Don't Go It Alone                                    August 2014 



Improve Your Resiliency - Don't Go It Alone!  

"That what does not kills us makes us stronger.
- Frederick Nietzsche

"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Flexible. Adaptable. Independent. Resilient. Our world loves and admires people who can master change, survive trauma, work through adversity, and come out on top. One of the top skills businesses look for in new employees is flexibility, a top trait that also fosters resiliency. 

Regardless of your personal adversity or trauma, skills that support resiliency can help you survive some of the toughest times in your life including the loss of a spouse, long-term unemployment, or an intense organizational change at work.  We may survive and sometimes we are the same. Sometimes we may perceive ourselves as worse off. But survival can also give us the new experience of post traumatic growth. We may feel closer to others, experience strength we didn't know possible or appreciate life more in general. 

Feldman and Kravetz suggest there are four common traits of the super resilient including accepting social support. Accepting help sometimes flies in the face of the much-admired attributes of independence, autonomy, self-direction, and self-reliance. But when it comes to managing stress, trauma and crisis, being OK with accepting help promotes bouncing back quicker and perhaps, with more strength than before. 

Just for Today:

What are my resources? 
How comfortable do I feel asking for help?
Who in my network am I comfortable asking for help?
If I am not comfortable, what am I committed to do to become more comfortable asking for and receiving help? 

Best wishes in living bold, living brilliant, living balance!

       Resiliency Tools


               Lisa's Training Library                   
Click on pic to view library
Last classes in August!

Know someone who is trying to go it alone? 
Give the gift of coaching!

Call, email or refer someone today for a
 free 30 - minute consultation!


Coaching Specialties: career, leadership, life events (retirement prep, caregiving, home management), personal enrichment
Individual and group coaching available


Other Services: Speaking, Facilitating, Consulting, Workshops, Retreats, Seminars, Resume Writing


Lisa Boesen, MAOM, CMC, PHR

Speaker, Facilitator, Author, Coach


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MLC Associates LLC 2014