for organ donations far exceeds the supply. One person who donates organs can save up to eight lives, while tissue donors can improve the lives of up to 50 people by restoring eyesight, helping fight infections in patients with burns and prevent the loss of mobility and disability.
LiveOnNY (Live On New York) is the new name for the New York Organ Donor Network. This name change brings to the foreground the power and positivity of the work the organization does to save and improve lives through organ and tissue donation and transplantation in the greater New York metropolitan area.
Stony Brook Celebrates Heart Month
Staff from Stony Brook University Heart Institute and throughout the hospital showed their support of Heart Month and the American Heart Association's "Go Red for Women" movement in style. Stony Brook's "Go Red" Day was held on Feb. 6, and many dressed head-to-toe in red to raise awareness about the fight against heart disease in women.
Dan Roberts Appointed Interim Associate Chief Quality Officer
In his new role as Interim Associate Chief Quality Officer, Wm. Dan Roberts, PhD, will spearhead the new quality (Big Q) and performance management program, in order to further improve patient care and position Stony Brook Medicine as a national leader in this area. He will also lead the efforts to obtain ANCC (American Nurses Credentialing Center) Magnet designation and will work closely with nursing and hospital leadership to accomplish this and other quality-related goals. Dr. Roberts will continue his collaboration with the Department of Biomedical Informatics to align the electronic medical information with the quality and Magnet initiatives.
Dr. Roberts brings 30 years of nursing experience to the role, spanning Grady Health in Atlanta, Georgia, Tampa General Hospital in Tampa, Florida, and New York Presbyterian Hospital before joining Stony Brook Medicine in 2009. In addition to his nursing education, Dr. Roberts has a PhD in biomedical informatics from Columbia University.
Ernest Conforti Named Associate Director of Operations for Cancer Services
With more than 20 years of experience in healthcare, Ernest (Ernie) Conforti returns to Stony Brook Medicine as Associate Director of Operations for Cancer Services.
Most recently, Conforti served as the system-wide Corporate Director of Patient Financial Services for North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System. Primary responsibilities of this position included the development of system-wide plans for financial management and operations throughout the health system, and coordination of special collaborative projects to improve quality and financial performance.
Conforti started his professional career at Stony Brook University Hospital in 1993 as a Medical Technologist in the Hematology Laboratory and subsequently worked in Blood Bank.
In his new role as Associate Director of Operations in Cancer Services, Conforti will work closely with the cancer services leadership and key stakeholders to develop, communicate and successfully execute the established operational, strategic and financial objectives within Stony Brook University Cancer Center. Key responsibilities include strategic and operational planning, business development, financial management, revenue cycle analysis, human resources management and environment of care.
Stephanie Musso Named Chief Information Privacy and Security Officer
Bringing the experience, passion and commitment of seven years as Stony Brook's HIPAA Privacy Officer, and an understanding of federal, state and SUNY policy, Stephanie Musso was recently named Chief Information Privacy and Security Officer (CIPSO) for Stony Brook Medicine. Her role as Privacy Officer will extend to all of Stony Brook University and encompass the entire Stony Brook Medicine organization, including Stony Brook University Hospital, CPMP (Clinical Practice Management Plan), the physician network and all five Health Science schools.
Musso will oversee policies, strategy, audits, training and breaches around privacy and security. She will also be a key contributor to Stony Brook's new model of security to ensure that assets are protected.
Joan Alpers Joins Stony Brook as Director of Child Life Services
Joan Alpers, MPS, CCLS, ATR-BC, LCAT, is a certified Child Life Specialist and board-certified, licensed Creative Arts Therapist, working in hospitals and serving children and families for more than 25 years. As a Child Life Specialist, Alpers has directed two other Child Life programs, most recently planning and building a program for children and families on the South Shore of Long Island.
Alpers is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Health Sciences and Human Services, Creative Arts Therapy Program at Hofstra University, where she helps to prepare graduate students to become art therapists and child life specialists. She is also a certified Sandplay Practitioner, using a play therapy modality to encourage self-expression in children, adolescents and adults.
Faculty Profile: Henry Woo, MD
Both a neurosurgeon and neurointerventionalist, Henry Woo, MD, is internationally known as a practicing physician, clinical researcher and developer of medical devices. He also directs Stony Brook University Neurosciences Institute's Cerebrovascular Center.
Dr. Woo's research interests and patents involve developing and studying new ways to image and treat patients with acute stroke and/or brain aneurysms. He heads a clinical research team that is actively enrolling in over a dozen research trials. His biomedical engineering lab studies new ways to treat brain aneurysms. He is also the founder of Vascular Simulations LLC, which has pioneered the world's first Vascular Replication System�. This device enables interventionalists to practice an endovascular procedure with the identical patient specific anatomy and pathology prior to the actual treatment. Read more.
Become a Healthier U Ambassador
Does the idea of creating a healthier work environment at Stony Brook and promoting health and wellness among your colleagues appeal to you? Would you like to help Healthier U promote events and communicate ideas and feedback from your department?
