Jackson County Center Monthly Newsletter
March 2016
Program Spotlight

Celebrating National Boys & Girls Club week

National Boys & Girls Club Week features the three core program areas that ensure members a Great Future including Academic success, Character and Citizenship, and Healthy Lifestyles. Members participate each day in programs that emphasize core program areas, and during this week each day is focused on a core area. For example, Monday was Academic Success Day and members participated in a Club wide spelling bee. Tuesday, the teens were in charge of planning the day's activities and leading younger members in program as part of teen leadership. Wednesday,  members displayed their Character and Leadership by hosting a Mock Election at the Club. Today will be a day of healthy lifestyles and members will participate in active games, and enjoy learning how to make their own healthy snacks. Lastly, Friday will be the day when members invite parents and friends to take a tour, and experience a day at the Club.

On Friday, March 11th, 2016 the Boys & Girls Club will be hosting an open house from 4:30 pm-6:00 pm. Staff will be explaining the programs opportunities available for youth.  Parents and youth can participate in cookie decorating, an art project, and other fun activities. Dinner will be provided at 5:30pm. The open house will be held at the current Club location at 125 Fillmore Street.  Bring your kiddos and learn what the Boys & Girls Club in our community can offer your children!
Upcoming Event/Exciting News!

2016 Beer & Wine Tasting - April 2, 2016
Sand Creek Brewery will once again be hosting our annual Beer & Wine Tasting fundraiser! Enjoy an assortment of wines and craft beers from local wineries such as Brambleberry, Infinity Beverage and Winery and of course artistry beer from our local Sand Creek Brewery. Tickets will be available at the Club, Sand Creek Brewery, and the Black River Falls Gordy's Market location. Tickets are $25 pre-sale and $30 at the door. Register Here. 

Be on the look out for more information regarding these upcoming events supporting the Jackson County Club! 
Sponsor Spotlight
Federation Cooperative
The Jackson County Center would like to recognize Federation Cooperative for their support of the Club. The Federation Cooperative has sponsored programming, and attended many events throughout the year. They have held a table every year at the Annual Anniversary Dinner.  The support of Federation Cooperative helps the youth of Jackson County to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens. Thank you Federation Cooperative for your support of the Jackson County Center!

Millis Transfer, Inc.

Thank you to Millis Transfer for their consistent support of the Boys & Girls Club-Jackson County Center. Millis Transfer is a dry-van truckload carrier based out of Black River Falls, WI. Millis Transfer, Inc. has been a sponsor of the Club for many years and has encouraged their employees to attend special events. The hold a table at the Annual Anniversary Dinner each year. In addition to their corporate sponsorship, Millis Transfer is dedicated to supporting the youth of Jackson County outside of the Boys & Girls Club as well. Please stop on in and thank them for helping Club members whose great futures start here! 

Member of the Month
Congratulations to Lauren S. the January Member of the Month!

The Member of the Month for January was Lauren S! Lauren brings an awesome attitude to the Club every day and never fails to greet people with a smile. Lauren has a bubbly, upbeat personality that brings a lot of 
positive energy to the Club atmosphere. During Project Learn and programming, Lauren's participation is always outstanding. Because of Lauren's outgoing attitude, participation and overall positive demeanor 
Lauren is a role model for all of the Club members here at the Jackson County Center. Congratulations Lauren!! 

Congratulations to Lee T. the February Member of the Month!! 

Since joining the Boys & Girls Club Lee has always displayed an upbeat attitude! Lee always greets members and staff with his big smile. Lee engages other members to participate in Club activities such as playing pool and building imaginative Lego creations. Lee is a role model for students by being responsible, completing homework during Project Learn, and participating in STEM activities. Lee is just overall a pleasure to have at the Club and is very deserving of his award as the Jackson County Center February Member of the Month! Congratulations Lee!!!
 Volunteer Opportunities!  

Interested at helping out at the Club?



 Wish List
The Club is in need of art supplies and sports equipment for programming and activities. 

Jackson County Center

The Jackson County Center provides positive and productive programming for community youth ages 8-18.  Over 200 youth members participate in after school and full day summer programming in five core areas of focus: Character & Leadership, Health & Life Skills, The Arts, Sports, Recreation & Fitness and Education & Career Development.

It is the vision of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater Chippewa Valley to become an ongoing community resource to enable all young people to reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens. With your help, it is possible!