If you answered yes to either one of these questions, consider becoming a Healthier U Ambassador. The time commitment is minimal, and there are plenty of opportunities to get involved. It's all about creating a Healthier U. For more information, visit Healthier U.
Save the Date for Healthier U's Walking Programs: On, Wednesday, March 25, lace up those sneakers for Walk on Wednesdays and Walk to Win, which will resume this spring. Be on the lookout for more information soon.
It's a Girl! Midwifery Practice at Stony Brook Celebrates Its 10,000th Birth
| Joseph and Phyllis Boccio and their daughter Lorilei Ann (center) celebrate Stony Brook Midwifery's 10,000th birth. |
The Midwifery Practice at Stony Brook celebrated its 10,000th birth this month. The midwives created a countdown on social media and were anticipating this birth for a few weeks. At 1:33 am, on Feb. 12, little Lorilei Ann came into the world and was greeted by the team of very excited midwives, and mom and dad, Phyllis and Joseph Boccio, of Centereach.
During the festivities, the midwives presented the family with flowers, a gift certificate and infant photography session, as well as a goodie basket that included bibs, onesies and other baby supplies. Everyone enjoyed cake and sparkling cider in champagne flutes, making the day extra special for the family.
With 12 midwives on staff, Stony Brook University Hospital sees about 700 births from this practice annually. The Midwifery Practice works through the School of Medicine in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine.
Stony Brook Medicine Partners with Stony Brook University for RecycleMania 2015
Now through March 28, the Hospital and its outpatient care sites throughout Suffolk County will again join Stony Brook University in RecycleMania 2015, a nationwide recycling competition in which more than 400 colleges and universities compete for bragging rights over which institution can reduce, reuse and recycle the most waste.
By participating in the effort, Stony Brook Medicine will be able to meet its goals relating to the Environmental Protection Agency agreement, which focuses on recycling efforts and enhancing energy efficiency. Items to be recycled include paper, plastic, metals and e-waste (anything electronic). It is also a time to identify any consumables that are not in use.
"Equipment that is no longer needed on a unit, department or lab will be removed and placed in a centralized location. This is a great opportunity to clean out bookcases with old and outdated binders, file cabinets, desk drawers and other areas that require attention," said Carol Gomes, MS, FACHE, CPHQ, Chief Operating Officer. "Items that may still be used, such as chairs and cabinets, but are no longer needed, can be surplused. A reference sheet is available with information on how to discard various items, such as batteries."
Select the RecycleMania link on the Hospital intranet to view the schedule and results to date.
Financial Results Report
Through December 2014, discharges at Stony Brook University Hospital were 19,192, which was 569 discharges above budget. Average length of stay was .02 of a day higher than the prior year at 5.33.
Case mix index was 3.2 percent higher than the prior year at 1.77. Significant increases in case mix index occurred in the surgical DRGs for tracheostomies and transplants, and infectious diseases, and the medical DRGs for neonates, and infectious diseases. Total Emergency Department visits increased by 3,159 from the prior year to 51,664. Inpatient surgeries increased by 299 to 4,731, and outpatient decreased by 127 to 6,786. Endoscopy volume was 793 above plan at 7,383.
P/L (profit/loss) was $2.8 million versus budget of $3 million. Revenue was $22 million above plan due to the recognition of $6.5 million of DSRIP (Delivery System Reform Incentive Plan) revenue as well as Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) revenue, and inpatient and outpatient volume being above plan.
Upcoming Events Bariatric and Metabolic Weight Loss Seminar March 2, 5 to 7 pm, Lobby Conference Room, Stony Brook University Hospital Freedom from obesity is attainable with the right combination of tools and support. Learn about the causes, health risks and treatment options, tailored to each patient's needs, lifestyle and goals at these informative seminars. Both medical and surgical options will be discussed. Aurora Pryor, MD, Director, Bariatric and Metabolic Weight Loss Center, and Dana Telem, MD, Associate Director, will lead the discussion, followed by a question-and-answer session. To register, call (631) 444-4000. Learn To Be Tobacco Free March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31; April 7, 6-7:15 pm, Stony Brook Education Center, 14 Research Way, Suite 1, East Setauket A six-week smoking cessation program that offers tips for stress management, relaxation and behavior modification and smoking cessation medications. Led by a smoking cessation counselor/educator from the Suffolk County Department of Health. To register or for more information, call (631) 444-4000. Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Day and Information Fair March 4, 8 am-4 pm, Outside the Market Place Caf� Learn about the many services and coordinated care approach of the MS Comprehensive Care Center, as well as the latest clinical research trials for multiple sclerosis at Stony Brook Medicine and the patient education seminar series. Girl Power in STEM: Make It Happen! March 7, 9:30 am-1:30 pm, Charles B. Wang Center, Stony Brook University The Stony Brook University Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) program in conjunction with Brookhaven National Laboratory's Brookhaven Women in Science will host this symposium to celebrate the accomplishment of women in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. The event brings together women who are Stony Brook faculty members in the Sciences, Brookhaven Laboratory scientists and other science professionals to educate students, aspiring scientists and engineers, and the community about women's careers in STEM. The itinerary includes lectures, panel discussions and a speed networking session. Fourth Annual Partners in Quality and Patient Safety Day March 11, 8:30 am-2:30 pm, Health Sciences Galleria, Level 3 This day-long program on quality improvement and patient safety will feature lectures, poster presentations and a panel discussion with Stony Brook Medicine experts. Free Varicose Vein Screening March 14, 8 am-2 pm, Stony Brook Vein Center, 24 Research Way, East Setauket Open to individuals between the ages of 18 to 80 who suffer from large varicose veins that are causing pain and/or swelling, this free screening includes a brief, noninvasive examination of the lower legs by board-certified vascular surgeons. Registration is required. For more information and to register, call (631) 444-VEIN (8346). Sleep and Sleep Disorders March 18, 7-8 pm, Half Hollow Hills Community Library, 55 Vanderbilt Parkway, Dix Hills Rolla T. Nuoman, MD, from Stony Brook Medicine's Sleep Disorders Center, will discuss the importance of sleep, the different types of sleep disorders and the steps to take to get a good night's sleep. For more information, call (631) 421-4530. Maurice Goldenhar 41st Annual Family Medicine Update March 18-20, 8 am-5 pm, Health Sciences, Level 3, Lecture Hall 5 Presented by the Department of Family Medicine, this three-day program offers education on current and common areas of clinical practice in both daytime sessions and evening workshops. CME credits are available. For more information and to register, call the Office of Continuing Medical Education at (631) 444-2094 or visit the Office's website. Community Update on Cancer March 21, 8:30 am-3:30 pm, Charles B. Wang Center, Stony Brook University Learn about the latest advances in the prevention, diagnosis, management and treatment of several cancers, including breast, gynecologic, leukemia, lung, lymphoma, prostate and colorectal. This full-day program features an interactive panel discussion with Stony Brook University Cancer Center experts and a performance of the theatrical presentation "Every Voice, A Journey, Every Voice, An Inspired Catalyst." Free admission includes continental breakfast and lunch. Registration is required by March 13 and can be made online or by calling (631) 444-4000. Ask the Experts: Living with Diabetes March 23, 5-7 pm, Hospital Cafeteria (dining room between the Market Place Caf� and Skyline Deli) Join experts from Stony Brook Medicine as they answer questions and provide tips on how to prevent and treat diabetes. Featured speaker: board-certified diabetologist Joshua D. Miller, MD, MPH. HeartSaver/AED CPR Class March 25, 4-7 pm, Stony Brook University Heart Institute Learn lifesaving skills from nurse educators at Stony Brook University Heart Institute. The class is free, but for those who would like a two-year American Heart Association CPR card, there is a $10 fee. Participants will learn how to respond to an adult, child and infant who is unresponsive and in cardiac arrest. Demonstrations on the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) and how to respond to choking emergencies are also covered. Registration is required (same-day registration is possible, but please call first). To register, call Yvonne Leippert, RN, MS, CCRN, at (631) 444-3322. Digesting the Facts: The Inside Scoop on Colorectal Cancer March 26, 7-8 pm, East Northport Library, 185 Larkfield Road, East Northport Colorectal cancer is preventable, treatable and beatable. In observance of Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, join Stony Brook Medicine experts Cordia Beverley, MD, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine, and Minsig Choi, MD, Director Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, and Director, Outpatient Medical Oncology, as they discuss what a colonoscopy is, when you should get one, treatment options and tips on healthy eating. A question-and-answer session will follow. For information, call (631) 261-2313. 19th Annual Mind/Brain Lecture March 30, 4:30 pm, Staller Center Main Stage, Stony Brook University Speaker William Bialek, the John Archibald Wheeler/Battelle Professor in Physics and a member of the multidisciplinary Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics at Princeton University, will present the lecture "Searching for Simplicity: A Physicist's Quest for Theories of Mind and Brain." A reception will follow in the Staller Art Gallery. The lecture will be streamed live. Vascular Screening April 25, 8 am-4 pm, Stony Brook University Hospital, Level 5 Are you 60 or older? Are you a current or past smoker? Smoking is the single most important risk factor for vascular disease. Other major risk factors include diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and a family history of aortic aneurysm. Aneurysms and strokes, common conditions caused by vascular disease, can strike suddenly and without warning. That's why it's best to identify and treat underlying causes before symptoms appear at this free screening. Pre-registration and a brief qualifying interview are required. No walk-ins accepted. Call (631) 638-2100 to register. |
For More Information
Tell us what you'd like to see. Please send content for consideration to: Therese Xeller Communications Manager Stony Brook Medicine 188 Belle Mead Road East Setauket, NY 11733-9228 (631) 444-4883 Stony Brook University/SUNY is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and employer. Produced by the Office of Communications. |